Servants of Remnant

Chaldea is gone, but the memories remain. A world, filled with fairy tales, monsters and men. A history unlike any other. Sometimes… a hero is needed. From another world, from another time. Not all of them are great, not all of them are 'good'. But when the world needs a hero, these Servants answer the call. Perhaps only one, perhaps many do. These are the tales of many timelines. The 'Servants of Chaldea' who come to Remnant.


A year… that's how long it had been. Jason reflected upon this past year as he idly messed with sleeve of his dress shirt, looking up, quietly at his Master's form. Okita stood beside him, the pink haired Saber, who'd spent the past year going by 'Sakura' also looking at Ritsuka with a sad smile on her face. Jason slowly reached out and touched the glass of the pod, looking directly at her serene face. Her body had already atrophied quite a bit from disuse, but nowhere near as bad as it could have been… and her condition had improved somewhat. She was still scarred, but the blood was long gone, and her hair had grown in length, one side certainly longer than the other, reminiscent burn scar that marred her face above the eye… otherwise, she seemed fine, but all was not well.

"Let's go, General's going to have some work for us," Jason muttered, and Okita just crossed her arms.

"You're the one who wanted to come here Jason," Okita muttered back, before looking towards him. "How long do you think it'll take?"

Jason closed his eyes as he turned away from the stasis pod, and started to walk. "Given time, she'll wake up… but time isn't exactly on our side," Jason admitted… he had an idea, but he'd save it for later, no reason to get Okita all worked up over something that may or may not be stupid.

"I was more asking for an estimate?" Okita responded and Jason just chuckled for a moment.

"Dunno, five, six years? I'm not a doctor," Jason admitted softly before the pair walked out of the private medical wing through the base. Jason continuing to reflect upon the past year.

He and Okita had, effectively, been pressed into service following a rather 'convincing' talk with Ironwood, Jason had done well on his own test, but Okita had practically aced it with flying colors in under a minute when she'd finally recovered enough to actually take the same test. Needless to say, following Ironwood's promotion to General nearly eight months ago, he'd pressed both of them into service in return for Ritsuka's continued treatment and protection. Jason had his aura unlocked, but had managed to avoid remedial 'Huntsman' training from the simple fact he'd done so well on the test anyway, and Okita vouching for him. He'd had to pick up some new skills over the intervening year, but his old sword was still stuck to his belt, and a newer standard issue pistol, no mecha-shift function, sat in a holster on the opposite side of his sword. All in all, he looked like an officer to all the world, and he'd been forced to carry himself as one, as annoying as that was, much to the continued ribbing from his still unsummoned allies of the Argo.

Thinking of them… most had been surprisingly silent. Herc had given a growl a few times, but most of the time it was mainly the Neo-Argonauts who'd kept talking to him, save Orion who he was fairly sure still wasn't there, and Achilles, who was probably out there… somewhere. He'd had Asclepius speak maybe twice, and from his few attempts to learn otherwise… well he hadn't really gotten anyone else, meaning it was usually Bart, Mandricardio, Charlotte, Paris, and Chiyome who spoke to him.

He drew himself from his thoughts as he and Okita neared the door to General Ironwood's office, Okita moving up to the door, and knocking on it with a gloved hand, Jason settling into a somewhat decent standing position… he hated the military, and all these damn rules, but if he'd been through worse trials, he'd survive this.

"Enter," Ironwood responded, and Okita turned the handle, pushing the door open and allowing Jason to walk in, then following herself before and closing the door behind her. "Hmm," Ironwood huffed, looking back down at a report on his desk as Jason took a seat in the corner of the office.

"So then General, what do you have for us today?" Jason asked, putting his elbow on the chair's arm, and then laying his cheek on his upturned fist, crossing one leg over the other as Okita stood at attention.

"Do you two just assume I have something for you every week?" Ironwood asked, and Okita looked away from him and Jason just chuckled.

"Shall I go down the list? Let's start with the Geist in the mines-" Jason started by raising his thumb. "Then there was the attack on a train you had us guarding, then there was the Nevermore flock the week after that, and then the Goliath Okita had to take down, after that was the mission to deal with a bunch of Oprichnik that washed up on the shore of Argus, do I need to continue?" Jason asked, having all five fingers on his off hand up before closing back into a fist as Ironwood sighed.

"Look, it's been a busy eight months, just because I need something that highly experienced huntsmen can handle, handled, every week, doesn't mean I have something for you every week, nor are you the only set of huntsmen I can call on," Ironwood started… and then Okita made the move to speak.

"But we kinda are the only pair you have that work together…" she muttered, and Ironwood shot her a look, before looking back at Jason, who shrugged, and he sighed.

"Look, if anything, you two have earned a bit of off time. You've put in a lot of work, and as members of the special operatives, you have been doing quite well."

"Less time I have to spend around Cordovin, the better…" Jason complained, putting a hand on his face as Ironwood rolled his eyes, Okita giving him a look of sympathy as well. Cordovin had essentially decided, and with quick lies from Jason, practically cemented to herself, and most others, that Jason was from Vacuo, while 'Sakura' was from Mistral, and neither had done anything to deny such a sentiment.

"While agent Cordovin can be a… handful, understand she is one of the oldest members of the Specialists, and as such is entitled to a bit of respect… even if it's not as much as she assumes it is," Ironwood said quietly, before sighing. "Both of you are off duty for two weeks, you have your pay, and you have time to yourselves. I expect both of you back by next month at the latest," Ironwood explained, before looking between both Jason and Okita, "Dismissed."

Okita gave a small salute, while Jason pulled himself out of the chair, grunting for a second before walking out the door with a small wave to Ironwood, Okita leaving before Jason did… and as soon as they were outside, Okita took a moment to stretch.

"Finally! Break time!" she exclaimed, and Jason just put his hand to his face and shook his head, sighing. Break time his ass, knowing his luck, he was going to get shot or something by the end of tomorrow… but it did give him time to try something.

"Come on, let's see where we can go, Mistral?" Jason suggested, looking at Okita

"Mistral sounds nice, Haven or somewhere else," Okita responded, putting her hands on her hips

"Not Argus, that's for damn sure," Jason complained, remembering the rather recent reassignment of a certain old bitty officer, the pair walking down the hallway and past several others as they were talking, getting a few looks. They were among the most loose members of the Atlas military to be honest, answering nearly directly to Ironwood, and while neither of them pushed their luck, Jason knew that they had a little bit of leniency when it came to certain… situations.

Like the time he and Okita had blown up one of Jacque's dust mines on accident to kill a nest of Grimm that had been down there for a while. Nobody had been hurt, but apparently the man who ran the Dust Company had bitched hard about what they'd done to actually solve the problem. It wasn't his fault the mine was full of fire crystals, and he didn't know they were that volatile.

Returning to their quarters, Jason decided to get changed into something far less stuffy than his special ops uniform, going for at least something capable of defending him if his aura ended up broken, green shirt, a bit of armor he'd recovered from his old set before it had been scrapped due to a lot of bullet holes, and still carrying his sword, gun and a bunch of dust rounds.

What he hadn't been expecting upon exiting his quarters was to find Okita in her Shinsengumi outfit and a pair of white sweatpants, smiling at him and carrying a purse. "Really?"

"What?" she questioned, and Jason just sighed before waving it off.

"Nothing, let's go," he muttered, starting to walk down the hallway, and Okita putting her hands on her hips.

"Ain't you forgetting something 'captain?'" she teased, and he turned to her, before blinking, and patting down his pants, sighing before going back to his room and getting his wallet from his other set of pants, as well as actually grabbing a backpack, coming back out and walking with the giggling Okita, a dull look on his face as they left the Atlas base.

Walking the streets of the flying city, Jason looked out towards the sky, and the clouds above, so close it was as if you could touch them… he stopped, looking back on bygone days… as terrifying as they'd been, those few short days upon Olympus itself… it was a place that 'mere mortals' were not supposed to be. And even as a Heroic spirit, Jason was damn well aware he was not meant to touch Olympus… but he'd dared, both of him back then. The Jason who'd been summoned and fought from the very beginning, and he, who'd been summoned by Chaldea when they'd reached Olympus… funny, to think his sacrifice would be so short lived.

Needless to say, he'd never expected to have ended up literally fighting Zeus alongside so many other Servants, let alone being part of the integral plan to bring the mad god down. He bore witness to her fight with Wodime, that was the sort of stuff that entered legends right there. The greatest Magus the world had never known, against the final master that the world would never revere. Heroes the both of them… he wondered, if Wodime had reached the throne? He certainly deserved a spot, and quite frankly, people had been allowed on it for less. What was the mere captain of a ship to a man who could command power that the Zeus of that Lostbelt held as equal, if not greater, nevermind his grand plans.

"Jason," he turned towards Okita, who'd stopped several meters in front of him. "Lost in thought again?"

"Kinda," he responded, looking back out over the sky. "Atlas… it brings back memories of that other city, doesn't it,"

"Yeah, it does," she said, walking back towards him, and then joining him in staring at the sky. "But what's a god to a bunch of nonbelievers anyway?" she looked at him with a smile.

"Still something capable of blowing us out of the sky, and yet here we stand on yet another flying city… named after a certain titan," Jason admitted, closing his eyes and holding a hand to his chin.

"Hope we don't have to blow this one out of the sky…" Okita muttered as softly as she could to him, and Jason just hummed, before they resumed their walk towards the port, the wait was rather short, and their destination was set. Quick trip to Mistral, a stop in Argus (sadly) and from Argus to Haven.

The journey itself was short enough, a few hours of flight, and after avoiding Cordovin for a bit, boarding the Argus Limited. As they left Argus, Jason admittedly felt a bit better, and Okita seemed to be in higher spirits. Even as they rode through the mountains. Surprisingly, the train ride was rather quiet, it was almost disappointing that no Grimm attacked the train along the way, but it certainly made the ride faster. Only three days after starting their little vacation, and already they were in Haven.

"Oh it's perfect!" Okita cheered as soon as they got a full view of the platform, having already gone through three different sets of clothes just on the ride here, while Jason was only on his second set, still wearing bits of his armor and his weapons in plain view.

"Remind you of home?" Jason had to ask, looking around the green hills and quite japanese-like buildings. Okita just giggled before spinning around towards Jason.

"Yep! Now if you'll excuse me!" She said, before vanishing, Jason's head perking up and then wiping around as several civilians also noticed the sudden disappearance of the pink haired girl.

"Right, that…" Jason muttered, before rubbing the back of his head. It was easy to forget that Okita had that skill, Reduced Earth. It was what she used to mask as her 'Semblence', just a standard sort of speed type he guessed. Another specialist had a similar type of Semblance to Okita's skill, Harriet or something, rookie who kept trying to race Okita and kept losing… being as fast as lightning but still visible didn't really compare to being able to practically vanish and reappear in another spot as if teleporting.

But with Okita gone, Jason sighed, before tapping the side of his head and looking around. 'Headcount?'

He got an immediate response from two, Charlotte and Mandricardio. "Here!" the Assassin responded

"Same captain," the Rider gave, but there were the only two who did respond.

'What, is Bart sleeping or something?' Jason deadpanned internally as he started walking, taking a few moments after reaching to streets to go down an alleyway and out of sight, and from there, kept walking in an attempt to get out of Haven quickly, he needed the forest.

"Dunno, he's just being quiet right now," Charlotte responded in his head, and then there was a cough.

"I'm here, don't worry about me," Bart gave, and Jason just smirked, he loved his latest additions to the crew, but they weren't who he needed at the moment… he needed either Medea or Asclepius, and he wasn't sure who he was going to get… he just hoped he had enough mana stored up.

'Try and get Medea or Asclepius will you?' Jason started… and then finally, before any of the others could respond, Medea, the little fairy princess, finally spoke up for the first time in a year.

"I'm here," she said simply, he just sighed in relief, at least one of them was here, that was good.

'Right, please stay here, I need you to help with something, you know the whole situation?' Jason asked quickly, and Medea responded back.

'Oh, I'm aware of the situation," she said… huh, she was speaking a little bit weird. The others had gone silent, but he needed her, so he could deal with whatever happened. Ironwood would probably reprimand him, but he'd deal with it if it could get Ritsuka up quicker.

He walked for thirty minutes into the woods, entering a small clearing in the woods before snapping his fingers. "Astrapste Argo," he muttered, and behind him, in a shower of sparkles, Medea Lily appeared behind him…

Just as he was turning to speak to her, he felt it, a very small flash… hiding one hand, he put it on his pistol and turned halfway to Medea Lily. "Medea, you alright with helping out with Ritsuka?" He asked… very slowly.

She gave him the sweetest smile, clutching her staff with both hands before speak. "Oh, of course husband, I'll be happy to help," she said… and then he shot his head up, and rolled out of the way of a beam of prana that shot from behind him to try and strike him in the back, rolling to his feet, Jason pulled out his pistol, pointing it towards Medea.

"What in Hades Medea!? I get you all attack me normally, but why did you do that!" he shouted… he knew it, his skill had gone off, and that was never a good sign… it meant he was in mortal peril… and body was he certain he was, Medea was a landmine at the best of times, and right now, she seemed to want him dead.

"Why I'm helping husband… now be good and die for me okay?" she said with a smile, spinning Pain Breaker, and summoning six magical circles, Jason yelped and ran as six beams of light shot at him, dodging out of the way and running, ducking and jumping between rapid fire lasers before sliding behind a tree, holding his pistol with one hand and breathing heavily before turning out and firing a round at her, one that she just ignored as it shot over her shoulder… shit.

He ran, several bolts firing into the tree he was using as cover, and as he rolled behind another, the tree exploded, shards of wood going everywhere as he sat up behind his newest position… his mind already going into battle, to hell with reasons, Medea was trying to kill him.

She was flying, that was for sure, so she was silent, she had greater firepower than him, and quite frankly, she was a Caster, that alone meant she could fight for a lot longer than he could… also all he had was a sword, a pistol and whoever the hell was going to answer his call.

"Bit of help someone?" Jason called out, pretty much letting the floodgates open for a moment. Something he very, very quickly came to regret as he yelped, diving out of the way of a green arrow. "ATALANTA WHAT THE HELL!"

The Archer had appeared in a tree, and was currently looking down at him in anger… what had he done this time!? She remained silent as he pulled himself up, an arrow nailing him in the shoulder and causing his Aura to flash yellow, He returned fire with a shot from his pistol, Atalanta jumping out of the way as he started running, lasers firing at him as he spun and turned into a tree. He ducked, just in time to avoid another energy arrow before getting behind another tree.

"Alright you two, what the hell did I do!?" he shoulder, pulling out the clip of his pistol for a second, normal bullets weren't going to cover this… and grabbed his spare clip of dust rounds out of his pocket, and shoved it in. Ice, ice, earth, ice, ice, earth, gravity, gravity, he had to keep track of that.

"Too much to account for!" Atalanta snarled, and he winced as an arrow impacted the tree behind him, a large amount of wood shattering behind him as he looked around for a second. He at least had cover, but one foot out and she'd probably shoot it, nevermind Medea who was also trying to kill him! Seriously, what had happened!?

First order of business, he needed a shot on her. Looking to his right, he raised his pistol and fired, the report of the gun going off and a wall of ice springing up between two trees, he ran out into it just as arrows started impacting the ice, before stopping partway between the trees, raising his gun, and taking a deep breath… before the ice exploded around him, plinking off his aura, and the moment he had a shot, he fired.

His prediction turned out to be right, just as he needed a clear shot on her, she needed one on him, and the wall had been cover he could use. Her destruction of it had given him what he needed, and now Atalanta was seething in pain with one leg trapped in ice, stuck to the forest floor. He quickly rolled behind the tree he'd been heading towards anyway, just as a pair of arrow flew at him, one plinking off his leg and causing his aura to spark again, but the other going wide.

He heard Medea saying something softly, barely. Quickly, he got out of cover and took a potshot with his earth bullet. Medea, who'd been trying to heal Atalanta as she'd broken the ice, was quickly forced to throw up a magic barrier, an explosion of stone coming from the impact… he rushed forward, ripping his sword out of his sheath as the rocks fell to the ground, leaping with a grunt and over the rocks… to find Atalanta already leaping away, and Medea staring up at him shocked, before she teleported just as he brought his sword down.

The failure of his plan quickly earned him three arrows to the side, sending him flying in pain as he aura wavered once again. He could feel it faltering, bad, one more arrow and he was likely going to be out. Rolling to a stop, he sprung up and fired an ice bullet down in front of him, a barrage of arrows quickly getting stuck in the ice as he started running, a burst of green behind him alerting him to Atalanta's continued barrage… where were they getting all this mana, and why the hell was she so willing to spend it so willy nilly!

He spun around and fired another shot toward his pursuers, the bullet actually colliding with a tree and causing a wall of ice to spring up between two of them, and a pair of screams to resound. He actually stopped for a second… had the ice reflected Medea's lasers? If it had, good to know, but now he was out of ice, one earth, and two gravity left.

Deciding to duck behind another tree, he panted as he waited for the ice to shatter… it never came, and he gasped as Atalanta leapt out of the leaves above him, dropping down and trying to kill him with her legs. He yelped and jumped away, her foot leaving an impact crater in the ground as he fired off one more potshot at her, she dodged, but then grunted as the bullet hit the tree and exploded in a shower of stone, sending her sprawling. A decent hit but it wouldn't be-

"Pain! Breaker!" shit, that was Medea's Noble Phantasm… WHY WAS SHE USING HER NOBLE PHANTASM!? He gruntted, pulling himself up, just in time for another arrow to plink off his shoulder armor… thank Hermes his aura didn't break from that, but the second arrow to his chest broke it, quickly, just as it shattered in sparks of yellow, he brought up his gun, and fired, the blowback of the gravity dust sending him flying backwards, avoiding a few more arrows before he pointed downward as he was flying, firing his last shot to change his momentum enough to launch into the trees.

He grit his teeth in pain as he slammed through several branches, ripping at his clothes and then he slammed back first into a tree trunk… he groaned in pain as he looked up, holding his head with his hand, dropping his pistol as he raised his head… was this how it was going to end? Betrayed by his own damned crewmates!? What the hell were they doing? If they hated him that much, why did they answer his call?

'Captain!' Charlotte shouted in his head, just making the current head trauma hurt a bit more as he grunted, several arrows coming towards him. 'Let us help!'

He closed his eyes as the arrows were meters away, lowering his head… as he said the words that would either save his life… to damn him here.

"Astrapste… Argo."


He shot his head up, eyes open as he looked in front of him and he smiled. Before him stood a young man, shield raised, and wooden sword on his back, the shining silver armor from a time far beyond his, and even more, there was gold, a fine black haired fellow. Mandricardio.

The Rider grunted as he threw his arm out, several arrows flying off his shield as he stood defensively in front of Jason. He picked himself up, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Charlotte, a finger raised to her mouth, her grey dress and white bonnet hidden by the tree she was hiding behind, and then she vanished in a shimmer, as if she was there one moment and gone the next.

"Apologizes for my silence, but I had to captain," He near turned around, but realized the voice was actually on the other side of the tree, but it was a very familiar one. Asclepius was on the other side of the tree.

"Save it and stay safe," Jason ordered, pulling his sword up as Mandricardio blocked another arrow, both him and Jason splitting off from each other, allowing Jason to get behind another tree as Mandricardio smacked away an arrow with his sword before bringing up his shield to deflect another pair of arrows.

Suddenly the arrows stopped, and fighting ensured, lasers flying out of the woods, Mandricardio rushing forward, and Jason rushing after him, swords ready before they lept out of the trees towards Atalanta, the archer currently turned and aiming a pair of arrows at Charlotte, who was currently holding her knife locked against Pain Breaker, slowly overpowering Medea. Mandricardio shouted as he tried to swing, his katana smacking against Atalanta's bow, Jason leaping up and thrusting forward, forcing Atalanta to jump backwards, breaking her lock with Mandricardio, the Rider quickly following up by tossing his shield at her, the Archer kicking it with backflip, while Medea broke her lock with Charlotte, blasting her in the chest with a magical blast, sending the Assassin sprawling with a grunt of pain, but as the Caster started floating, a Serpent shot out of the woods, smashing itself against her and sending the Caster flying as Asclepius snapped his fingers, his familiar straightening itself before blowing poisonous gas on Medea, the Caster covering her mouth and having Pain Breaker glow, removing the poison as Charlotte got to her feet, and tossed her knife towards Medea.

Jason stood up as an arrow shot the knife out of the air, sending it flying into a tree before Atalanta followed up, trying to shoot Asclepius, only for Mandricardio to rush her again, the Rider getting right in her face and the two starting to bounce between trees, nowhere near their normal speed, but still quite fast, fast enough that they didn't touch the ground as they clashed, shield and sword against bow and arrow as Jason ran towards Medea, Charlotte grabbing her knife and joining him, vanishing behind a tree as he tried to swing at Medea.

The Caster spun out of the way, and then blasted him in the chest, sending him rolling against the ground until Charlotte appeared behind her, slinking out from behind a tree and trying to stab the Caster in the back. She managed to stab her in the shoulder, the Caster flying into the air after pulling away and rocketing off as fast as she could, the three remaining Servants all turning their attention towards Mandricardio and Atalanta.

The two stopped bouncing, both bruised up from their very brief clashes, but then Atalanta lowered her bow slightly as Jason raised his pistol, which still wasn't reloaded (not that Atalanta knew hopefully), Asclepius hid behind a tree with his familiar floating in front of Jason, and Charlotte vanished again to get into a better position.

Atalanta growled, before running away, Mandricardio getting ready to pursue, getting into a runner's stance before Jason spoke up. "Let her go, we aren't going to beat her in a footrace anytime soon."

"Yeah, I realize," he complained, setting his sword on his shoulder but not looking away from where Atalanta had run. "The hell was that about."

"You think I know?" Jason said, pulling out his old clip and putting it back into his pistol before holstering it.

"Maybe it has something to do with the faunus?" Charlotte guessed, and Jason hummed… would make some sense. She'd betrayed Chaldea over the Yaga before, but he hadn't really been… oh, the Schnee dust company he had been kinda ignoring. They used Faunus labor if he wasn't wrong, but was that really it?

"I doubt it's just that… I'm not certain myself," Asclepius piped up, still hiding behind a tree, or rather, leaning against it. "But even while in waiting, I found it very odd, their behavior. Medea is normally much more talkative, while Atalanta may be reluctant, she's always heeded your call, and the only time she's betrayed you, was when you were in the wrong."

"Don't remind me, please" Jason complained, facepalming, before chuckling. "But I'm glad you're here, all of you… just you three?"

"Paris wanted to, but he knew Apollo was both a bit expensive and well, he's pretty useless without Apollo, Herc is even worse, Chiyome decided to wait, and Bart knew you needed doc, rather than him," Charlotte provided, smiling and tilting her head. He looked her up and down… her 'angel' was missing.

"Took you long enough though," Mardricardio provided, stretching a bit before swinging his sword off to the side, deflecting another arrow, and looking in that direction, everyone doing the same for a moment, until after about a minute, no more arrows came.

"We can save the reunion and explanation for later, currently we are still within kill range. Hopefully whatever has afflicted Atalanta has not robbed her of enough reasoning to understand attacking us once we reach Haven will only cause Huntsmen to go after her," Asclepius provided, and the three nodded, quickly running towards Haven through the woods, Mandricardio keeping his head on a swivel and his shield up until buildings were in sight.

Rushing into an alleyway, Jason finally leaned against a wall and let out a long suffering sigh, sliding down the wall before looking up at all three of his companions. "So should I ask or should I save it for later?"

"I don't know what's happening, and I doubt Charlotte does either," Mandricardio provided, sheathing his shield as Asclepius hummed.

"Medea seems to have had some sort of madness overtake her, akin to the madness she had in Okeanos under Goetia's influence. As for Atalanta, I am uncertain, but she is a far more fickle person than you may think. Its likely she has taken issue with your current course of action, and has sided with Medea in killing you," he surmised, and Jason just sighed.

"Why are all the women in my life so damn difficult," he complained, lowering his head as Charlotte chuckled.

"So uh… how are you going to explain this to Ironwood?" Mandricardio asked as Jason just shrugged.

"Leave it to him, but now that we're here, let's have a bit of fun!" Charlotte started, passing by Mandricarido before Asclepius snapped his fingers.

"Sadly, this is no time for sightseeing. There are two Servants now rogue, so splitting up is the worst option, nevermind the captain's injuries." he cautioned, and Charlotte huffed, and Mandricardio shrugged, and Jason? He laughed. He missed times like these, even if it wasn't with his original crew.

"Come on, let's-" Jason started, picking himself up as Asclepius reached down, the two clasping their hands together and the doctor pulled the captain to his feet. "Find Okita,"

"What do you mean by 'you found them', explain Jason!" Ironwood shouted over his scroll, Charlotte giggling as Jason was holding the device about a foot away from his ear to avoid Ironwood blowing out his eardrums.

"I mean 'I found some of them' I didn't find all of them," Jason clarified, bringing the scroll closer to his mouth to say that before Ironwood spoke up again.

"I'm more surprised any of them are alive, much less that you'd find them on what is supposed to be your vacation," he claimed.

"We're right here," Mandricardio piped up, changed into a shirt that he'd had Jason buy, some casual civilian stuff to try and hide the more out of place armor from Ironwood. Charlotte was much the same, wearing a pair of jeans and a new white shirt, but Asclepius was still wearing his mask and robes, which had attracted all sorts of weird looks on their way to the station.

"Can we not do this on two seperate continents?" Jason questioned, and Ironwood sighed.

"What are you planning to do with them?" he asked, and Jason just looked off to the side.

"I don't control what they do, they do what they want," he muttered, and Charlotte smiled as Mandricardio rested his sword on his shoulder. Asclepius was quiet, sitting on a bench and crossing his arms, his mask up but his familiar dismissed, so at the moment he just looked like a very strange doctor.

Ironwood grumbled something off to the side, so Jason didn't hear it through his scroll, but moments later he spoke up again. "I know you are on leave, but I recommend you return here to Atlas as soon as you can, so that this matter can be settled," he explained, and Jason turned as steps started to come towards him. Looking off to the side, he saw Okita, bags in her arms, and wearing a yukata she'd evidently picked up from somewhere. Jason almost rolled his eyes, he nearly got killed and she was off actually enjoying her vacation.

"Yeah I'll get back to you on that General, see you soon," he said, before hanging up on Ironwood, and looking towards Okita, who was staring at the other people around Jason, and at his relatively poor state. He wasn't bleeding out or half dead, but it was still pretty clear he'd been in a fight. The fact that he had three members of his team with him was more likely what was causing her silence.

"Hey!" Charlotte waved at Okita, smiling as Jason sat down next to Asclepius, the Caster opening one eye and giving Jason a look as Charlotte and Mandricardio started talking with Okita as they waited for the Argus Limited's leave time. They'd only been in town for a few hours at this point and already Jason was planning on leaving before Atalanta or Medea could get at him again.

"Do you think you can save her?" Jason asked, not even looking towards his comrade as Asclepius huffed.

"I know I can, all I need is time, but far less than what she would have needed normally," he gave, and Jason closed his eyes, sighing in relief.

"Good. I hoping I didn't make a mistake here…" Jason complained and the doctor closed his eyes again.

"Oh you did, but overall, it is not as bad as it could be, after all, now we can make a difference," he said, before standing up, Jason opening his eyes and looking towards the Caster, who held out a gloved hand to Jason. He took it, being pulled to his feet as both of them looked towards the three Servants talking together still.

"A difference huh? Well, we'll see, but one thing's for sure," Jason started as he walked towards the trio, who turned towards him as he just waved for a second. "This mess is only just starting, our Chaldean odyssey."

AN: Well sorry this took a while to get out, I was trying to make sure I had a good story to tell. Jason, you have both screwed up and succeeded at the same time! But what's up with Atalanta and Medea Lily? How will this affect what you know? Does Ironwood have any real idea what the hell is going on!? Ozpin certainly doesn't. Chaos is abound, but I look forward to your reviews and what you have to say about this chapter. I'll see all of you next time!