
The first delicate moan came up from her chest like a purr. Angel's mouth opened against her, wanting to devour that sound. He swallowed the moan like a desperate man and felt it scorch across his tongue. She burned him beautifully, welcomingly, like stepping into sunlight for the first time in centuries without the fear of fire. Her hands delved beneath coat and shirt, fingertips razing across his back like she was trying to claw herself beneath his skin—you make me want to crawl inside and never leave.

Brick stopped her backward momentum before either of them had registered they were moving, Angel's hands protecting her head from slamming into the stonework. Nowhere else to go, his body pressed into Desiree like he wanted the wall to give way. He could feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest against his, the hummingbird wings of her heartbeat the only sound registering in his mind. Then another moan ripped from her throat, more growl than purr this time. It was fire on his tongue, filling his lungs and warming him to the core.

Did sunlight and fire have a flavour? If it did, Angel knew it would be the taste of Desiree's pleasure.

He separated from her mouth only long enough to veer his head to the side without bumping noses, reclaiming her lips with enough force to gnash teeth. Her nails raised temporary welts across his skin as they raked from his back and sides to hook atop his pants and pull him closer—could he be closer? They were both faintly surprised that the brick wall hadn't cracked behind Desiree.

Teeth caught his lip, providing a sharp sting that was soothed away by her tongue in the next instant.

This prologue will continue to change as the story grows.