The flagship's corridors - twisting, branching, confusing to anyone without knowledge of Republic layouts. Or the Force. Revan has both, and he knows exactly where he's headed. The door slides open before he even gets near it, revealing modest officers' quarters.

- I've been waiting for you, - Bastila says with a little smile of relief on her face, but the sadness he felt moments before still remains. She is sitting on the bed, legs crossed, with a holopad in her hand.

"Get in quick, what took you so long?" - she adds impatiently, and nearly slams him with the shutting door as he walks inside.

- What's this? - he nods at the pad she's holding curiously.

- A memory. The holos of those who didn't make it through the battle, - with a quiet buzz, an image of a Rodian in a Republic uniform appears. - The ones I... - her voice quivers, and she bites her lip, unable to finish.

- Don't blame yourself... - he starts, but it has just the opposite effect:

- Who else is there to blame?! I killed them, Revan! I did it! My Battle Meditation did it.

Revan sighs and sits close, embracing her in a big bear hug.

- You used to take countless lives before. What has changed now?

- But- but those were enemies! Scum like bandits, poachers, hired killers... the Sith!

- Still people, all of them.

- Yes... that only makes things worse, doesn't it?

- These soldiers were your enemies at the time you fought them. That's the way wars are.

- I hate wars, - she sighs after a brief pause.

- So do I. Funny, eh?

Bastila sits silent for a while, nestled against him, eyes closed, thinking.

- Switching sides is a harsh experience, isn't it? - she whispers then, lifting her face to look him in the eyes. - I think I understand you better now.

- I'm sorry you had to learn it this way, - he responds, touching her cheek gently.

- Still my own choice, - the girl says with a bitter smirk and pulls closer. - Good to have you here. Helps with my demons... a lot.

- Came as soon as I'd managed to make everyone forget about us. 'Bit tough with Master Vandar aboard, - the man smiles.

- I'm glad he survived. But you know - I don't want to hide anymore. Whatever Master Vandar says, whatever the Council says. This... this is so much more than just a bond.

- I don't want to hide either. But are you sure...

Bastila raises to her knees abruptly, placing hands on Revan's shoulders and staring him in the eye.

- I have never been so sure of anything in my whole life. I love you. I do. And I won't deny it.

- You are not afraid to love anymore then?

- After everything we've been through, I am afraid of literally nothing.

- Funny... now that I remember our conversations, even though we both knew it all the way and spoke of it as a given, I've never actually voiced the three words together. I. Love. You.

- I like the sound of it. Say it often, - she smiles, moving her face closer, and they come together in a long passionate kiss, followed soon by sounds of their gear hitting the durasteel floor.

Somewhere in the VIP quarters, Master Vandar Tokare sighs and shakes his head, tsking.

- Something troubles you as well, - Bastila states without a doubt, lifting her head a bit to give him a look, her chestnut hair spread all over his chest.

- Yes. I still can't put the puzzle together. All my strategy I can remember was too excessive for mere conquering of the Republic space. I had planned a powerful machine - durable, sustainable, well-defended. As if something else was coming. As if... I found more dejarik than I wanted.

- That... that's no good news.

- I have a strange feeling that destroying the Star Forge may have been a mistake that will cost us dearly.

- Or it would be such a mistake if we decided to take it for the Republic. Don't you remember what it could do to our minds? Even despite our strength in the Force.

- Perhaps you're right, - Revan frowns, thinking. - The worst thing is that I cannot recall anything else, no matter how hard I try. Like the Force is hiding something from me on purpose.

- Perhaps it's not the time yet. If there's anything or anyone left I can trust, it's the Force... and you.

- If the Force does have it's own will... I am not sure I want to trust it. Well, that rounds up to just you, - Revan smiles, kissing the top of her head.

- I wouldn't trust myself though, - Bastila responds bitterly.

- Hah, still we're even here, love.

- Do you have any ideas?

- Well, Malak could probably clarify something if he was alive... but there are others who might be able to help me with the missing pieces. There are at least two people I should search out. The two exiles. Kreia, my old master... And Meetra.

- General Surik? - the girl frowns, sounding irritated.

- Heeeey, look who's jealous! - Revan can't help but laugh out.

- I'm not! - she jumps up and tosses a pillow in his face.

- Don't be, - he pulls her close and kisses. - She was just a friend back then... a friend I valued much less than she deserved, now that I think of it. With myself being mostly the brain of operations, and Alek being the muscle, she was the heart. Holding it all together somehow, making people flow to us like an endless river and fight until the end. But don't fret, love, you're still the one to me.

"Attention crew and passengers", - a sudden announcement interrupts the conversation. - "The vessel is arriving to the drop point in 60 minutes. Please prepare to proceed to your assigned transports and get ready for departure."

- This is it. Gotta run before we have to answer unnecessary questions, - the man winks, reaching out and grabbing his robes from the floor.

- I cannot accept this, Admiral, - says Bastila quietly, but firmly, standing tall and looking Forn Dodonna in the eyes. The woman in a pertectly tidy uniform gives her a severe understanding glance and replies in a low voice:

- You still have to, Knight Shan. No-one knows of the... circumstances, save myself, your crew, and the Jedi. People need their legends. Their heroes. Soldiers need their fighting spirit. You will accept it. And hopefully it will help you remember this battle... we owe you it's ending anyway. Please, - she adds suddenly, in an almost unintelligible whisper.

The Jedi bites her lip, sighs and gives a solemn nod, stepping forward and letting the Admiral pin the Republic Cross to her chest. People downstairs are cheering loudly, and she forces herself to wave in response and beam a cordial smile at them. Eyeing the crowd, she finds herself thinking that whatever Malak had invented back then wasn't much harder to bear. The moment the ceremony is over and the celebrations begin, she slips away, apologizing for not feeling so well, and flees to the shore, settling herself on a sun-heated rock with a good view of the ocean rolling its waves against spaceship wrecks.

- There you are, - a familiar voice comes from behind, although she already knows he's here. But knowing is one thing, and seeing Revan climb up the narrow rocky path and beam one of his best smiles at her is certainly something completely different. - Seems like it's not our party, is it?

- Definitely not mine, but you could've stayed longer if you wanted. You're the spotlight after all, - she sneers, looking at him with her head tilted.

- I have my own spotlight right here, - the man replies cheerfully, landing beside her and crossing his legs. - Never liked parties anyway. Care for a walk?

- Would love one.

- Catch up then! Wheeee! - Revan starts on his feet abruptly and takes a huge leap down the cliff, softening the fall with the Force.

- Hey! I've agreed to a walk, not some crazy jumping, you laserbrain! - Bastila shouts, laughing, but still follows with her usual grace, landing softly at the white forshore sand and taking off her boots.

- That's it, the best walking route ever, - the 'laserbrain' claims, already standing ankle deep in waves with his own boots in hand.

- Alright, you win, - the girl smiles, coming up close and cuddling to him.

- What's on your mind? - he asks, looking at her serious pensive face as they pace slowly along the shore.

- This and that... I've been thinking of facing the High Council on Coruscant. It's something I must do, whatever happens.

- I'll be there for you, - he responds, gripping her shoulder. - Whatever happens.

- Didn't you promise Operation Korriban to Carth? He told me you were going after his son.

- Well, Coruscant first, and Operation Korriban next, I will need some preparations anyway. Will probably have to visit Nar Shaddaa as well. So, I really hope your High Counsil doesn't lock us up or something.

- It's not 'mine'! No more than yours anyway.

- Alright, alright, don't kill me, - Revan giggles, raising his palms in a peace gesture.

- I'll be going with you, - she states. - What? Don't look at me like this, surely you have already invented some cover!

- Well... you are a bit short for a Mandalorian...

- Pft, I can still be hell of a Mandalorian! Some big deal - wear a helmet, shut up and kick ass! - she strikes an epic pose, holding her hands in a manner of imaginary blasters. - Surely I can do that.

- No way I'll believe you can shut up on a mis- - an immediate slight Force Push bounces Revan into water, but he manages to catch Bastila's sleeve and drags her down with him with a huge splash, laughing. After a bit of wrestling and rolling around he lets her pin him down and lies still with a wide grin, admiring the sight of her hot face, her messed wet hair, her bright eyes and aggressive smile. After a short pause, the girl bends down and lands a sweet kiss on his lips.

- Now we're all soaked and full of sand, - she says with a sham anger, still smiling.

- Don't tell me you didn't learn Force Blow Dryer, your Highness!

- I've only learnt Force Shut Up Peasant And Give Me Some Dry Clothes!

- If you kindly give me all your clothes, I might be able to dry them in, say... three hours.

- What if I give you my lightsaber instead? Because it's not a waterproof model anymore since I had to repair it, - she frowns, shaking the hilt violently, then concentrates for a moment and draws a wavering chain of droplets from it with Force. - Not that I can use it anyway... not until I find another crystal, - with an electrical crack, it still begins to light up, and two small reddish tongues of plasma show up for a second, awakening a storm of mutual memories.

- That reminds me... - Revan breaks the awkward silence, reaching in his pocket. - I kept these for you, - he opens his hand, revealing several beautiful natural crystals, coloured from amber to rare silver, a couple of them being power ones, accompanied by the famous krayt dragon pearl.

- Don't tell me you killed another dragon on your way to the Star Forge, - she whispers, staring at the stones.

- Of course not, it's that exact one I've been using ever since. I want you to have it now.

Bastila smiles and hugs him tightly.

- Thank you. I guess it's something to keep me busy tonight then.

- Unless you want me to keep you busy, - he responds, locking his hands on her lower back.

- A tempting alternative... but I don't think we'll be allowed much more privacy. Unless we don't come back at all, which would cause an unnecessary mess, - she grins.

- Agreed. But we still have a couple of hours before the unnecessary mess arises.

- Good point! - with a sly look, the girl raises herself on tiptoes, bites his ear and whispers: - I think I know exactly what we are going to do with our clothes.

- I can't keep myself from wondering, - she looks at Revan with a curious squint, as they walk back to the temple admiring the sunset. - Don't you really want your own Empire anymore? Wouldn't you like me to call you "Master", hrm?

- Well, you are not HK, are you?

- Statement: Thankfully, I'm not!

- That's it then, - Revan smiles. - No masters, no apprentices, no empires. I do like it this way, as long as it can last.

- What would you like to be called then? - she purrs, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. - A meatbag perhaps?

- Even "Bantha Poodoo" is music to my ears if it comes from your mouth, - he replies with a grin.

- Alright, shut up, Bantha Poodoo, and kiss me already.