Okay time to do Iron Man 3, I hope you enjoy this because I feel a bit more better that I return back to the MCU, Deadppol was hard, but what's done is done.


1: I don't like the fact that you made a side plot with the FWM in the Interludes

some of you said this after the previous chapter, but you guys do realize this has been here for a while, ever since the prologue of this fanfiction.

Sure FWM is here to show the cast of MHA movies, but she has her own extra motives to keeping them in the cinema, I cannot tell you what since it will be developed later, but this is pretty much FWM being FWM, it just develops her character and have the characters feel about the mysterious person who brought them there in the first place.

If you guys don't want to see this side plot, then I recommend skipping interludes and focus more on the film reactions since I don't do anything of my FWM plot during the reactions. The interludes exist to give the characters breaks and this is what I done for those interludes.

So I am going to keep doing the FWM plot, expect more of it in the next interludes, if you don't care about them, then ignore the interludes.

NOTE (READ THIS): the following story is following the film of 'Iron Man 3' to avoid copyright issues and number 3 of 'Entires not allowed' under the website' Rules and Guidelines, there will not be any use or descriptions of shown scenes, just the character's reactions and descriptions of what they see, to understand this fanfiction, you must watch the movie and read this fanfiction at the same time, there will be timestamps to where they have watched and when they give commentary before resuming.

The best way to read this is by watching Iron Man 3 on Disney+, which is how I managed to wrote the reactions and placed the timestamps.

Forgive the annoyance but I hope you can follow this story.

"Now, let me ask you a question, how are you feeling after everything that happened?"

The first words from the FWM confused most of the audience, for those who watched Deadpool they felt relieved to see the MCU once again, while others were calm, more relaxed since they spent two hours away from the screen room.

However, this isn't what the hooded girl meant.

"I am aware that each and every one of you had been through at least one incident that would have been terrifying, the USJ incident, All Might's final battle, the raid to save one little girl, and all the other incidents that I won't mention."

Most of the audience looked up, remembering those moments, but they still don't understand what she's trying to point out or why she brought them up.

"I'm getting to that Author," FWM said randomly. "the point is, we all been survivors of great incidents, now that you're here, how do you feel after everything that happened?"

Now the audience understood what she meant, most of them had to deal with such situations, the students faced several events during their first year, the USJ incident for 1-A, the camp horror for 1-B, while some had done more, especially Izuku. The teachers understood it as well, as they've been through several events where they would be an inch closer to death, and they keep going for the good sake of the world. The Villains, though being the ones caused the students to deal with bad stuff, were also been though incidents, the bad parts of their lives that lead them to a path of villainy, they weren't born bad, but the world treats them as if it was the case, the incidents they been though made them to what they are now.

"From my observing of hero worlds, every hero has one common enemy they have to fight on a daily basis, dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder!" FWM shouted the last part, "Every hero has it, each of you has it and, in this film, Stark has it, so enjoy!" the girl then disappears as the film started playing

00:00:00 - 00:00:11

Not more than a minute in, and Stark said an interesting quote, the teachers thought about the quote and knew what it meant so well.

"We create our own demons."

Izuku writes it down, knowing that it will be important.

00:00:11 - 00:00:25

"Such an interesting start of the film," Momo said as she found the first 25 seconds a good start for what the FWM said about dealing with problems, with the quote itself and the Iron man suits exploding.

Meanwhile, Mei was rather shocked to see the suits destroyed by explosions.

00:00:25 - 00:00:55

"Starting at the end of the 20th century," All Might notice the year.

"Yeah, it seems this takes place in the past," Izuku added, which caused some confusion towards the audience.

"Hold on a minute… when does the film take place in?" Uraraka said as she was curious, though Midoirya has an answer for the year.

"in Captain America, Fury said that he was asleep for nearly 70 years, he was frozen in the 1940s, so doing the math, he woke up around 2000s to 2010s, so Avengers would take place sometime around those decades."

"So the films are taking place a few decades in the past" Aizawa said, with the green hair student nodding.

"Exactly, meaning that this scene takes place around ten to twenty years ago," Izuku concluded.

(Note: lookup 'Captain America First Avenger (Part 1)' for my headcanon of when MHA takes place in.)

00:00:55 - 00:01:25

"Yensin!" most of the audience shouted, surprised to see someone they wouldn't expect to see again.

"Wait who?" Mineta said as several eyes looked at him in disappointment.

"The guy who sacrificed himself to save Stark from the Ten Rings. Back in the first Iron Man film!" Hagakurie said as Mineta suddenly realized the guy.

"Interesting, so back when he mentioned that they met before," Izuku flipped back to his notes to see what he wrote, he then found the needed information, "yeah, he said he met Stark at a technical conference in Bern, this must be what he said."

While it's good to see a now-dead character, he also got at least one more thing from Yensin,

His first name is Ho. Ho Yensin

00:01:25 - 00:01:41

Nezu chuckled, "I like how Stark completely moved on after meeting Yensin, showing what he was like before the cave incident, being uncaring about himself, a nice touch to what he was like.

"And to think that one day, that man would not only save Stark's life but inspire him to become a better person and great hero, all while giving his life…" All Might said, as he started to remember what happened to Nana, the wielder of One for All before him, her death was tragic, but it was also a way to inspire him to become the symbol of peace.

"Sometimes, death of someone can make another else stronger," All Might thought as he thinks what Izuku would do if he dies, he made a promise not to die, but sometimes, promises are made to be broken.

He hoped it wouldn't happen, that he won't make a sacrifice like Yensin, that he won't die like Nana, but it's good to know that if it did, then Izuku will change for the betterment of a hero.

00:01:41 - 00:01:58

"I wonder…" Izuku thought, putting down Aldrich Killian's name, from Stark's narrative, something tells him that this Killian guy would be the one to bite Stark much later, but he kept this to himself in case he was wrong.

00:01:58 - 00:02:42

"At least Stark would listen to Killian's business proposal," Midnight said.

00:02:42 - 00:03:01

"I don't understand what they're talking about," Denki said, being completely confused to what the two smart genius is talking about.

He wasn't alone.

"I think they're talking about hacking into the human brain to manipulate the genetic operating system or something like that" Asui said, trying to understand and repeat what the genius is saying.

The audience watches the film to find out more.

00:03:01 - 00:03:37

"Okay, I think I understand what they're saying," Iida said, listening hard towards the scene as well as looking the plant, in which regrew its broken stem right when Hansen, "I think they figured out how to hack into the human genetics and code it so that they can become better, she figured out how to do it on plants, but she mentions doing it on humans."

"Yeah, I still don't understand what they meant," Denki said, still confused.

"She's trying to make humans better," Momo said in simpler terms.

00:03:37 - 00:03:51

"And that must be the problem," Momo said, expecting somewhat a problem of what Hansen is doing with this experiment about genetic hacking.

00:03:51 - 00:03:57

There were a few chuckles when Happy tackled down Stark after the small explosion.

"Understandable for a bodyguard" Kurogiri commented.

00:03:57 - 00:04:08

"Y2K?" one of the students said.

"It's just some dumb random belief back in those days," All Might said, "people thought that by the year 2000, all the computers would shut down and the world would end."

"And as you already know, it didn't" Present Mic added.

"Well, that explains why he rushed towards Stark." The same student said, still finding the part funny.

00:04:08 - 00:04:44

"We create our own demons" Tokoyami repeated Stark's quote.

"So I guess Killian was disappointed when Stark didn't show up at the roof," Shigiraki said as he notices the scene showing the man with a cane waiting for Stark while new years fireworks exploded in the background.

From that moment, he knew that Killian would become the demon Stark created, he was curious to see what he does.

00:04:44 - 00:05:06

"That is so true," one of the girl students said as some of the students laughs towards the robot hand wearing a white cone that reads 'Dunce'. Remembering the moments when the hand-fired the fire extinguisher on Stark and when it tried to make a drink only to make a mess.

It was good to see the robot hand once again.

00:05:06 - 00:05:21

"Jarvis knows Stark that well," one of the teachers said.

00:05:21 - 00:05:46

"72 hours?" Recovery girl said, as most of the audience were surprised to hear that, "even a hero knows when to rest, I mean, 24 hours is bad enough, 48 hours would be the last straw, but 72 hours, staying awake for three days straight will do a lot of things to you."

00:05:46 - 00:06:00

"Mark 42, he made more babies?" Mei said, surprised to hear the number of marks, in the Avengers he had the Mark 5, which means he made 37 more.

Now she was curious what the other suits were like, hoping that they would appear in the film.

00:06:00 - 00:06:42

"Oh my god!" Mei said in amazement, "separate parts coming together to make one suit, that's genius! I need to make that!"

"Need to remind you that you're far behind on the Iron Man suit," Mei's sensei said, "you're pretty much at the stage of the Mark 2 compare to him.

"Still, inspiration doesn't hurt!"

00:06:42 - 00:07:11

"Yeah, I saw this coming" Power Loader said, "the problem with fast parts on the suit is the speed, the impact could be damaging if not treated carefully, especially with the material."

The hero students, while in glee to see Stark in his suit, hope that Mei wouldn't make the same, the last thing they need is getting attacked by their own hero costumes.

00:07:11 - 00:07:33

"So manly," Kirishima said, as the audience liked Stark's flip while equipping the Iron Man mask…

00:07:33 - 00:07:36

Follow by laughter when one part of the Iron Man suits not only knocked by the impact, but all the parts fell altogether.

"Again, errors can happen," Power Loader said, with the teachers nodding in agreement.

00:07:36 - 00:07:55

The scene then changes to show a different scene, an interruption with a similar logo.

Midoriya quickly notices the symbol.

"That can't be…" he said remembering back to the first film, "they're back…"

"Wait, who's back?" Toga asked, noticing the frightening look of the student, though she liked the look, she was curious about what he meant.

"The Ten Rings, the group responsible for capturing Stark in the cave, the ones Obadiah made a deal with before he killed them." Izuku explained, "and now they're back."

00:07:55 - 00:09:27

The scene then shows a new enemy, a figure who calls himself a teacher, though he was a terrorist, he explained about something that happened in American history, then something that he did, bombing a military church and finally a warning to the US President.

This already set up a scary introduction for the audience, they saw the scene as if it was on their televisions.

To the audience, they quickly see this man as the face of the film's main villain.

00:09:27 - 00:09:35

Within the following seconds, it showed that the figure, now known as 'The Mandarin' who managed to hack the American broadcasting services to show his message in all of the united states.

"Seems that this Mandarin already became a frightening figure," Aizawa said as the news anchors made many mentions of the new villain.

00:09:35 - 00:09:48

"At least Rhodes didn't change this time, actor-wise of course," Momo said as the news shows War Machine, but now named the Iron Patriot.

"Even more American patriotism," Momoma said, starting to get annoyed by the pattern in the Iron Man films.

"That's America for you" Pony added.

00:09:48 - 00:10:13

"I understand Rhodes' logic," All Might said towards Rhodes reasoning to his new name. "in my early years, I wanted to make sure people look up to me, and since I was in the states at the time, they look up at their own country, so I decided to use their patriotism in my theme, becoming somewhat an 'All-American' hero"

"Except that you're not" Aizawa commented.

"To be fair, some people did call me a western wannabe, both in the States and Japan, but as time went on and I became the symbol of peace, people didn't mind the theme and it kind of grow on me, just like what happened to Rogers."

00:10:13 - 00:10:37

"Nine terrorist bombings and no identity of the bomb itself" Aizawa collected the information he gotten from Rhodes, "it sounds suspicious."

00:10:37 - 00:11:00

"Good call to tone down the language," one of the teachers said as a couple of kids showed up next to Stark and Rhodes.

"And yet Stark still uses the D-word," Sero said.

"That's because Dick is, strangely enough, a short name for Richard," Momo explained.

"Now that's just weird, But funny."

00:11:00 - 00:11:38

The scene then shows Stark jumping and getting off his chair, right after the kid mentions the events of Avengers.

The students were confused, "wait, what's happening to him?" one of them said.

Quickly, most of the teachers notice his behaviour, the one who caught it first was Recovery Girl.

00:11:38 - 00:12:02

"I'm starting to see what FWM meant at the start of the film," Recovery Girl said, "Tony Stark is showing signs of Long-term Hero Stress Disorder"

The audience turns to see the medical hero, curious about what it means.

"LHSD is an unfortunate condition, it's similar to PTSD, only its mostly found in high-rank Pro Heroes who's been in more than one traumatic event, ranging from facing against an intimidating villain to killing their first villain or even unable to save a great number of civilians. The effects could be unhealthy for the hero, extreme stress when a certain topic is brought up to unable to sleep. The worst case is that they harm themselves and others while treating their actions as an act of heroism. Treatment is difficult and the best recommendation is to retire, though it's often rejected."

"While it's unfortunate, U.A tries to have sessions where the students can learn how to deal with facing traumatic events and able to cope with the effects" Nezu added

"So I believe Stark might have LHSD, it would make sense since he fought off an alien invasion, as well as being responsible to carry a nuclear bomb to blow up their main ship, plus not sleeping for 72 hours and this moment, it's safe to say that he has this condition."

What that explained, the school's medic was curious to see how Stark would deal with his mental state in this film, a rare showing in hero films as the mental problems are often ignored by the public.

00:12:02 - 00:12:29

"That sounds like a bad idea," Mina said, knowing that Happy is referring to Dum-E, the robot hand.

"I agree, the hand can't take a drink without making a mess, they would most likely make more mess than cleaning it" Uraraka added, already imagining a company where the janitorial staff is nothing but Dum-Es

00:12:29 - 00:12:53

"looks like Happy is being more strict with his new job," All Might chuckled.

00:12:53 - 00:13:24

"Wait, that's Killian!?" Hagakure shouted as the students were utterly surprised by how different Killian looks compare to what he looks like before.

"Some people can change in a few years, I guess he managed to solve his physical problems." Midnight said, like the new look of the man.

Meanwhile, Mineta felt a bit jealous that someone who looked unattractive to so attractive, he hoped that in a few years, he would have girls covering him by the time he becomes a great hero.

(Yeah, in your dreams, Pervert Plum.)

00:13:24 - 00:14:04

"Happy seems to want people to wear badges," one of the teachers said, smiling from the safety badge.

00:14:04 - 00:14:23

"Extremis" Izuku repeated Killian's words, he looked on his notes, he remembers the name before, hearing it somewhere at the beginning of the film, but he doesn't know where.

He continues to watch the film to see what he's doing.

00:14:23 - 00:15:00

"A live feed of the human brain," Nezu said, as he looks at the holographic projection of Killian's brain, "an interesting concept."

00:15:00 - 00:15:40

"That's an interesting concept once again," Nezu said, as he looks at the empty slot of the human brain, "if that's the case, do you consider that we all have those empty slots? And if so, were we upgraded to have quirks

"Don't you mean evolve?" Kurogiri corrected the mouse.

"I'm using the logic of this man, maybe at some point, the first generation of quirks might have gotten the hole filled in with quirk genes,"

Even if Nezu explained, the students and teacher barely understood what he meant.

"You know what, never mind, it's just speculating, I don't it would be the case in our reality, who knows?"

00:15:40 - 00:15:51

Some chuckles were coming from the audience when Stark made a joke of Happy showing his forehead.

00:15:51 - 00:16:48

"Seriously?" Jiro said, "everyone knows how to 'flip the screen', it's just one button push."

"Not everyone can work well with technology, Happy is one of them," Tokoyami said.

00:16:48 - 00:17:41

"It… actually does" Todoroki said, consider the possibility of hacking genetic organisms, "if someone can hack DNA, it could create problems."

00:17:41 - 00:19:03

The following scene wasn't much to say, Potts rejecting Killian's business proposal, him leaving and Happy showing up.

Then Happy taken a picture of the car license plate.

"looks like Happy is doing his investigation," Aizawa said, as he too was suspicious towards Killian.

00:19:03 - 00:19:20

"Oh my god!" one of the students said when they see a giant

"That is a very cute bunny, ribbit" Asui said

"It's also… very big…" Kirishima said towards the bunny. "I guess this is Stark's Christmas present to Potts."

"I like the bunny," Uraraka said, "though I don't know about Potts."

Meanwhile, the very quiet animal speaker, Koda, smiled towards the cute bunny.

00:19:20 - 00:19:27

"Stark always wear his fancy suits, much as Power Loader wears his" Mei smiles towards the Iron Man suit.

"Or most heroes for that matter," one of the students said, remembering the teachers often wear their hero outfits, it's only a rare case when they don't.

00:19:27 - 00:19:53

"Blow up a wall just so you can put your bunny inside," Bakugo said, "really a ridiculous idea,"

"Not like you would do it" Kirishima added.

"What did you say, red hair!?" Bakugo shouted.

00:19:53 - 00:20:41

The audience was a bit surprised to see Stark downstairs

"Wait, if Stark is there, who's in the suit?" Toga asked.

"I think there's nothing in that suit" Dabi suggested, "maybe he's controlling the suit to make it look that he was there."

Meanwhile, Mei smiled from what she sees, "a suit that controls itself using the human mind? Oh my gosh, that would be awesome!" she quickly thinks about the idea and hoped to create something like that in the future.

00:20:41 - 00:21:43

"That's the effects for experiencing something so different and difficult to comprehend," Recovery Girl said, talking about Stark mental state, "it could change someone, I guess it showed Stark something bigger than himself"

00:21:43 - 00:22:45

Mina giggled from Potts shower suggestion; she likes how this relationship is going.

At this point, Stark has his problems, Potts has to deal with his problems, to her, the relationship that involves overcoming the problem can be ever so romantic and show their love is strong.

She was curious to see how this relationship goes.

00:22:45 - 00:23:01

The audience watched as scenes of the Avengers were shown, Stark struggle in their sleep, as it shows why Stark can't go to sleep.

"The experience, it created nightmares," Tokoyami said.

Meanwhile, for All Might, he remembers times when he would struggle sleeping well, especially after the death of Nana, and more recently the defeat of All for One, the dreams is him being there, the continues thought of what would of happen, what happens if he fails, what happens if he could change the bad moments.

He looked along with the other people in the audience, they would have guessed they have a similar experience with sleep trouble, especially those who been through tough situations, he doesn't know if they have, but at least most of them would, or rather will have them in their hero career.

00:23:01 - 00:23:11

And quickly jumped when the Mark 42 grabbed Potts by the arm.

00:23:11 - 00:23:45

"That must be a scary experience for Potts" Asui pointed out. As the students just imagine an Iron Man suit appearing out in their bedrooms, that would be somewhat frightening.

"But at least it shows the struggles of the relationship," Mina said, while Recovery Girl would analyses Stark's mental health, she would try to analyses Stark's mental relationship with Potts.

00:23:45 - 00:23:58

The scene then changes to the Chinese Theatre, with the Killian's guard from before appearing with a briefcase, some of the audience pointed him out.

"What is he up to?" Izuku said as he readies his notes.

00:23:58 - 00:24:21

"And Happy is at the scene," Mic said.

While most of the teachers are concern for Happy since he isn't very useful, he understood that something wrong is happening with Killian, he was at least spying, which is good from a distance.

The audience looks at the screen to see what happens next.

00:24:21 - 00:24:50

"Did you see that?" Denki notices the red glow on the man's eye.

Suddenly, Happy's suspicions are starting to come together.

00:24:50 - 00:25:22

"And he has that too," Mineta said when the red glow was on the guard as well.

00:25:22 - 00:25:31

The audience was now surprised by the incredible strength of the guard.

Izuku quickly noted down how the glow gains people super strength, as well as having an idea that whatever the things were, it has them gain such powers.

00:25:31 - 00:25:57

And in all the sudden, the man caused a huge explosion.

The audience was silent in the aftermath.

"What just happened?" one of the students said.

00:25:57 - 00:26:53

With most of the audience started to get worried for Happy, who's in bad condition, another surprise occurred,

When the guard, named Savin, not only survived the blast, but his broken limbs grew itself together.

"Enhanced strength, self-healing, limb growth, that would be terrifying," Izuku said, noting it down on his notes.

"If Deadpool taught me anything, people with healing factor quirks are scary," Uraraka added.

00:26:53 - 00:27:04

"And looks like another message from the Mandarin" Aizawa said.

"Do you think he's responsible for the explosion?" Uraraka asked.

"He could have supplied the with the substance that made him explode," Nezu suggested.

The audience watched to see what the frightful terrorist has to say.

00:27:04 - 00:27:55

The Mandarin message talked about how corrupted America is when making knock offs.

First talking about how Fortune cookies are an American invention rather than Chinese, some of the audience know that since Fortune cookies are based on Tsujiuras, which originally came from Japan. Those who didn't know that, notice how the fortune cookies look similar to the food.

Even then, they can see that the terrorist is trying to threaten the American people, showing the hatred towards the states and his reasons to attack, all while talking in away as if he was a teacher, teaching America a harsh lesson.

"I hope Iron Man gets that son of a bitch" Bakugo cursed as he along with the other students don't like the actions of the Mandarin.

00:27:55 - 00:28:11

"At least Stark was concerned about his friend," Asui said when Stark appears in the room where Happy is being recovered. Most of the students hoped that he would be okay at the end of the film.

00:28:11 - 00:28:46

"Media troubles," Aizawa said, recalling one time when there were reporters at the entrance of U.A, all because All Might was working at the school.

And now Stark is facing the reporters after his friend was injured during the attack.

00:28:46 - 00:29:22

"He is not taking this very lightly," Recovery Girl said.

The teachers were concerns about Stark, as he tells the news that he's getting revenge for what the Mandarin did to Happy, the use of revenge is an unheroic trait, but while they don't like the idea, they understand the stress Stark had dealt with in this film.

Meanwhile, the students and villains agreed with Stark going after the Mandarin, with a few exceptions of a handful, who followed the same thought as the teachers.

00:29:22 - 00:29:42

"Geez, he's so confident, he just said his home address to the entire world!" Present Mic said, the Pro heroes seeing that as a problem, if the public knew where they live, then not only they had to deal with reporters outside but any potential villains who would ambush them.

"Why do I have a feeling that this will go horribly for him," Aizawa said, having a sense of worry for the Iron Man hero.

00:29:42 - 00:30:25

The scene then shows a virtual crime scene, holo-projections about the Mandarin as well as information about the crime itself.

This caught the interest of those who are interested in technology.

"Oh how much I love seeing Stark with his holograms," Mei said, "he would fit very well with the highest scientists and engineers from how advanced his tech is."

"You know we have holograms, right?" one of the students pointed out to the pink hair support girl.

"Yeah, but nothing like Stark's holograms."

Meanwhile, for Izuku, he noted down the heat of the blast and how it killed four people, finding such a fate tragic,

00:30:25 - 00:30:58

"Happy gave a clue for Stark?" Momo said, surprised as she overlooked what Happy did in the aftermath of the bomb, pointing directly at the dog tags as a clue for Stark to find.

"He managed to do something to solve this mystery." All Might smiled.

00:30:58 - 00:31:53

For the scene, it created clues that some of the audience managed to catch, Izuku was willing to recall the clues as he notes them down.

"So there have been suicide bombings in different places, both exploding with a 3,000 degrees Celsius, and the suicide bomber were military soldiers. Could it be that the Mandarin is hiring ex-US military soldiers to take the substances and explode in certain areas? Or maybe tricked, the bomber at the Chinese theatre called for help, so he wouldn't possibly know, and the other bombing happened before the Mandarin showed up, still interesting to note about."

Izuku paused, he looked around, the students and teachers, with a few villains, were staring at him.

"Did- did I mumbled again?"

"Fortunately yes" Asui answered, "but you talked about the mystery, that why we didn't point it out, good work for stopping by the way."

"Thank you Asui," Izuku replied, causing the frog student to sigh.

"How many times do I have to tell you, ribbit, call me Tsu."

00:31:53 - 00:32:22

"Hey it's the girl from 1999" Hagakure pointed out, "Hansen's her name, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Shigiraki said, remembering her, "what is she doing here?'

00:32:22 - 00:32:46

"He's a tech genius," Hatsume said, "he has no time remembering minor details, heck, I don't even know what I had for refreshments" then she drank her refreshment.

00:32:46 - 00:33:46

"There goes them talking once again," Tokoyami said towards the following scene, annoyed by the arguing and talking towards Stark and Potts, understanding the reason, but had seen too much of it from the previous films.

"To be honest, it's better if they go out of their place," Nezu said, agreeing with Potts but expecting for something bad to happen.

00:33:46 - 00:34:00

"Having a custom-made, 15-foot-tall, plush bunny is not normal," Todoroki said towards the big bunny.

(Define Normal.)

00:34:00 - 00:34:15

"As expected," Shigiraki said as he, some of the villains and most of the teachers were not surprised to see a missile heading directly towards Stark's own house. "that's what happens when you tell your home address, Idiot."

Everyone get ready to watch the start of the fall of Stark's house.

00:34:15 - 00:34:36

"IRON WOMAN!" Mei shouted right after the impact of the rocket.

The audience was prepared for something bad to happen when the rocket hits, as the previous scene set it all up, but when it hits, everyone started to get worried for both Stark and Potts.

And then Stark commanded the Mark 42, but instead of attaching it to him, it attaches to Potts.

"I don't know if that's intentional or if it called to Potts instead, but it was a good call, even if the impact injures him, Potts would be fine." All Might said towards the scene as he and everyone watch the action unfold.

00:34:36 - 00:35:28

"Good call Stark," Aizawa said, "make sure Hansen is okay before worrying about Stark"

"I guess this is Potts first time becoming a hero," Mei said as she smiles towards the action. Even if Stark is in danger, she knows he'll come out okay.

00:35:28 - 00:36:35

"The Iron Man Mark 42" Present Mic calls out the Iron Man suit, "After hours upon hours of Stark's hobby, he created the Mark 42 to de-attach and re-attach Stark at any time. Stark can also control the suit without wearing it."

"Now Stark is ready to face those helicopters," Bakugo said as he wanted to see Stark fight.

Meanwhile, Izuku noted the abilities of the Mark 42, finding the suit very interesting for Stark.

00:36:35 - 00:37:00

"Even if he can't use the rockets, he sure can be creative while attacking the helicopters," Present Mic said, laughing at the fact that Stark used a Piano as a weapon.

00:37:00 - 00:37:42

"No, not Dum-E" Mina cried as she sees Dum-E in the middle of the collapsing house.

00:37:42 - 00:37:54

"That explains the exploding suits," Power Loader said, as everyone remembers the beginning when

"We create our demons" Izuku recalled the moment where he saw the suits explode in the beginning, the start of the film was foreshadowing this very scene.

00:37:54 - 00:38:23

"And there goes the house," Dabi said as the house is destroyed and everything went dashing down into the water, including Stark.

00:38:23 - 00:38:50

"And now the bunny is at the bottom of the ocean," Toga said, feeling somewhat sad about the bunny she likes,

"Rest in peace, fluffy bunny," Mina added and feeling sad towards the now destroyed bunny.

While some of the audience morns towards the giant bunny, the more sensible audience were a concern for Stark and how he's trapped underwater.

00:38:50 - 00:39:40

Everyone took a sigh in relief when Stark managed to get himself out of the rubble of his destroyed house.

"Well, there goes his place," Izuku said, as he notes how Tony's home is now destroyed by the Mandarin's lackeys.

The audience felt a bit sad, the house was essentially the birthplace for the Iron Man Mark 2 and beyond, Stark started building and testing the suits in his own home and now it's gone, they won't forget the house that's been in all three Iron Man films.

"I can't wait till Stark gets the Mandarin, he will pay for the house, the suits, everything he destroyed," Mei said, feeling angry towards the villain of the film

"And Dum-E" one of the students added.

"That too!"

00:39:40 - 00:39:59

The scene then changes to Stark waking up to a different place, one that is snowing rather than the hot sun.

Everyone was curious to see where Stark ended up in.

00:39:59- 00:40:19

"The fact that he's alive is just a miracle" Spinner said in sarcasm. While there are a few chuckles from Stark being a fool and falling onto the ground.

00:40:19 - 00:40:53

"You did" All Might say to Stark's question.

The audience now know where he ended up in, the teachers and a few students became curious about the incident that Stark mentioned before the fall of his house.

00:40:53 - 00:41:30

"No home, no additional suits, no holograms, just him, a low powered suit and his arc reactor," Aizawa said as everyone became more concern for Tony Stark, knowing that he will pull through to the situation he's in.

However, this would be the hardest situation he'd ever been because he now lacks the suit.

Izuku hopes that he can deal with the threat of the Mandarin and protect everyone, but right now, this was a great loss for the Iron Man.

To Be Continued…