We all know Rin is a good kid, he's just got some issues. This is what happens when... well, you'll see.

Let The Chaos Ensue...

Everyone was both impressed and worried after Rin made his revelation to the rest of class 3-E. Even Koro Sensei was visibly shaken, he wasn't all too keen on having a student that could kill him at any second in his class.

Also considering that his grades were fine, he didn't actually need help, he had simply ignored his general studies before, now that he had to pay attention to them, he wasn't having any problem.

Karasuma, though unhappy about having been beaten so easily, now understood and was constantly asking him to just kill the octopus. Only to get the same response.

"My ass hole twin has control over my whole life, and he wants me here. If I kill the teacher early in the year, he'll probably have a binding put on my tail. You don't want to be the cause of my ultimate pain and discomfort now would you?"

So Rin went about as a normal student, in his free time he studied exorcist texts, and every once and a while would fight off a low level demon around the school.

Nagisa appreciated the more or less up front honesty about his demon half. Karma was enamored at him being a literal demon, and his dark side. And the whole class just thought it was cool how well he could fight. He had even taken to teaching them some of what he knew.

When asked about his skill with the blade, he said, "I had a great teacher, and she doesn't believe in holding back, it's how I got a good number of scarrs. If you want to learn as best you can, you can't pretend to fight."

It had been a few weeks and his classmates were talking about one of the teachers getting back. He walked into the conversation during lunch and decided to jump in.

"Where was our English teacher before?" Rin asked.

"Well, the regular teachers are assassins, she was on a mission," Isogi said. Rin nodded and left the group, satisfied with the answer.

After lunch, he sat in class and waited for the teacher to arrive, slowly the rest of the class took their seats and not long after a tall blonde woman walked in.

"So," Karma said. "Did you get your mark?"

"Yeah Bitch Sensei," Nakumura egged.

The class laughed, the woman at the front began to glare. Rin had to do a double take at what Nakamura had said.

"Hey Mrs Jela-bitch, where did you go?"

"Why did it take you two weeks?"

"Yeah Sensei Jela-bitch…"

Rin stood and slammed his fists down on his desk, a wave of painful flames hit the students, leaving the flustered teacher untouched at the front of the class. She was shocked by the flames, noticing that they were radiating off of Rin.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" He asked over their cry of pain.

"What gives?" Nagisa asked.

"The hell Rin?" Teresaka yelled.

"I should be asking you all the same thing," he said. His voice level and surprisingly cold in the midst of the flames.

"What do you mean?" Kayano asked.

"Sensei, what is your name?" Rin asked softly.

She looked confused, shocked almost, but replied with her full name. "Irina Jelavić," she said shyly.

Rin looked back to the class. "I didn't hear a single 'b' or 'bitch' in there, so why the damn hell are you calling her names?" He hissed.

"Because she's a bit…" Karma started but a fireball close to his head shut him up.

His face twitched in anger, and he glared. "She is our Sensei, and we should be showing her respect."

"But what about what you did to Karasuma Sensei? Isn't that disrespectful?" A student asked.

"I'm a demon, and a sadistic bastard in every sense of the word, plus, I wasn't degrading him in a way that's hurtful. What you all are doing is downright shameful. At least when I beat Karasuma Sensei, I walked away with pride. All you can do is say you were name calling your teacher."

The student's lowered their heads, mumbling to themselves. Slowly, Rin let the flames go out and he turned to the teacher and bowed.

"I apologize for scaring you with my flames, and for my classmates behavior, Jelavić Sensei."

She took a breath and smiled at the boy as he sat back down.

"Thank you very much, Rin. Now let's get started with class…"

Later, she and Karasuma were chatting in the teachers lounge. "Did he really beat you, or did you let him win?"

"No, he beat me. Had a sword to my throat in seconds. He hadn't been carrying a sword either, so there's that."

She laughed, then sobered. "He lit my classroom on fire when he heard the other kids calling me Bitch Sensei, then reprimanded them. What is with this kid?"

"He could kill Koro Sensei with a single thought, and he won't. He said he's just here for academics, then helps teach the kids how to use their knives better, and scolds them on respect. I don't know about you, but I'm interested to see what else Rin Okumura will do."

Irina smiled and nodded, "You and me both.