September 16, 1985, Eric Forman's Basement.

"Why did you call us here, satan?" Eric stared blankly at the little girl across. Jackie moved in front of the '70s television set in the basement without worrying too much about how Eric used to call her. Television has not been opened for a long time since no one was in this basement. Everybody except Kelso was in the basement.

After the New Year's Eve of 80, all of them started to break off. First Eric and Donna went to Madison for college. Kelso was then proposed to Brooke, and Kelso had decided to stay in Chicago with her. Hyde, Jackie and Fez were left. And Fez and Jackie's relationship lasted no more than a few months. When they both realized that they were no more than friends for each other, they ended their relationship by staying close friends. Hyde told Kitty and Red that he wanted to move in at the beginning of 1981, Kitty was very angry at first, but understood with Red's consolation.

In 84', Donna and Eric decided to return to Point Place after college and were married to a family wedding. At this time, Donna was a reporter for a local newspaper and Eric was a history teacher at the high school they graduated from. Eric and Donna's wedding wasn't just a turning point for them, It was also a minor turning point for Jackie and Hyde. For the first time in five years, they sat down and talked properly, they wanted to end the enmity between them and stay friends.

"I wanted to share my good news with you, scrawny." Jackie sat a big smile on her face after she wrinkled her face. She was proud to tell his friends what she had always dreamed of. ''Anyway. I got a hosting offer for a TV show, in Chicago!''

Donna closed her mouth with her hands. "Oh, my God! And you're leaving!'' There was a sadness mixed with joy in her voice. It wasn't too long after they returned to the town. And she hadn't even found time to appease Jackie on the Sam issue.

Donna got up from the seat she was sitting on and hugged her friend, who was quite a bit smaller than her. She was quite happy for Jackie. In 79, she quitted her job in Chicago, thinking she might have a chance with Hyde again. So now it was time for Jackie to be happy.


''"My beautiful goddess finally becomes famous!" When Fez pushed Donna and hugged Jackie, they all laughed. "Finally I will have a famous friend, I will be able to show off Fenton."

Fez retreated, she looked at Eric who gave him a friendly smile. No matter how many nicknames Eric and she gave each other, they were always there for each other. Eric was considered her close friend. ''"I'm happy for you, Satan. Teach Chicago a lesson about being shallow and beautiful!" he said, Jackie hurled her hair. "Do you really think I'll be the shallowest and most beautiful girl out there? Awww thank you Eric!" She hugged him.

"Everybody to dinner! I made your special kitty steak and cheese puff!" Hearing the sound coming from the kitchen, the whole gang ran into the kitchen. All that was left was Hyde, who had not yet gotten up from his chair, and Jackie, who was staring at him.

"What do you think about my new job, Hyde?" Even though they were friends, she didn't want to call him 'Steven' Because he wasn't her Steven. He was just 'Hyde.' She sat on the side closest to Hyde's chair.

''Whatever.'' He put his arms together, he didn't move a single mimic on his face.

''Whatever? Okay. You're staying Zen." said Jackie whispering. Even though she thought his attitude was sexy, she didn't like it right now.

"Just..." Hyde took off his glasses and left them on the table. He looked into Jackie's eyes. "I am happy for you and I know everything will be fine." he said, and he put his glasses back on. His words made a big smile on Jackie's face. She was pleased that she could be friends with him and hear such beautiful words from his mouth.

"Aww thanks, Steven." She got up from his seat, not caring about the word that poured out of her mouth involuntarily and she kissed Hyde close to his lip. "I'll be waiting for your call." When Jackie made her way up the stairs, she ran up without looking back.

Hyde stayed there for a while, touching where Jackie kissed. After a long time he was getting kiss from Jackie again and that was special for him. When he came to his senses, he got up from his chair. "Don't finish the food!" he yelled.

November 11, 1985, Michael Kelso's car.

"Are you ready, girls?" Kelso ran his new navy blue car, which he bought after selling his sports car. The red sports car he owned while taking Jackie to Chicago was sold as a result of Brooke finding it small. This car was safer for them.

"Almost daddy." Betsy put on her seat belt. The little girl was very smart for her age, and even smarter for her father.

''How many years have passed since the last time you were at the point place?'' Jackie sat next to Betsy. Brooke was sitting next to Kelso.

After a while of thought, Kelso began to laugh as usual. ''I think it's been 4 years. Thanksgiving in 1981, I blew myself up that day. Dude, I missed so much.'' When he laughed again, Brooke laughed too. She had taken to these situations of her husband and these movements seemed very cute to her.

"Do you have a special plan for veterans day?" said Brooke, making fun of it.

"This time I'll give Betsy a red flare, blue for you and white for me. And I'm gonna put Jackie in a star outfit." When he said, Jackie was starting to laugh. Although this plan of her ex-boyfriend was quite funny, she would never do it. The idea of giving a flare to 6-year-old child was also dangerous. She raised her eyebrows. "Where do we find the star outfit?"

"Actually, I may have already taken it. Maybe I even stole it from the set you were working in, who knows."

"I can't believe you, Michael!" Jackie hit Kelso's shoulder.

After a while, Jackie stagnated. It was completely out of his mind that it was Veterans Day. She understood more clearly now that Mrs. Forman had called for a more insistent. She had kissed Hyde in their last conversation without thinking and she regretting it. She didn't even know what to say at the BBQ party. She was still upset about he marrying a slut stripper. He saw her as nothing, he saw her as a worthless person.

Her eyes widened when she heard the sound of the radio, which did not know when he opened. The Led Zeppelin song she heard was Hyde's favorite song. Stairway to heaven. Hyde said that the woman mentioned in the song,she is like Jackie. The woman who's rich and gets everything.

"Aunt Jackie, are you okay?" She came to her senses with a small hand touching his shoulder. She tried to smile after wiping her eyes filled with the back of her hand.

"Sure, I'm fine, my little baby." After giving a big smile, she sent a faint kiss to Betsy.

When Brooke looked at the petite brunette sitting behind her, she knew something was wrong. They got pretty close in a few months, and even if Jackie didn't bring it up she knew how she felt about Hyde. And their return to Point Place was a good opportunity to reunite them.

Brooke approached her husband after checking on the two girls behind her. "Michael" she whispered to her husband.

Kelso tried to look at Brooke with one eye on the road. ''What?''

''Jackie still has feelings for Hyde."

"What do you mean?" He frowned. Although he was close friends with both of them, he thought Hyde had pretty much broken Jackie.

''Her expression. Every time I mentioned Point Place,she had same expression on her face.''

''Maybe because Jackie misses the town, don't be silly." he said with laughing. When he recalled the time he proposed to Jackie, he remembered once again why she didn't accept. Hyde. Even when she refused the proposal, her eyes were on Hyde and Sam. Maybe Brooke was right but he didn't want her to get upset again.

Brooke laughed. She thought Kelso didn't understand anything. ''Are you sure? Can you explain the relationship between Led Zeppelin and Point Place?''

"Well ... Led Zeppelin was loved in Point Place. Hyde loves it the most. He thought for a few seconds. ''Hyde!'' When he yelled, Jackie was confused.

"Hyde? What's with Hyde?" When he said, Brooke looked at Kelso angrily. If Jackie found out they had such a plan in mind, she might never speak to them again.

''Hyde... Hyde had missed Betsy a lot. We were talking about that." Jackie pretended to believe it, even though she knew they were lying.

Kelso saw Jackie stagnate, the smile on his face disappeared too. He was upset that his close friend -Closer than Eric and Hyde- was so restless. "Do you want me to turn off the radio?"

Jackie smiled forcefully after looking at Kelso. "No, I love this song, it reminds me of beautiful memories." Brooke opened up the music a little bit more with a smile. Jackie, loosened by the sound of the music, tried to quell the boredom that formed inside her when she leaned back. No matter how good she felt, she knew something was going to go wrong, she wanted to silence her inner voice.

"Kelso... Should we bought something for Mr. Forman and Mrs. Forman?" said Brooke.

"The biggest gift to Red is kicking my ass." said Kelso with a laugh.

When Betsy and Jackie started laughing, there was a positive mood inside the car but... Something was wrong, and only Jackie could feel it. When Jackie pulls her hair falling in front of her, she looked at the windshield. She squinted her eyes, she could see a reverse car coming from a distance.

''Michael!'' Her voice, which started to sound like a whisper, grew louder. Kelso focused his attention on the road with Jackie's voice. When he tried to break the car to the right in a hurry, the screaming voices mixed with Betsy's crying sounds were mixed inside the car.

Although he broke the car to the right, he could not prevent it. The car that came towards them was very fast. When Kelso's effort was not benefiting, Jackie thought for a few had to do the right thing, and if she had to risk her life for it, she would do it.

She closed her eyes when she made herself a shield to her little goddaughter Betsy. The last few words came out of her lips.

''God, please don't let anything happen to Betsy."