eren jeager 1st: Thank you for your review. I know that my grammar still needs more polishing, but i am improving. Regarding the cringe parts... yeah, even i feel that some times, but its a cringe necessary for the plot( if this exists lol) , and about John almost talking his dream to the council... he's an idiot some times xD. I hope you continue to read my fanfic, until next time.

Guest: Keepor is there as some kind of 'mentor' for John, to keep him on the right path and helping him some times. After a few chapters and some events, Keepor will appears way less on the story. The abilities of John are weak compared to a Reaper, but he's almost invencible againts everyone else.

About the the game, even with almost all galaxy united, they were wining with ease. I will try do something different about this, but its hard. I hope you continue reading, so that you can see what i will do. Thank you for your review.

This chapter will be short, the next one we will end Feros and focus on the rest.

I continued to sleep until someone came and wakes me up,'' John, wake up. Shepard's calling everyone to the comm room.'' Liara was the one who came.

'' Okay, Okay.'' I got up and both of us headed to the coom romm, '' How much time has passed since the party?''

'' 7 hours.'' Liara answered me.

'' Have we arrived on Feros?" I asked.

She shook her head, '' I don't know. I think Shepard is going to talk about this.''

We arrived in the coom room and everyone is already there. Shepard started to talking as soon as we entered, '' We are 40 minutes away from Feros, but I have just received this message from Admiral Kahoku. Joker, show us.''

Joker said, '' Playing the message right now, Commander.'' Then the message started to play.

'' Shepard, this is Admiral Kahoku. I found out who set that trap for my men. The ones killed by the thresher maw…. Damn, i hope you get this message.''

The message continued, '' It was a group called Cerberus. An Alliance black ops organization. Top secret, highest-level security clearance. They vanished a few months ago, dropped right off the grid. Nobody knew where they went or what they were up to. They've gone completely rogue. Shepard. They're conducting illegal genetic experiments, trying to create some kind of super soldier.''

'' I don't have any proof, but i found the coordinates for one of their research worlds. I'm uploading them with this message…. They're completely out of control. Somebody needs to stop them. I've done my part, now it's up to you.''

Then the voice from Kahoku appears distressed, '' This is… this is probably the last you'll hear from me. Cerberus is after me now. I need to disappear before they find me.''

After the message ended, Shepard spoke with a grave tone, '' He's in danger. We are close to the location he sent us.''

'' How close?'' Kaidan asked.

'' Two hours away from here, but I can make it in one. '' Joker said through the comms.

The room was silent. Shepard, as always, started talking, '' Look guys, I know that I am a Spectre, but it doesn't mean I know everything. I can make mistakes like everyone and now I'm on an impasse. I want everyone opinion on this matter.''

I took the opportunity and started, '' Let's get to the facts. Feros is close by but so is Kahoku. One is a colony that lost contact, it means that it could be something simple or something really bad. And second, we have Kahoku, who is in danger.'' I looked at everyone in the room, '' I say we go to Feros and then we rush towards Kahoku's location.''

Just like Shepard, I don't know if i am doing the right thing… but Feros has the priority. The possibility that we could save Kohaku is too low, but if we can do it … it can change the future a little.

Shepard looked at Wrex next, '' I agree with the kid. When a colony loses contact, 90% of the times it means that something bad has happened, and now we have the Geth, Sauren and the Reapers on the mix. Feros is my choice.''

I was curious so i asked Wrex, '' What about the other 10% ?''

He looked at me and let out a huge grin, '' Someone made a big fucking mistake.''

I shook my head. Shepard also shook her head a little and then looked at Ash, '' I vote on Feros as well.''

Kaidan was next, '' Feros.''

Liara looked conflicted, '' Both of them are in danger, but i think Feros need more help.''

'' Feros is the right choice.'' Garrus was the one who said it.

Tali is the last one, '' This is difficult, but I choose Feros as well.''

All of us voted on Feros. We have to finish Feros quickly and then go towards Kahoku.

Shepard nodded at everyone right after Tali finished her vote, '' Okay then. Feros first then we go to Kohaku location as fast as possible.''

After that, everyone but Shepard and me left the room. I started to talk with her, '' You know that we just sentenced Admiral Kahoku to death, right?'' I was not judging her or the crew. I was just surprised.

Shepard sighed, '' I know… we can only hope that he manage to stay alive until we arrive at his location.''

I embraced her from behind, '' Just follow your instincts, they're correct almost all the time. I trust you.''

She was awful quiet, so i looked at her and she's looking at me with her eyebrow raised, '' What?'' I asked.

She asked with a deadpan tone, '' What are you doing?''

I slowly broke the embrace, '' I was hugging you…?''

Shepard sighed, '' Now's not the time for this. Get ready, we are close to Feros and we need to focus.''

We left the room together and walked towards Shepard's room. I said to her on the way, '' You know, i was really just hugging you, no ulterior motive at all.''

She just stared at me. '' Okay, but just a little.'' I smirked.

We stayed quiet until we arrived at her room. After both of us entered, she looked at me dumbfounded, '' Why the hell did you follow me here?''

I was surprised, '' What? You didn't notice me following you all the way here?''

'' I thought you would leave after i entered my room, like you're an escort or something like that.'' Shepard said while walking around the room.

Now it's my time to be dumbfounded, '' No, it's nothing like that. I just wanted to take a shower here, is that possible?" I asked her.

She raised an eyebrow and was about to speak, but i managed to say before her, '' No sex. Just a normal bath, i promise.''

'' I think I'm spoiling you a lot, but … go ahead. Did you bring everything you need?'' Shepard's really nice.

I nodded, '' Everything's here. I put some of my things in your room after the party.''

'' And who said you could do it?'' Shepard's grabbing some of her clothes and a towel.

'' Nobody, but I thought you …. Wait, why are you undressing?'' I asked, feeling a little surprised.

'' What? Did you think you would take a bath alone? No sir, you are in my room, we do it together.'' She said while getting into the bath.

I undressed and entered it soon after. We just let the water pass through us. I started talking first, 'You know… I love baths, it help me focus, especially before a battle. Even though we took one not too long ago, it's really refreshing.''

'' And why do you think we're going to have a battle?'' Shepard asked.

I helped her pass some shampoo on her hair,'' Just a gut feeling…''

'' Thank you.'' This time, she helped me with the shampoo,'' And how many times your gut was right?''

'' More than I can count.''

We continued to take a bath for more 10 minutes. Right after we got out, we put our armor already.

'' We still have some time until we arrive on Feros. What do you want to do?'' I asked Shepard.

She began to think and answered after some time, '' Let's go socialize with the Crew, see what they are up to.''

'' Good idea.'' I said while checking myself on the mirror. We left the room right after that.

The nearest person is Liara. She must already be ready, just like us. We arrived at where she's staying and knocked on the door.

We heard Liara's voice from inside the back room of the med bay, '' Coming.'' She opened the door to us. As I have guessed, she's already prepared to go. '' Oh, it's you guys. What are you doing here?''

Shepard started to talk, '' We thought it would be nice to talk with everyone before the mission. I think this is going to be a little bit rough.''

Liara nodded, '' I can't talk that much because i have only been in one mission until now, but yes, this mission feels… different. ''

'' Are you already done with the preparations?'' I asked Liara.

'' Yes.'' She checked herself and nodded,'' I am ready to go.''

After that, the three of us started to look around for everyone else, but we didn't manage to find anyone except Liara here.

'' I suspect that all of them are on the Engineering level.'' I said to the girls.

'' Let's go then.'' Shepard started to lead the way, with me and Liara right behind her.

As we were walking, I began to talk with Liara, '' So… how are you doing? You just helped save a planet, less than a week after suffering an attempted kidnap. You are incredible.

She shook her head, '' Look who's talking. But yes, those past few days have been interesting, to say the least. As you already know, i love studying the long forgotten history of the Protheans, but something like this crew, Shepard and you… let's just say that it's nice to change pace once in a while.''

I smiled at her, '' it's nice to know that.''

We continued to talk until we arrived at the elevator. When we entered it, Shepard asked us right away, '' What you guys are talking about? I couldn't hear it.''

Liara and I shared a look and I said, '' We are talking about your beauty, Commander. Especially your red hair, it's the most beautiful color I have ever seen.''

Liara nodded, '' Yes, Commander. John here doesn't stop talking about you.''

Shepard just smiled and answered us, '' Thank you, John. You're not bad yourself.'' Then she looked at Liara and smirked, '' You too, Liara. You are beautiful as well.''

Now it's my turn to nod my head no-stop.'' Yes, that she is.''

Both of them looked at me. '' What? I am just telling the truth.''

We would have continued this talk but, unfortunately, we arrived at our destination. Right after getting out of the elevator we already could see the rest of the crew gathered here. Some of them are talking and some are checking their guns.

Us three didn't want to distract them, so we just started to blend in, Shepard and Liara started to go towards Ash and Tali, who both were surprisingly talking with harmony, and I began to go towards Wrex, Garrus and Kaidan.

Wrex is doing Wrex's things and Garrus is with Kaidan gun, doing some kind of modification. I started to talk with Wrex, '' Hey, old man. Are you ready for the mission?''

He looked at me and nodded ,'' I'm always ready, kid.'' Then he said something that surprised me a little, '' What is your relationship with the Commander?''

''You really are something.'' I looked around us to see if anyone was hearing us and whispered to the Krogan, '' What do you know about this?''

Wrex is making a dumbfounded face, '' You two are trying to keep it hidden? First on the party and now you even took a shower in her room.'' I raised an eyebrow to him, '' Yes, kid. News travel fast on this ship.''

I just accepted reality and sighed, '' Well, even I don't know what I am to her. Yet.'' I told the Krogan while putting the weapon I choose to use on this mission on a table nearby.

Wrex accepted my answer, '' You've hit the Jackpot with her, you know that right?''

I nodded. Then he looked at my while holding back his laughter, '' Now you are a step closer to your harem.''

I decided to ignore the Krogan and started to verify my weapon. My weapon for this mission is my trusted Tsunami X, now with thermal clips. I still have my older weapons, if you could call it like that, guarded on my inventory.

I noticed that Wrex is verifying his shotgun right beside me and I could see that it's a nice weapon, '' Holy shit, Wrex. Who did those modifications on your shotgun?"'

He looked at me and then at his shotgun, '' This?'' I nodded. He tossed it to me and I started to analyze it, '' It's from Tuchanka. The best gun maker of the planet did this especially for me. It has many hidden qualities, a gun like no other.''

I nodded. Even I am surprised by the amount of firepower in that Shotgun, but this is Wrex, nothing too surprising coming from him. '' You have to introduce him to me.'' I said while passing his shotgun back.

Wrex nodded, '' If you ever come to Tuchanka, I will gladly do it for you.'' Then, this time it was him that started to look around to see if anyone is looking at us. When he noticed that nobody was, he passed some paper with a number on it, '' Here, kid. Call this number and you'll have a female krogan ready to do the deed.''

I looked at him, dumbfounded. I never thought that he would really do it. After I managed to recover to my initial shock, I accepted the number with my twitching lips, '' Thank you, old man.''

He looked pleased with himself, '' No problem, kiddo. Just tell me if you need anything else. You would be surprised by the amount of contacts that I made in my life.'' Then he started to go elsewhere.

Right after putting my Tsunami away, I noticed that Garrus is now alone, Kaidan is on the Mako doing something. I approached the Turian, '' Hey, Garrus.''

'' What's up, John?'' Garrus asked.

'' I was watching you doing something with Kaidan's gun. Do you think you could do the same on this?'' I passed to him a very 'old' relic . A Desert Deagle.

He grabbed the gun, that i have bought on an antiques store on Earth, and exclaimed after looking at it, '' John, where did you find this? This is really old school.''

I nodded, '' Yes. It has no thermal clip, you need actual bullets to use it. I found it on Earth a few years ago and haven't touched it since then. I was waiting to find a nice modifier to do it for me.''

'' And you decided to let me do it?'' Garrus asked me while looking at the gun with lovingly eyes.

I nodded, '' Yes. I can see that you know what you are doing. I could have done it, but I don't know if would be good enough for the potential of the gun.''

Garrus nodded, '' I have never really done a mod on a gun this old. I could add some really heavy firepower, increase the accuracy and many more things …. Are you sure you want to give me this gun? I might destroy it on the process.''

'' Don't worry, I trust in your abilities.'' He looked pleased, so I moved on the next subject, '' Besides guns and the Mako, what more can you modify?'' I already knew what he could do, but I need to ask.

'' Almost anything on the galaxy.'' Garrus said while puffing his chest out.

I smiled at him, '' Could you build a ship from the scratch?''

Garrus looked surprised but nodded, '' Yes, if I had the blueprints and a lot of help, I could do it. Why are you asking me this?''

I will never let what happened to Shepard on the beginning of Mass Effect 2 happen, so I need a Normandy SR-2 but without Cerberus. Garrus and the creator of my ship, the old turian on the Citadel, will have to do it.

I was grinning so much that it's hurting, '' After all this shit with Sauren is over, I could use your help to build something for me.''

Garrus eyes lit up a little, '' If it's interesting…'' he looked at me hopefully.

I whispered to him, '' A ship that will be at the top of the galaxy for the next couple of years.''

Garrus nodded, '' If it really is true, you can count on me. But I will let you know in advance, no matter if the ship will be big or small, you will need a lot of money.''

'' Don't worry about it, I have this covered.'' Then I looked at the Deagle on his hands, '' Do you think you could prepare her before this mission start?''

Garrus thought for a moment before answering, '' I could do it, but it will be a lot less powerful. If you give me more time, i could make this gun one of the best out there

'' How much time do you need to make this gun a powerhouse? '' I asked the Turian. I really want to use this gun as soon as possible. I couldn't use it before because she's a little 'broken', in the sense that she lacks a 'strong' punch.

He put a hand on his chin and said, '' 3 weeks. 3 weeks and this gun will be one of a kind.''

'' Good. I will be waiting.'' Then, just as I was getting away from him, I remember something, '' Garrus, if you need money to buy some powerful tools, to help make the gun better, just tell me.''

The Turian nodded and started to go back on working on my gun.

I checked the clock and noticed that we still have a little while to get to Feros, so I had the chance to chat with more people. Kaidan is next.

Just as I was approaching Kaidan, Wrex got there first and they started to talk. I wasn't going to get on their conversation just as it started, so I focused on the girls. They are talking together.

Honestly, I wasn't planning on joining the right away, but I could see Shepard asking me to go in their direction. I gladly accepted the invitation, '' Hello there, beautiful ladies.''

Ash and Tali answered me, '' Hi, John.'' Then Ash asked me, ''What are you talking about with Garrus? I have been close to him those past few days and this is the first time that I have seen him this excited.''

'' You, women, wouldn't understand….'' All the ladies glared daggers at me,'' Okay, okay. Don't need to look at me like that. We were talking about guns. I even gave one of my prized collection to him, so that he can modify it.''

'' So he got excited about a gun…'' The girls looked like they have just uncovered a mystery.

Then i looked at Tali, '' Unfortunately we can't do it today either, right?''

Tali nodded, '' But right after the mission, I can show you.''

I nodded. Shepard looked at Liara and Ash who shocked their heads. Then she asked, '' What are you guys talking about?"'

I was about to tell her when Joker voice came through, '' Arriving on Feros in 3 minutes. Be ready.''

Shepard then walked towards the middle of the room, '' Okay, listen up. We don't know what we are facing so I want everyone on total alert. We will go in, see what's going on with the comms, fix it and get out. Sauren might be involved with this so be careful. No civilians casualities and no one dying on me. Are we clear?"' She asked with a lot of strength.

'' Yes, Commander.''

'' Good.'' Shepard started to lead the way to the exit.

The Normandy parked in the hangar of Feros with no problem and we exited the ship.

The crew was expecting a bloodbath right after exiting the ship, but we are greeted by a man, who appears to be anxious, '' We saw your ship. Far Dan wants to speak with you immediately.''

Shepard asked the man,'' Who's Fai Dan?''

The rest of the crew is looking around the place, to see if we can find anything suspicious.

The man responded, '' He's our leader. He needs your help to prepare for the Geth. They're making another push.'' He appears really frightened, '' Please. Go up the stairs past the freighter.''

Right after that, I noticed a Geth on the corner behind the man, aiming a gun at him. I simply put myself in front of him and my biotic barrier did her job.

After the shot missed, a lot more of the geth appeared from that location. Garrus said to the crew, '' Hostile! Take cover.''

After dealing with the remaining Geth, the man thanked us, '' Thank you! I really thought that I was going to die.''

I said while checking a Geth body nearby, '' No problem.''

Then we started to make our way towards Fan Dan. I hope nobody would recognize me for my earlier visit here. I put a mark here to teleport, but didn't use it.

We arrived at some stairs and noticed a Geth on the wall. I think it's called Geth Stalker. Those guys were creep as fuck.

After some shots, the geth falls to the ground, dead. '' Those things that walk on the walls are creep.'' Wrex said it.

I nodded, '' You are absolutely right.''

We continued our way upstairs, until we arrived at open camp. There were a lot of barricades on the way, with armed people behind it. The Geth really hit them hard.

When they noticed that we were reinforcements, a small part thanks to the guy we saved, one of the soldiers said to us, '' Glad to see some soldiers. Our numbers are getting thin.''

And he's right. There must be only 6 people defending this area. The rest of the colony is more or less the same. Fire and people yelling everywhere.

We heard a woman that was verifying a tube, '' If we don't die of thirst, the geth will surely kill us all.'' We ignored her for the time being and continued in direction of the leader.

We passed some injuried people, some of them without limbs, '' This is more serious than we thought.'' Tali said.

All of us nodded, '' Stay focused, this whole situation doesn't feel right.'' Shepard said while finally getting her gun out. For good this time. All the crew did the same.

I noticed a salarian with some crates, I think she's selling weapons and such. Right beside the salarian, we entered a 'container' of some kind. We followed the path inside and at the end of it, the exit that lead us to Fai Dan.

We encountered Fai Dan talking with a female. The leader noticed our presence, '' Oh, Commander. I'm glad they finally sent somebody to help us.''

The woman, who I don't remember her name, also talked, '' You're a bit late, aren't you?''

Fai Dan reacted right away and yelled, '' Arcelia!'' then he looked at Shepard apolageticly, '' Sorry, Commander. Everyone's on edge since—''

I interrupted him, because I noticed some Geth coming from a tunnel behind Fan Dan, '' Geth incoming!''

All of us hide behind some cover, waiting for them to get more closer. Fai Dan said, '' Protect the Heart of the colony.''

5 geth are coming from the tunnel, but one simple but beautiful throw of a grenade and they are no more. I looked at Shepard after throwing the grenade and she nodded to me. After that meld that was gone 'wrong' with Shi'ara, I can almost feel what Shepard feel. It's a weird but nice feeling.

'' Okay, Liara and Garrus, go with John. Report everything you guys find there. If you find any Geth, engage and destroy.'' Then she talked with the rest, '' The rest of us will stay here, holding our ground.''

'' Good luck.'' I said to the people that are staying behind.

'' You too.'' The crew is already in position for battle, each of them in a favorable position in case of another attack.

We entered the tunnel, that it's not a tunnel but a door, and followed the path that the geth took. We heard a scream, '' I don't want to die! Please don't let me die.''

I didn't hesitate and followed the scream, some stair were in the way but a simple jump and I was already on the scene.

Some Geth are on a corner shooting some colonists behind some covers. I stood on the middle of the Geth and the colonists, my biotic barrier keeping all the damage away from me.

I am testing some ideas regarding the barrier, like if they could ricochet some of the damage. I made some progress on this but not so much.

I, still receiving fire from the geth, started to get more close to them. After reaching a closer distance, I attacked them.

Liara and Garrus arrived after I have killed them all. There were only 6 of them and they are easy to kill.

Liara helped the 3 colonist that survived, while Garrus came and talked with me, '' You need to leave some for us, John. This is no fun.''

I smiled at him, while grabbing some parts of the geth for Tali to use,'' Garrus, if my feeling is right, we will have a lot of Geth, the sufficient for all the crew.''

We waited for 2 minutes, then Liara came back, '' They are okay?'' I asked her.

Liara sighed, '' They are in a state of shock. It will take some time for them to recover, but they will manage.''

They will be traumatized for life, but at least they are still alive, '' Let's go, we need to keep following this path.''

We continued through the 'maze' and reached an area with a lot of geth. They didn't noticed us, so I talked with my squad, '' Look, Liara and I will charge to the middle of the room and get their attention. After all of them focus on us, I will throw a single singularity in the middle of the room and Garrus will detonate her. Do you got that?''

They nodded, '' Good. Let's go.''

I used a Biotic Charge in a Geth in the middle of the room and almost instantly all the geth here focused their attetion on n me. Liara is behind me, using her biotic power as well.

Then, after that, the Geths started to come in our direction, I threw a singularity in the middle of the room, getting all the geth sucked in there.

I yelled at Garrus, '' Now, Garrus!''

I grab Liara and protect her with my barrier. I know that's not necessary, but it's nice to get me some points with her.

The explosion from the combination of biotics + grenades is something really cool. After some damage to my barrier, the explosion ended.

Garrus, feeling surprised, asked me, '' What the fuck was that, John?''

'' A little of my biotics and some nice explosive can do it.'' I said while smirking.

'' You should have seen the last one. Almost killed him.'' Liara said while getting up.

'' Hey! That was an small error.'' I started to look around the room,'' I think this is it. Let's go back to Shepard and plan our next step.''

We take the same path and reached Shepard fast. Then Fai Dan started to talk with us, '' The tower's secure. Thanks to you.''

Shepard also is here and took the conversation to herself, '' I'm just glad your colony is safe.''

Fai Dan said, '' I appreciate your concern.. and your efforts against the geth.''

Arcelia, I think that's her name, also said, '' They may have been slowed, but they'll be back. They always come back.''

Shepard looked at both of them, '' Help me find what the geth are after and you'll all get out of here alive.''

Fai Dan looked defeated, '' We don't know what they're after. They came, they attacked us. That's all we know. Their main base is at the ExoGeni headquarters, a good place to start looking if you want answers.''

Shepard asked the man, '' What's ExoGeni?''

Arcelia was the one who answered, '' It's the company most of us worked for before the attacks. They fund this colony.'' Then she passed more information, '' The skyway leads directly to ExoGeni headquarters. You can't miss it.''

Fai Dan added, '' Of course, there's an army of geth between here and there.''

'' I didn't expect this would be easy.'' Shepard sighed.

'' The colony is barely functioning. Maybe I can get it operational again, after you help us.'' Fai Dan said.

'' What do you need us to do?'' Shepard asked the man.

Arcelia answered, '' First, we need those Geth destroyed.''

Fai Dan nodded,'' Arcelia is right. There are still geth in the tunnels. We also have more mundane problems, like food, water, and power. I'm not sure where we stand on those matters, you should talk to the people overseeing them.''

'' Do you have any information about geth in the lower tunnels?'' Shepard asked.

Fai Dan shook his head, '' Nothing new. They're in the tunnels somewhere, likely guarding a transmitter to coordinate attacks. It's not a critical threat right now, but getting rid of that transmitter will help us defend against further attacks.''

I take this opportunity, while Fai Dan and the other girl are distraceted with Shepard, and called a everyone of the squad aside.

'' What do you have for us, Kid?'' Wrex asked while we formed a circle.

'' I don't like this. There is something wrong on this whole situation. Be sure to be alert for everyone, including the colonists.'' I told them. While is not all true, some part were, and the crew have to be prepared.

Surprisingly, all of them nodded, '' I was talking with Ash about this. Something is not right.'' Kaidan said.

I nodded, '' Good. Now that everyone is on the same page about this, focus on protecting each other back. Let's hope this will end soon.''

After this little meeting we returned and listened to Shepard and Fai Dan conversation, '' So, Macha Doyle for the water problems, Davin Reynolds for food and May O'Connell for the power. Is that all correct?'' Shepard asked.

Fai Dan nodded, '' Yes, Commander.''

'' Good. I will come back and talk with you later.'' Shepard said to the man while coming towards us.

As soon as she get closer, she said, '' Something is not right with this situation.'' Then she noticed everyone looking at her strangely, '' What?''

'' It's because we were thinking the same thing, Commander.'' All of us smilled at her.

'' You guys are really the best crew I could have asked for. Now, let's fix those problems and go to main point.'' We started to go back to the beginning of the colony.

So we will do the side-quests then go to that Thorian. If what I am planning on doing goes right, we can gain another ally against the Reapers.

I have a lot of plot to write, but they will only work after the plot of ME1 ends. So,i will do at least more 10 chapter on ME1 and then focus on those plots. I hope you guys liked the chapter.