Content Disclaimer: All Characters Belong To Their Respective Owners Though I With That I Owned Them Sadly I Do Not.


This story will probably contain some degrees of foul language.

This story will also contain probable out of character behavior.


Tony/Natasha (Maybe, kinda undecided)

Chapter 1: Welcome! Back To The Past:

All Tony felt was pain. Pain that seemed to travel through his entire body. Pain that seeped into his very being and soul. A flood of joy overtook him as he watched Thanos disappear, watched as his body collapsed in on itself turning to ash.

He felt a great happiness as Thanos' army disappeared. As their reign of terror came to an end. He hoped Thanos felt pain, he hoped Thanos felt the pain of those left behind.

As he watched Thanos' ashes blow away in the wind, he smiled a painful smile. This was for those who had disappeared and had now been returned. For those who'd been left behind to suffer for a mad man's vision. For Natasha.

He let out a pain filled groan as he shifted off his knees. Stumbling toward some rubble. As he reached the rubble he fell forward turning to face the people. He watched as Rhodey landed infront of him.

Never breaking eye contact Rhodey placed his hand on Tony's face. Rubbing his thumb in a comforting gesture, as he gazed down sadly at his best friend. Nodding sadly he stepped back as Spider-Man landed behind him.

"Mr. Stark!" He cried out.

"Hey... Mr. Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter." The kid was falling apart. Tony felt no regret, only sadness. He was sad he'd be another name on the kid's list. Another person he'd lost. Another family member he'd lost.

"Hey... we won Mr. Stark. We won Mr. Stark. We won you did it sir, you did it." He consealed a sob.

"I'm sorry, Tony." Tony watched as Rhodey pulled the sobbing boy back. Tony's eyes then locked with Pepper's. Her eyes glistened with tears.

"Hey." She mumbled sadly, her voice almost unheard.

"Hey Pep." Tony croaked out, his voice barely audible. She grasped his hand which was placed just over the ark reactor.

"FRIDAY?" She said her voice wavering.

"Life functions critical." Tony could swear he heard a twinge of sadness in the AI's voice. Pepper hardened her gaze looking at him.

"Tony, look at me. We're gonna be okay." She said her resolve beginning to break.

"You can rest now." She watched as the light on his chest flickered. The pain leaving his brown eyes.

He looked over the crowd of people one last time. His eyes locked on a blue pair. Tony shifted his neck downward in one last nod to the man. Saying his goodbye. Tears left the captains eyes running down his masked face.

In the distance he saw a flash of red. He locked eyes with his fallen friend. She held her hand out to him, motioning for him to come to her. She smiled at him.

"Come on Stark, it's time to go." She stated softly. The light on the suit flickered once more before shutting off all together. He grasped Natasha's had watching in sad finality as his wife broke down. Her head pressed on his suit.

He watched as one by one his comrads knelt for him. He watched more tears fall down their face as they looked at his body.

A white light surounded him and Natasha and suddenly they appeared at his farm. They watched as his family walked towards the dock. Placing the wreath into the water watching as it floated away.

All these people. Who would have thought all these people would care in the end. Who would have thought he touched all these people with his existence, they'd touched all these people. Played some role or another in every single person here's life.

With another flash of light they appeared in a garden. Sitting at a glass table.

Natasha smiled sadly at him.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Me too, there had to have been another way. Just doesn't make sense only one outcome where we win in 14,000,605." He stated earning a confused look.

"14,000,605?" She asked confused.

"Strange. Strange said he saw 14,000,605 possible outcomes, out of that many we only won in one." He explained.

"How is that possible." She asked not really looking for an answer.

"I wish I knew. There has got to be something we can do to change this." He stated with conviction.

"Where are we?" He asked suddenly as he looked around.

"I'm not really sure. I've been here since I fell. Vision is around here somewhere but other than him we're completely alone." She said.

Their conversation was cut off by a bright flash of light.

When they looked up in place of the light was a group of six people. Each's skin a different color.

"Who are you?" Tony and Natasha questioned.

"We are the Infinity Stones." One stated bluntly.

Tony and Natasha looked at each other weirdly before turning back.

"You're REAL? Like PEOPLE? How is that possible?" They questioned together.

"Children we've no time to explain the world to you." Said the blue one.

"Now listen closely children because we will only say this once. The world still needs you to keep it safe therefore, it's not your time. Your not supposed to be here." Said the green one knowingly.

"We are going to introduce ourselves to you then we will discuss what needs to happen." Said the red one.

"I'm Mind, I used to be with Vision. I must say he was my favorite person to ever carry me, andriod or not." said the yellow man.

"I'm Time, I reside in New York with the ancient one." Said the green girl.

"I'm Soul, I will be going with you. The method it takes to get me is difficult. You'll shall not bare that burden once again. Especially since between the two of you there is only one soul left." Said the orange girl.

The two humans looked on at the stones in confusion not understanding what Soul had said at all.

"You share a bond between you. One forged in blood, tragity, and trauma. Solidified by death. Your souls are intertwined with eachother in a way that they will never be with anyone else. In modern terms you've been made soulmates.

You'll be unable to recreate previous lifetime relationship as you are no lover the same person at heart. You'll share a bond together that you'll share with nobody else simply because there are only a select few who will be allowed to know about your situation." Soul explained smiling slightly at their faces.

"You will be happy together, I see it." She said bowing slightly, before nodding at the others for them to continue.

"I'm Space, better known as the Tesseract, or cosmic cube. I will be stolen by Loki just like before, but now you will have new information. Loki is in fact a trickster, however he is in no way evil. Thanos is controlling him. His eyes are blue though that is why Thor took no notice. Thanos has planted many horrid thoughts in the young ones mind. He lives in a world on nightmares and horror. You must save him. I'd suggest creating a safe place for all of the stones to hide them. We like to be together, but is very dangerous for the world." The blue male stated.

"My name is Power, I currently reside with the guardians of the galaxy. Therefore due to lack of technology I too will be going with you, before Thanos gets me back into his hands once again." The purple girl said sounding angry as she mentioned the insane purple Titian.

"My name is Reality." The red male said smirking cockily.

"I'm the aether, also I'm awesome." He said winking afterward at no one.

Tony chuckled a little smiling. Natasha looked at the ground shaking her head. Knowing this is how Tony used to be. Trying to break the tension with sarcasm.

"Come on who died? I'm just trying to break the tension." Reality joked. Earning a mock glare from everyone present. He smiled at Natasha.

"Your my favorite. We're the same color!" Reality laughed. Natasha looked at him for the first time full out smiling.

"Thank you, Reality." She said smiling kindly at the end.

Another flash of light blinded them as a table and eight chairs appeared with a flash of light. Not questioning it everyone walked to a chair taking their seats around the table. Tony and Natasha sat next to eachother. With Reality on her otherside.

"I don't wanna go back to Afghanistan." Tony stated suddenly taking a deep breath.

Under the table Natasha held his hand tightly. He soaked up her familiar presence happily, body shuddering as he fought out of the memories.

"I don't think I'll survive a second round." He shook.

The stones smiled sadly at him. Destined for greatness but suffered so much. Shattered but not broken, not yet. All nodded simultaneously. They would skip Afghanistan.

"We need you to do the weapons demonstration." Space said. "It's part of what makes you, you. It's part of Ironman."

"Ride with Rhodey. If you ride with him nothing bad will happen to anyone, there all the soldiers will live." Time interjected.

"Plus, you know where The Ten Rings are hidden. You could turn them in to the Air Force, to Rhodes. Or just expose their location to the government after you save Yinsen." Reality Added. Tony nodded not really processing it.

Yinsen. I could save Yinsen. The words echoed in Tony's head. Save Yinsen! He could have a new life, a new family.

"He'll remember what happened as soon as he sees you. You know he watched you in the after life, he knows your whole life. He could help you." Clinging to Natasha he nodded he wanted that.

Then Space spoke. "So no Afghanistan, ok we can do that. You still have to be Ironman though. You'll still be in Afghanistan." Tony nodded in understanding.

"You could partner with shield early, tell Fury. Maybe not everything, but he could help." Natasha said quietly to the table. Her head rested on Tony's head as he'd practically pulled her into his lap as he shuttered in fear. She petted his head.

Looking up Tony said. "We gotta find Barnes and Rogers earlier. We can help them adjust. I can help Barnes. I have the tech to help him, I just need to remake it. Take care of Obediah. Save Yinsen. Help shield get rid of Hydra. We gotta catch klaue, before he causes any issues, we return the stolen Vibranium to Wakanda. I have to apologize on behalf of Howard for stealing from them." Tony was mentally making a list of what needed to happen.

"We need to find the Maximoff twins, they're gonna need some help." Natasha said.

"They hate me." Tony muttered out. Guilt consuming him, he felt a great remorse for all the deaths his company had caused. Even if it was Obediah's fault.

Shaking her head sadly as Natasha continued to pet his head.

"Pietro will need to learn to control his speed. Wanda needs help with her powers." She eventually stated.

"I can help Pietro, Wanda will need to go to the sorcerers. They won't trust me how can I help them." Tony said.

"They'll know once we turn Obediah in to the police. They'll know that your innocent." She reassured. Tony nodded unsure, still thinking they'd hate him.

They continued to plan what they'd do and how to go about getting it done. How to prevent certain things from happening. Power looked at them before saying.

"You'll need to collect a team of some scientists, Yinsen can help he's a surgeon and a scientist. You can help Helen Cho, Aldrich Killian, Maya Hansen, even Hank Pym. Remember Pym's wife is stuck in the Quantum Zone. You'll need to help him get her back. They'll be more inclined to help you.

Thanos will come for the stones, the world needs to be prepared this time. They need to be ready, the team needs to work this time." She really hoped this worked out for them.

"When I get back I'll work on a containment box for the stones, send them back with Natalia." Tony said seriously, adding the name as a small joke at the end.

"Many things will be different this time. Peter and Harley will need you keep an eye out Tony." Reality said, the joking tone usually in his voice suddenly gone.

The familiar bright light flashed in his eyes blinding him. When he opened his eyes he was expecting to be met with the familiar red hair. Boy was he wrong.

Author's Note:

So new story I'm trying out. Hope you like it. Don't forget to review. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Comment anything you want to happen and we'll see.
