My name's Aaron and this is my first attempt at a real fanfiction! I'm really excited to share this story as it's one I've had in my mind for a long time now. This story delves into where exactly the Gems came from and how that relates to the events of the whole series. I hope you stick around for all the reveals this story has to offer and any thoughts are appreciated!

It's a busy day on Homeworld. With two years since the start of Era 3 and Stevens's victory over White Diamond, her expansion of their "perfect" empire is no longer a priority. Not only this but the Diamonds are actively trying to reverse all the damage they've caused. Things are changing for the better and Gems all across the Homeworld are finally having their quality of life improved instead of being seen as a tool. New infrastructure is being built along with an open society plan modeled after Earth.

Blue steps into Yellow's room with a serene look on her face.

"Ah, Blue! Perfect timing! I was just about done designing the new structures to be built in facet 5 and wanted your approval." Yellow exclaimed with a smile.

"We'll have time for that later Yellow. For now, I came to check how you felt about the whole… Steven situation. I know it was a few months ago but… well, I'm just checking in is all." Blue said with a more concerned look.

Yellow Diamond's face gets much more serious "I appreciate your concern Blue but I think it's time Pink Diamond stops haunting our past and... we can all move onto the future."

Blue turns to leave but gives a last glance "Well if you need it I can always help you, I'm here for you Yellow." she says with a little smile before walking out.

About an hour later White Diamond calls for an Emergency meeting of the Diamonds.

Blue and Yellow both rush to a stadium-sized room with four chairs pointing inward. Darkness swallows the corners of the massive room. When they open the door they find White Diamond sitting in the largest of the thrones looking at a large screen.

"White, why did you call us here? This room hasn't been used since the Gem War." Said Yellow with a confused look on her face.

Both Blue and Yellow step in and the door closes behind them leaving only the light of a monitor to illuminate the stern look on Whites Diamond's face.

"We haven't been threatened in 1000's of years. We didn't ever need to meet here. Take your seats, this requires our full attention." said White.

Both Blue and Yellow take their seats and Blue turns to White. "We're still not sure why we're meeting like this."

White Diamond turns the screen she was looking at to face Blue and Yellow revealing a cluster of entities picked up just outside the Galaxy.

"I'm still not certain what it is but it appears to be a massive fleet of ships and they're not ours. We don't even know if they're hostile or not," said White.

Both Yellow and Blue look at the screen with a look of horror upon their faces.

"...and whoever they are, a small number of them are headed towards Earth."