Hey guys! So if anyone is wondering... Yes, I am still planning on doing an epilogue for The Patient. I will try to finish it soon and get it up but I just wanted to let you know I was still planning on posting it. Now, this chapter moves things forward and has some ties to what happened in the show but I am putting my own spin on it. And this story still has a little time to it so don't get too comfortable in guessing on what's going to happen next ;-)

Anyway, enjoy! And let me know what you think!

Seung Jo threw his bag on his bed and flopped down with an exhausted sigh. Between the visits to the hospital and school, he was as tired as he could ever remember being. Even his brain felt like mush which was a new sensation for him. Although his father was slowly getting better at the hospital, Soo Chang was terrified the board was going to attempt to overthrow him. Which Baek Seung Jo refused to let happen so he was pulling in extra hours at the company.

When his father had first opened his eyes at the hospital, Geum Hee had immediately forbidden him for using a phone or computer. He was not to be disturbed by anything work-related. Seung Jo had backed his mother when his father had tried to protest by assuring him that he would run the basics for as long as was it necessary to ensure his father's place was secure.

So between visits to the hospital, school, and going to the office every day, Seung Jo had barely been home. He had only seen Geum Hee and Eun Jo during mutual visits at the hospital, and he had not seen Oh Ha Ni at all. And his muscles tensed at the reminder for various reasons. It was hard to convince someone that you wanted her in your life when you've spent almost two weeks not being able to give them any time. But the main thing and slightly surprising takeaway from not seeing her was how much he actually missed her.

Seung Jo sighed and closed his eyes. Ha Ni gave him levity and seemed to soothe away his tension. She didn't let him wallow in his own brain. Something he easily allowed himself to do and he shook his head at his melancholy thoughts and decided her was more tired than he even thought if he was allowing his mind to go in such a dramatic turn.

However, a loud thump on the wall next to him made him suddenly jump with a frown since he had thought he was home alone but when another loud bang hit the side of his headboard rattling Eun Jo's figurines with various curses, he couldn't help but grin.

He rose and made his way to Ha Ni's room, pushing her cracked door open with his foot and immediately ducked as something flew over his head. He looked back and was surprised to see it was some sort of dress on a hanger. He stepped in the room cautiously and held in a confused laugh when he only spotted her feet poking out from underneath the bed.

Ha Ni was flat on her stomach and muttering darkly while throwing objects with loud objections over her shoulder. He admired the view for a few seconds before calling out flatly.

"What are you doing?"

She shrieked as her body jumped in surprise, followed by a loud clang as her head hit the bed frame.

"Ha Ni," he exclaimed in alarm and quickly bent over, placing his hands on her hips. "Are you okay?"

"Ow, ow, ow." Ha Ni cried as she wiggled out aided by Seung Jo who was desperately trying not to laugh. Once she was free, she glared up at him. "What was that for?"

"Sorry." Seung Jo snorted as he pulled her to her feet. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Well, what did you expect when you sneak up on someone?" She rubbed her head and he caught the sheen of tears from the pain. "Ow."

Sobering, he reached up to check the back of her head and winced at the large bump. "Ouch. Are you okay?"

"I think so."

He rubbed her head carefully as she cringed. "Sorry," Seung Jo whispered and slowed down his fingers. Ha Ni softened and his other hand which was still resting on her hip pulled her a little closer. She tilted forward to lay her forehead against his chest while he continued his ministrations. Her breathing a little heavy and Seung Jo curled his shoulders protectively around her.

"Feel better?"

She nodded but he found himself reluctant to let her go, so he kept up the act of working on her head. "I will get you some ice."

"Hmm," Ha Ni agreed before gasping and lurching away so suddenly that she stumbled and he had to grab her so she wouldn't fall all over again. "Ha Ni—"

"I am going to be late," she cried in alarm. Twirling in a big circle with muttered curses. "I can't find my—Is Geum Hee here?"

"What are you talking about?" Seung Jo snapped in irritation at her babbling. "Late for—"

But she did not give him a chance to finish before dashing out of the door, calling loudly for his mother. Seung Jo rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed her before she could plow headfirst down the steps.

"My mom is still with my dad."

"Oh…" Ha Ni's panic only grew at this information. "But I need help!"

"With what?"

She hesitated slightly before continuing in a rush. "Kim Ki Tae is taking me to dinner tonight. To celebrate a month of dating. It's this expensive restaurant and I don't have anything nice to wear." Catching his eye roll, she slapped his arm.


"He's taking you to dinner in the city. Not Paris." Seung Jo snapped and Ha Ni visible shrank at his obvious annoyance. "I just wanted to look nice."

Seung Jo looked away, his jaw moving as though he was physically chewing on his words. He knew what Kim Ki Tae was doing. He was attempting to use this lack of time Seung Jo had available to center himself more fully into Ha Ni's life. After their brief run-in at the hospital, he was not going to take any chances.

"You can't take someone back who isn't willing, Baek Seung Jo." Ki Tae said hotly. "Ha Ni has made it clear that she wants to be with me."

Seung Jo didn't answer but only continued to drink his coffee leisurely. "What happens between me and Ha Ni is between us. I am just letting you know ahead of time." He stood up and patted his shoulder. "Not to get comfortable."

Ki Tae threw his hand off and turned to meet him, his face dark with anger. "I am not letting her go without a fight, Baek Seung Jo. I will prove to her that I am the better choice. I will show her what she's been missing by giving her all the things you are not capable of."

"And what's that?"

"Affection," Ki Tae said pointedly. "Not embarrassment over holding her hand. Not someone who shrinks when they are seen together. Who will stand in front of her when someone calls her dumb instead of nodding in agreement. I will encourage her. Not constantly making her feel like she has to improve to be someone good enough to be by my side."

Ki Tae's words were harsh and he didn't pull any punches. Seung Jo could feel each word like a barb to his soul and a part of him briefly wondered if Kim Ki Tae was right. Maybe he should step aside and let someone gentle like Kim Ki Tae have her. However, even as the thought crossed his mind, he dismissed it. He wasn't capable of watching Ha Ni be someone else woman. It was just not in him, he realized without shame.

Plus, Ha Ni needed to be pushed. She needed to be told that she was capable of being smart on her own. Not because someone held her hand and sheltered her. That's where Seung Jo came in. He wouldn't coddle her or simply except her willingness to accept her potential as something less.

The same way, Hae Ra wouldn't be good for him, Seung Jo admitted. He didn't need someone as smart as him who was capable of talking about physics or philosophy for hours. Who liked his brain and only ever saw him as the person who could challenge anyone in the room. Ha Ni made him laugh. To see life as a living, breathing thing to enjoy. Not just something to decipher and get through. She gave color to his black and white world.

"You are a good man, Kim Ki Tae." Seung Jo said honestly. "But you don't know Ha Ni as well as you think you do. She doesn't need to be babied or constantly defended. She needs someone to push her and to teach her to stand up for herself. And you're right when you say that I have not treated her well in other areas of our relationship. I won't deny that. One that I will ask forgiveness for at some point but that's between her and me."

"So," Seung Jo stood up and put his cup down with a slight bang. "You do what you have to do, Kim Ki Tae but I just wanted you to know where I stand."

He looked over to where the sleeping girl was tenderly protecting his father. "She is still mine."

Ki Tae nodded slowly. "Fine. You can claim her as much as you want. But until I hear the words from Ha Ni directly, I am going to be standing right here. Right by her side." He picked up his jacket and bent to lightly kiss her cheek. He went to leave but not before giving Seung Jo a steady stare. "So, you will just have to deal with me, Baek Seung Jo. I am not going running for the hills because you told me too either."

Seung Jo gave him a reluctant smile. "I guess it's up to Ha Ni then."

Ki Tae left quietly and Seung Jo went to the sofa with a soft sigh. Neither of them noticing the woman on the bed who slowly opened her eyes. Questions swimming on her face but she didn't move. Didn't dare bring attention from the man resting across from her. Her heart galloping in a mixture of confusion and longing. Unable to deny the pull deep within that almost ached with the need to go to him, to be touched by him. But she didn't. The pain of another rejection too strong. So with trembling lips, she simply closed her eyes and once again pretended to sleep.

Baek Seung Jo grabbed a slightly panicked Ha Ni who was throwing things out of her closet. "Ha Ni, listen to me."

She paused in her thrashing and her wide eyes met his. He was on the verge of just snapping at her since his anger over this whole thing was beginning to get him. However, catching the slight nervous gaze, he stopped himself. He wouldn't prove anything had changed in their relationship if he automatically fell back to his default. So, with a big sigh, he let go of her arms.

"You will look fine in whatever you wear."

Her expression softened despite his gruff tone. "Really?"

Seung Jo grunted and she grinned, dipping her head with a slight tease in her voice. "Sweet talker."

A corner of his mouth lifted and he nudged her off him. "Don't get used to it."

"I won't." Ha Ni laughed before looking around the explosion of her room. "Okay, Ha Ni… Just pick some—"

A loud bang of the door shutting and the voice of Geum Hee made her face explode with relief. "Oh thank goodness."

Seung Jo blinked as she ran by him yelling for his mother. He rolled his eyes and followed her down the stairs where Geum Hee was nodding excitedly. "Hmm. OH!" She clapped her hands. "The black dress we bought last month."

Ha Ni's eyes widened. "Oh, I don't—"

"You will look beautiful." Geum Hee squealed and grabbed her hand, dragging her back upstairs. "And I have the perfect shoes you can borrow."

Seung Jo only shook his head at the typhoon energy of his mother. Despite practically living at the hospital and the tireless hours on helping soothe his father's frazzled nerves, she still had the energy of twenty toddlers.

He grabbed an apple from the fridge and had settled in with his books at the table when Geum Hee returned with a slightly smug expression. "What do you think?"

Seung Jo peered dismissively around her with a muted agreement that she looked fine when his head snapped up almost violently, whatever words he was going to say instantly becoming lost.

Ha Ni twirled nervously. "Well? Do you like it?"

Seung Jo could only stare at her. The black dress hit her above the knee, showing off her legs which were emphasized by the heels that had straps crisscrossing up her calves. The top was tight across her bodice and just low enough to tease at her soft flesh below. His mother had curled her hair so it flowed in heavy drapes down her shoulder and back. Her makeup was a tad heavier than she normally wore bringing attention to her large doe eyes, but fresh enough that she still looked like Ha Ni.

"Seung Jo?" Ha Ni questioned, growing worried by his prolonged silence. "Is it not all right?"

All right? Was she crazy? Seung Jo felt his heart pounding and he was torn between kicking his mother out of the house so he could show Ha Ni exactly what he thought of the dress and also demanding she go change immediately.

His mother smacked the back of his head and he coughed gruffly. "I already told you… You look okay in anything."

Ha Ni's face fell but she tried to hide it. "Oh… Well, good."

Seung Jo could practically hear Hae Ra yelling at him for refusing to show his emotions but his mother was less subtle by digging her manicure into his side with a harsh pinch. "Ow." He growled and knocked her hand away. "Quit it."

His mother mouthed furiously and he struggled with himself as Ha Ni began to leave for her date. She mumbled a quick bye to Geum Hee and hurried out, her previous excitement dwindled down almost nothing.

Once they were alone, Seung Jo could feel the hot glare of his mother burning into the back of his head and he folded his arms defensively. "What?"

"Seung Jo," Geum Hee said in disbelief. "Are you really going to let her go out with Kim Ki Tae looking like that and the only words bouncing around in her head from you are, "you look okay?"

"Well, who told you to dress her up like that?" Seung Jo hissed. "Are you crazy?"

"I am not the one trying to win someone's heart," Geum Hee snapped. "I want Ha Ni happy no matter who it is. And for some reason, you make her happy but you need to put aside your stubborn pride before it costs you more than just time with her."

With a snarl he threw down his pencil. "Mom, I can handle my own love life."

Geum Hee answer though to this declaration was to simply continue pushing him out of the kitchen. Seung Jo rolled his eyes at her meddling but made his way after Ha Ni who was slowly putting on her coat.

"Ha Ni."

She gave him a cautious glance. "Yes?"

Seung Jo sat halfway on the couch and took her hand, pulling her to him. "I'm sorry."

She relaxed and came between his legs, his hands sitting on her waist while she tentatively bit her lip. "So, you like it?"

He nodded and she smiled shyly. "Thank you, Seung Jo."

"I am still debating whether or not you can actually leave the house though." Seung Jo muttered and she chuckled. "You will have to explain my absence to Kim Ki Tae then."

"I can do that."

She stopped in surprise but seeing that he meant it, Ha Ni closed her eyes. "Why do you do this to me?"

"Because I can." Seung Jo told her honestly, his hands stroking low on her hips. "Because I like knowing I am the only one who gets to you."

"You like teasing me."

"That too."

They exchanged smiles and he spread his legs so he could pull her fully more into him. "Come on, Ha Ni" Seung Jo murmured quietly. "You've made your point."

With her eyes still closed so he couldn't see the swirl of emotions swimming inside them, Ha Ni pressed her forehead against his. Seung Jo mumbled her name and she felt the heat of his breath on her cheek. "I—"

The doorbell rang before she could finish causing her to jump, guilt clouding over her expression. "That is Ki Tae."

Seung Jo let her go reluctantly and only barely managed to keep from grinning smugly at her less than steady walk to the door.

"Wow," Ki Tae whispered in awe, immediately bringing her into his chest. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. So do you." Ha Ni told him with a smile as he grimaced. "I am seriously underdressed to take someone who looks like you right now to dinner."

"No." Ha Ni laughed. "Besides, I was a mess twenty minutes ago." She twirled so the skirt flared out. "I wanted to look nice for you."

"Well, you succeeded." Ki Tae said huskily and Seung Jo stood up to make his presence known. His eyes narrowing slightly when he realized they were not alone. "Oh, Baek Seung Jo."

Seung Jo dipped his head but kept his focus on Ha Ni. "See when you get home."

"It will be late." Ki Tae said quickly. "In fact, we may—"

"Don't push it, Ki Tae." Seung Jo warned him softly as he began his way towards the kitchen and gave Ha Ni one last lingering gaze. "We will finish our conversation later."

She gulped but dipped her head so he would leave. Not able to stand the tension any longer. Ki Tae was stiff as she took his hand but at her gentle prodding, he left without demanding to know what Seung Jo was talking about earlier.

Her respect for him to growing at the easy way he let it go. It was not very often a man would let his girlfriends… well whatever Seung Jo was, openly challenge him and not react with some sort of jealousy.

Feeling bad for the interaction on what was supposed to be their special night, Ha Ni stopped him on the sidewalk with a long kiss to his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault." Ki Tae sighed but the muscles in his jaw unclenched. "But I will be glad when Seung Jo is not living with you anymore."

Ha Ni didn't point out how this was not a very likely outcome any time soon since Baek Soo Chang was still ill.

"So," Ha Ni said cheerfully, although the last thing she felt right now was cheerful. "Where are we going after dinner?"

He beamed and shook his head. "It's a surprise."

She laughed and hooked his arm. "I love surprises. I can't wait to see it."

But she wasn't truly excited, Ha Ni inwardly admitted. She was a tube of nerves and disappointment. She would have given anything to have seen where her conversation with Seung Jo might have led. And the horrifying realization that she couldn't move on from Seung Jo until they really put everything out there.

To finally have it out with him on his feelings for her. Not the sneaking around to warn off Ki Tae or putting a possessive grip on her waist when someone got too close, but to actually hear the words and to know he meant them.

It wasn't fair to Kim Ki Tae otherwise. So, she would go with him tonight. She would take this evening to let Ki Tae prove his devotion to her. But then it was Seung Jo turn and wherever that led would determine her next step.

Seung Jo frowned when he walked into his fathers hospital room as his mother looked about as red as her tomato while his father seemed pale.

"What's going on?" He asked carefully. "Did mom catch you trying to work again, Dad?"


"How dare they?" Geum Hee screeched unexpectedly and lunged across the bed to grab the phone where Soo Chang desperately tried to keep out of her reach.

"Soo Chang, you give me that phone or I will—"

"Mom," Seung Jo yelled with a half-laugh. "I don't think tackling a man who just had a heart attack is the best idea."

"It's the board." His mother replied furiously. "They are threatening to vote him out unless he agrees to gets President Yoon and his company to invest in the new game."

"Okay," Seung Jo didn't see why this was a problem. "Wouldn't that be a good thing? To get the game off the ground, we need a good—"

"President Yoon will only do it if we let you have a marriage meeting," his mother barreled over him. "With his granddaughter." She gave Seung Jo a waspish glare. "Yoon Hae Ra."

Seung Jo froze, his eyes darting between his parents. "What?"

"Did she arrange this?" Geum Hee demanded. "Is this her doing?"

"I…" Seung Jo could only blink. "I don't know."

His phone buzzed with a message from Yoon Hae Ra. "I just met with my grandfather. I didn't know about this, Seung Jo. But he is refusing to change his mind. I'm sorry."

"She didn't set this up." Seung Jo read quietly to his mother who still appeared doubtful. "She can't get out of it though."

"I will step down." Soo Chang said in a quiet voice. "I won't let you—"

"No." Seung Jo and Geum Hee both shouted together.

"We won't be manipulated like this." His mother continued hotly. "This is your company and your son."

"We can't change the board's mind." Soo Chang reminded her. "They were already making noise about needing a fresh change. If we refuse to let President Yoon help, they will vote against me. I would rather step down than—"

"No." Seung Jo shook his head, whipping out his phone. "I will meet with him."

"No, you won't." Geum Hee began but Seung Jo snapped his head up with a growl. "It's not your decision."

"You're my son!"

"It's still my decision." Seung Jo said sharply as he walked away with the phone already attached to his ear. He talked low to Hae Ra for a long time while Geum Hee paced furiously.

"It's set." Seung Jo told them once he hung up. "We will meet her grandfather for the marriage meeting—"

A loud gasp from behind him made his stomach drop. He turned and with horror saw Ha Ni standing the doorway with a bag of food.

"Ha Ni," Geum Hee gasped. "No, it's not—"

"I didn't mean to interrupt." Ha Ni quickly put the bag down. "My father wanted me to drop this off for you. I uhh." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, trying to hide her shaking fingers but not really succeeding.

"I… I uh have to go." She whispered before dashing out, her legs burning and her lungs filled with grief.

She briefly heard Seung Jo shout her name but she didn't dare stop. She barreled down the stairs, panic filling her as she felt him coming up behind her.

"Ha Ni, stop." Seung Jo grabbed her arm but she yanked away with a loud cry. "No!"

He let go and they stood there panting. "It's not what you—"

"Are you going to a marriage meeting with Yoon Hae Ra or not?" Ha Ni demanded, tears of both anger and humiliation sliding down her cheeks.

Seung Jo nodded slowly. "Yes."

She stumbled back with a sob. "Why? Why would you do this to me? Why would say all those things about wanting me to break up with Kim Ki Tae when you had no intention—"

"No, Ha Ni." Seung Jo said sharply and tried to take a step towards her but she all but leaped into the wall with an almost frightened expression that made his heart stop. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Too late." Ha Ni sobbed. "You've hurt me so many times, Seung Jo. But this…" She shook her head. "I was even coming here to tell you that…"

"What?" Seung Jo insisted but she shook her head. "It doesn't matter now."

"Ha Ni, listen to me." Seung Jo kept his voice calm although he was secretly having a panic attack. "This just happened. Her grandfather will only invest in my father's company if we agreed to this meeting. It's business."

"Business?" Ha Ni whispered in disbelief. "You want me to be okay with you getting engaged for a business deal? Then what, Seung Jo?" Her voice rising furiously. "I also stand there and watch you get married for some fucking business deal!"

He lurched at the tone in her voice, his natural defensive going into effect. "You can't expect me to let my father get kicked out his own company just because you like me."

The minute the words were out of his mouth, Seung Jo wanted to throw up. The horrible pain on her face was enough to kill him. "No, Ha Ni that's not what—"

Hot tears were flowing so hard, Ha Ni could barely see. She shook her head as sobs rose in her throat so hard, she felt like she was choking. "I'm so stupid."

He scrubbed his face with a growl. "I didn't mean that… I just meant—Look." Seung Jo held up his hands impatiently. "Just let me figure this out. I need to talk Hae Ra and then we can—"

"There is no we," Ha Ni whispered but she might as well yelled it from the way hit him square in the chest. "And there is never going to be again."

His eyes widened in surprise but she had vanished down the stairwell before he could figure out a suitable reply. He didn't move for a long time before finally going back to his father's room where his parents were waiting on him after their own lengthy discussion.

His mother looked worried but managed to squeeze his hand with an assured smile. "I will talk to her."

"Give her some time." Seung Jo mumbled. "I didn't handle it well."

Geum Hee closed her eyes at this since she knew her son tended to lash out when he felt backed into a corner. Especially when it came to Ha Ni due to his strong feelings for her which seemed to overwhelm him.

"Talk to your father. I am going to get some water."

"You don't have to do this." Soo Chang began but Seung Jo shook his head firmly. "It's the only way."

"Baek Seung Jo," his father sighed. "Please, sit down."

With his jaw set, he sat in the chair beside the bed with a huff. "You're not stepping down."

"No," Soo Chang agreed. "Your mother is right. It is still my company…" He gave him a pointed stare. "And you are my son. No-one is going to force you to marry someone you don't love over money."

Seung Jo began to protest but his father stopped him with a hand slash. "I will talk to President Yoon. You are not responsible for this."

"I won't have you getting sick again." Seung Jo whispered. "Your health is the most important thing."

Soo Chang smiled and took his sons hand. "I love you for caring so much about me, Seung Jo. And I am sorry for ever putting you in this position. I should have handled my health a lot better. But I am not letting you bear any more pain because of your fathers foolishness."

Soo Chang leaned forward to ruffle his hair like he used to do when he was a kid. "Your mother is going to step in and handle the board tomorrow. She has a significant share and as my wife, she can speak for me."

Seung Jo absorbed this. His mother was a force of nature normally, let alone when she was in protective mode. He gave a slight laugh. "I almost feel sorry for them."

"Me too." Soo Chang chuckled before tenderly sighing. "Now, that we've got this settled, tell me what you did to Ha Ni."

"My usual."

"Oh boy." Soo Chang shook his head. "Did you even take the time to imagine how she felt about this?"

"It was a business deal." Seung Jo repeated earnestly. "I thought she would understand that your health—"

"Seung Jo," Soo Chang interrupted with rare impatience. "Will you let Ha Ni marry Bong Joon Gu when it comes time to save the noodle shop?"

"What?" Seung Jo quickly sat up. "Why would—"

"Oh Gi Dong can't work forever." Soo Chang pointed out. "And Ha Ni can't cook. But it would break her heart to see it leave the family. So, I could see her marrying Bong Joon Gu who also loves the restaurant in order to keep it going."

Seung Jo's eyes narrowed. "That's ridiculous. There would be no reason…" He trailed off as his father raised an eyebrow knowingly and Seung Jo grimaced. "Shit."

"There's my boy." Soo Chang laughed. "Now, go fix things with her before it's too late."

Seung Jo nodded and kissed his fathers cheek softly. "Thank you." He sobered briefly. "But no matter what happens dad, no-one is taking the company from you."

"I know." Soo Chang assured him. "Don't worry. Your mother and I built the company together. We'll save it together too."

"Because that's what couples do." Geum Hee said as she came to her husband's bed and climbed right in next to him despite the hospital's strict orders. She laid her head on his shoulder and gave her son a bright smile. "When you love each other, you battle together. Now, go on. You have your own fight waiting for you at home."

"Yeah," Seung Jo sighed. "Can you make sure Eun Jo—"

"Eun Jo is already with Gi Dong. He is going to stay at the noodle shop with him tonight." Geum Hee waved a hand dismissively. "And it's been a while since I've been able to sleep next to my husband." She made a show of yawning and pulled the covers off Soo Chang. "Hmm, comfortable."

"Yah!" Soo Chang tried to take them back but she was already too tightly cocooned. He looked at Seung Jo with a grin. "Feels just like home."

Ha Ni was throwing her clothes in a bag, tears still rolling down her cheeks. Her heart was breaking more violently than she had ever experienced before. Her relationship with Seung Jo had always had a touch of pain attached but this was excruciating.

"I can't believe I almost—" She stopped with a gasp and covered her face. Her body shuddering and she shook her head. "Stop it. Pack and go."

"And where do you think you're going?"

Ha Ni didn't turn around at the dry call. "Go away. I don't want to talk to you."

"Too bad." Seung Jo pushed off the wall and eyed her bag. "Don't bother trying to leave. I will simply stop you at the door."

"Then be prepared for me to kick you." Ha Ni snarled as she grabbed her clothes randomly from her closet. "And not on the shin."

He smirked and folded his arms. "All right. Go ahead and try to leave then. See what happens."

She ignored the challenge and kept packing her bag. He flinched at the coldness and reflected on how reversed they had become. "I am not doing the meeting, Ha Ni."

She paused momentarily before going back to her suitcase. "So?"

"So," Seung Jo continued carefully. "I'm sorry. I never should have agreed to it in the first place."

"But you did." Ha Ni whirled to face him, her eyes blazing furiously. "In the end, it didn't matter if it would hurt me, Seung Jo. You did it anyway and figured you could just make it up to me later. Just like you always do."

"No." Seung Jo pointed at her firmly. "You can be mad, Ha Ni but don't put words or intentions in my mouth. I never planned on marrying Hae Ra. We both agreed to the meeting to buy time for dads company but neither of us planned—"

"I don't want to hear about what you and Hae Ra had planned." Ha Ni shouted over him. "If you're such a good team then just be with her, Seung Jo."

"I don't want to be with her."

This calm reply stopped her but the pain was too fresh for her to fully listen. "I-I can't do this anymore." She shook her head frantically. "I have to go."

Seung Jo eyes narrowed. "If you have something to say to me then say it, don't run away."

Ha Ni grabbed her bag and began to push past him but with a low growl, he grabbed her arm, swinging her around. She tried to push him off but he only used his body to pin her into the door.

"We can fight if you want," Seung Jo swore darkly. "But you're not leaving. So say whatever you need to say."

"I almost walked away from Ki Tae." Ha Ni confessed, anger making her voice unnaturally deep. "He told me he loved last week and I almost left him, Seung Jo. And the whole time, you were arranging meetings with Yoon Hae Ra."

Seung Jo's eyes darkened and he pressed further into her front. "When he told you he loved you? What did you say?"

"Nothing." Ha Ni desperately tried to push him off but it was about as pointless as a moving a boulder. "I didn't say anything because I was so confused. But I am not confused anymore, Seung Jo. I know exactly who I—"

Seung Jo slammed his mouth down over hers making her gasp. Unlike the time at the restaurant, this kiss was anything but soft. He was rough and demanding as his lips moved against her. He kissed her until her legs gave out and she sank bonelessly against him. With a groan, he pulled away and tucked his face into her neck. "Damn it."

"Why are you doing this?" Ha Ni whispered tearfully even as she arched to give him better access as his lips skimmed down her throat. "Why can't you just let me leave?"

His hand reached up to slam her bedroom door close and she heard the loud click of the lock echo around them.

"Words have never been my strong suit." Seung Jo murmured in her ear. "And I am done trying to use them with you." His fingers found the zipper at the back of her dress and his eyes darkened as he slowly pulled it down. "Now, we are going to fight my way."

"Baek Seung Jo—"

"My way doesn't involve talking, Ha Ni." Seung Jo said huskily and slipped the straps off her shoulders. "So, you can either agree to keep living here." His lips brushing over the exposed skin of her chest. "And call it a night or we can keep fighting."

He slipped his hands inside the loose garment with an appreciative hum at the feel of her bare skin and leaned back to meet her heady gaze. His tone no longer even remotely playful as he struggled to hold on to his control.

"Your choice, Ha Ni."

She breathed heavily for a moment before closing her eyes, the words on her lips struggling against the desires of her body. "Seung Jo, I-I don't know what to do. My head and heart want two different things."

He gave a suffering sigh but she could see the gleam in his eyes as he suddenly picked her up and threw her onto the bed with a nonchalant shrug. "Looks like we're fighting then."