Henry followed Lucy back to her apartment. She was angry and upset he wouldn't believe her and he has no idea how to calm her down.

"Lucy, please." Henry pleaded with her "Just li... "

"No! You could believe, you just don't want to!" She shouted at him.

"It doesn't work that way. Okay? You may not understand now, but you will when you're older. " he tried to explain to her.

"I wish you could remember what it was like to be a kid. To believe, I wish you never grew up!" she raged at him before locking herself in her bedroom. Henry sighed in frustration.

"Okay. I guess we're not going to the island tonight. I'll call your mom." He said picking up his phone. He noticed the number on the adoption paper Regina had given him. he sighed. "Really?" He dialed the number into his phone. Hoping it would clear things up.

The phone at the mills house rang. Henry was sat in his room getting ready for his graduation party.

" I got it, Mom! Hello?" He said as he answered the call. There was a long pause. The person on the other line didn't say anything.He was completely unaware that at the other end of the line His older self was remembering his entire life. "Hello? Who's calling?" he asked the man on the other end of the phone.

"Is this Henry Mills?" the man asked.

"Yeah.Who's this?" Young Henry asked him.

"Uh I'm, uh I'm just a friend of your mother's."

"Oh, you must be calling about the graduation party. Yeah, we moved it. We're meeting at Granny's now." Young Henry informed him.

"It's my uh, your graduation?" the man asked him stunned.

"Yep. Heh. Sure is." Younger Henry said happily. He was glad to be done with school and excited for what came next. Even if he hasn't decided what he was going to do. "Are you a friend of my mom's from work or something? Should I go get her?" He asked the man on the other end.

"Oh, no, no, no. Wait. I just called to congratulate you." the disembodied voice said not wanting to blow his cover, It was hard to not believe her story when the person on the end of the phone sounded so much like him at that she and shared his name and personality. The potion started to work on him and he was slowly starting to wake up

"Oh. Well, thanks." Young Henry said a little confused by the stranger's congratulations.

'So what's next?" Henry asked his younger self.

"To be honest... " Young Henry said sounding undecided.

"You're having doubts." He asked the young man.

" I told my mom it was because I didn't want to lie about who I am." Young Henry told him. He sounded like any other kid about to graduate high school. Confused. "But, um it's hard letting go of this place."

"Believe me, I know. Um, can I give you a piece of advice? Advice someone gave me a long time ago at my graduation?" Henry asked him a little baffled by what was happening but knew what he needed to do.

" Sure." The young man answered, glad for any advice at that moment. His mind couldn't make itself up.

"Home isn't a place. It's the people in it." Henry told his younger self. Knowing why the boy felt so anxious about leaving home. He felt a strange emotion come over him as his life in Storybrooke flashed through his mind. The memory's coming through in waves. He struggled to keep his voice stable. "And they will always be with you."

"Who'd you say this was again?" Young Henry asked wondering how someone he didn't know was able to give him the advice he had needed to hear at that moment.

" Just someone who believes in you." Henry told him a small smile came to his face.

"Henry! We're gonna be late." His mom shouted from downstairs waiting for her son to come down.

" Hold on, Mom. " Henry shouted back. ""I'm sorry. I-I got to go." He told the stranger on the phone.

"Have fun at your party, kid." He told him , he remembers his graduation. "And when you're opening your gifts, make sure you don't miss the tiny one that fell behind your dresser.You are gonna want that one." Henry told him before the call ended

"Henry what's going on?" Lucy said opening the door. To reveal a grinning Henry who chuckled a little, tears threading to fall down his face in relief.

"Oh!" He said looking at his daughter who looked at him with a confused expression. Not understanding what had just happened "Not "Henry," Lucy... " he said to her with a soft smiled. "Dad."

"You remember." Lucy said excitedly. Overjoyed to have her Dad back.

"Yeah." Henry said as they hugged each other.

"But but how?" Lucy asked wondering what made him remember.

" I remember that call. I always remembered it. It was so weird. Because it was me" Henry said to her knowing it would sound strange to her. "I'll explain everything."

"Okay?" We said slowly happy to have her Dad back but still confused.

" But right now I need to help my moms. " He said remembering that Regina and Emma needed his help. He knew Emma had no idea who he was and that Regina would be trying to defeat Gothel alone, because she would be trying to protect them both. "Oh Jesus... What was she thinking?" Henry said suddenly. He just remembered where his mother's would be now. He knew Regina was awake but Emma definitely wasn't. He couldn't help the flood of happiness that hit him when he realised his moms were in love. He had always thought there was a tension between them but had convinced himself nothing would ever come of it. He knew Regina was still in love with Emma/ Tajana but had no idea how the blonde was going to react.

" We need to wake Emma up. She's going to be so pissed at Mom for not doing it sooner. I think now is the time though. If I know my moms, Regina is going to be trying bring down Gothel alone, which isn't going to work without Emma to help her or someone with the right kind of magic. Gothel is different from any kind of magic I have ever seen. We need to find Tajana fast and tell her the truth.

They ran to Roni's apartment, Henry knocked on the door. A panicked Tajana answered it, looking disheveled and like she was going to burst into tears.

"What happened? Is she hurt?" She said in a anxious voice. Henry could tell she was panicking already.

"Were not sure but I have to tell you something. It's going to not make sense at first but you have to trust me." Henry told her. He had to convince her all over again.

Regina stood in the community garden. She has brought the only thing he could pick up to defend herself. She knew it was a feeble attempt at defend but she want going down without a fight. Gothel stared at her she wore a malicious smirk.

"You know, I thought you'd bring more to the fight than a piece of dead wood." She jeered . Regina couldn't describe the hate she felt for the woman in front of her.

"I've got nothin' left to lose." She said strongly not letting her nerves get the best of her. "So let's do this."

"That's the problem with humans." Gothel sneered at her. "They don't know when to let go."

"Letting go has never been my thing." Regina said just before they began their battle to Regina's imminent death. Thunder crashed around them making the atmosphere that much more intimidating.

She ran through the street as fast as she could. She couldn't believe any of it. Her legs were sore and becoming tired. She hadn't been exercising so her cardio was at an all time low. Still she pushed on. She could hear Henry running behind her.

She ran to the communal gardens which thanks to Jacida and Lucy looked completely different to the patch of mud it once was. She didn't dwell on it. She just kept going. She dropped at the entrance. She saw as Gothel blasted Regina back with an invisible force. Regina flew through the air landing heavily on the floor. She lay on the floor, motionless. Her brunette hair splayed across the concrete. She was too late. Henry ran past her and up to her lifeless form.

"Mom! Hold on, Mom. I got you. I got you. It's okay. It's okay. I'm with you. I got you. Mom? Mom I'm sorry it took me so long, but I'm here." He told her panicking having no idea how to wake her. "I remember. I finally remember everything. Please come back to me, Mom." Tears pours down his face. The blonde was stuck to the spot, her panic making it difficult to focus. Seeing Henry sobbing over the brunette body triggered something. "Come back. I love you."

Everything seemed to click into place. Images flew through her mind. Things that didn't make sense at first and then it happened. On instinct She ran over to her and knelt down next to her head. She leaned down and kissed the brunette hard. White light exploded around them. Henry so caught off guard flew backwards and landed on his butt.

They pulled away. Regina looked at the blonde's eyes. Hoping that it was Emma she would see.

"Regina..." The blonde said to her in a stunned voice.

"Emma!" Regina relieved to have her back, even though she hated what came next.

"Never do that again. Or I'll kill you myself. " Emma said. Regina's face fell instantly. Emma grabbed her shoulders and pulled the brunette against her, kissing her. Regina wrapped her arms around Emma. Henry coughed loudly. They broke apart instantly and looked at their son.

"Umm... We still kinda have a problem. " Henry said turning to look at Gothel who was smirking at them. Regina and Emma broke apart and quickly jumped to their feet. The rest of their friends had arrived at the scene the curse breaking had awakened them.

"Henry?" Regina said to her son.

" Yeah. " he said to her, he was so glad she was okay.

"You did it. You broke the curse." Regina said to him with a smiled. Happy her son managed to awake and save them.

" I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. " he apologized. Regina didn't care she was just happy he was back.

" Oh, Henry. I'm just glad to have you back. And my magic. " She said knowing that she had more chance at beating Gothel now. She threw a fireball at Gothel and the witch batted it away like it was a baseball.

"It's not enough, Regina." Gothel teased as she approached the brunette.

"Maybe. But perhaps your daughter's magic will be. " said Gold from behind her. Gothel stared at him confused. Rumple knew the power the young girl held.

"Gold."Regina said with a smile.

"My daughter's with me now, Dark One." Gothel said "Come here, Tilly."

"She was never with you. And now she's gonna be the one who stops you." Rumple told Gothel who looked angry.

"What? No. I can't fight her. She's a monster. She's too strong." Alice said knowing how strong her mother was. The storm around them was warning enough.

"Not half as strong as you, Alice." Hook said knowing Rumple was right. His daughter was stronger than she realised.

"Papa, please." Alice begged not believing she could take Gothel down.

'I know you're afraid. You're hurting yourself. You're growing weak." Alice said noticing her father was suffering.

"No, I'm finally growing strong. You make me stronger." He encouraged her. She looked scared and panicked.

"Yet every step you take, your heart grows weaker." He told her taking a very painful breath. "You can do this. I'm here with you."

"And so am I." Robin who was stood next or her told her. She believed her girlfriend was stronger than anyone she had met before.

"Don't be a fool. Join your mother and defend your home." Gothel told her trying to get the girl to come over to her side.

"You are not my mother. You want to ruin me the way the world ruined you. But I'm not like you. I'm not an outcast. I'm not an orphan or a street rat or some crazy girl who's lost her way. You chose hate. But I choose love." Alice said as she grew more confident her family gave her the strength she needed to fight her mother. Her magic started to do its work. "I'm sorry your life twisted into something you never meant it to. I promise I will do better. For everyone. Farewell, Gothel." She told her before she used her magic to transform Gothel into a beautiful tree.

She made Hyacinths grow around the base of it. She wished she could have convinced her that the world wasn't such a bad place but she knew how a bad experience could change a person and her mother had a lot of them.

Hook looked worse for wear and they tried to help the man while they waited for more help to arrive. Regina and Emma stood together awkwardly not knowing what to do with themselves.

Emma looked at Regina, neither knowing what to say. They were interrupted by Jacinda pushing Espe over to where they stood. Emma took her from her pram. Espe smiled at her, then looked at Regina. Espe held her arms out to her, Regina looked at Emma. Who smiled at her.

"I don't know what happens now, but she's still your daughter. " Emma said to her. Regina took Espe in her arms and held her tightly to her.

"Thank you" Regina whispered. Tears starting to fall in relief.

"I couldn't do that to you Regina. I know how much you love her, she's just as much mine as she is yours." Emma said grabbing Regina's hand.

" Killian? " Regina asked unable to say anymore.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I don't know how he's going to take this. I just hope he doesn't hate us." Emma said . Regina was still confused. "Don't think I hadn't got over this because there's a lot to talk about but for now I'm just happy were all alive. Looking at Henry who was hugging Jacinda tightly.

Lucy rushed in through the garden and ran straight to her parents. Regina was happy to see her son smiling brightly once more. Emma put her arm around the brunette.

" I'm kind of glad you didn't wake me. I wouldn't of been able to keep this from him. " Emma said to her. It surprised her that Emma wasn't angrier. She was expecting her to reject her. Instead the blonde just looked confused.

Emma wasn't sure what to think about Regina and her. She was in love with Regina and she didn't know what that meant for her and Killian. She loved him too but she knew she would be lying to herself if she said it was more than Regina. She had never thought about them ever being a possibility. Sure now and again she had wondered what if, but came to her senses. Regina had held a strong disliking for her family for a long time. The idea of the Evil Queen falling in love with the saviour was barbaric to her. But she had to admit as Emma and Regina they fit well, the may have fought a lot but she trusted Regina implicitly.

The latest events ran through mind. She tried to pinpoint when Regina had woken.

I couldn't do it to you too. I didn't want you to have to lie to him. It hurt to much. I knew that I had cure him at least before I woke you. So there was a chance things could go back to normal. Then the entire thing just unraveled quicker than I expected. Then suddenly Gothel was threatening us and I went to fight her and then... Emma."

"Yeah, I can see how hard it's been on you. I still love you, Regina but we have a lot of stuff to discuss. I'm kinda in shock right now. Henry and Lucy tried to tell me about everything but I didn't want to believe it. Then I ran here and saw you lying there it just clicked into place. All I wanted to do the moment I woke up was save you. Regina we are true loves, we were just too blind to see it before. It just took Roni and Tajana falling in love for us to realize we were being stupid. I just wish I could have helped you a bit more." Emma admitted.

"You helped plenty, if you really believe we are true loves I think we could call this fate Swan. " Regina said before Lucy came running up to them. She hugged them both tightly.

"I'm so happy you guys found each other. I didn't like seeing Regina looking so sad all the time. She missed you more than she will admit." Lucy said giggling slightly. She knew there was more to their story. She never met real Hook but she always though Emma would be happier with Regina. Because Lucy knew that they shared something special.

"Lucy I'm glad your dad was the person who set us up." Regina laughed a little remembering how it all started.

"Huh? " both Emma and Lucy said with in confusion.

"Henry was the one who told me to go for it." Regina said smiling at Henry who smiled back at her.

"I can't believe you guys are together. I mean cursed Henry saw your first kiss I mean it was a little gross but still, I can't believe this is happening. I always kinda imagine what it would be like as a kid but I always thought it could never happen, but the signs were there. Mom wasn't able to use her magic until Emma helped her. You guys created an eclipse together. There's so many to choose from, but they were there all along. You guys just ignored them because you were both too stubborn to admit it. This is kinda cool. A mess but cool nevertheless." Henry said to them.

"To the bar for victory drinks?" Regina asked everyone, Emma nodded in agreement. This has turned out to be a strange kind of day. Henry held Espe on the walk back to Roni's. He couldn't believe he had a little sister. It was made even more amazing by the fact that Regina was her mom too. He knew that if it wasn't for her his moms they would never have bonded the way they had. If there was something they had always had in common it was they put keeping their loved ones safe first.

The victory party was small. Regina and Emma had been awkward around each other all night and not spoken much. They both were behind the bar serving drinks. Regina couldn't help but notice Rumples absence. She knew something was amiss.

"What's the matter Regina?" Emma asked her, seeing the there was something bugging the brunette .

"Where's Rumple I haven't seen him since yesterday. He wouldn't usually miss this." Regina asked Emma who shrugged.

" I never know what that man is up too. Do you think something's happened to him? " Emma asked. Regina wasn't sure but she had a bit feeling something was wrong.

"We need to visit Faillicer, he's been after the dagger. If anyone will know where he was it would be him. " Regina suggested.

"Come on let's go see him." Emma said standing up. Regina followed her. They told Henry where they were going and he comes with them.

"Samdi? Are you in here? Facilier?" Regina called as she and Emma walked into the apartment. Suddenly the waterfall moved revelling a trapped and stunned Rumpel.

"Gold? " Emma said to him in surprised. They had come to ask Facillier for Gold's whereabouts they hadn't expected him to be there.

"What happened to you? Did Facilier do this?" Regina asked him hoping Facilier hadn't done something stupid.

"I'm sorry, Regina... Facilier's dead." He told her. She may not have been in love with the man but the news still hurt her. She coursed. Emma was affected by it too but the blonde just pulled the brunette closer to her. "I'm afraid my alter ego from the Wish Realm made an unexpected appearance." He told them. If Regina knew anything, it was this Rumple was a harmless as a puppy compared to his alternate self.

"He's here? What the hell does he want?" Emma asked just as stunned as Regina. This changed the game slightly for all of them.

Regina, Emma, Hook and Rumple were gathered in the backroom at the Police station. They were trying the best to plan a to stop Wish Rumple from ruining everything. Rumple needed to get the dagger of him before he corrupted their world anymore.

Emma was struggling to understand what was going on. She was confused by how she had gotten trapped in the curse in the first place but at the moment she knew their bigger things to worry about. The whole having Tajana and Roni had thrown her. She should be angry with Regina for lying to her but couldn't berate the woman that has won her heart over. Even if it was Tajana who fell for Regina , Emma could still feel the love she has felt towards Regina. Except she could remember the feeling in parts of her own memory. She had always wondered why there was always a tension between them, the curse had answered her questions. She felt guilty that she had unintentionally cheated on her husband but for some reason she was glad it happened. She loved Regina more than she had loved anyone else she had been involved with. The questions flashed through her mind and she struggled to keep her attention on the situation so that they could deal with their next mission.

"What makes you think I can get it? That I would get it?" Hook asked Rumple, clearly not wanting to meet this new Rumple. Him and Gold were bad enough. This Rumple held no mercy. At least Gold and him had an understanding. They were family whether they liked it or not. Though Hook had to admit he would go as far as to call the older man a friend. He knew they were usually at each other's throats but their partnership as detectives had strengthened their bond. Each on knowing the other would have his back. But this was too much for Hook to handle.

"I think we both know the answer to that, Dearie. You're motivated. I prey on desperate souls, remember? And right now, with your family gone, that soul is you." Rumple told him knowing his idea would work. He needed to get t o his alternative self before he destroyed their world.

"Sounds like this Rumplestiltskin is even more dangerous than the last, if he got the better of you." Emma said knowing that if Rumple was panicking them their was definitely an issue. Fighting himself might be difficult for him.

"Ah, his victory is temporary. My revenge won't be.' Rumple informed them clearly showing his anger with his wish self.

"Our revenge. You're not the only one he hurt today." Regina said having taken Facilliers passing harder than she thought. He had been a good friend and had cured her son so they could break from this curse. It upset her she hasd't gotten to say goodbye.

"To revenge, then. A companion we all know far too well." Hook added knowing if anyone could pull this off it would be them. Henry entered the room looking stressed and panicked

"I'm glad I found you." He said diminutive to him. His time telling his mothers that there was something wrong.

"Henry?" Emma said knowing her son needed their help.

"What's wrong?" Regina asked at the same time as the blonde

" Rumplestiltskin took Lucy and Ella." He said the news made both mothers tighten their fist. Going after old friends was one thing, but their son and family. Now that was a death wish. "He said he's gonna keep them in the Wish Realm until I until I give him the Dark One Dagger." Henry said more panicked that they had ever seen him before.

"I should have seen this coming." Rumple more to himself than the people around him.

"You don't have to worry, Henry. We're gonna get your family back. Together." Hook told him, ready to fight for his friend and his family.

"So, what are you suggesting? I give up the dagger?" Henry asked not knowing what they had planned.

"No, of course not." Regina told him astonished he'd even think it was an option.

"We don't negotiate with villains." Emma said to him as if it was to remind him who they were

"We kick ass and protect the people we love." Regina finished strongly. Her son still had a lot to learn. Henry chuckled at her sentence.

"That would actually make a pretty good family motto." He said with a slight smile. "But right now, my family is stuck in the Wish Realm, and we have no way to get to them." He said sadly. He felt like he had failed them all over gain. The pain felt heavy in his chest.

"Whoa, whoa. Don't be so sure about that. The Wish Realm was my home port, and I may have a route back. I never thought I'd say this again. Captain Hook is ready to go back home." Hook told him glad to be able to help the young man he had come to call a friend.

Regina and Emma went to talk to Alice to find a way to the wish realm. It was the first time since the curse broke they had been alone. The walk started off in a uncomfortable silence. Regina was aching to ask her what she was thinking the words just wouldn't leave her mouth

"So um.." Regina said as Emma also started to talk.

"Do you..." Emma began. They both chuckled a little at the awkwardness of it all.

"You talk. " Regina said wanting to hear what the blonde was about to say. Emma chuckled and looked at her with a smile the sun making her squint slightly.

" I was just going to ask. Do you see this working? " Emma asked " You know us, as Regina and Emma. Not Roni and Tajana. "

Regina wasn't sure how to answer and took a few seconds to put together an response

"Emma. I know this is going to make you angry... But I'm going to tell you anyway, because I'm sick of having to lie to you. I've been awake for a while. It was before... Your coma. Ivy woke me the day I found the picture of Henry and me." She told the blonde and watch her face turn into confused scowl.

" What! " Emma said furiously as she stood still. Regina stopped immediately.

"I couldn't wake you because I had no magic and Henry's life was at stake. I knew the first thing you would want to do was tell him who he was. I couldn't tell you because it would of killed you to see him looking so hurt. It ached me everyday having to watch him mourn the loss of his wife and daughter when he was so close to his actual family." Regina said tears coming to her eyes remembering him telling her he was unable to save his family from a fire.

" I would have helped you break the curse. You didn't have to do it alone. "

"I couldn't find the cure and he would have died if I didn't fix his poisoned heart. Lucy, our clever little granddaughter, managed to get Facilier to cure him. By then Gothel was at large and I was stupid enough to try and take her on alone. What I mean is I didn't tell you because I love you too much to hurt you like that." Regina said her voice braking in places. She hated being this vulnerable in front of Emma usually." But my time with Tajana had made me realise I trusted you not to hurt me. Even as Roni I didn't trust easily but I trusted Tajana almost instantly. I saw something in you that made me trust you. I realised it was because you had trusted me. Not many people in my life would trust me like you do. " Regina told her honestly.

"Of course I trust you. I mean it took a while. " Emma said her voice a lot calmer now. Regina chuckled. Emma, without thinking about it, used her thumb to wipe away a stray tear from Regina's cheek. "Regina, I love you. I think I was to scared to admit it before. I have to be honest I've thought about it before, but never got nerve to ask you out. Then Killian was there and Mom and Dad seemed so happy I was with him, I guess I just... Played along so I didn't upset them. Don't get me wrong Hook is a great husband, but I have always just wanted you.

"The good news is, Rogers was right." Regina said meeting her son and the other men at the troll bridge. "Alice did have a looking glass in her boxcar."

"Amongst other things." Emma intoned."

"Well, my daughter was always a pack rat." Rodgers stated.

"What's the bad news?" Henry asked

"Well, it's cracked." Emma said.

"Which means it's possible its magic may not work." Rumple deduced.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Henry said reaching for the mirror.

"As long as you understand," Rumple warned his grandson. "Taking on this Rumplestiltskin in his own patch won't be a walk in the park… He'll make sure of that."

"You think he's expecting us?" Regina asked.

"Well, I would." Rumple answered, "And I'd prepare something unpleasant."

"Well, hey, listen." Henry said looking at his moms and little sister. "Maybe I should do this alone."

"Stop it, Henry," Regina said. "You're not leaving your mothers behind."

"No you will not." Emma agreed.

"We're all with you till the end." Hook intoned. Henry put the mirror down on the ground and a portal opened up. "All right, one last grand adventure. Let's go get your family."

Regina wasn't sure about taking Espe with them to the wish realm. She knew that it could be more dangerous than the actual Enchanted forest. Both Emma and Regina were reluctant to stay behind. And just as Henry leapt into the mirror, Robin and Alice ran toward them. Emma and Regina looked at each other and nodded.

Robin and Alice offered to take care of the baby while they are away. It would also help to convince the people in Srorybrooke that something was wrong. So the two mothers said goodbye to their daughter before following the men to the wish realm. Both women hated having to be away from Espe at a time like this but knew that soon enough they would see her again. Emma had a tear in her eye as she gave Espe over to Tilly who smiled at her. Regina pulled the bug key from her pocket.

"Take care of them both or there will be hell to pay. " Regina warned them, she kissed Espe head.

"We will, don't worry about Espe, she's in good hands." Robin said smiling at them and then at Alice, who looked up from playing with Espe to grin at the others.

" I trust you just don't do anything stupid. Drive sensibly, her baby seat is already in the car. " Emma said to them, both girl nodded.

"Ok here we go again." Regina said as they lined up to jump through the portal. "Ready?" He asked Emma. The blonde nodded.

" I mean it's been a while but I'm not letting you go alone. " Emma said smile my at the brunette who smiled back. Regina opened the portal and they went through.

They looked around at the stone walls.

"So this is... " Emma said recognising the place but unable to remember what it was.

"Wish Rumple's castle. Looks a lot darker than the original," Regina stated looking around the hallway.

"We need to find Jacinda and Lucy. Where would he of our them?" Henry asked them both.

"I'm not sure but I may know a few places. " Regina said trying to think of what Rumple would do, then multiplying it. Because wish Rumple never knew love so he was a complete monster. They walked into a room with a large, long wooden table. To the right of the room was a large cage with a stake in it.

"Does he have a dog?" Emma asked Regina who shook her head confused.

"That's mine Darlin', for my little friends" Cruella said behind them. Both the woman froze to the spot and turned around slowly.

"Cruella" Regina growled at her. Cruelly walked towards them.

"In the flesh" She said drag find the word out.

"Where's my family?" Henry asked her unfazed by her blatant try at being intimidating .

"Why would I tell you dear. When I could just kill you instead." Cruella said drawing her sword just as Henry drew his own. They battled until Henry was pinned to the floor. Then out of know where Emma jumped in front of her son with his sword. She battled Cruella back a little and let the woman think she was winning just before Regina used her magic to chuck her into the cafe and seal it with blood magic.

" You won't be getting out of there anytime soon! I suggest you tell us... Before I start throwing fireballs at you! " Regina said summoning fireball to make her point. Emma did the same expat hers was a ball of bright light. They nodded at each other and turned on Cruella who shrunk back into the cage.

"FINE, FINE. I'll tell you just don't kill me." Cruelly begged. They stopped their magic ready for her to talk. Cruelly straightened herself out. " Your little mutts are in the dungeon, but knowing where they are and freeing them is a completely different animal. Now can you pay up, free me from this cage"

"our deal was to let you live , not to free you. " Regina said and they walked away from the screaming woman.

The trio maid their way to the dungeon. There was a muffled shout, and Emma's ears perked up. "Do you hear that?" Regina stopped short to listen, as did henry, but only for a split second.

"I hear their voices." He said quickening his steps toward the noise.

Lucy's shouts of "Daddy!" clear to the young man. He tore through the dungeon desperate to find them.

Finally, on the workbench there was a cloth draped over a trinket. As he pulled it off he discovered a domelike artifact, it looked like a snow globe. "Ella! Lucy!" he shouted.

Mother and daughter clung to each other, as Lucy shouted. "Daddy! Daddy, help us, please!" Regina and Emma leaned in to get a better look. Regina's analytical mind realizing that simply breaking the dome would not be enough.

" Yes," Came a voice from the darkness. The trio looked up to uncover the dark one stepping out of the shadows. "Well, you wanted a happy ending. Now you can stick yours on a shelf."

"You magicked them in." Regina said pulling her arm back, "I can magic them out--"

"Wrong, Dearie." Rumple interrupted her, "This bauble is unbreakable. No one can set them free but me. And given that I don't want to, inside, they shall stay."

"They don't deserve this," Henry plead with him.

"You've only got yourself to blame," The dark imp said with a grin, "I told you you'd get your family back when you brought me the dagger. But you tried to cheat the terms of our deal."

"My grandfather needs that dagger to get back to Belle." Henry insisted, "I can't trade my happy ending for his. It's not right."

"Blah, blah, blah." Wish Rumple rolled his eyes. "Blathering your misguided nonsense! And you want to trade your happiness for his. And people say I'm crazy."

"We're not trading anything." Emma stated placing a hand on her son's shoulder, "We'll figure out another way to get them out."

"Yeah, maybe you will, maybe you won't." The imp came closer to the globe and waved his fingers at it. "But the real question is, will you do so in time?"

There was the sound of wind whistling, and Henry looked up at the dark one. "What have you done?"

Rumple shrugged. "Added some incentive...The globe will be filled with snow by midnight, And in this fairy tale, your Cinderella won't lose a coach or a dress." He leaned forward menacingly. "She and your daughter will lose their lives."

Regina began to blast the snowglobe with magic over and over again. She wouldn't give up. She couldn't. "Mom, stop." Henry said coming to her. "You're making it worse."

"It's going to be fine, Henry," Regina said blasting the globe again. Emma reached for her hand keeping her from blasting the globe again.

"They're freezing in there." Emma said softly.

"I'll find a way to get them out." Regina said just as they heard some footsteps approaching.

They looked up to see Rumple and Hook walking into the room. "It may not be quite as simple as that." Rumple said having heard the tail end of the conversation. "The magic that created this prison cannot be undone like that. The only way to free your family is by going after Rumplestiltskin himself."

"No." Henry said shaking his head. He hated to see his family suffer. "No, he'll just make it worse for them."

"You don't want to use your mother's magic or your grandfather's plan." Hook said, "What do you suggest, mate?"

" I suggest that we consider the one sure way to save them." Henry said.

Rumple shook his head. "No."

"We give up the dagger if it's the only way to save my family." Henry shouts at his grandfather.

"It's not an option."

" Why not?" Henry was getting angry now. "Because I seem to remember that you were willing to cast a curse when it came to taking care of your own son."

"Henry." Regina said trying to calm him. "You're better than that."

"Maybe." Henry said, "But maybe it's time that we all ask ourselves Who really deserves their happy ending?"

"Oh." Regina said looking away, knowing that this point of view would cotradict everything he had told her just before. It would mean that she and Emma didn't belong together at all.

"You're letting your emotions cloud your judgment." his grandfather said, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a clam shell. "The Captain and I have already found a way to gain the upper hand. So you stay here, and I'll deal with him." Then the older man walked away from the rest of the crew.

"We're just letting him go? What if he's really going to cut his own deal with Rumple?"

"He was telling the truth Henry," Emma said squeezing her son's shoulder. "Super power remember?"

"I'll go with him." Hook said, "Make sure he's stays honest."

"You don't have any magic." Regina said, "I'll go."

"Me too," Emma said, "The two of us are stronger together."

"There's a library in this castle," Regina said as an afterthought. "Find a spell that'll work on that snow globe before it's too late." THen the women walk out to find Rumple.

The two of them rush to the cabin up ahead that they saw the man enntr. They opened the door and saw Gold about to plung the dagger into Wish Rumple. He spun around to face them "Emma, Regina!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Regina asked walking inside.

"Get out of here." Rumple said walking toward them.

"Too late." Said the dark imp "Impeccable timing, Dearie." He was free of the squid ink that Rumple used to immobilize him. He magicked Regina unconscious. Emma dropped to her knees to help her as Rumple turned back to fight the imp."That dagger was never why I was after Henry…"

"What?" Gold and Emma both said at the same time.

"Haven't you figured it out? Thought the hammer would have jogged your memory." He pointed and hunched over the crumpling Rumple. "The day we hobbled ourselves, we met a seer, and she gave us a prophecy."

"The boy will be… My undoing." Gold gasps.

"Yes…" Wish Rumple said. Emma stood and was immobilized by the imp. "And today's the day that prophecy finally comes to pass." Then everything went dark for her.

Regina and Emma woke up in the Cabin with Rumple's help. The three of them retrieved Hook who had woken up with a headache of his own and Emma realized that Henry may have gone after the Author's pen. They searched everywhere and came upon a completely white-haired Cruella. "YOur stupid Mutt took the ink in my hair." She said with disdain.

"He is planning to write them free." Emma said "Where is he?"

"The study is usually where one goes about working, isn't it."

"Quiet," Gold said casting a silencing spell on Cruella. "We asked for information, not sass. Let's go."

They opened the door to the study, and Regina spotted her son first, frozen right by the desk. While Rumple and younger Henry sat writing stories. "Oh, God...Henry."

Young Henry turned to face the evil queen. "Your Majesty. It's been a while since you killed my grandparents with your bare hands. Back to try and finish off the family?"

"Oh, no, no, no, no." Regina said trying to clarify that it wasn't her. That his grandparents in her world were alive and well. "That wasn't--"

" Such pain," Dark Ruple said elatedly. "Such anger. I'm riveted. Aren't you riveted?"

"No," Gold said with dread. "The Author's pen. How?"

"I screwed up, big-time," Henry admitted finally moving. "Hook, I'm sorry I hit you. Mom, Emma, I'm just... I'm sorry."

"What's he gonna write?" Emma asked.

"Look, whatever deal you made with him, you do not have to honor it." Gold tried to appeal to young Henry. "Trust me, there's always a loophole, and I'll help you find it."

"Why would I break a deal that's gonna give me what I want?" Young Henry asked.

"Smart boy," Dark Rumple said with a grin. "And now we must attend to my humble needs.

We have immortality and power, you and I, and you want to throw it all away for both of us just to get to Belle." He moved closer to the other version of himself. "Well, I'm afraid, in the stroke of a pen, Dearie, I'm gonna make sure you never see her again."

"Don't do this," Older Henry plead with the younger. "We can help you. This isn't the right path for you. You know that."

Dark rumple poofs over to the pair of henries to interrupt their conversation. "Take a letter, boy.

It goes something like this… 'The powers of the Guardian…' "

"No…" Gold said reaching a hand out toward his wish grandson. "No, no, no."

"are no more." The dark imp finished.

Young Henry did as he was told and everyone stood paralyzed at what was happening. "Done," The young man says.

"Well written," The dark imp said pretending to get the tingles. "My eternity feels eternal again… Oh, oh, oh! And now enjoy a taste of winter in your tiny prison.

"Henry!" Regina shouted.

" Where'd they go?" Said Emma.

"I reunited Henry and the others with his family." Dark Rumple said. "Bound to be quite the reunion."

"Then why are we still here?" Emma asked.

"Because we're finally back to what I'm getting out of this." Young Henry said facing his mothers. Facing first his Brunette mother, "I watched you crush my grandparents' hearts and take away my mom." He glanced over at Emma. "And that story still needs its ending."

"You abandoned me, no Mother, no Grandparents. I made a promise to myself if I ever saw either of you again... I'd kill you" Wish Henry shouted at them. Both woman were taken back by his anger. Emma knew this was going to get messy and confusing.

Emma and Regina were dragged to the throne room. With bags over their heads. Then they pulled off the bags, the women looked around and then to their younger son. Emma felt a pang of guilt when she looked into his eyes. She had been happy in the wish realm but when Regina came she was happy to leave not thinking of the consequences of what she might have left behind.

This realm was her wish, and now because of her decision to leave it was left at the hands of a tyrant boy and a heartless Dark One.

"Let's play a little game, 'Moms'." The young one said. "Tell me do you remember this place, what you did here?"

"This is where I first declared I would cast the Dark Curse," Regina said.

"At my grandparents' wedding, no less." He sneered. "Pretty bold."

"Henry, that wasn't me." Regina Plead, "I am not who you think I am, and I am not the Evil Queen anymore. I've changed."

"So that wasn't you who crushed their hearts?" He scoffed and when no retort was forthcoming he continued. "That's what I thought."

"Tell me, was revenge everything you'd hoped it would be?" Emma asked. Henry turned her glare at his mom.

Regina walked forward. "I didn't mean to kill your grandparents… It was a mistake."

The soldiers took this to mean that she was threatening him and drew their swords. Regina stopped short, and emma reached for her hand. "Don't mind them." Young henry smirked, "They're just here to make sure you don't make any more 'mistakes'... Not that you'd get that far wearing that cuff on your wrist. No magic, remember?"

Emma sighed frustratedly "Look we want to help you...Rumple is using you."

He turned to his blond mother and glared. "Why should I ever trust you?"

"Because in another realm we are your mothers," Emma said.

"And we can't bear to let anything happen to you… I don't care what realm we're in."

"This isn't you." Emma intones.

"You are brave and kind." Regina continues, and Henry narrows his eyes at his MOther's united front with the Evil Queen. "And when life gets hard, you always do the right thing. You've saved so many people. Hell, you've saved us. Please Please, let us save you now."

An evil sneer appears in the boy's features as he grabbed his brunette mother's hand and cut into it. "I don't need to be saved."

"Aaah!" Regina cried out. Emma held out her hand to her.

"Consider that a reminder that in this realm, stories are written in blood and tears." He said cockily. "And now they'll be written in yours. We fight tomorrow. And I'll finally have my happy ending Your death."

Emma and Regina sat alone in a cell. "I never thought I'd see the day that my own son would want me dead."

"Regina, He just doesn't see. He just sees you as a vilain." Emma conforts her lover. "You remember when we first met? I thought you were just this raging bitch. And then I broke the curse and the whole thought you were a villain."

"I was a villain." Regina said.

"Nah, You were just between." Emma said taking her love's hand. "But I knew that you could and would move to the light."

"You were the one who got me there." Regina said bringing Emma's hand to her lips.

"No, I only helped," Emma said encouragingly. "You did the work… And Henry has to do the work, too. We can help him, to. We can show him it's possible. I mean our lives are proof that no one's path is set."

"It's not fair, Emma," Regina said placing her head on the blonde's shoulder. "I'm about to die and our love story was so short."

"It hasn't ended yet," Emma said softly, "and that doesn't make it any less epic." Then teh blonde leaned in and kissed Regina Long and soft as if it were the last time she would ever be able to do it. Suddenly they hear a commotion just outside of the dungeon. They both turn toward the bars and they catch sight of their son.

"Henry!" Regina shouts.

" I got this," Henry said reaching for the keys. Just as he gets them, a soldier appears behind him with his sword drawn.

Regina gasped, "Please don't hurt him." Henry turned and began to fight the guard back. Emma and Regina strained against the chains trying to reach their son to no avail. Finally, Henry was slammed up against the bars. The soldier moved to spear Henry, and the mothers shouted, "No!"

Suddenly an Arrow pierced one of the soldiers back and he fell dead on the ground. The other soldier was hit in the back of the head by the butt of a sword and the three of them turned to look at their rescuers. "Who are you?" Asked Henry.

The soldiers revieled themselves by taking off their helmets. "Your grandparents," said Snow white.

"We heard you needed some help," Charming chimed in.

"Mom, Dad!" Emma said a smile forming on both women's faces.

After the rescue, the charmings held a roundtable. They discussed the discovery of Dark Rumple's plan to entrap everyone in their own miserable little stories. The family was bound and determined to end this man. Once and for all.

Robin and Henry went off with Rodgers, leaving Regina and Emma to deal with Henry. They hid in the woods and waited. "Split up," they heard before long. "they couldn't have gotten far."

The women stepped out of the shadows in front of their son. "No need for the cavalry, " Emma said holding her hands out in surrender mirroring Regina's posture.

"We're right here." Regina intoned.

"Turning yourselves in? Or are you here to mother me some more?"

Regina moved closer to her son. "I know you might find this hard to believe, but there are people out there… A good, kind version of your family That can help you heal just as they helped me."

"The only way I'm going to heal is by killing you." He said to her, "But I'll give you a chance to defend yourself 'cause I'm better than you." He stabbed a sword in front of Regina. Emma eyed the sword and she knew that Regina was not the most gifted swordsman. Not that she was any better but she had spent some time parying with her dad.

"Henry, I won't fight you." Regina said. Emma looked at her son and his mother waiting with baited breath to see what he would do. She could see it in his stance, he was ready to strike.

"As long as you die, I don't really care." Henry said, and before he was done Emma ran to block the first blow with the sword defending Regina.

"Get out of the way, Mom." Henry said.

"Henry, Stop!" Emma said blocking another blow.

"Henry," Regina said trying to rationalize his anger away. "this isn't the way."

"You don't get to decide that." Henry stated. With a few more blows and a pary, Henry was able to disarm Emma. He began to advance toward his brunette mother, And Emma went after her son to stop him. He pushed her away, and pinned regina up against a tree.

"Oh, Henry," Regina panted out. "I'm so sorry."

"You knew I wouldn't listen to you," He screamed out his rage into his brunette mother's face. "So why did you come here?!"

" I had to." She said to him.

"No, you didn't! What do you want from me?!"

Emma watched this exchange, she was getting to him. She will soothe him like she always had, Because Regina was his mother. More than Emma had ever been. "I just want you to know that you weren't alone." Regina said softly, tears prickling at her eyes. "Because I know what that's like, too."

"You deserve to be alone, and that's how you're going to die." He raised his sword to pierce her heart.

"Henry please dont." Emma cried out just as Regina spoke again.

"I know you think I'm a villain whose life isn't worth saving, but yours means everything to me All versions of it." She resigned herself to her fate. It didn't matter if he killed her now. She has had the greatest love of her life and His mother to herself. She has no regrets. She won't jeopardize the light that has entered her life through those two people by fighting for her life. "So if this is how I have to go out… Showing you that there are people in the world that love you, no matter what you do... Oh, then that's a worthy end for me."

The two watched as their son battled with himself. His anger had completely disipated, however and his sword dropped from his hand. Emma ran to her son and wrapped her arms around both him and Regina who was already holding him close. "Oh, Henry."

Inside the castle, The portals close as the power of the autor's anger is abated. A confused dark Rumple looks araound and Rodgers collapses. Alice runs to her fathers side frantic, she knows he is dying. He wouldn't be dying if he handn't saved her from ther book.

She cries out for him, and he grunts in pain. Gold looks at his friends and back at the dark version of himself. He tells him that he knows all of his little secrets. "Becoming the Dark One was the act of a coward, but I'm no longer that man." Rumple said picking himself up off the floor after his darker self had thrown him across the room. His strenght coming from the love of his family. "You are. And that weak coward will not be the Rumplestiltskin the world remembers."

Dark Rumple chuckles maniacally, "So, what's your plan then? Talk me to death?"

"Oh, my plan is to do whatever it takes." Light Rumple moces closer to the group.

"No," Alice said facing the man she had come to love as a mentor. "The line of the Guardians is gone. You'll never be with Belle!"

"I know that," He responded. "But I also know you don't do the right thing for a reward. You do it because it's right." He reaches a hand toward his chest and turns to face his enemy self. "Now, I've been selfish for too long. I've been living on stolen time. Now I will finally face the unknown."

Light Rumple plunged his hand into his chest and pulls out his own blackened heart. All of the darkness in it fell away like dust on an unused bauble. "No!" Dark Rumple gasped and clicked his tongue. Gold groaned ans he grasped his now shiny golden heart in his hands. He falls to his knees and plunges his heart into Rodger's chest. Light Rumple collapses, Dark rumple falls to his knees and begins to turn to dust. "No more Rumple?" were the dark imps parting words as he is blown and gone with the wind.

Rodgers gasps as he wakes, and Alice is alerted by the man at her side. "Papa, are you--"

" I'm fine." The pirate answered "I-I'm cured."

"I thought I'd lost you." Alice said holding her father finally after being deprived for years.

"So did I." He said then he looked to Weaver's prone figure. "What happened?"

" He did it." His daughter answered, "He gave you his heart."

Rodgers paused and took a moment to grieve for the man. "Goodbye, old friend." He whispered.

They all sat around him and shed some tears when the door to the room opened and Regina and Emma walked in. "Oh, Moms!" Henry said running to their sides. He hugged Regina first. "Oh, you're okay?"

" Yeah, I'm fine." Regina said and spotted Ruple on the floor. Henry moved on to Emma but Regina was riveted on the floor. "It's all gonna be fine, but w-what's happening here?"

" He did it for me." Rodgers supplied, "He did it to save me.To save all of us."

Emma moved closer to Regina as they both sank lower to pay their respects. Regina cradled his head and stroked his cheek as she let out a heavy sigh, "Thank you…" She whispered then chuckled a little. "Thank you for one last lesson That darkness can always find the light." She inhaled deeply and looked at Emma with a smile. She took her hand and squeezed. "And thank you for one last gift."

"You saved us," Emma added softly taking gold's hand and stroking it gently. "and I know you thought that that would make your dreams be in vain. But I refuse to believe that."

The two of them sniffle. All he wanted was love, and all he wanted was peace. Regina moved a stray hare behind the mans ear as she continued. "If anyone deserves peace, it is you." Regina said then whispered. "I will miss you. But you deserve your happy ending. Now go find it."

" So do you think this is it. Everyone's happy ending? " Emma asked her arms wrapped around the brunette. Regina lent her head against the blonde who was resting on her shoulder.

"Maybe, maybe not. All I know is we still have a lot to discuss" Regina said. She felt Emma nod.

" I just want you to know Regina I pick you. I didn't see it before I guess but Roni and Tajana did. I still love you just as much as I did when I was Tajana. It's strange but it's made me realise I kinda did love you before. We were just pretending we didn't notice it, but if I'm honest, I've kinda liked you for a long time. I just didn't think you would ever like me, so I ignored it." Emma admitted to the brunette.

"Are you sure Emma, because I don't think Hook is going to take this well. Or are you forgetting your vows to the pirate." Regina said a little more harshly that she had wanted. Emma sighed a little.

"In not forgetting but I'm not going to live my whole life lying to him and myself. If I have learned anything it's that you shouldn't lie to yourself , it usually just ends badly." Emma said to Regina just before both Henry's came in to get them.

"So, what's now?" Older Henry asked them.

" We go home. " Regina said to him.

"Where is home now?" Emma asked, seriously not knowing where she wanted to belong. Sure her family was in Storybrooke. But their home was in Hyperion heights.

"Regina looked at them a few seconds, knowing what the blonde meant.

" I think I have an idea. " Regina said to them with a smirk. "We all do need to go home,

and I found something here I think might be able to help us… I need to cast one more curse."

"You can't be serious," Emma said.

"I am" Regina answered. "The Dark Curse is the blueprint for something wonderful. What if instead of crushing the heart of the thing I love most... everyone I love and who loves me gifted a small piece of their own?" She said with a smile. "And then maybe just maybe instead of separating everyone this magic brings them together."

"What will that do?" Her lover asked.

"What if I could bring all the realms to Storybrooke? There would be no more separation.

For once, we can all be together." She answered excitedly. "All the realms of story secretly tucked away in a forgotten corner in Maine."

Older Henry smiled. "Operation: 'We Are Both' is a go."