a/n: I have decided that I am going to forgo the story and take inspiration with the timeline but not go completely with it. Also this is going to be a fast paced story as my last story just ended up a bit depressing. Warning lemon.


Things have been overall good. Things with Paul went very fast. We are now living together. For the first month we got to know each other. Had a couple of dates a week. Then just hung out another few times a week. Things with Jacob during that time was tense. Until Paul confronted him at the end of the month to cut our his attitude. So I got a lot less death glares and snide comments. Which made things better. We both still got glared at and growled at by Jacob if we are being to 'lovey dovey'. We both just wish that Jacob could just see that he could be happy too. Bella is happy with Edward. She barely sees Jacob. She is planning on moving away with Edward as soon as she graduates.

Edward wanted to get married and all that jazz first. But with the Volturi breathing down their necks after the Victoria situation. Bella is basically being forced to change. I have told Edward to suck it up and that they will have eternity to get married. Plus pointed out how wrong it is to basically forcing Bella to get married when she doesn't want to. As the way I and the Volturi basically sees it is Edward is trying to delay the inevitable. I have told him to man up and get her turned before the Volturi or some other Vampire kills her.

So Jacob didn't take to kindly to me basically shoving the love of his life into the arms of a vampire. But sucks for him.

Paul and I during the second month has been great. Basically spent the majority of the month living together. The first couple of weeks of the month was us just trying to spend as much time as possible with each other before the battle of the newborns with Victoria. Afterwards, after trying to help take care of Jacob which was hard when he kept screaming at me to go away and to bring Bella back. I got so exhausted with the complaining that once Jacob was on the mend. I went back home with Paul and just cried to sleep out of exhaustion and frustration.

I don't understand where the spirit people decided that it was good having a double imprint. It would have been so much easier without Jacob. I do love him, but I can't decide if I actually do or if it's the imprint. Paul has been fantastic and has been so supportive. He makes me happy. Just last week I asked Paul to move in. Fast, I know. Normally if it was any other kind of relationship with a human this wouldn't be happening. But I feel safe with Paul. Paul has been less angry since the imprint. Except for the stuff with Jacob. Especially after last week.


I was at the reservation, lying on the beach as it was actually sunny. Bella was at the Edwards. I was just relaxing reading my book, quite content. When a shadow came over me. I looked up and saw Jacob. I patted the spot next to me. He took the hint and sat down.

"Hi Jacob, how have you been?"

"I have not been too bad. I have been missing Bella" he replied looking out at the ocean. I sighed putting the bookmark in my book and set it in my beach bag.

"It is a big change, from hanging out with her practically every day to not so much. She is happy though. So you should be happy for her" I reasoned lying back putting my arms behind my head looking up at the sky.


I heard Ariel move and I looked beside me scanning Ariel's bikini clad body. She wore a dark blue lace bikini skirt and matching triangle bikini top. Stretched out on her bright green beach towel. She was very beautiful. So relaxed and happy. Paul must be taking good care of her. Better than I do. I love Bella. Why couldn't she have been my imprint. Would have saved so much grief.

"I know she's happy, but I can be so much better for her. Anyway, how have you been?" I asked her. She turned her head in my direction and smiled.

"I have been really good. Paul has basically been living with me so I am have asked him to move in. He is going to move in this weekend. I can't wait. It is going to be really good. Knowing that he will just come home to me after patrol… I know you think Bella is the one, but you are just going to get hurt in the end. I can feel what you feel. I do hate that you hate me. I don't know where I would be just now emotionally without Paul."

"Ariel… I…. I am sorry for putting you through this. I hate that I imprinted on you, because I can't be who you need me to be" I replied looking towards the ocean. "It would have been better if you weren't here. I would stand a chance to keep Bella human, get married and have children. But you ruined that" I growled in hatred towards the end.

I heard a shuffling and a quiet sniffling. I turned around and saw Ariel packing up her stuff. Guilt hit me, why do I keep doing this? This is not me.

"Ariel, wait" I said.

She turned around to face me and took her sunglasses off. I saw the tear tracks and watery eyes making the lighter green flecks shine. Eyes a bit red but the emotion in them was sheer hate and anger. I flinched at the sight.

"No Jacob! You don't get to be sorry. Ever! You are doing this to myself. I have done nothing! You are nothing but a silly little boy that wants something that he can't have! You could have had love! I could have loved you!" she put her hand up to her mouth to stifle a sob of anger before running her hand through her hair.

"I love my sister and I am not letting this imprint with you getting between that. I am going to support her in all decisions. She loved Edward first, she will always love Edward. She hates being human, as a vampire she will be happy. I just hate that you feel the need to use me as your relationship advisor on my sister. You realize how messed up that is. You can still talk to me but from now unless Bella is in hospital or something like that. I don't want you mentioning her or wanting advise about her in anymore of our conversations. Is that clear?" she said more calmly.

I nodded silently. She huffed and shuffled behind me and sat back down. I looked at her again and she now wore a matching blue lace bikini covering. Head in her hands as she sighed.

"You stress me out so much Jacob"

"I am sorry Ariel"

"Sorry isn't good enough anymore. I want you to think about what you really want in life. Bella will be gone soon and I don't want you ruining that. You are welcome at Paul and I's house anytime as long as it's not to cause trouble. Come to us when you decide to accept the imprint" she said with a small smile, hand on my shoulder.


I looked him in the eyes. Those eyes that shone love in them for a minute a couple of months ago. I slipped my hand from his shoulder to his cheek. I leaned in

"Don't move" I whispered against his lips and lightly kissed his lips, when he didn't pull back I kissed a bit harder.

I pulled away and smiled sadly at him. I stood up and grabbed my bag, checking that I had everything before heading back to my car. Once inside, I looked back at him. He hadn't moved. He was looking towards the ocean again. I drove off.


She kissed me. It was amazing. I heard her drive off home. Home. Where she has Paul. I felt the emptiness fill me again when she left. I know she feels it too. But being with Paul helps her. I can feel it when they are happy. I do want that. But… Bella, I love her. I am sure I do. Or do I love the idea of her. I do not know anymore.


I can't believe how much has changed in the last two months. For the better. As much as I have hated what Jacob has been doing to Ariel and me. I have enjoyed our private time. Just the two of us. I can't believe I live with Ariel now. It has been such a good week. I didn't think I would ever imprint. I didn't think I had it in me to settle down. But with Ariel it's just so easy. I think tonight might the night if you know what I mean. We have been getting close to it this past week. I can't wait to get home from patrol.


Paul was out for patrol, he is due coming home any minute now. I have set up the table with candles and bottle of white wine. I have made Paul some pesto pasta with cheese for dinner. Earlier I grabbed a nice light dress in a mint green colour and put a small white rose clip in the left side of my hair keeping it from my face. But letting the right side of my hair fall free. Putting in some diamond studs. I did my nails in a mint green colour and my makeup light/natural.

Any second now and he will be here. I heard the keys in the lock and I sucked in a nervous breath and served the pasta quickly. He walked through and stopped. I looked up at him and bit my lip.

"Surprise!" I exclaimed.

"What's all this for?" Paul asked coming up to hug me tightly in greeting. Giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Just thought we could have a small date night tonight" I said shyly.

"Well, thank-you for this. It looks amazing. You look amazing" he said giving me a deep kiss on the lips. I moaned as he cupped my ass.

"Let's have some dinner" I said when we stopped kissing.

We are dinner in relative silence. Playing footsie under the table. I took a sip of my wine, looking Paul in the eye dragging my foot up his leg.

"You will have to stop doing that" he said in a low voice. His eyes darkening.

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"Unless you want to suffer the consequences" he replied.

"Maybe I do" I said softly whilst standing up and walking up to him and straddling him bringing his hand to my hips.

"Don't do this unless you are ready" Paul whispered against my lips.

"I am ready" I said kissing him, bringing my hands up his chest and into his hair. Bringing him closer. I felt his hands go lower pushing the skirt of the my dress up. I felt his hands graze my thighs. Slowly going up them. Back to my hips.

"No pants?" he asked, his eyes completely dark.

"Just the dress" I replied. He growled low and pushed me into him. Lifting me up forcing my legs to go around his waist. He carried me up to the bedroom. Walking through the door of the bedroom. He threw me lightly on the bed, flipping me on my stomach. He pushed my hair to the side. Kissing my neck. My breathing going heavy and felt my heart pick up. His hands at the zipper of my dress, pulling it down. He pushed the dress a little off my shoulders. His hands going from my back to my breasts under the dress. Lifting me up against his back. On my knees. The dress fell from my arms, settling around my knees. His left hand moved down over my slightly rounded stomach through my curls to the sweet spot. He parted my lower lips and found my clit. He started rubbing and my breath hitched. He continued kissing my neck. My head falling onto his shoulder. I moaned. He stopped suddenly, I moaned in frustration. Pushing me back down. Pulling the dress completely off of me.

Pressing one hand in between my shoulder blades. He used his legs to push mine apart. His other hand found what he was looking for and started pumping. I gasped when he pushed a finger in. After a few minutes a second one joined. As my breathing increased. My hands bunched the sheets beneath me. His fingering increased. I felt building and the need for release.

"More, Please Paul please" I begged and he moved faster. My hips gyrating against his hand and finally I released. I screamed his name. He pulled my hips up and pushed inside of me. I felt another orgasm build inside me as the other was subsiding.

"Faster!" I screamed and he pulled almost completely out before going back in hard. I couldn't take it much longer. It was too much. Finally we both screamed and he bit into my neck and collapsed on top of me.

"That was amazing" he said as he pushed himself off of me. Rolling me towards him for a cuddle. I brought my thigh over his and snuggled into his side whilst trying to get my breath.

"Definitely" I breathed out. "Did you actually bite me?" I asked bringing my hand up to the bite but found no blood.

"Yeah, I was claiming you or the wolf was through that. Don't worry I will never break the skin" he replied whilst kissing the area.

"Cool. I love you Paul" I said kissing him. Dragging the covers over us.

"I love you too Ariel" Paul replied kissing my head.