Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, Supergirl or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Chaos Sorcerer: Thanks for the review. Yes very easy. LOL! Adrian would be driven more insane than he already is. I already have the fic where he trolls Diaz to death. Maybe I can write one like that for Chase too. Glad that gave you a laugh and no kidding on Cupid. All of the additions in this review were very great too. Thanks a lot. LOL on Clark being annoyed by 'One Call Away.' Sorry you didn't get the job, even if it wasn't your priority. The damn corona delayed some of my internship opportunities too *groans* Yes, Felicity really has no right. Glad that was amusing. Hope Malcolm saying he wants some popcorn to watch that scene was amusing too. Yes, Chase would be dead within half a minute in Jormungandr's lair. This was what Chase deserved. HAAA! That would be exactly how the scenario with lovesick bitch Savitar and crazy Iris plays out. Agreed on William. Yes, it all worked out in the end. I will end it with a shocker followed by satisfaction. Glad to hear it. Stay safe, and enjoy the chapter.

Agent N: Thanks for the review, and so glad it was epic. Chase sure did. Glad to hear it on both.

Guest: Thanks for the review. Both of them being evil on an Earth would be nightmare come true.

Chapter 4- Moving on

Oliver stood near the graves of everyone he had lost on this island- Robert Queen, Yao-Fei, Shado and Taiana.

All of them were in some way responsible for the man he had become. All he could hope for was that they were proud of him. Though a voice deep down that sounded suspiciously like Thea told him they were.

A.R.G.U.S. had rounded up Talia, Dinah, Evelyn, Cutter, Warner and anyone else on Chase's side who was still alive and put them in the Lian Yu prison, while Dig's wife and A.R.G.U.S.' Director Lyla Michaels had pardoned Slade due to having helped Oliver on the island, though not without warning him that she would take him down if he stepped out of line again, which was exactly what Oliver expected of her.

He heard footsteps coming his way and turned to see Nyssa approach.

"These are the ones you lost in this place?" Nyssa asked.

"Yeah", Oliver nodded with a heavy sigh.

"Trust me, they are proud of the kind of man you are today", Nyssa told him as she stopped next to him.

"Thank you", Oliver told her gratefully.

"I spent a long time burying my feelings which I had developed for you long ago", Nyssa said. "My only experience so far has been Sara, though I know our relationship would never have worked out outside of the League. I am willing to see where this goes. Are you, husband?"

Turning to her, Oliver said. "I am. I developed some feelings for you too during the time we have known each other. The kiss we shared earlier, that made me realize it at last."

The two leaned closer and kissed each other passionately on the lips once more before parting as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Let us get off this island", Oliver said, glancing at the graves one last time, having a feeling this was the last time he was on Lian Yu. "Besides, I am about to do something that is going to make you happy."

"What, husband?" Nyssa asked.

"You will know once we reach the bunker", Oliver told her.

Later that day, Arrow Cave

Oliver, Thor, Kara, Roy, Thea, Laurel, Rene, Quentin, Dig, Nyssa, Felicity and Malcolm stood there. Barry had returned to Central City while Slade had also gone off to search for his son after thanking Oliver, who had told Slade he would help him find his son if needed and also thanked him in return. Slade had also thanked Thor and Kara for giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"Now", Malcolm said as he prepared to walk away. "Clearly, everyone in this room hates me, so I will be leaving right now."

"Wait", Oliver said as Malcolm turned to him while the Emerald Archer moved towards him.

"What is it?" Malcolm asked. "If you're going to hug me then-"

Malcolm was cut off when Oliver punched him hard in the stomach, making him double down in pain as Oliver grabbed his face and kneed him hard, breaking his nose as he groaned while Felicity, Dig, Rene and Curtis watched in shock, wondering why Oliver was doing this.

Quentin was a little shocked too but he found the scene satisfying as Malcolm was responsible for Sara's death. Thea would have asked Oliver to stop if she was as naïve about Malcolm as she had been one year earlier, but right now, she knew Malcolm wasn't a saint and he didn't care about her as long as he got what he wanted.

Roy looked pretty satisfied too, due to reasons he and Oliver had found out recently, which Oliver was about to bring to light.

Laurel was indifferent to the scene, though from what she had been told of Malcolm, he did deserve this.

Nyssa looked satisfied as well, though she was good at hiding it.

Thor and Kara had heard of what Malcolm had done, so they didn't stop Oliver either.

Oliver kicked Malcolm hard on the chest, sending him to the ground as his ribs broke.

"Why?" Malcolm asked as he held his bloodied nose.

"You thought just because you were trying to help me this once, you're forgiven for your sins?" Oliver asked incredulously. "You brainwashed my sister into killing Sara! You told Damien Darkh about my son and put his life in danger! You are one of the many reasons Laurel died!"

Oliver stomped on his chest again, making him cry out in pain.

"And I found out another sin you committed", Oliver said as he looked at Roy, giving him a nod, making Roy nod back gratefully.

Looking back at Malcolm, Oliver picked him up by the collar. "You said you had tracked down the man who you thought had killed Rebecca, and murdered him in cold blood. But of course, he was the wrong man, the right man was Brickwell obviously."

"What….are you…saying?" Malcolm groaned painfully.

"The man you murdered in cold blood because you thought he had killed your wife, was my father", Roy snarled at Malcolm as everyone's eyes widened in shock, not having expected that of all things. "You ruined my life!"

"Nyssa", Oliver asked as he held out his hand.

"With pleasure, husband", Nyssa said as she handed Oliver her sword.

"Thea…..help…I'm…..your father", Malcolm cried out.

"My father was Robert Queen", Thea declared firmly and in that moment, Malcolm knew he wasn't getting out of this.

"Stabbing you through the chest didn't work, so I'm going to cut your goddamn head off", Oliver said before swinging his sword. Malcolm's blood splattered on his shirt as his head rolled to the ground while his body toppled a second later with no head to direct it.

"Should have done that a long time ago", Oliver said as he returned Nyssa's sword to her.

"Well, I have a feeling we are not needed here any longer", Thor said.

Turning to them, Oliver said gratefully. "Thank you very much, for helping me save my friends and family. I owe you two a lot."

"We are your friends Oliver. You don't owe us anything", Kara assured before giving him a hug. This time, he wasn't shocked and returned it with a smile. They parted as Thor shook hands with Oliver.

The two gave nods to all of them before Kara took out her extrapolator and opened a breach. Nodding at everyone again, the two walked into the breach before it closed.

And just like that, another adventure was over.

And that ends it.

Yes, the punk Malcolm killed in the 3x12 flashbacks was Roy's father for the purposes of this story. We were never really told anything about his parents, so it can work.

I got this idea from Phillipe363's 'Sins of the Past' which I read two days ago so thank you to him.

It adds to the long list of sins Malcolm has committed and gotten away with it. Frankly, he got off too easy.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed and thank you to everyone who favorited, followed or reviewed this fic and supported me in different ways while I wrote this. Your support means a lot, as always.

Until next time.

Till then, stay safe from the coronavirus ya all!