Author's Note: Hey! I know I haven't finished 'Moral Dilema' yet but I got this idea the other day and couldn't get it out of my head. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 1:
Raven woke up, rubbing her eyes, groggily. She opened her eyes, an overwhelming feeling of fear gripping her for some reason. She groaned when she felt her covers wet with sweat. Sitting up, she said her mantra to calm herself down. She had a nightmare. Although less common since the defeat of Trigon and her increased control over her powers, she still sometimes found herself having a nightmare generally related to her destroying the world. It had been awhile, though, she thought, as she assumed her lotus position, levitated a few inches from her bed, and properly meditated to get her emotions back in control.
Fifteen minutes later, she finally felt her usual calm fully replace the residual fear from her nightmare. Although she felt better, she grumbled something about having to meditate so early under her breath as she got ready for the day. She glanced at her clock. It read 8:17am. She groaned. Being that it was a Sunday, there wasn't any early morning training, but she still liked getting up early to enjoy the quiet in the tower. No such luck, today, her nightmare had caused her to sleep three hours extra. She grumbled again and went about her morning ritual.
It should have been simple, a quick shower, brushing her teeth, and combing her hair. It wasn't. First, her toothbrush managed to slip and fell into the sink, causing her to wash it and try again. Moments later, she went to grab her comb but managed to drop her brush again, this time onto the counter before it bounced and landed on the floor. After trying to brush for the third time, she was finally successful. Next, she moved on to taking a shower. She'd taken countless showers before, but all that experience decided to conveniently leave her brain. She fell trying to get into the shower, managed to nearly throw her shampoo bottle out of the shower, basically ripped the shower curtain off the hinges, and fell again, all before turning the water on.
Nearly an hour later, she had finally gotten ready. It had not been a good morning. She glanced at her clock once more before leaving her room. It read 9:15. She groaned, the whole tower would be in the common room by now. No doubt they'd pester her with questions about where she'd been. Especially Beast Boy. Her blood started to boil as she thought about his particularly vicious barrage of pranks marking the first week of April. Then she thought about how happy his pranks made him and thought about his goofy smile for some reason. Nonetheless, she found herself calming down, he was just trying to lighten the mood. With a deep breath to calm herself completely, she entered the common room.
What she saw was nothing different than usual, Cyborg and Beast Boy were on the couch watching cartoons, Starfire was trying out some sort of Tamaranian delicacy, destroying the kitchen as she hummed, happily. Robin was sitting on the counter across from Starfire, reading some files and trying not to stare. Raven rolled her eyes at that. It had been four years since Tokyo and the two had yet to start dating. Although, everyone knew it was coming, eventually. Raven made her way to the stove. She tried, unsuccessfully, to get around Starfire who hadn't yet noticed her. When she finally did turn around, her face lit up.
"Friend Raven! I have made the tea for you." She said, pointing to an inconspicuous cup of tea sitting on the counter. Before Raven could ask, she continued. "I assumed you were feeling unwell and I know tea makes you feel better." She beamed. Raven couldn't, and frankly didn't want to, hide a small smile that made it's way to her lips. Starfire's emotions lit up even more at that. Raven had to admit, Starfire knew her well, much better than she let on most of the time.
"Thanks, Star." She said, monotone but her eyes betraying otherwise. Starfire simply smiled and returned to her creation, sniffing it experimentally before dousing it in more mustard. Raven winced before walking to the couch. She sat down a few feet away from Beast Boy and materialized a book out of thin air. Beast Boy didn't notice. At least, it appeared that way. With his super-human senses, he knew the exact second Raven walked into the room, he kept tabs on all his teammates, although he would never admit it and risk his reputation as the carefree comic relief of the team. He did know, however, that his senses seemed especially tuned to Raven. He didn't know why, but he assumed, incorrectly, that it was because she was the most mysterious and the most prone to random occurrences of danger due to her abilities. Pushing those thoughts to the side, he smiled and set about his original goal. He had one person left to prank in this spectacular week of pranking.
"Hey Raven." He said, smiling. Opting to not use her nickname. He'd need to save her irritation for his prank. She nodded at him, eyes never leaving her book. Her thoughts did, though. Why hadn't he used her nickname? Not that she was complaining but it was definitely odd for him. She hoped he'd finally decided to stop calling her that, but she knew she had no such luck. "Hey, Cy, I'm gonna go take a shower." He added, turning to his other friend.
"Man. I didn't think you took those." Cyborg joked, not looking away from the television. Beast Boy punched his friend's metal shoulder, yelping in pain. Cyborg laughed as Beast Boy walked away, grumbling something about a 'stupid metal man.' Raven smirked and felt his presence leave the room but then felt it vanish. She chalked it up to him changing forms. Although she was accustomed to feeling his normal presence just like those of her teammates, she still had trouble feeling his presence if he shifted into a small enough form. She returned to her book, amused by the interaction that just took place. Moments later she forgot about everything as her book had fully captured her attention and senses. She prided herself at being able to tune out almost everything when engrossed in meditation or a book. Everything but Beast Boy, he tended to make his presence known. Be it with obnoxious jokes or simply saying her name until she relented and gave him her attention. She marveled at the fact that she hadn't killed him yet. Unbeknownst to her, a part of her subconscious was happy she hadn't.
In the hallway, as a fly, Beast Boy simply waited. He waited until he heard Raven's breathing slow and he could smell her becoming relaxed. Although he obviously couldn't read emotions, certain ones smelled. Fear smelled particularly strong, as did surprise and anger. Fear, however, was naturally his favorite seeing as he could turn into any predator in the animal kingdom.
Once her scent returned to the one Beast Boy assumed to be associated with peace or calmness, Beast Boy flew back into the room, still a fly. He made his way behind Raven. Then, as fast as he could, he shifted into a tiger and roared loudly. Not very loud, he didn't want her to kill him, but more than loud enough to scare her.
She jumped. The roar in her ear scared the life out of her. So much so that her entire center was thrown off for a moment. Her fear manifested itself as a wave of black energy that knocked over the couch and took Cyborg and herself with it. In addition, nearly all the windows in the common room cracked. She also yelped. Not a normal yelp, but a squeak of fear. Definitely one of the most embarrassing sounds that had ever come out of her mouth. Very un-Raven. Everyone knew it, too. Starfire tried to hide her giggle, unsuccessfully. Cybog clutched the non-robotic part of his head but started laughing. Robin chuckled and shook his head. Beast Boy, however, was hysterical. He had since shifted into a hyena and was laughing as obnoxiously as possible.
Raven was furious. She got up, using her powers to aggressively flip the couch upright and Cyborg along with it. She then glared at Beast Boy. He stopped laughing and shifted back into his normal form, still smiling and trying to hold in a chuckle.
"Beast Boy." She said, sternly. She closed her eyes trying to control her anger.
"Yep?" He asked, still smiling. She had had it. He didn't even try to apologize. He just stood there, grinning like an idiot. It's like he wanted her to be mad at him.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" She said, her two eyes beginning to glow red. Beast Boy looked at her before bursting into laughter. She shuddered in anger.
"" He gasped out between fits of laughter. Her hair had stuck up due to friction and was standing straight up in the middle. Raven's embarrassment increased and her anger right along with it. Her two eyes turned into four and turned red. She grew in height and black tendrils sprouted from under her cloak, which had since made its way over her head. Beast Boy had his eyes closed as he continued to roll around on the floor as a hyena, laughing.
"You. Are. Dead!" Raven spat out, her voice taking on a demonic quality. Beast Boy's blood froze. He opened his eyes and looked at Raven. He shifted back to his normal form and slowly backed away.
"R...Raven. Itwasjustaprank." He rushed, trying to save himself from her wrath. The rest of the team looked on in worry mixed with amusement. They knew Raven was still in control, this was definitely not something big enough for her to completely lose control, right?
"You think you know fear?" She said, her demonic side enjoying his fear. Beast Boy shook his head, trying to calm her down. "You know NOTHING!" She growled at last, eyes glowing before she raised an arm at him. He paled even more before vanishing. Raven returned to her normal form, a satisfied smirk on her face. The rest of the team laughed. Raven felt much better. She returned to her position on the couch and continued to read until she was interrupted by Cyborg a few minutes later, turning his attention to her after his laughter finally subsided.
"So, where did ya send the little green bean?" He asked, chuckling. Raven's smirk returned.
"I sent him to think about what he's done in his room." Raven said, satisfied.
"You put him in timeout?" Cyborg asked, laughing.
"Basically. If he's going to act like a child, he deserves to be treated like one." She said, returning to her book, smugly. She could still hear Cyborg laughing long after he left the room.
The rest of the day proceeded as normal. With one thing missing, Beast Boy. No one questioned it. They assumed Beast Boy was embarrassed, or angry. The next day passed as well, no one bothering to question it. Beast Boy tended to be touchy when his pranks backfired.
Author's Note: There's more coming in the next few days. Just figured I'd post the first part. Let me know if you enjoyed it!