These words played over and over again in his head. This wasn't possible. He should be dead, so why wasn't he?
William Afton surveyed the room around him. The Ghost Children had left. Probably presumed him to have died. He tried to stand up, but fell down again with a gasp. This was agonizing. The golden, blood-stained suit's rusty springlocks held fast to his body, and weren't letting go anytime soon. Regaining his composure, he spotted his wrench over near the other side of the room. Small though it may be, to get to the other end of this room would be torture. With a groan of fustration, he started to drag himself over.
Finallu, after what seemed like forever, he managed to be within reach of the tool. He reached towards wrapped his hand around it and picked it up. With some effort, he managed to position it just right to undo the springlocks. They snapped back with a horrible grating sound, and William found himself able to move again, albeit painfully. With a quick feel, he could see that many of them had latched right onto the bone, while others just penetrated the skin.
He contemplated how he was alive. The answer was simple. The suit was simply too big to kill him. William had always been somewhat on the short side, and never ate much so he was worryingly thin as well. Under normal circumstances, for any other person, they would have died almost instantly. He would know; he had seen it happen before, this suit on its own had taken it's fair share of lives. Had he been anyone else, he would be dead. He could have sworn he was his entire life flash before his eyes in a painful montage. Watching his mother die, attending her funeral, nearly suffocating, attending his father's wedding to his stepmother, first day of school, meeting his new stepbrothers when his stepmother moved in, nearly drowning, running away from home, starting work with Henry, building the Funtimes, nearly burning to death, finishing the Funtimes, activating the Funtimes, opening Circus Baby's Pizza World with Sky (My OC, his wife)... He smiled sadly at the thought of her. Then something important struck his mind. He hadn't completely finished Circus Baby back in '83, and had never been able to do so after it grabbed Elizabeth. He never finished it... Could it be?
In agony or therwise, the possibility that Elizabeth might still be alive filled him with the determination he needed to stand up and begin the journey to the other end of the city, consequences be damned!
Anyone who stood in his way would pay dearly.
He had lost her, and now he was going to find her...