Author's notes:

Hello, and welcome to my new story. For those who are waiting for another chapter of YU-GI-OH- Scars of Time, I will try to get another chapter out within the week.

For this one, I am planning to write multiple chapters if this gets positive feedback.

Chapter 1:

Crimson eyes reflected fire within their depths, their circumferences wide with numb horror. They watched as flashes danced around the corpse, burning his possessions and destroying the prided mansion that belonged to the famous Rino family. The owner, a balding man in his late thirties, was tangled in his sheets, lower half dangling on the bed, his expression filled with absolute fear and surprise.

On the left side of his head, there was a gaping wound exposing a cracked skull and missing parts of his brain. From it, blood cascaded freely, gathering on the floorboard and his luxurious mattress, staining everything it touched.

Red-stained gloves rose to cradle his head as the memories came back to haunt him. This was too much. Too similar to that dreadful night. But this time, it was his fault.

Visions of that night resurfaced, plaguing his thoughts once more, allowing him to bear witness to the events that led him to this. His form shook, wanting to dispel the thoughts and forgot what had befallen them.

It was no use. He was far too gone for that. They had done it; turned him into the monster they had always wanted him to be.

'Nothing would ever be the same again.'

The words echoed in his head, making him want to collapse to the floor and cry. To scream at the world at the unfairness it held. To demand to go back to the days where they were safe and free. Where his morality wasn't so compromised and his ignorance shined bright. Oh, how he missed those days.

NO. He couldn't. Wouldn't. It was impossible- and it would accomplish nothing. Even if he could go back, he was too broken to fix what he had done. The memories would still be there to haunt him.

A slow clap from the doorway yanked him from his thoughts, bringing his attention back to the real world. The slow chuckle that accompanied the clap made the black creature's fists clench in despair. He waited silently for the salt to be rubbed into metaphorical wounds. He must have been too open about his emotions.

"Well done, my pet!" The tall human praised with a gleeful tone. The words were worse than any strike to his body- they made his skin crawl with distaste. His heart sank as the man strode over and started to pet the small figure's fur as if he was some type of animal. "Such a good soldier. If you were alive, I would have given you some kind of reward!" He leaned in, whispering the next part in his ear. "But you're not alive, are you? You're not even real! You and your power source. The one that you insist upon calling your 'little brother.'"

A small gasp escaped his lips, heart racing at the mention of his companion. His only friend in this unforgiving world. The kindest person he had ever known.

A large hand curled around the side of his face to move it towards the direction of the body. "Oh, and look what you've done? What will happen when he finds out? Especially when that fragile, impressionable youngster learns of the blood on your hands. Are you going to taint his innocence because his dear 'brother' couldn't control his temper? Or will he cast you aside for the crimes you've committed in his name?"

At these words, the poor creature began to tremble silently, thoughts of rejection and hatred bombarding his mind. The purring voice was too much. Crimson eyes slid closed, a familiar face surfacing within his mind. Green eyes shone with a mixture of sorrow and betrayal. His kind smile, twisted to one of horror and fear, as he backed away as best as he could from what he had considered to be the one to save him.

The creature shuddered. Those did not belong on his companion's face.

He couldn't do it. Wouldn't do it. He could never lie to his comrade. His partner. And yet, to admit his sins would shatter the kindest of souls. Their relationship would strain if he knew the truth. His brother could never understand the reason behind the actions. The way his master had made him snap under pressure by using the kid against him. No, the youngling would feel betrayed.

How could he ever face him again, knowing what he had done? To stare into those innocent emerald eyes and lie to the face of the one he loved. To tell him that the acts he had done were nothing more than a fabrication of their master. Ensure the younger one that his personal vows were still intact. That he hadn't broken under the pressure of the Commander and carried out his will.

A grimace came to his face, knowing he was indecisive.

Just then, the human moved out of sight of the murderer, placing his arms around the smaller creature in a hug. "My poor Shadow. Hush, now, little lamb; it's not your fault. You can't help yourself. The monster inside you did this." A pause, then he continued his purr. "I can help you, but only if you help me out. Just a tiny favour in exchange for his ignorance."

His grip tightened, forcing down the cough that tried to escape from all the smoke rising from the burning possessions of the victim. "It's simple. You do my will, without question or hesitation, and your precious freak gets to stay comfortably within his cell, blissfully unaware of your traitorous actions. If not, well..." He shrugged, "there's not much left of him anyway. A little more testing won't hurt anyone."

Teeth clenched, the small figure's fear turned to rage. "You leave him alone," Shadow growled out, anger punctuating every symbol. How dare this monster use his little brother for his twisted plans! This man had taken nearly everything from him! His home, their creator, Maria! And now, he was threatening to use the last member of his family. He'd been using this one weakness to keep him in line, to prevent him from escaping. The only person he had left from his old life; the only one he could trust. Even if he had a chance to escape, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving him at the monster's mercy.

Because of this, Shadow had to do everything he ordered. Every mistake, every act of disobedience resulted in punishment. They'd prodded and probed him like a lab rat. And he knew that the scientist would never hold back, keen to discover everything about them without disabling their primary weapon. Through this, they had learned of the pair's immortality. This meant that the bastard could do anything he wanted, so long as there was a chance for one of them to heal the other. That said, even if the physical scars healed, the mental damage remained. His brother never got time to develop outside the facility; the delays to his development was destructive to his state of mind. Never progressing farther than that of a toddler.

'I won't do it,' he finally thought. He couldn't take the last thing, a child's innocence, away from him because he didn't want to sacrifice his own. He was the only person he had left from his old life; the only one he could trust.

"So, Project, what's it going to be? Sacrifice your morals or possess a broken power source?"

He knew it was coming. The inescapable choice, just waiting to surface. At last, here came the threats. The lies. The manipulative bastard knew exactly which buttons to press. There was never any choice. Not really. He hated every single second of it. The familiar urge to protect his brother surged up within him, and he adopted a blank expression once again.

Show no weakness, no emotion. Be the weapon they wanted him to be. But despite thinking this, a pleading voice at the back of his mind shouted at him not to give in. To spare himself the insanity the request brought. Instead, he raised his hand to his quills and carefully extracted a gem. The green emerald gleamed under the firelight, blood staining its smooth surface.

A grin spread across the human's face- that was the best confirmation he could have hoped for. He moved his hands to grasp the creature's shoulders tightly.

"Chaos Control!" The black figure muttered mechanically, before a white flash of light burst from his form and the two vanished.

Outside, the blare of the fire truck's alarms flooded the streets as the vehicle pulled up on the side of the road. Multiple figures clambered out of the truck, soon putting out the flames with a hose.

Ten minutes later, the charred body of the banker was found.

Soon, the police were called and were on their way.