A/N: Pretty unusual of me to start off a story with an 'author's note,' but I just want to clarify some things before jump right into the story.
Italic text: thoughts
bold text: when the author is speaking
Also, This the new series I will starting now! Hopefully you guys will find this story interesting or even enjoyable to read! Let's begin!
Chapter 1: A Bright Light
As Henry moved his pencil swiftly through the blank piece of paper that it was, he was already thinking big on what he was planning on doing today. It was his first day at his new job as an animator for this animation studio known as "Joey Drew's Studio." His first task that he was given was to draw a cartoon character design for the upcoming cartoon that'll come out in just a couple of months. Henry wanted his idea, or design (whatever way it's called) for this upcoming cartoon to be accepted by his boss, Joey Drew. Henry stares at his paper & decides to take a look at his drawing before even showing it to his boss. He stares at the drawing, it was a drawing of a cartoon demon, including a smile on his face, not the most kid-friendly type of character, but Henry wanted this little cartoon demon to be represented as "nice" & not "scary for the children's eye." Well, in a nutshell, he wanted his design to look unique & not like those types of "cliche types of characters." As put into his own words. He then gets out of his chair, & went on to search for his boss. he walked around the studio to find Joey, but he couldn't be found. Henry then goes downstairs to see if Joey was in the music department. Only to find someone there conducting a group of musicians.
"Alright everyone, that'll be all for today, you may leave now." Everyone began packing up their belongings as they all fled out of the music room. Henry goes over to the conductor who was apparently writing something at the current moment, and taps on his shoulder.
"Hey, um... have you seen Joey? I'm trying to look for him." Henry asks the conductor.
"Oh, you must be Henry! Joey has been talking about you ever since you got here! Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Sammy Lawrence, the music director here." Sammy then pulls his hand out to greet Henry, Henry gives out his hand to Sammy & shakes it rather awkwardly.
"N-nice to meet you Sammy, any who, have you seen Joey around here?" Henry asks quietly.
"Oh, you're looking for him? I thought he was at the first floor. Well, he isn't here, I mean, he doesn't come here that often." Sammy replies.
"Oh, I figured he might of been here.. thank you anyway." Henry says in a disappointed voice. He came down here for nothing. He walks back upstairs to the first floor again & goes back to sit at his desk again. However, when he got to his desk, he saw a note written on his desk right by his drawing.
"No." including Joey's initials, indicating that it really was him. Henry then looks at his drawing with a depressed look on his face knowing the fact that his design got rejected by his boss, however, he still wanted to keep the drawing since to him, it looked simple, but cute. He then puts the drawing, shoves it inside his suitcase & leaves the studio since everyone was leaving already. He walks out of the studio & drives back home.
Once he returned home, he put his suitcase by the entrance, of his house & immediately sits down at his desk & takes out a sheet of blank paper, including a pencil. He was going to try again & this time, it was going to be better than the one before. After several minuets of Henry drawing on that piece of paper, he was finally done with the finish product, he took a look at the drawing, just to make sure it looked decent enough for him to show off to his boss. Henry then formed a smirk on his face & put the paper down on the table.
"Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly what I wanted it to look like! Oh, I can't wait to show this off to Joey! I bet he'll like it!-" But before Henry could even finish his sentence, a though crossed his mind.
"Oh, right. I need to give him a name, but what should I name him? Hmm... let me think." Henry tapped his pencil as he thought about the name that he shall give to his "creation." A couple minuets go by, & Henry looks back at his drawing.
"Ben... dy? Bendy... yeah, I'm sticking to Bendy, his name shall be Bendy." Henry then grabs his pencil & writes down the name so that Joey knows what the name for his character is. He then puts the drawing in his folder where kept his first design for Bendy. Henry goes upstairs to his bedroom & his imagination was going wild that night, he was thinking about how Joey will react to his drawing or "design" for the new cartoon. Henry was then fantasizing about Joey's look on his face when he sees the drawing he made, & how proud Joey will be of Henry. Eventually though, Henry did fall asleep.
The next day, Henry slowly wakes up from his sleep & then tries to get himself up from his bed, but the weight that his body was putting on him was way too heavy for him to stand up from his bed. which was odd because usually this would happen if he was either feeling depressed or non-motivated. which he isn't? But who cared anyway, Henry slowly gets up from his bed & looks at his clock, he still had some time to spare. so he goes downstairs & enters the kitchen with laziness. He makes himself some coffee, as well as some toast. After he was done with his breakfast, he went to the bathroom to go & brush his teeth. When he was done, he went to go change his clothes to put on his usual uniform that he would wear to work, A suit & his glasses. Last but definitely not least, he went over to the entrance to pick up his suitcase that was filled with all of the essential needs for his work place, & so, he was off to work. Once he got there to the studio, he realized that there weren't that many cars here, odd, but then made his way to the entrance of the studio, and there by the entrance, he saw Joey there standing in the hallway writing some notes onto his notebook that he had, Henry went over to Joey & tapped on his shoulder.
"Hey, Joey? can I have a moment of your time? I promise it won't be long!" Henry begs, Joey looks over to him & gives Henry a smile.
"Sure! How about we go to my office & we can discuss?" Joey asks, Henry nods & the two make their way over to Joey's office, once they got there, Joey goes over to his desk & waves at Henry to come sit with him.
"Come on Henry! Have a seat! Don't be shy!" Joey commands. Henry then takes a seat that was facing Joey as he gets out his suitcase.
"Well, you see Joey, the reason I wanted to come & talk to you is because I wanted to show you my design of the main character for the upcoming cartoon!"
"Oh, I see, well let me have a look!" Joey says, Henry then takes out the drawing & gives it to Joey, Joey then takes the drawing out of Henry's hand & looks at it. Joey's eyes emit a glow once he saw the image that Henry drew, It was again, a drawing of a demon, not the most appealing thing to the children's eye, but this one, was different. The demon had a big smile on it's face, as well as some gloves & shoes. Lastly, on the top of the page, it said the word, 'Bendy.' Indicating that that was name for this character. (duh.)
"Wow Henry! This looks really good, but, you don't mind of I... keep it, would you?" Joey asks.
"No! Not at all! You can have it, so, does this mean that my drawing is... chosen?" Henry asks. He wanted to know badly whether his drawing will get accepted by his boss or not.
"I'll let you know because we still have some people that need to submit their designs. I have a big feeling that your design will be chosen for the new cartoon! Keep up the great work Henry!" Joey complimented.
"Why thank you! Really appreciate it!" Henry said as he gave out his hand to Joey, Joey then pulls his arm out to shake Henry's hand.
"Your welcome, let me know if you have any questions, okay?" Joey states.
"Sure thing boss."
"Oh, there's no need for you to be so formal! You can just call me Joey!" Henry then nods his head as he heads out of his boss's office. Once Henry returned back to his "station," he began making drawings of Bendy, often depicting him getting himself into unlikely situations. That was until someone else noticed Henry drawing in his "sketchbook" of his.
"Wow, impressive.." Said the person that was standing behind Henry. Henry immediately turned his head over to the person who was talking to him, it was Sammy, but why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be in the music department? Trying to conduct the rest of the band that he was doing just yesterday?
"... Sammy? Aren't you supposed to be in the music department? You know, conducting everyone down there?" Henry asks.
"Oh, it's break time. You didn't realize that?... oh, right, you're new here, obviously you don't know. Anyways, do you want to come & have lunch together?" Sammy asks.
"Yeah, I don't have anything better to do anyways..." Henry replies as he walks along with Sammy.
Hello, I have returned :p
Any who, this is the new series I will be working on for now until I... you know, end it or cancel it at one point. Who knows. Also, my school recently had to be closed down for the entire year so ripperoni for me I guess :'^(
So, I'll be working back-to-back with this series as well with my other series so yea :'D Goodbye!
~Wassup it's Vlad
EDIT 5/9/20: Hello everyone, so I did a bit on improving on the chapter, hope that helps!