Quick AN before I let you get on with the story. This is my first story I've written and published so I 100% appreciate criticism but if you do give me it please be constructive, I want to get better you know? Not wallow in my own tears for 10 years and lose my motivation to write. The poem at the beginning is indeed mine that I wrote forever ago and yes it probably sucks. I already have another chapter done and will post it after I get a few reviews to see what to fix and all. My current chapters are short because they are more introductory than anything but I will try to make them longer without forcing it in the future. I think that's all I wanted to say at the top so I'll let you read and please enjoy.



Light forever unwavering, illuminating all of existence


Darkness, silent and empty if only for this short moment


Bright, fading away quickly into


Nothing as the light to his soul went out


New Yorkers walking in downtown New York City usually don't take a second glance at anyone. Whether they pass a man who is 6 foot 11 or the polar opposite they just won't care, but they did spare a second glance and drift away from one man. He was rather tall at around 6 foot 4 but that wasn't what distracted them. The man radiated death and dreariness like you were longing to fall into a forever sleep and just accept your end. He was dressed in an all-black outfit, black hoodie, pants, shoes, even his backpack was black. Pedestrians cleared a path for him as he walked by because they didn't want to get too close.

It wasn't uncommon for Thanatos to be spotted wandering around downtown NYC, or any major city for that matter. He always was everywhere because death is everywhere. Thanatos was death. He wasn't supposed to feel remorse when he took the soul of a husband from his wife, a mother from her children, or a young child from their families, and he didn't. So it was strange that as he was reaping the soul of this poor old man in a hospital he felt something weird. He walked out of the hospital room on a mission. He went to the room three to the right from the old man and saw something that made him feel genuine sadness and regret for the first time in his long immortal life. There lay a hero, one who had saved his life in fact, dying after pushing a little girl out of the way from a car. It was almost funny that this great hero dies, not only with a heroic act but to a car none the less. As Thanatos took his soul something didn't sit right with him. He left the hospital with a renewed sense of life. He was going to have a chat with a certain goddess of magic.

Hecate wasn't known to deal with anyone out of the kindness of her heart. If she helped you she always expected something back. That's why when she offered to help him free of charge he was instantly suspicious of what her plan was. He mulled over his other options. He could try and go behind Hades' back and do it himself, but chances were that Hades would catch him and it would not go well, or he could just let the poor hero rest with his friends and family before him, but Thanatos did not want that for him. He had much left to do in life and that's why he wanted him reborn with his memories not lounging around in Elysium, the outside world needed him to save them once again, but Thanatos wanted to let him live his life normally for a bit so he'd be born as his son in Colorado so he wasn't close enough to either camp to be tempted to visit them. Thanatos made the decision. He would ask Hecate for her help and pray to Tyche that she didn't have anything crazy planned for the hero. Boy was he very, very wrong.

That was chapter 1, thanks for reading and please leave a review and let me know what I did poorly and if you are feeling kind tell me what I did right. Thanks for your time and a new chapter should be up within a week and for the people that like this story this is something to do during quarantine. Hope everyone is staying safe and all that. If you do like this please follow and favorite. Thanks and I'm out.