Hermione stared at her phone, unsure of her next move. On her screen was Draco Malfoy. Not literally of course. His photo showed through the casual dating app, which had been stagnate on the photo of Draco Malfoy, at what appeared to be a wedding, for the past fifteen minutes. She had been staring at it, unsure of what to do.
Just swipe left.
She gnawed at her lip, thumb hovering over the screen. She hadn't seen him since graduation, and even then it wasn't really on pleasant terms. They were partnered as head girl and boy and the year was explosive. They fought over every little thing, and even her best friends were wondering if they genuinely hated each other or needed to just shag it out. But nothing happened.
Except for Harry's graduation party. Malfoy had been invited as a show of good will. Good will it was. He was actually enjoyable for the first time in a year. And drunk. God they were both so drunk. She remembered leaning against him for support in Harry's bedroom. How they'd gotten there she'll never know. She did know that he was gorgeous and she had been hand was on her waist, they were close to each other, all alone in a bed room.
But all they did was kiss. A kiss that winded up with him on top of her, grinding what she remembered to be a sizeable appendage into her pelvis. His hand had been on her breast, and she was clinging to him like he was her last breath of air. And then Harry walked in, talking about Pansy needing to go home and Malfoy was the only one with her address. Bullshit.
That was four years ago. So why was she overthinking a stupid dating app? She put her thumb down, moving to swipe left, yet she hesitated, holding the picture in a lifted position, facing left. What's the worst that could happen? She swiped right.
-You have a match!- The letters illuminated the screen, glaring at her in her daze. He'd seen it was her. And he swiped right. Meaning he wanted to see her. Or at least bed her. Or talk to her. None of those things she was prepared for. This is why she didn't impulsively do anything. What was she supposed to say? What could she say? 'Long Time no see, in fact the last time I saw you I was trying to suck your face off, wanna do it again'? No, that wouldn't even be close to alright. She turned her screen off, chucking it to the end of her bed.
That would have to wait for another day. Getting out of bed, she crossed into her closet, searching for a dress to wear to lunch. It was Saturday, and Saturday was the one day a week she would go to lunch with Ginny and Luna. Ginny had graduated the year after Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Luna, but it had always felt like she was one of the few girls Hermione could talk to about anything and everything.
Of course, their jobs kept them pretty busy. Last year Hermione graduated from Uni, and ever since she'd been working as an entry level lawyer, grinding away day in and out, but she did love the two hours she could steal with the girls every Saturday. Of course she'd hang out with Harry and Ron occasionally, but things felt so forced since she'd broken up with Ron at the end of Uni. Was she annoyed that she wasted all of her uni experience dating someone that inevitably didn't work? Of course. But that just meant that now she had to make up for lost time.
Or fall into bed with a guy she hadn't spoken to in four years.
Stop that, she berated herself, pulling on a light grey sundress. It hugged her curves but also felt light and airy. Ginny made her get it on one of their serendipitous shopping trips, and she loved it. She felt comfortable in it, but when she wore it she also felt sexy, a feeling that she hadn't felt often in the past two years. Her relationship with Ron didn't help. He was more preoccupied with football and grabbing a drink with the lads than ever looking sideways at her. It was when she called out another man's name during sex that they had the fight that resulted in their break up. It wasn't even someone they knew...it was some random celebrity.
What was she supposed to do? Not fantasize about something, someone, else while he did his best at what she supposed was his idea of great sex? Not to be cruel but just lightly rutting against a girl when he found himself free in between stuffing his face with pork rinds and watching the tele wasn't Hermione's idea of a good time. Needless to say, their breakup had been on the horizon for a while.
She crossed back in the room from her closet, pulling her hair into her signature ponytail. She'd long given up on trying to tame the beast that was her hair and now she just pulled the curly mass into a loose ponytail. She applied some light makeup, actively avoiding the phone that was laying on her bed so prominently. Reluctantly she turned to it, grabbing it to let Ginny know she was on her way.
-Draco sent you a message!-
Of course. He would've gotten the match notification too, he was definitely in his right to message her. In fact, he was encouraged to, by the set up of the fucking app. But she just wasn't ready for it. She felt the flush go throughout her entire body, and bit her lip. She ignored the notification, instead opening her messages and sending Ginny a quick text about her imminent arrival. She left her room, running dead into her roommate, Angelina. They'd met through Ron, Angelina having been dating George, one of Ron's older brothers. Yet, ever since the break up with Ron, Hermione felt as though they'd seen each other less and less. For the best really, Hermione suspected George was going to move Angelina in at the end of their lease in a few months, and she'd be out a roommate. She supposed she could ask Luna if she felt like moving out of her dad's place.
"Sorry," Angelina mumbled, teetering into her bedroom. She looked as if she'd fallen asleep on the couch again, and was just barely making her way back to her room before passing out until her shift later that evening. Hermione smiled softly, grabbing her keys from the hallway table and walking out the door.
Hermione sat down in the cab, full of one too many mimosas. She smiled, opening up her phone to look at the notification again.
-Draco sent you a message!-
She bit her lip, finally opening it to see what he said. It's only been a few hours. She wasn't being an asshole, right? She had just been busy!
- Hey Princess...-
-Remember me?-
She bit back a smile. He would bring back that nickname. He'd used it to tease her mercilessly throughout Primary. At the time she thought it was an insult. She never understood. But she thought she did after that party. When the months before those taunts turned from insulting to a lingering look. Of course not in the moment, but looking back she was almost sure he had a crush on her. His lips on hers at that party was probably what solidified her thought process on that.
-You're hard to forget...but just in case, jog my memory?-
She gnawed at her lip. The last time she actively flirted with a boy she hadn't even stepped foot into uni yet. And Ginny had been there to help her. Yet here she was, drunk in a cab heading back to her flat, texting Draco Malfoy of all people.
-I can come remind you at your place tonight.-
Her eyes widened. He was so forward with it. The innuendo was clear, and it wasn't as if she didn't have time. Angelina had work starting at 6, meaning she had the apartment for most of the night. She was planning on just cooking dinner and watching the tele. But if Draco came over….
-What time did you have in mind?-
-Sounds perfect-
She sent him her address, a nervous energy enveloping her entire body. As she got out of the cab at her flat she briefly wondered if she should change, pulling her keys out as she climbed the stairs to her third floor walk up. As she walked into her apartment she looked at the clock. 5:30.
Angelina was probably gone, trying to get to work in the London traffic. Hermione set her bag down, looking herself over in their hall mirror. She looked pretty, or at least she hoped so. She didn't really put a lot of stock into her appearance normally. She did yoga every morning, and occasionally she'd go to the gym after work, but she never felt like a supermodel. It wasn't like she often had a boy coming to her flat to shag her, if that even was his intention. She shouldn't've assumed. But wasn't that what Ginny said this app was for?
"You need to get back out there, 'Mione," Ginny said, holding Hermione's phone in her hand as she downloaded the app to her friend's phone. "Even if you don't want to sleep with anybody, it's at least a huge ego boost to have boys tell you you're pretty."
She shook her head, wondering just how insane she had to have been to somehow get to this point.
The knock on her door startled her. She had taken a quick shower and ate dinner, but she'd spent the better part of the last hour reading in her chair. She felt it calmed her down but the knock on her door brought her back to reality. She stood quickly, knocking over her empty mug.
"Shit" she muttered, straightening it up and setting her book down next to it. She tried in vain to smooth out her dress as she stumbled over her cat, Jasper, on her way to the door. She opened it to see one Draco Malfoy.
Damn he looked good.
She swore he'd gotten taller. And filled out something fierce. He was fitted in a stark black button up and a pair of dark jeans, his watch looking more expensive than her entire flat. He was smirking at her, evidently amused by the commotion he heard on the other other side of the door.
"Hey, Granger," he said before bringing up a hand and gesturing to the inside of her flat. "Mind if I come in?" She nodded dumbly, a little stricken by how good he looked. The pictures he used on that app didn't do him any justice. She forced herself to close her mouth as he walked in by her. He was looking around her living room when she turned back to him, biting her lip as he turned back to her, his hands stuffed in his jeans.
"So," He said, stepping towards her, reaching a hand out to lightly tuck a stray curl behind her ear. She bit her lip again, she had a feeling she'd been doing that a lot recently. "Long time no see." They both let out a chuckle. The air around them was practically crackling, they both knew why the other was here, and it wasn't like Hermione knew the way this was supposed to go.
"I was surprised you matched with me," she damn near whispered, leaning into him. He smelled like pine trees and eucalyptus leaves. She loved it. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at her confession, placing his hand on her waist. He would've asked her why, he really would've, but she kissed him and they were gone.
She felt his hands everywhere. His lips felt soft, yet firm, and she wasn't sure when her hands found their way into his hair. But she was sure when he slipped his tongue into her mouth, as he slowly walked them back to her couch.
They tripped over the rug, landing on top of eachother in a tangled mess of limbs. They laughed at the wind being knocked out of them. One of his hands grasped her ass, while the other grasped her head to bring her back down to kiss him.
Kiss him she did, she couldn't get enough. This was nothing like when they were bumbling teens. Her hands began with the buttons of his shirt working frantically to get it off. She had no idea what came over her but she was intoxicated by him. He didn't seem to mind though, his fingers wound their way up her dress, pushing her panties aside as his fingers expertly found her cliit.
She moaned into his mouth pushing his shirt to the side. She didn't want him to stop, but she needed his clothes off. Now, preferably. She began kissing down his neck and chest, running her nails ahead of her lightly. She began fumbling with his belt as she kept making her decent, finally pulling the pants down. She kissed right above his boxers before he stopped her.
He pulled her up so they were both sitting up, pulling her panties off before getting her to straddle his lap. She was surprised with how little they needed to say, as if they'd gotten this far before. She rocked against him, feeling his erection against her bare pussy. She groaned as he pulled her closer, his arm wrapped around her.
His free hand slipped in between their connected bodies, expertly seeking out her clit again. She moaned, grinding into the sensation, feeling that tight coil in her body beginning to wind. She pressed her chest to his, firmly aware now that her sundress was still on. He took the hand from around her waist, pulling the dress down. The straps trapped her elbows to her side, but she couldn't stop touching him. His persistent rubbing of her clit had her on edge. He started kissing along her neck, slipping his fingers inside her. She couldn't've hid the moan that came out of her if she tried.
"Fuck you're so wet," he whispered, thrusting his fingers into her, thumb firmly on her clit as she gasped in his arms. She wanted to hold on to him as he continued his pleasurable assault on her. She needed to hold onto something, her body tightening around him. She buried her face in his neck, her nails raking at his stomach. Her hips moved of their own accord, helping her chase that release she knew she was teetering on the edge of. When she orgasmed she bit his shoulder, his hands never leaving her as he continued until she calmed down. She moaned, he wasn't giving her reprieve. She needed him.
"More," she moaned, finally shrugging the sleeves of her dress off. She wrapped her arms around him as he freed his erection, already lining himself up with her entrance. She kissed him as she sunk down onto him, stealing the groan he let out as his arm returned to her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.
He filled every inch of her to the brim. She could barely breathe. He felt like he was everywhere, inside her, around her, caging her in. But she didn't feel smothered, in fact, she felt on fire. She hungrily set a fast pace, reviling in how good he felt.
He flipped them over, her back now on the rug as he re-entered her. She arched into him, her hands grasping at him as he roughly thrust into her. She cried out, his hand returning to her clit. He stroked that spot inside her, causing her to see stars. He noticed her reaction and angled his hips, repeatedly stroking that spot inside her. She cried out, seeing spots as her release hit her.
He groaned laying on top of her, pulling her legs to wrap around his waist as he continued to thrust into her. She moaned, pulling him closer. She already felt like she was going to come again, though she wasn't sure how. He began open-mouth kissing her neck, groaning into her.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum," He groaned, holding her hips to him. She moaned, threading her fingers through his hair.
"Me too, please I'm so close" she whimpered, his thrust growing choppier as he approached his orgasm. She held him close as her strongest orgasm yet raked over her. She felt wave after wave of it crashing over her as he groaned, cumming inside of her.
He'd taken her six more times that night. Once they'd finished in the living room he took her to her bedroom and decided she didn't need that dress anymore. By the time she fell asleep she could barely hold herself up, her body felt like jelly. She slept like a baby, unsure of how long she'd been asleep, but when she woke up, he was gone.