Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped with Aspergers, Dyslexia, OCD, ADHD and a whole lot more so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.

Also when I come up with a story idea I can't stop myself from writing it down and posting it. I literally can't sleep to I have written it down. So that is why there are so many stories.


Rose is broken when Dimitri says 'Love Fades, and Mine has'. And Lissa changes and becomes harsh to Rose and Christian. So Rose, Christian, Adrian, Eddie and Mia run away. They come to a different realm full of all kinds of different beings. 11 years after they left Ross is married to Adrian, Christian and Sydney and is on the Realms Council...

Warning: Lots of OC's

Lots of Children

Author's Note: I took the Frozen II places of Ahtohallan and Northuldra for this story.

Chapter .1.

Rose couldn't believe some times where life had taken her. Eleven years ago she was at Court, had just gotten Dimitri restored and found out she was pregnant.

But then it all went downhill. Lissa her supposed best friend started being a total bitch to her and refusing to help her with Dimitri. So she couldn't tell Lissa about finding out she was pregnant with a Half-Strigoi baby. Then Dimitri had broken her heart into pieces. Making telling him impossible.

But Adrian had been there for her. And so had Eddie, Mia, Sydney and surprisingly Christian. Alberta had offered her a way out. Rose was still surprised that Alberta could read her so well back then.

Alberta bought her and her five friends to a whole new dimension. The Dimension was called Androzani. And it was everything the future would be like.

Rose and Co settled in one of the capitals of Androzani named Ahtohallan. It was a amazing place. All manner off Magical Beings lived in this dimension. There were two Capitals Ahtohallan and Etherium the second.

They could travel to new dimensions and to other planets through the Interdimensional-Intergalactical Airport. There were other ways but that was the easiest.

Rose ended up having nontuplets named Rhodes Ibrahim, Zarli Olena, Rebel Thyza, Reinette Mia, Troy Christian, Violet Adrianna, Codie Elna, Dalia Jodie and Ivy Veronica Mazur. The OB/GYM told her that multiple babies were common with half Strigoi babies. Which were apparently more common in this realm. Some other species also had multiple babies at one time. The Doctors had checked her DNA and found it altered. So she could expect multiple babies at one time a lot. Apparently they found some werewolf DNA in her from Abe. It was a small amount but enough to change her. She also had Magical DNA, Star DNA, High Elf DNA, Phoenix DNA and Demigod DNA. With her High Elf and Phoenix DNA it made her semi-immortal. And she was able to change her friends to the same as the doctors bought the DNA out. And apparently High Elves had small retractable fangs. Not to drink blood but to change others. But it was heavily regulated.

During her pregnancy she got close to Adrian, Christian and Sydney. So close in fact they started a relationship. Harems were common in this dimension.

Actually the King had 11 wives and 2 Husbands.

Rose loved this dimension she made many names for herself. As she was one of just a few that had joined multiple became a Agent of the Elite Guardian Corps, an Agent of the Elite Spy Corps, an Agent if the Elite Magic Corps, Member of the Warrior Corps, and a Commander of the Air Guardian Corps. She was in the Air Corps because she was bonded with a Dragon.

Her name was Shahrzad a Chaos Warrior Dimensional-Intergalactical Dragon, she was Teal, Gold, and Black. Being a Dimensional dragon Rose could travel on her through the multiple dimensions and galaxies. When bonded to a Dragon your minds merge with the dragon. So she didn't have any secrets from Shahrzad.

Being in Androzani long enough she acquired a few skills. Having learned and gained some. She first acquired a Daemon. A daemon was part of a persons soul reflecting a persons soul. Sometimes the daemons only had one form but in rare causes they could change form like Rose's could his name is Shivia.

She had gained magic and was titled an Tier-Three Mage and a Battle Mage. That could handle battle magic.

She also got three different transportation abilities. One was portal making and the other was called jumping. Both being very difficult to master. And World Walking/Dimension Walking which was exhausting to do.

She also did a course with weapons making her deadly with not just a stake but bladed weapons like daggers and swords. As well as guns and batons. She was known to carry a couple of stakes. Several daggers, a sword, two batons, a compact swordstaff and two guns or more on her at all times. As there was worse things out there then Strigoi.

When she was studying with each of the Corps she learnt they taught in Time Chambers so recruits got more training and preparation. When she joined she learnt several languages. Each Corp required you to learn at least three human languages and three non-human. But for some extra money she could use the Time Chamber to learn All-Speak. A language from Asgard, yes it was real, All-Speak allowed her to talk in any language she wanted. She also became a Runemage. Which was hard to become a Mage. And they were highly wanted.

Rose was an overachiever then trying to get through the pain still in her heart. She took all the classes she could then with the help of money and a Time Chamber. Same including Runic Studies, Strategies, Analysticts, History of the Realms, Realm Geography, Combat & Weaponry Advanced, Magical Creatures, Elemental Magic, Covert Tactics, Alchemy, Duelling, Curse Breaking, Potions, Martial Arts, Technician, Negotiating, Interrogating, Stealth, Tracking, Politics & Law, Basic First-Aid and many more.

She also had the hobbies of Duelling, Gymnastics and Acrobatics. And teaches a Self-Defence Course.

She also found out Dhampirs all had a special ability locked inside them. Much like Moroi who had Elemental Powers. Dhampirs had more variety of powers they could have.

Rose had Shadows as hers. Which allowed her to hide herself in shadows, travel in shadows, Shadow Fires, Shadow ropes/binds, Shadow Cloaking, Shadow Flying and do much more.

Of course selected Moroi had a secret ability that needed to be unlocked but not as powerful as the Dhampirs abilities. More often then not just strengthening of their original powers.

Till this day she doesn't regret it. As she was the best of the best. And earned many, many names. When she arrived in Androzani she went by her full name Rosemarie. And changed her last name to Mazur. Both names became official when she graduated and became a citizen of this realm. A new name, a new start.

She worked in a team of seventeen. They were:

1. Her best friend Prince Nicodemus Dawnstar (Who became her husband only five years ago) who was a Warlock and with her in the Magic, Guardian and Spy Corps. Even through he was a Prince he could work in the job he wanted as he was far, far down the line of succession.

2. Then her other best friends Cissa Noble a Draconis who was also in the Air Corps.

3. Oskan Whitsraff a Enchanter in the Magic Corps

4. Rochelle Miller a Werewolf in the Warrior Corps and Spy Corps

5. Asriel Nixon a Summer Fae in the Guardian Corps

6. Joseph Rivers a Shadow Elf in the Warrior Corps

7. Lyra Song a siren in the Air Corps, Navy Corps and Warrior Corps

8. Magnus Rook a Demigod in the Warrior Corps

9. Zanna a Shape-Shifter in the Spy Corps

10. Darius Spears a Wolf-Folk in the Warrior Corps,

11. Angela Web a Winter Fae in the Defence Corps,

12. Otrera a Amazon in the Warriors Corps

13. Felicity Axebar a Fury in the Guardian and Warrior Corps,

14. Vera a Silurian in the Warrior and Air Dragon Corps

15. Quinn a Demon in the Spy Corps

16. Lelldorian a Light Veela in the Knights Corps

17. Derek Jones a Blood Elf in the Warrior Corps.

Some teams were like hers which had at least one person of each Corps. But those teams were few and far between.

She had married Adrian, Christian and Sydney and that was another decision she didn't regret or the fact she had more children. Between her and Sydney they had quite the house full.

But before she started dating Adrian she asked for a dating proposal and was surprised when he did it and what he wrote.


Rose raises an eyebrow as Adrian handed her the letter. They had been living in the Androzani Dimension for two months now. And everything was as good as she could get. Christian, Sydney, Eddie and Mia had been there fir her. But Adrian especially. He asked her on a date but she needed to know how serious he was so she asked him to write a dating proposal. She never expected him to actually do it.

She opened it to find...

Dear Little Dhampir,

I know you have been through a tough time. I am truly, truly sorry. Nobody deserves what you been through. I wish I could take ALL your pain away. But I can't but here is a list I WILL be able to do...

I PROMISE to give up smoking

I PROMISE to cut back the drinking, only having it when spirit use gets too much

I PROMISE to be faithful to you and our partners

I PROMISE to look after and be there for your children like they are my own

I PROMISE not to break your heart

I PROMISE to be truthful to you unless I have a good reason.

I PROMISE to protect you from my family, Belikov, Lissa and all others

I PROMISE to take you on romantic getaways

I PROMISE not to get in the way of your dreams

I PROMISE to listen to you

I PROMISE not to go to bed angry

I PROMISE to love you always

I PROMISE to never leave you

I PROMISE to help you emotionally and physically

I PROMISE to look after you when your sick or pregnant (But not treat you like your made of glass)

I SWEAR not to Betray you

I SWEAR to love you always, till our dying days.

I SWEAR to keep your secrets

I SWEAR we will be equals in our relationship.

Rose after reading this was in tears and thrown her arms around Adrian saying she would give them a go...

End Flashback

Adrian and Christian had taken defensive magic classes and combat classes. Adrian was more used in Interrogation, to see if someone lied or was telling the truth when needed and was a more Businessman and Artist. Christian was part of the Defence Corps.

Sydney was a Tier-One Mage and part of the Magic Corps as one of their commanders.

Eddie and Mia had married and had several children. Eddie was in the Defence Corps and Mia was a Doctor.

They all agreed they had much better lives in this realm. But everything hadn't always been good. There had been bad times as well. Rose has post-natal depression in her first pregnancy. But managed to overcome it with mainly (at that stage), Adrian's help. To this day Rose was closer to Adrian then her other husbands and wife.

The other rough patch was Rose nearly losing her life. She had been attending a ball with King-Emperor Crispin, who was a nice guy, didn't expect his people to have the motto 'they came first'. The Kings son, her partner and husband Nicodemus had been invited to the event. Rose had noticed odd things. She wasn't a Spymistress for nothing. And soon an attack by a rogue group of creatures. Rose had pushed the King and one of his wives out of the way of a blast.

She was caught in it. All Rose remembered off that time was pain. Intense pain. Apparently her team got to her quickly and had her rushed to hospital. She had lost her arm and eye and had scars down her face, neck, back and leg on one side. She had been in a coma for five weeks. She had woken up to see a dishevelled Adrian besides her and one of her partners Nicodemus. They told her how close she was too death. But thanks to Adrian and some other healers saved her with their magic or Spirit powers in Adrian's case. She not only lost her arm, eye and ear but the baby she had been unknowingly carrying.

That had sent her into a depression for months. But once she got her new arm, ear and eye. All were robotic. Her eye could see miles in the distance. It could measure distance. It could locate weapons and hidden items through all types of enchantments. Could see through invisibility. It could identify the type, and model of weapons. Could see if something was poison. It could match people through a Interdimensional Database and show her their information. And a whole lot of other cool features.

Her ear could hear whispers for miles if she chose and translate languages. It could also identify voices. Know as a Voice Print.

Her arm was a marvel of future technology it was basically a computer. Holographic display. She could think of what she wanted and her eye or arm would show the data. She had a clock that could give her times in ALL dimensions. Her arm was a communication device and hide a small dagger and gun. She had a grappling hook which was pretty cool. Flares for emergency's. Her hand could stun or electrocute or put to sleep someone. Or wipe someone's memory (Which you had to have a degree in. Which she did), she could also touch a electronic surface and download data, her arm was bigger on the inside. With the arm came the ability of being a Technomage. And her arm was updated with the latest gadgets regularly and was unhackable same with her eye.

Actually the King made sure of it. For her bravery she was awarded the Knighthood of Androzani. Putting her also in the Knight Corps. He also named her his Adviser and Lady of Androzani.

And she was appointed to the Ahtohallan Council. Each city had a Council, then the next step was the Kings Court and the King and Queens himself. But Rose was just under the Kings Authority if she wanted to excises that authority. But she hadn't used it often.

Her titles now after ten years leaving her Homeland. Where Agent Mazur in the Corps, Shadow Storm in the Spy Corps. Rider Mazur or Commander Mazur in the Air Corps. She also got the title of Honorary Amazonian after she saved the Queen Hylla's daughter and Queen Hylla thought that she would make an excellent Amazonian if she wasn't so committed to the Realm of Androzani. And Lady Dame Mazur-Ivashkov-Ozera-Dawnstar or just Lady Dame Mazur in the Royal Court.

She could now after all these years think on her life before coming to her true home, which she could now call Androzani her True Home. She wondered about her parents and worried for them. But she had a spy in the Royal court who kept her informed. Apparently her parents hadn't stopped looking for her. Which made her feel pained having left with no word. But she did rectify that with a small note and a present to them. But even then they didn't stop.

Lissa had become Queen. But her informant said their was some, a small amount of remorse in her when she spoke about Rose and Christian.

And Dimitri was apparently a mess but engaged to Tasha Ozera. Which her informant told her none off Dimitri family liked.

But what was happening in the Earth Plane Realm was more Strigoi and Dhampirs rebelling because Moroi weren't treating them right. They were still stuck in the dark ages and didn't accept everyone as equal.

Rose had seen this coming problem before she had even left. She had hoped with Lissa's ascension would change things but it hadn't.

Now Rose had been fielding reports on top of reports of Guardians dying. To her they didn't have the appropriate training.

Rose sat at her desk going over more spy reports when her phone rang. It was the phone on her arm and was connected to her. She looked at the number which was an Interdimensional number.

"Agent Rosemarie Mazur", Rose says

"Rosemarie we have a situation"


Everything had changed since Rose Hathaway left the Court. Abe and Janine had search high and low for their daughter. Abe had called in ALL his contacts and favours. He had hired private Detectives but no one could find her. She had vanished into thin air.

Janine and Abe had felt terrible for what had happened and not getting to make it up to their daughter. Everyone thought Rose was dead as no news had come through about her.

Dimitri had also searched for Rose after feeling terrible fir hie he treated her. But became depressed when he couldn't find her. He had been ripped apart verbally by Abe and Janine for how he treated their daughter.

Abe and Janine stayed at Court when they weren't looking for their daughter. Trying to help where they could as Queen Tatiana had been found murdered. And the murderer hasn't been caught.

Lissa had been crowned Queen as per Tatiana's wishes. But Lissa hadn't been doing anything to help the Guardians. And many were revolting against the government. Lissa had turned into a world class bitch who thought she was better then everyone else.

Strigoi numbers were at a all time high and many Dhampirs and Moroi were dying. Everything was getting desperate.

A select few KNEW that change needed to happen. But they weren't in a position to change anything.

But some had connections to someone that did. Only two people had connections to someone that could help. One was at Court and the other at the St Vladimir's Academy. It was the one at the Court that decided to make a call.

Picking up her phone she made the call.

"Agent Rosemarie Mazur"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)