Hello everyone! I have gone back and edited the story, and updated every chapter. Whether you are new to this story, or returning, I welcome and thank you for being here. I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am!

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Bardock has been plagued with visions of Planet Vegeta's demise! They have lead to this moment. The moment in which he and Gine must send their youngest son, Kakrott off-world. Somewhere safe. Somewhere he can grow and survive. Somewhere away from the Freiza Force. Gine has informed Raditz that they will be sending Kakarott to planet Earth, as Bardock has taken the task of stealing a Saiyan pod.

As he makes his way out of the Saiyan Laboratory, he is struck with another vision. He is witnessing what appears to be a younger version of himself, facing off against Freiza! Bardock's head explodes with pain, as the vision begins to flicker, and he desperately tries to hone in on crucial details. Things that could help him change his fate. The fight is on a grassy planet...He falls to one knee. Dropping the pod and clutching his head in pain. His head is pulsing, mind reeling. It was as if he was punched in the face by Dodoria. He strains trying to think of which planet it was. The planet looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. He shook himself off and kept moving home. It was not until he reached home that it hit him—planet Namek. Without thinking, he opened the pod and punched in the coordinates for Namek.

He burst through the door of his home and was immediately greeted by Gine. She informs him that she was able to get a hold of Raditz and encouraged their son to stay off-planet. Tears start to well up in her eyes. Bardock looks past her towards Kakarott's pod. He tells her that he has changed Kakarott's destination and that it is time to say good-bye. Her tears begin to fall as she gets Kakarott from his pod and dresses him. There is so much she wants to say, but she trusts her husband. She doesn't protest.

This will be the last time she will see any of her children, she thinks to herself. She smiles at Bardock as he puts his hand on her. Unlike with other Saiyan males, her Bardock very clearly cared about her and their children. They locked eyes and understood each other. No other words were said. They loaded Kakarott into the pod. She placed her hand on the glass for one last good-bye. Then she sighed and cried into Bardock's chest. The ship shot off into space. She looked up at her husband's face and saw his grim expression. He wasn't looking at her. He was looking up at the sky, and for a split second, she saw a hint of... sadness? No...acceptance.

The alarms blared, announcing Freiza's arrival. King Vegeta loved to use the bell as a signal. A means to say, please don't do anything that would anger the spoiled brat. She laughed to herself. She had hoped with all her being that Bardock's instinct was wrong this time, but the alarm was painting a different picture. She tried to lie to herself. Maybe Frieza was simply going to congratulate the Saiyans for all the hard work that they've done for him. She knew better. Bardock's instinct was always right. She backed away from her husband as he floated into the air. "I love you!" she blurts to him as he ascends. He stops. Sighs, and clenches his fists tight. Without a word, he flies off. She smiles.

Bardock shoots up into the sky, rushing towards Freiza's ship, with only one thing on his mind. Freiza must pay. Whatever Freiza has planned, it is up to him and him alone to make a stand. His thoughts begin to waver toward his family. He grunts. Flies faster.

He arrives just in time to see Frieza charging up a large death ball. He is immediately ambushed by a handful of Freiza force soldiers, but he powers up to push them back. He charges up a Spirit Cannon and bellows out the top of his lungs, "TAKE THIS FRIEZA!" The blast shines bright blue and takes out an unlucky soldier on it's crash course to the Death Ball.

Frieza laughs, "Ohohoho, look at the Monkey dancing! How quaint! It thinks it can hold a candle to the blazing fury of the Mighty Frieza!" He cackles maniacally as he powers up the Death Ball even more.

Bardock reaches deep inside himself to try and push back Frieza's attack. He thinks of Gine and his sons and feels a power bubbling inside him. He yells out again, "FRIEZA! This ends now!" He feels the Death Ball start to give. He digs in deeper.

"Tch, stupid monkey." Frieza thinks to himself angrily as he is forced to put more power into the blast than he wanted. He recovers and returns to his fit of laughter as the Spirit Cannon dissipates into the Death Ball.

Bardock watches in horror as his blast vanishes into the Death Ball. He powers up and launches a flurry of blasts at the nightmare looming before him. Nothing. He smiles and starts to laugh like a madman as well as he flies toward Frieza. He plows through nameless soldiers. He launches himself directly at the blast, trying to muster all the strength he can to hold the blast back, maybe push it back. He is fighting with his very essence but can only slow the ball for just a second. It overcomes him as he feels his muscles snap, and his body begins to separate. He laughs to himself as he is stricken with a vision of his son defeating Frieza. Everything flashes bright, and then he is gone. Dust.

Elsewhere, Gine looks up and sees that the bright light in the sky has started to gain momentum. Thank you, Bardock. She thinks to herself, as she accepts the inevitable, and she too parishes with her beloved.