Disclaimer: I recognise the story that I have written is based on the rights owned by Tolkien Enterprises, Marvel Comics and Studios, Warner Bros Entertainment and Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures. I have no creative rights over the characters and places you can identify in this story and have no way profited from this work.


Chapter 1 – Introduction

Hi everyone to the next instalment in the MTCU.

I'll come straight to the point. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major reason for the delay in publishing this crossover (more importantly, I hope all of you are safe and well). The virus is as much a law enforcement problem as it is a health one. And while I'm not a sworn officer, work has nonetheless been very busy. Hopefully the first few chapters will make up for the delay.

Some readers were surprised that ADA was relatively short compared to some of my other crossovers. Character development is still central to the MTCU though. And there is no greater test of character than resuming from your lowest ebb. Which leads us to Avengers: Methteilien.

Methteilien is a loose translation of "Endgame" in Sindarin. But like I said in ADA Chapter 1, this crossover's plot was devised independently of Earth-199999 events. While it might contain some elements from Endgame, my goal is for AM to be a distinct story as much as possible.

The main points about this crossover:

1) In a way, the MTCU has already had a time travel story in the form of SWATTD. This crossover won't have any characters travelling backwards or forwards through time.

2) There is nonetheless a short time gap (compared to Endgame) between the plot's beginning and middle.

3) It uses elements from both The Silmarillion and Earth-616.

4) As well as some apocrypha from the Tolkien legendarium.

5) No speculation on the story arc of MCU Phase 4 and 5.

6) Spoiler Alert: Readers will need to be patient for the SL cameo.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the late Christopher Tolkien. His father was the indisputable author of Arda and its denizens. But Christopher was the one who brought many of their stories to life. Without his work, I could have never embarked on this journey that is the MTCU.

As always, I look forward to your reviews and comments throughout.

Dr Matthattan

April 2020