AN: Hey, y'all. Here is the first chapter of my brand new fanfic, Love Zombies. There will be four chapters in all and I will definitely start writing the second chapter soon. Now on with the story.


Summary: After a handful of years, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield finally reunite since Claire had left Raccoon City for college. Defying death, feelings are revealed and true love happens. (Takes place during RE2 Remake RE3 Remake. Slightly Alternate Universe.)


xxx-Raccoon City, September 28th, 1998-11:30 PM-xxx


Jill heard the creature roaring in rage behind her. She willed her legs to move faster. She could feel the monster's booming footsteps even though he was probably two blocks away. She was drenched in sweat despite the cool air and slight wind that was blowing. Jill's heart was beating hard, but she had to keep going. She was terrified beyond reason.

Jill had no idea how long she had been running for, it felt like it was for fucking forever. And as she ran, she couldn't help but notice that the once beautiful city was in utter ruins now. There were dead bodies everywhere, trash, burnt-out cars and who knows what else also lined the streets.

She was so exhausted that she nearly fell over. Jill bent forwards, placed her hands onto her knees. She took a few quick breaths to calm herself down and she really wished that she hadn't. When the smell of the city hit her, Jill almost fully doubled over to empty her stomach. But she managed not to throw up, which she deemed an accomplishment. She pulled back up to her full height, swore as she started running again when she heard the creature's roar coming from a block away.

Jill saw an alleyway to her left, she ducked into it and pushed herself to run even faster than she already was at that point. She nearly tripped over a dead zombie, but she didn't fall on her ass and she counted that in the win column. Jill both heard and felt the monster jump in front of her. She grunted angrily as she brought out her handgun and fired several shots into his trash bag covered chest. He let out a scream of pain, she kept her gun drawn just in case she might need it later as she broke into a full-on sprint.

Jill finally stopped when she heard a scream that sounded a bit familiar. But she honestly couldn't place it. She listened for a second, then heard another scream, she headed off into that direction.


xxx-A few minutes later-A small abandoned shopping center-Downtown Raccoon City-xxx


Jill saw someone lying on the ground right in front of one of the stores, she ran over to them and she gasped loudly when she realized who it was. It was Claire Redfield, Chris's sister. Jill hadn't seen her since the other girl was in high school. She looked to be in her late teens.

She contacted Carlos with her walkie talkie, asking for help and supplies too. He said that he'll be there soon with some stuff that might help after she told him where she and Claire were. Jill crouched down, placed one arm under Claire's neck and her other arm under her knees, she then picked her up and carried her into one of the other nearby stores bridal style. Thankfully, Jill didn't run into any zombies or monsters on her way.

The store was empty save for the two women. Jill kept walking until she found the employees lounge, she saw a cot, she placed Claire onto it and she sat down on a chair next to her. She made herself comfortable, falling asleep minutes later.


xxx-Downtown Raccoon City-One Hour Later-September 29th, 12:30 AM-xxx


Jill woke up when someone gently shook her. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw who it was that had woke her up. It was Carlos. She smiled, which he did in return.

"Hey, supercop. How are you holding up?" He asked. He was worried about both her and the other girl. He might not have known them all that well, but he was still concerned for their safety. He sat down in a chair next Jill's and they talked for a bit quietly, so that they wouldn't disturb Claire. She needed and deserved to rest for a bit.

After the two talked for a bit, Carlos handed Jill a couple of backpacks full of supplies. He knew that Jill and the redhead would need them more than he would.

"There's food, water, clothes, weapons, and even some ammo. My team and I have plenty. I have to get back to the subway. Just be careful, okay?" He asked.

"Carlos, we will be, don't worry. Thank you. For everything. Once we get out of here, I owe a drink." She replied. Jill hoped that they would live to see that.

"I'll be holding you to that drink, Jill. If you two run into any more trouble, contact me again." He said.

Jill nodded. Carlos left them to regroup with his U.B.C.S. squad in the city's subway. Jill unzipped one of the backpacks, after a couple of minutes of digging around, she found what she was looking for; a can of heath spray.

She walked over to Claire and she used half of the can's contents on the younger woman. The redhead already looked like she was feeling better. She stopped tossing and turning, Claire was now sleeping peacefully.

Jill made her way back over to her chair, laid her back down and went back to sleep as she was still tired.


xxx-Thirty minutes later-September 29th, 1:00 AM-xxx


Claire woke up groggily she had some trouble sitting up, but when she did, she had no idea where the hell she was. The last thing that she remembered was that she was being chased by some kind of monster and that she had ended up near a shopping center. She looked around her surroundings and realized that someone had saved her and brought her inside of one of the stores.

The redhead slowly stood up from the cot that she was sleeping on just to make sure that she wasn't going to fall on her ass. It didn't take her long to see that she wasn't alone. There was someone else in the room. They were sleeping in a chair not too far from her.

Claire walked over to them and when she saw who it was, she gasped loudly. She hadn't seen the slightly older woman in years, not since they were both in high school. She reached a hand out towards her and she gently shook her awake.

Jill let out a short grunt as she woke up. It took her a minute to remember where she was. She looked around and that's when she saw who it was that had woken her up the second time. Her eyes widened. She jumped up, wrapped her arms around the younger woman's shoulders and she brought her into a hug.

The sudden hug had surprised Claire, but she hugged Jill back. Both of them blushed a bit. It didn't go unnoticed. They stayed like that for a bit until the brunette pulled back.

She was just happy that Claire was up and about now. She was so worried that she was going to lose another person that she cared for. At that moment, she made a vow that she would make damn sure she wouldn't lose any more friends.

"Claire, I'm so glad you're okay. I was fucking worried something awful happened to you. What the hell are you doing here anyway? I thought you were still in college back in New York?" The last thing that she heard about her was from Chris, who worked with Jill in S.T.A.R.S. before they were disbanded.

"Well, the thing is, when I didn't hear back from Chris, I heard Raccoon City had gone to shit and I was worried something happened to him. So I jumped on my bike and drove up here to look for him. I met a rookie cop, Leon, at a gas station right outside the City limits. He saved my life, but we got separated. I finally managed to get to R.P.D.. I did run into Leon a second time before I left the police station though. He seemed to be doing okay, despite the current situation. But I couldn't find my brother anywhere. I did find a note from him saying that he left to go to Europe-"

Claire's rambling was cut short when she was pulled into a sudden tight hug and the other woman melted into the embrace.

"We haven't seen each other in years," Jill said quietly against the woman's shoulder, "you have no fucking idea how happy I am to see you right now. I kinda figured that you would be here too. I mean you're a total badass and all. You always have been."

Jill stepped back and placed her hands gently on the other woman's shoulders.

"All this zombie crap has to be really upsetting. I know it has definitely fucked with my head. I mean who seriously wouldn't be damaged after going through some insane ass shit like this? Look, I'll explain everything that happened with the S.T.A.R.S. back in July, why Chris isn't here, and what's going on right now. But we have to get the fuck out of here first, okay?" Jill smiled reassuringly and squeezed her shoulders. They had so much to catch up on, but they first needed to get somewhere safer than an abandoned shopping center full of zombies and monsters.

"Right. Let's just grab what we can and go before we get attacked by a creepy-ass zombie or something else that goes bump in the night." Claire said. She knew that Jill was right. The older woman was always right. It had been that way ever since they were kids.


AN2: And that's the end of the first chapter. I hope that y'all loved and enjoyed reading it. I honestly can't wait to see where this story goes. I love the Resident Evil fandom. And I really fucking love writing for it. I enjoyed writing all of y'all for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and following all of my work. As always please read and review. Until next time.


Extra Notes: (Speaking of the Resident Evil fandom, somebody on Wattpad actually stole one of my older Resident Evil fanfics, Resident Evil: Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield that I wrote in November of 2017. I know that it's not one of my better fanfics, but I still enjoyed writing it three years ago. I found out it was stolen from me when I was Googling for a Jill Valentine/Claire Redfield to read. I instantly reported it. I'm just letting y'all know about it.)