Hey guys! Thank you so much for joining me on Library Date! I can't believe we are on the epilogue... Now that I have this finished, I am going to do the epilogue for The Patient (finally) and then begin my new Yi Jeong and Ga Eul fic for those of you who read me for my Boys over Flowers stories. So, look for those by this weekend or early next week. I also plan on doing another short Cinderella and the Four Knights fic at some point. Anyway, thank you so much for the continued support and I hope you all enjoy this last chapter! And please let me know what ya'll think!

Seung Jo smiled as he watched Ha Ni return a nasty serve with an almost easy gesture. Her body language relaxed and he was pleased to see she was not having to exert herself very much for this game.

"She's getting too good." Hae Ra laughed as the opponent scowled furiously. "She will have a big head in no time if she wins this match."

"No." Seung Jo sighed a tad wistfully. "Ha Ni never thinks like that about herself."

Hae Ra opened to speak but seeing Lee Jae In out of the corner of her eye, she bellowed at him to go stretch for his match causing Seung Jo to grin. With Kyung Soo Sunbae away for his military service, he had put Yoon Hae Ra in charge of the tennis team while he was gone. She had taken this role quite seriously and had become more terrifying to the younger teammates than Kyung Soo ever had previously.

"How's Kyung Soo?"

"Fine… I think." Yoon Hae Ra played with the ring on her finger nervously. "He doesn't let me ask a lot of questions about how he is doing or anything. I know it is because he doesn't want me to worry but sometimes the not knowing is worse."

"He will be fine, Yoon Hae Ra." Seung Jo told her assuredly. "Kyung Soo is strong."

"I know. But I… miss him." Hae Ra admitted with a laugh. "I told him our wedding wouldn't take place for at least a year after he returned so I could plan but we may end up pulling a Seung Jo and Ha Ni after all.

He grinned over at his wife who was now shaking the hand of the disappointed player. "Well, quick weddings do have their benefits." Seung Jo waved as he made his way over to the court. "By the way, this is Ha Ni's last game for the year."

"What?" Hae Ra shrieked in horror. "Yah! Baek Seung Jo!"

Seung Jo ignored her but made a note to make sure she didn't reach out to Ha Ni about this. He had no doubt Yoon Hae Ra would demand she keep playing since Ha Ni was by far her best player. In fact, he was the only one who could beat her at this point and vice versa. Both of them were untouchable by anyone else but on the few occasions they played together it was like a deathmatch.

Ha Ni was the only one who could read him so accurately to guess each move. One of his advantages in his game was how cool he could remain. So, it was almost impossible for someone playing him to guess what he was going to do or try to take advantage of his emotions getting the best of him. Except for Ha Ni. His wife was able to see his brain whirling and predicted his moves almost before he did.

Ha Ni's skill in her playing was based on pure talent and going with her intuition. She never planned or strategize so it was hard for someone to guess her style because it was constantly changing. Seung Jo knew how to read her emotions better than anyone though. He knew when she was frustrated or feeling overconfident and was able to turn it to his advantage.

They had been partners together for a few months after they got married but Seung Jo was forced to leave the team once his medical school schedule became too hectic to add in regular practices. And while Yoon Hae Ra had been sad to lose such a valuable player, she did mention she was grateful not having to watch them play together anymore because as she pointed out once, it was a little more of an intimate view of the two them than she wanted to see, thank you

"Good job." Seung Jo held out the bottle of water. "Drink."

She rolled her eyes at the command but didn't argue, taking a long swallow. "Thanks."

"Ha Ni," a voice called from behind her and she turned with a confused wave. "Oh, um hi."

"You played really well today." A young man from the other team who had been watching from the stands approached her with a flirty smile. "I think you did better than even last time you played against Song Mi So. She will be spitting all the way home."

"Oh." Ha Ni's expression turned worrisome. "I hope not."

The man's expression changed slightly as he noticed Seung Jo rubbing her back comfortingly. "Hello."

"Sorry." Ha Ni shook her head. "I'm tired. Gu Sang Ook this is my husband Baek Seung Jo."

Sang Ook entire face fell and Seung Jo rolled his eyes at the obvious disappointment. This always happened on away matches. Ha Ni didn't wear her ring while she played because it gave her blisters from the racket. Thankfully, her dismissive attitude towards other men and general obliviousness to their ogling made it rare for someone to approach her.

Not to mention the communication from the Parang team who was quick to spread the word she was already married. However, there was still the occasional pabo who didn't get the message.

"Nice to meet you." Sang Ook mumbled and Seung Jo only stared at him coldly. "You can leave now."


As he turned and headed back to his friends who seemed puzzled, he narrowed his eyes. "If you play next year, you are wearing your ring."

She smiled a little before shrugging. "All right but I doubt—"


At Yoon Hae Ra's shout, Ha Ni jumped in fright and Seung Jo dove to grab her before she fell. His arms only barely catching her around the waist in time. His wife gasped in alarm and clung to his arm. "Oh!"

He shot a glare over to Hae Ra, his jaw tight with anger. "Don't do that."

"You can't take my best player." Hae Ra screeched. "I promised Kyung Soo a championship. I can't do it without her!"

Guilt flashed over Ha Ni and she looked up at Seung Jo. "Maybe I could play a few more—"

"No." Seung Jo snapped firmly and swung her bag over his shoulder before giving Hae Ra a nasty glare. "And you're not going to make her feel bad about this. If you want to say something, say it to me."

Ha Ni laid her hand on his arm, soothing his irritation. "It's all right, Seung Jo." Ignoring his look of warning, she quickly grabbed Hae Ra's hand. "I will explain everything next week. Okay?"

Yoon Hae Ra did not look pleased by this but nodded shortly before stalking away in frustration. "Uh-oh. She's really mad." Ha Ni whispered regretfully.

"She will get over it." Seung Jo dismissed as he gently propelled her forward. "Although, it doesn't overly matter to me if she does or not. You're done. I didn't even want you playing today."

"I know." Ha Ni sighed as they got to the car and she sank into the seat with a grateful moan. "But I couldn't pull out last minute. Hae Ra is scary enough already."

"I can be scarier." Seung Jo muttered darkly as he put her stuff in the trunk. "So don't worry."

Ha Ni smiled as he climbed into the driver's side and reached over to stop him from putting the key in the ignition. "Now, I have a surprise for you."


"Just follow my directions."

Seung Jo gave her a puzzled frown but she only grinned. As he followed her instructions, he was surprised to find her leading them out of the city and to where they had gone camping together. He parked and she took his hand, leading him deeper into the woods.

"Ha Ni, what are you doing?" Seung Jo asked curiously as they made their way to the edge of the creek. She didn't say anything but kept smiling knowingly. As they rounded the corner and Seung Jo was about to grumble about the length of daylight left, his eyes widened as a huge tent came into view.

It was twice the size of their old one which had been destroyed in the storm. There was also equipment for fishing and cooking by a large fire pit waiting for them.

"Ha Ni, what is-

"Happy birthday." His wife clapped happily and Seung Jo glanced around in surprise. "I thought we agreed not to celebrate my birthday this year."

"You decided not to celebrate your birthday this year," Ha Ni corrected smugly. "But as your wife, I decided to overrule you. Besides," she laughed softly. "This present is just as much for me as it for you."

Seung Jo wrapped his arm around her and brought her close, giving her a lingering kiss on her forehead. "How long can we stay?"

"As long as we want." Ha Ni mumbled gratefully. "You don't start your internship at the hospital for a while and I am officially done with my classes for the year. So, I told Geum Hee not to expect us until June."

Seung Jo laughed since it was only barely the end of April. He looked back at the tent and grinned. "It is almost the size of the hotel room we stayed out when ours collapsed."

"I have been saving up for a new tent ever since ours broke."

He kissed her again and his hand snuck under the edge of her tank top where a tiny bump was beginning to peek out. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Ha Ni promised, knowing playing today had made him nervous. "I didn't run or leap so there was no risk of falling."

He scowled slightly. "Until Hae Ra startled you."

"I'm fine, Seung Jo." Ha Ni laughed in exasperation. While others might not normally think of Seung Jo as someone naturally protective with his cool demeanor about others, Ha Ni was the exception of this rule.

He tended to be slightly overprotective on a normal basis but once they realized she was expecting, this had only increased. Especially since Ha Ni wanted to keep the news private for as long as possible. Because of how quickly they got married without many people at Parang even realizing they were together, a lot of people tended to gossip about her.

It was a small college and you add in a star medical student like Baek Seung Jo and it made tongues curious. Even though Ha Ni was slowly becoming noted for her tennis skills and her grades had also improved dramatically, her reputation for being slow academically was still the most prominent impression.

Seung Jo didn't like it but Ha Ni really didn't mind. However, she did not want the baby or the pregnancy to be sneered or discussed. And while he already intended on running interference if people started talking about her once it became obvious she was expecting, he couldn't deny it was nice keeping it private for now.

They had not even told their families yet. For one thing, Ha Ni wanted to wait until she was a little further along in case there were any problems but also because she was nervous. It was hard for someone to imagine being a mother when she had never experienced one growing up. And despite the fact she was overjoyed by the prospect, she was still settling into her emotions about it and knew the minute Geum Hee learned about the pregnancy, his mother's excitement would run her over.

Seeming to read his thoughts, Ha Ni looked down at her stomach with a smile. "We will probably have to tell them when we get back. It's getting harder to hide."

"Hmm," Seung Jo agreed, slowly rubbing the small bulge. "Don't worry though. We can still go slow on the planning for everything. Mother won't smother you."

"Thanks." Ha Ni laughed with a shrug. "I don't know why I am enjoying the quiet and stillness of the pregnancy so much. You must be rubbing off on me."

He chuckled, lifting his head to look around the campsite. She had set up their tent closer to the water this time instead of near the trees. Following his gaze, Ha Ni shook her head firmly. "I was not taking any chances this time."

Seung Jo followed her to the luxurious tent and his eyes widened at the space inside. She had a large air mattress pushed to one side but it still left plenty of room for their bags, some extra cooking and fishing equipment, and their lanterns.

Ha Ni peeled off her tennis skirt with a sigh and flopped on the mattress with a long moan of relief. "I am probably going to just stay here for the entire trip. You can fish or hike if you want but I may honestly not move."

"I told you not to play today." Seung Jo said in annoyance. "Between classes, helping your dad at the noodle shop, and tennis practice, you've been overdoing it."

Ha Ni lifted her head at his harsh reprimand apologetically. "I know. But since Bong Joon Gu decided to move back home, my dad needed help. And I can't skip classes nor did I feel right leaving Yoon Hae Ra before the big game…"

She trailed off as he only stared at her coolly and she winced. "I know. You're right. But I am done now." Ha Ni reminded him softly. "I was able to finish my classes early and today was my last game."

"You almost offered to play again." Seung Jo snapped since he was still miffed from earlier. "What were you thinking?"

"I felt bad. She has been missing Kyung Soo terribly."

He rolled his eyes at this and leaned down over her, boxing her in with his arms. She looked up with an impish grin but he shook his head. "Don't act cute."

Ha Ni pouted and cupped his face, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Baek Seung Jo, please don't be mad. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were so worried."

"You are exhausted." Seung Jo confessed. "You've been pale lately too."

"I know." Ha Ni brushed his hair back and leaned forward to kiss him. "I am just tired, Seung Jo. I feel fine. I promise."

"I need you to take care of yourself." He told her firmly. "Especially with the pregnancy." He paused to get her full attention before confessing quietly. "Nothing can happen to you, Ha Ni."

Guilt came over at his obvious concern. Because she had been feeling fairly normal despite being tired, she had not really thought to change any of her routines. She loved tennis and finding something she was so talented at had really boosted her confidence. So, there had been a reluctance to stop playing even if it was just temporary.

However, now that she was getting further along and her body was beginning to slow down, Ha Ni could admit it was time to step away. But she felt terrible in not realizing how nervous Seung Jo had been the entire time over her continued playing and full schedule.

"Nothing will happen to me, Seung Jo." Ha Ni assured him. "But you're right. I have been doing too much lately. I'm going to slow down."


"I promise."

He scanned her carefully but seeing she was sincere, he relaxed. "Thank you."

She hugged him tightly and he could feel the tension in his muscles easing. It had been hard to watch her play today. Every smack of the ball over the net sent a wave of anxiety through him. He had been terrified that she would fall or get hit. Thankfully, it had been an easy game and she had not needed to exert herself but he was still grateful she was done now.

"I am going to start a fire." Seung Jo pressed a kiss into the top of her chest. "Why don't you take a nap?"

Ha Ni nodded with a deep yawn, raising her arms in a silent plea. He chuckled and stripped her shirt over her head. She tended to get overheated lately so whenever they were in private, clothes had become almost nonexistent on her. Not that Seung Jo was complaining about this particular side-effect.

She crawled under the sleeping bag and was asleep in seconds. Seung Jo waited a minute before walking outside to set up the rest of the camp. He was getting hungry and he knew from experience that Ha Ni always woke up starving.

He quickly gathered what he needed and wondered if he had time to make the trek back to the car to get a gift he had stored in the trunk. He had gotten it for Ha Ni when she first told him about the baby but he still had not given it to her yet. He kept waiting for the right moment since he was not sure exactly sure how she would react to it.

However, looking up into the clear sky where the barest hint of stars was beginning to creep out and remembering the last time they were out here; he made his decision. Peeking inside to make sure she was still sleeping soundly, Seung Jo hurried back to where they parked.

Thankfully, it didn't take him long because as he hauled out the large box, he decided to just set it up and have it waiting for her when she woke up. Which meant he needed to put it together before he lost any more daylight.

Ha Ni stirred slowly as the smell of food tickled her nose. Sitting up carefully, she called out blearily. Seung Jo frowned at the weak call and rose from the stool as she stumbled from the tent. Her hair was wild and dark circles gathered under her eyes. He clucked in sympathy and gathered her close.

"Are you all right?"

She nodded since she was not really awake enough yet to talk. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders before scooping her into his lap. She tucked her head into his chest and simply sat watching the flames of his fire contently.

"Did you sleep?"

"Mm-hmm," Ha Ni rubbed her eyes. "I must have been more tired than I thought."

Seung Jo brushed his hand up the length of her back and they sat together silently as the night fell around them. Ha Ni snuggled into her blanket and look up to the sky with a smile. "The stars are coming out."

"Mm," Seung Jo agreed casually. "You should probably go angle your telescope before it gets too dark."

Ha Ni turned her head with a confused frown. "What are you talking about? I don't have a telescope."

"Yes, you do." Seung Jo dipped his head to where he left the sleek piece of equipment. "It's over there."

Ha Ni blinked slowly as she took in the new gift. She rose shakily and went over to take it in. "Seung Jo, what is—"

He hugged her from behind, pleased by her reaction to the gift. "It's for you and the baby. So you can introduce them to your mom."

Ha Ni went still for a while remembering the night she had told him she was pregnant. He had found on the balcony at home in the middle of the night talking to her mom.

Seung Jo rolled, his hands reaching automatically for Ha Ni but when they came up empty, he opened his eyes surprised to find her not in bed. Scrubbing his face, he called for her but at the silence, he rose worriedly. She had been quiet and withdrawn all day before finally going to bed early. He had asked her if everything was okay but she had claimed she was just tired.

He went out into the hall to make his way downstairs when he noticed the doors to the balcony open and Ha Ni resting against the rail. He called out quietly as he made his way over to her. "Ha Ni? Are you all right?"

"I think so," she mumbled and he took her carefully into his arms. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was talking to my mom."

Seung Jo went still at this and Ha Ni smiled. "I got some news today and I wanted to talk to her about it."

"What kind of news?"

"I haven't been feeling well." She admitted shyly. "Sick to my stomach and yesterday I got so dizzy in class that I almost fell."

"What?" Seung Jo snapped. "Ha Ni, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you. But I went to the doctor and he confirmed-" Ha Ni flushed and Seung Jo lifted her head. "Ha Ni, are you—"

She nodded and he gulped, his eyes darting down to her stomach. "Is he sure?"

"Pretty sure." Ha Ni gave a watery laugh and wiped her eyes. "Looks like we are going to have a gift for Geum Hee next Christmas after all."

Seung Jo cupped her face and gave her a long kiss, mumbling against her lips and she nodded. They held each other for a long time before Ha Ni finally drew away and gestured to the sky. "I wanted to tell her first." She shrugged in embarrassment. "I know it sounds silly but—"

"No, Ha Ni." Seung Jo kissed her forehead. "It doesn't."

"I'm so excited." Ha Ni whispered regretfully. "But I can't help but feel also sad. I wish she were here with me… I know I have Geum Hee but—"

"I know." He stroked her wet cheeks. "I'm sorry."

She nodded and he held her as she cried softly. Eventually gathering herself, she took a deep breath and smiled up at him. "We're going to have a baby."

Seung Jo smiled in reply but his eyes were slightly worried. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Mm-hmm," Ha Ni replied and placed her hands low on her stomach. "I will find out how far I am on my next appointment but if I had to guess… Eight weeks?"

Seung Jo tucked his face into her neck and lifted her in a tight hug. Ha Ni clung to him and feeling her beginning to shiver from the cool air, he turned and without breaking his hold, he carried back into their bedroom. He shut the door with his foot and sank into bed with her still attached to him. Ha Ni's legs were wrapped around his waist and as he sank into the pillows, she laid her head on his chest. "Don't move yet." Seung Jo murmured and Ha Ni nodded.

Throwing the blankets over them, Seung Jo wrapped his arms protectively around her back and rolled her carefully underneath him. His head dipped to her stomach and Ha Ni smiled as he quietly began to introduce himself.

As the memory faded, Ha Ni cupped her husband's face. More in love with him than she could ever remember feeling before. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Seung Jo grinned against her mouth as she gave him another long, deep kiss. "If this is how you say thank you for a gift, remind me to buy you flowers more often."

"I have not even begun to say thank you yet," Ha Ni whispered firmly. "That will be shown later tonight."

His eyes darkened but she skirted away before he could grab her. "Now." She clapped her hands, "where should I point it first?"

"Ha Ni—"

"Do you want to see the constellations or would you—"

"Ha Ni—"

"Oh! A close up of the moon would be fun."

Seung Jo rolled his eyes as his wife moved her telescope again. "Or maybe—"

"All right, don't say I didn't try to warn you." Seung Jo bent down and swung her up into his arms as she squealed in surprise. "Seung Jo!"

"It's your own fault." Seung Jo told her dryly. "You know how listening to you talk about science turns me on."

"Oh well in that case," Ha Ni wrapped her arms around his neck with a mischievous smile. "Did you know that Venus is considered the sister planet to us? And that she was named after the Roman goddess of love."

He raised his eyebrow and she caught the twitch of amusement on his face. "Are you trying to spend our entire vacation locked in the tent?"

"Well," Ha Ni shrugged with a grin. "That was my goal."

"Done." Seung Jo placed her down and crawled up over her wolfishly. "Our family is not expecting us till June, right?"

Ha Ni nodded with a giggle and he lowered himself down with a contented purr. His lips and hands going to work over her skin. He sat up slightly to admire the changes in her body from the pregnancy. Her skin was glowing, her hips were full along with the slight swell of her stomach, and he pressed a kiss into the soft rounding flesh.

Watching him tenderly, Ha Ni smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." Seung Jo mumbled with a soft brush of lips. "Mine."

Ha Ni's eyes beamed up happily at him and felt the band around his heart which only seemed to react to this one particular woman, he felt nothing but relieved for a fight in a library which woke up his fogged brain so he wouldn't keep permanently keep running from her.

As a thought crossed his mind, he suddenly frowned. "If the baby is a girl, remind me to never let her go to the library."

"What, why?" Ha Ni asked with a laugh but he only shook his head stubbornly. "They are dangerous dating grounds."

"Don't worry." His wife whispered in understanding. "If she is anything like me, she will fall in love long before the library makes an appearance."

"Good." Seung Jo nodded happily before he caught her meaning and his eyes widened. "YAH!"

"Don't yah me." Ha Ni laughed. "Besides, if it's a boy then he is not allowed near soda machines."

Seung Jo chuckled and brushed her hair back. "How long have you known?"

"Since the beginning," Ha Ni whispered. "It's why I held on so tightly despite everything. I knew from the moment we locked eyes that you loved me as much as I loved you."

"No." Seung Jo sighed against her mouth. "More."

She smiled and drew him down to her. "She still can't go into a library until she is twenty-one." Seung Jo mumbled and Ha Ni laughed with a shake of her head.

"I will let her know."