Chapter 1

Heat. Blood rushing between her legs. Her thighs pressed together, and her stomach churned, as if all the butterflies had just drank a whole pot of was Anna's least, and most, favorite part of the month.

The pep rally.

Don't be mistaken, Anna had a ton of school spirit. She went to all the football games, basketball games, even a few of the swim meets. She loved to show her pride in her high school, despite only being a sophomore. And whenever she went to any game, she always wore blue and white, Arendelle's school colors.

But those colors looked so much better on her.

That was her least favorite part. The struggle she made to suppress any signs of her arousal. She didn't understand it, she had had boyfriends in middle school, and a boyfriend through her entire freshman year. She was straight as could be, she knew she was.

Until she saw...her.

"Alright, is everybody pumped up?!" Elsa shouted into the megaphone, and the gymnasium erupted, the bleachers rattled as all the students cheered, stomping their feet in excitement. It was the Christmas pep rally, the last day of school before Christmas break. And nothing excites a student more than not going to school for two weeks.

Blood rushed to Anna's cheeks, turning her face nearly as fiery red as her hair. Thank god the students around her were too occupied buy the cheerleaders, performing a routine on the basketball court. It surprised Anna when she found out that Elsa, the senior who seemed to do everything, wasn't on the cheer squad.

Anna's brain drifted for a moment, as she imagined the platinum blonde, in the short skirt, the crop top, kicking her leg up high, her skirt lifting to show...

"What did you think of that?!"

Anna broke from her trance, as Elsa clapped and ushered the cheerleader off of the court, the entire high school still applauding and cheering loudly.

Anna couldn't help but just stare, as Elsa walked to the center of the court. As always, Elsa was wearing a pale blue t-shirt, white a white long sleeve underneath. Thought the shirt went all the way up to her neckline, it was skin tight, showing off just how well developed the senior was. Elsa was bustier than Anna, she was more busty than most girls in the senior class. It may have been from the track and field, or the swimming, or just general fitness, but Elsa had the body of a goddess. And the fact that she always wore skintight clothes didn't help Anna's situation.

Elsa had pale white skin, despite spending a lot of time outdoors, she never tanned, always maintaining a milky white completion. Anna had seen at track meets and swim competitions (by far her favorite, Elsa in a bikini...), that the blonde was very fit. She had thick, strong thighs, and a perfectly round ass to match. Her core was nearly a 6-pack, with a defining V shape leading below her waist line. Elsa's arms were strong, not in a super masculine way, but big enough that none of the guys in school dared to screw with her.

Not that anyone ever would. Elsa was the sweetest girl in Arendelle high. She was loved by all the students, the goths, the geeks, the jocks, even the teachers loved her. It's how she became student body president, and why she ran all the pep rallys.

As she walked to the center of the court, microphone in hand, her oversized plaited braid hung down her back, swaying as she walked. Another thing Anna was amazed by, is how Elsa managed to keep her hair so perfect. Every day, Elsa braided her waist length, bright white hair, in a thick, long braid, that hung all the way down her back, to just above her rear. "Her coaches must've told her to cut it at some point..." Anna wondered, but Elsa never did.

Anna couldn't help but stare, as the blonde spoke to the student body, the bleached rattling as student tamped their feet in excitement. Anna couldn't even hear what Elsa was saying, not because the bleachers around her were too loud, but because she was lost in her own world.

A world where Elsa and her were...together.

Or even that Elsa knew Anna's feelings.

Despite conveyor cannons firing off, and the students rising to their feet in applause, as the dance team preformed, Anna was shut away in her head, thinking of Elsa.

The redhead dreaded the thought, that Elsa would figure out how she really felt. She would shun her, and the whole school would follow suit. Anna was 16, she still had two whole years left at Arendelle High. She didn't want to be the outcast.

So Anna continued to do what she always did anytime she passed Elsa in the hall, saw her at a football game, or even hear her voice over the school intercom for the morning announcements: she mustered all her strength, and hid her emotions. She would plaster a smile on her face, and try her best to keep her cheeks from blushing bright, tomato red.

Before Anna knew it, the students around her were scrambling to their feet, practically running down the bleachers. Anna finally broke from her train of thought, thankfully that none of the students had paid any attention to her. The nearly hour long pep rally had gone by in a flash. She knew Elsa had spoken at least three times, but about what, she didn't know, probably that everyone should be safe over break, Merry Christmas, Happy new year, normal things to say to people you won't see over a holiday.

Anna waited, remaining in her seat until almost all the students had left the gym, before finally standing up, and walking slowly down the bleacher steps. The gym, a moment ago echoing with cheers and loud music, was now dead silent, the only sound was a few brooms brushing along the wood panel floor, sweeping up the confetti that littered the court. And the only two people pushing brooms: Oaken, the 7 feet tall, Norwegian immigrant janitor.

And Elsa, who seemed more than happy to help out the burly, mustachioed janitor.

And then, Anna found herself speaking, the worlds escaping her lips before her brain even had time to process the thought, let alone the consequences of the question.

"Do you need any help?" Anna asked, in a stutter, nervous voice. As her cheeks flushed red, she bit her bottom lip, regretting opening her mouth. She briefly thought about turning towards the door and running to her car as fast as she could. But before she had time, she was greeted by a wide, grateful smile, or pearly white perfect teeth, and cheeks that were ever so faintly blushed pink.

"Of course." Chirped Elsa, as she smiled wide. Anna was frozen in place, as the blonde stepped over to Oaken's trash cart, and grabbed a large push broom.

"If anyone was going to stay behind to help, it'd be you Anna." Elsa smiled, as she handed the nervous redhead the broom. Anna, with her hand trembling out of sheer nervousness, took the broom from Elsa, who went right back to cleaning up the red and green confetti that littered the floor.

"M-m-me?" Anna stuttered, as she slowly started to push the broom along the floor, sweeping up a pile of the shining scraps of festive plastic.

"Of course." Elsa chuckled, as she pushed the confetti into a growing pile close to the reach can. "You have more school spirit than anyone, it's no surprise that you'd be the one to offer to stay behind and clean up, instead of just rushing home."

"Oh please..." Anna nervously chuckled. "'re the spirited one." Anna found the words leaving her lips, before she even had time to process. " wear the school colors every day of the year."

"What can I say..." Elsa chuckled. "...I really like blue."

As Anna and Elsa, along with Oaken (who was humming a tune to himself) cleaned your the piles of confetti, Anna drifted further and further from Elsa. Partly because she was cleaning the other side of the gym than her. Bust mostly because prolonged proximity to the blonde was sure to make Anna burst. She had already talked to Elsa more than she had in...well, ever.

After about half an hour, Anna had managed to clean about a third of the gym floor, amassing a large pile of red and green ribbons that she was pushing towards the trash can. Elsa pushed the last of her pile onto a large dustpan, than Oaken then dumped into the garbage can. Anna approached the can, with her broom pushing the pile towards the blonde.

"Oh I can take that." Elsa said, with a smile on her face, reaching for Anna's broom handle. Before the redhead had time to protest, Elsa's hands had gripped around the broom handle. As the blonde took the broom from her, for the briefest of moments, Elsa's fingertips brushed past Anna's. It was only a moment, but it sent a surge of electricity through Anna's body. She immediately felt like she was on fire. Her cheeks burned red hot, and heat radiated through her entire body. All the way down to between her thighs.

Luckily Elsa's back was turned, so she didn't see that Anna was frozen in place, like a bright red statue.

'Holyshitholyshitholyshit...' Anna thought to herself, her brain firing on all cylinders. She knew it was pathetic to get this worked up, this...aroused, by a single brief brushing of the fingers. But despite knowing how crazy it was, she couldn't help her body's reaction.

After a few moments, Anna had managed to calm her nerves down, just in time for Elsa to wave Oaken goodbye, before turning to face the redhead. Anna snapped out of her crazed trance, as the platinum blonde looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you so much Anna." Elsa said with a wide smile. "It would've taken a lot longer if you hadn't helped out."

"H-happy to h-help." Anna stuttered, forcing a smile across her bright red cheeks.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later then." Elsa said with a smile, as she outstretched her arms.

Anna was sure that Elsa could feel her her heart left out of her chest, as the blonde wrapped her arms around Anna's patties body. Elsa pulled Anna in for a hug. A normal, friendly hug. But if the simple act of her fingers grazing past Anna's made the redhead quiver, their practically fainted as Elsa hugged her. After a moment, partly to not seem awkward, and mostly because she had dreamt of this moment, Anna wrapped her arms around Elsa's back, returning the hug.

It was everything she had dreamt of. More, in fact. Anna was by no means out of shape. But with her arms wrapped around her, Anna truly felt, just for a moment, how fit Elsa was. Even her back was muscular, Anna could feel as her hands pressed against the back of Elsa's shirt, how tight her muscles were. She felt Elsa's strong arms wrapped around her body, not too tight or rough, but stronger than any guy she knew. She knew Elsa was fit, but she now got the briefest sense of how much.

And just like that, Elsa released her arms from Anna's body. The redhead immediately drew back, dreading the idea of a too-long, awkward hug. Anna nervously smiled, as the blonde smiled back. Anna knew that her cheeks were red as cherries, and the her whole body was probably trembling. But she couldn't help it, the shivers, her heart fluttering, the rapidly increasing warmth in her core.

"I'll see you later Anna." Elsa said, apparently oblivious to Anna's condition, being shoo Ken to her core. Anna couldn't even get a word out, she just waved to the blonde, and turned to walk out the door, as fast as she could. She needed to distance herself from the blonde, calm her body down, she felt like she was going to explode.

"Oh Anna?" The redhead heard Elsa call from behind her. Anna turned her head, her eyes locking with the blonde's from halfway across the gym.

"Tell your little brother that I think his snowman is pretty cool." Elsa chuckled, still wearing a wide, bright smile.

"I will." Anna practically blurted our, before waving goodbye again, and rushing towards the door.

Anna's heart thumped hard and heavy in her chest. She remembered why it was so hard not to think of Elsa, why despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep the stunning, gorgeous, older blonde out of her brain.

Elsa lived right next door. They were neighbors. Anna could even occasionally see into Elsa's bedroom.

Their rooms faced eachother., window to window, across the gap between their houses.

No matter what Anna did, even home from school, she was never more than 100ft from Elsa.