"Leave him alone, Kyler."
Those firm words had been all it took to get Kyler to take his hands off him. It drew the jock's attention toward Miguel, allowing Eli to slink back and shrink into his shoulders.
Miguel, meanwhile, had a look of defiance on his face.
The confrontation didn't go as well as Miguel had probably intended when he spoke up. But all three of them managed to escape from the library none the worse, except for Demetri's soiled backpack.
Eli didn't know what to think. Nobody had ever stood up for him like that. He would've liked to explain to Miguel what that meant to him, but all he could mutter after the fact was a measly, "Thanks."
"No prob," said Miguel with a shrug, giving him a pat on the back. Eli knew his inability to be articulate with his words meant his feelings had not come across like he'd hoped. Miguel didn't understand. He wished Miguel could read his mind instead, that would be easier. Words were difficult.
Eli started to notice things after that day. Little things. Like how cheesy Miguel's smile could be, and how much he liked that smile.
But it was more than physical appeal. Miguel was brave, to the point of being "stupid brave," as Demetri would've phrased it. Demetri had criticized Miguel for standing up to Kyler at the Halloween dance, but Eli could imagine nothing cooler.
Nobody stood up to Kyler. Now Miguel had done it twice. How was that not cool?
And when the school days continued to pass, Eli caught himself thinking more about his friend, looking at him at their lunch table like he'd never truly seen him before.
He had to admit to himself: he liked Miguel. Really liked him. A lot.
He wondered if he should say something, to test the waters and see how Miguel would react. But the thought of it frayed his nerves raw, so bad it made him feel like he was going to throw up.
As though he had caught Demetri's defeatism secondhand, Eli thought of all the ways that scenario could go wrong. What if Miguel hated him after he told him? Worse, what if he laughed at him?
Eli couldn't risk embarrassing himself, not on some crush. If he didn't have the balls to go up and talk to a girl, what in the world had given him the impression he could approach his friend about something like this? After all, he had no reason to believe Miguel was interested in guys, too, much less someone mousey and pathetic like him. Eli knew he was no catch, even if Miguel did swing that way.
When Miguel set his eyes on Sam LaRusso, Eli figured it didn't matter at all anymore. And once his friend won her over by standing up to Kyler a third time, Eli decided it would be best to forget about everything and let his little crush go.
Better for them both really.