
SUMMARY: She had been abandoned by them, forgotten like yesterday's newspaper, yet, now they come here wanting her back. What pitiful swine they were, damn it, looks like her servant was rubbing off on her a bit too much.

Hello everyone, I have been watching Fate Extra CCC and ding dong! This story was born, enjoy it!

WARNINGS: Swearing, blood, fighting, some gore, bashing of Dumbledore, Ron, Alive Potters, wrong-boy-who-lived, some sexual themes, some people being out of character, messing with ages and timeline!

I do NOT own the Fate Series, just my Oc's and story idea.

Off we go!

Chapter: Prolouge



It was a calm night in Japan as the streets were silent, only the footsteps of people walking to night shift or cars going home from work rang out. The owls flew through the sky looking for their next meals as the full moon hung in the sky casting a glow on the land.

Among the people walking around was a young man, he had on some warm clothing to fight off the November air, his brown cedar hair was short and spiky with fair skin-tone and sharp features giving him a noble look. He had a runner build with toned muscles, slightly broad shoulders and an impressive height of 6'0". His dark blue eyes looking around the park he was in as he gave a sad smile, this man was a mage, Lord Akira Kishinami.

The Kishinami family was a family known for their powerful mana and abilities to enhance items like weapons and objects, from elemental to bound fields, they could also analyze mana and break it down to find the source of an object to see how it ticks and works. They also didn't slack when it comes to offensive abilities though, each member had magic in them from the wizarding ancestry in the Kishinami line thus with the magic they could control one or two elements to their will.

Akira himself could control fire and was very good at enhancing items, though at the moment he felt like doing anything but that. You see, a year ago Akira's wife, a brilliant witch who he fell in love with was hurt in a potion's accident at her workplace and they received the news that she would be unable to have children. It had been a devastating blow to the two of them, they had been planning on having children and both had been so excited but now it felt like a faraway dream.

Akira sighs as he came to a stop and looked around the park, no-one was in sight leaving the lord to look up at the moon.

'There has to be a way to cheer my beloved Elena up' Akira thought as he watched the moon, it always fascinated him as a child even now that small bit of wonder was still with him.

"Maybe a trip to France will cheer her up? She loves the culture there and the food is not too bad," Akira mutters before nodding, it could help his wife heal a bit they both needed the distraction at this point.

Akira turns about to turn and leave the park when he felt it, a spike of magic, distressed magic, it set him on edge. He looks around the park spreading his senses out before he pinpointed where it was coming from, he took off in a run until he arrived at the edge of the park near some bushes. He moved behind a tree as he saw something that made his blood boil.

A very large man, Akira thought it was a walking whale at first, dumping something wrapped up tightly in blankets in the bushes, from the size and the way it moved slightly it didn't take long for Akira to figure out a person or child was in that wrapped up bundle. Was this man a murderer? There had been talk of a child killer around in the area recently, young children between 5-8 had been found beaten near death and tied up and then dumped in random places they were dead by the time someone found them, Akira grits his teeth as the man cursed clutching his hand as he apparently cut it on one of the branches making him lash out and kick the bundle making a muffled yell be heard.

Akira waited until the man went back over to the car parked nearby, he saw a woman in the car doing something with her nails as the man got back in and drove off. Akira remembered the number plate before coming out of hiding and rushing over to the wrapped up bundle while pulling his phone out.

He quickly dialed the police as he knelt down and started untying the ropes, he was glad to have his gloves on as to not mess with any lingering fingerprints, he sighs in relief as he felt movement and magic trying to help him untie the knots. When he got thought and explained the situation to the police he had managed to get the upper part of the bundle unwrapped letting the child inside breath and been seen by the world.

Akira finished his call and put the phone away as he gazed at the child, it was a little girl, she was tired and breathing hard but had a determined look in her eyes as she looked around in a daze. Her eyes were emerald green and full of power as her magic danced in the air trying to keep her warm, her skin-tone was slightly tanned but not much and her hair was matted but black in color and Akira thought he saw a cut on her forehead but it was hidden by her hair. Her clothing was ripped up and torn letting the bruises be seen, her body was a bit skinny but thankfully not my much.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, your safe now," Akira said as the little girl looked at him blinking a bit.

"The bad man?" She asked quietly her voice a bit scratchy making it hard to speak.

"He's gone, don't worry, there are people on the way to help you," Akira said as he took his coat off and placed it on her to give her some warmth.

"You help me?" She asked as Akira nodded, it was best to keep her talking and awake until the police arrived.

"Yes, my name is Akira Kishinami, what's yours?" Akira asked as the girl went to speak only to frown.

"I-I don't remember, head feels funny," She said as she shifted and winced in pain.

"That's okay, can you tell me how old you are then? I'm 25," Akira said as the girl gave a small giggle.

"Your old, I'm 12 I think," She said as Akira gave a mock pout.

"I'm not that old, yet," Akira said making her giggle again, Akira smiled a warmth in his chest.

The sound of sirens was then heard making Akira look over as he saw police and an ambulance arrive, the next few minutes was spent keeping the girl calm as she was carefully photographed and checked over before being taken to the ambulance. Akira gave his eye witness account to the police and even gave a description of the man and woman he saw along with the car license plate.


Akira now stood in the hospital waiting room as the doctors, both none-magical and magical tended to the girl, the police had been by to collect evidence and learned of something that had them on high alert.

Turns out the couple who dumped her had a daughter from what the little girl could remember, the daughter was only 11-years-old and could be in danger so the police rushed out of the hospital to track the murdering couple down.

"Akira," A voice said making Akira look over to his wife.

Elena Kishinami, she had shoulder-length blonde hair with hazel brown eyes that shined like gems, her fair-skin tone suited her, her age was 24-years-old and she had on her winter clothing. Her build was that of a swimmer with curves in the right places and a C-sized chest, her height was around 5'7". She was perfect in Akira's eyes.

"I got your message, is the little girl you saved okay?" Elena asked concerned.

"She's being checked over now, the police recently came by to get evidence," Akira said as he hugged his wife.

"I hope they catch those monsters," Elena said as she leans on Akira.

"Me too," Akira said as they both stood in silence.

After a few minutes a doctor came over, he was middle-aged and a wizard. He looked both happy yet annoyed by something.

"How is she, doctor?" Akira asked as the Doctor sighs.

"She's fine, we found no serious injuries apart from a concussion and some minor rib fractures and severe bruising, no internal injuries thank the gods, her magic must have been healing her overtime since she is magically exhausted as well," The Doctor said as he held a clipboard and wrote something down.

"However, after having someone do a scan of her the results we got were nothing short of barbaric! Her mind has been hit with that many Obliviate spells I'm surprised she's not a vegetable, her magic has many blocks on it and her scar needs to be seen by an exorcist immediately a soul shard was found attached to it," The doctor said as he paused and pulled out his phone and typed something in before putting it away.

"The poor girl, have her parents been found?" Elena asked.

"She does not remember her name or anyone she could identify as parents, the best bet is to ask the Goblins for a heritage test to find any relatives or send her to the local orphanage for now," The Doctor said with a sigh.

Elena frowns before biting her lip, she didn't want the child to be sent to an orphanage! Maybe? Her hand reached up and rested on her waist, maybe this was the small miracle she had prayed for? For a chance to be a mother and to give this little girl a home?

Elena nods as she looked up at her husband, who looked at her in silence before seeming to understand the look in her eyes. He smiles and nods.

"How about we take her in for now? We can look after her until any relatives are found," Akira asked making the Doctor nod.

"I can arrange for that to happen, she might feel more comfortable since you saved her and would be seen as a 'safe person' in her eyes and someone to trust," The doctor said.

After a few more minutes of talking the doctor lead them to the room the little girl rested in, she was asleep right now and had some bandages on her chest and on her head. She had an IV in her arm and a heart monitor attached to her, Akira took a seat next to the bed while Elena went to get them something to eat.

It would be hours later when the girl awoke, she was happy to see Akira and was a bit wary of Elena until she was introduced to her and soon the little girl was smiling and playing the best she could with Elena who used her magic to make little figures of animals that moved around for the girl to play with.

When Akira told her that they would be looking after her until her parents were found she was happy before going to sleep.


It has been a week since the incident and many things happened, one the children killers were caught. An English couple who were very unpleasant to be around.

The man was Vernon Dursley, a businessman for a company that did drills, he had been the main killer. He was the one who would beat the children up and dispose of them, he said it was his right to rid the world of 'freaks' as he called them when he was arrested along with being degrading to the Japanese and calling them 'savages' for arresting him without reason.

His wife, Petunia Dursley, was a vain woman, she would do the kidnapping and restraining of the child. She would do her own form of beating with slaps and metal pipes, she had been arrested just in time to stop her from striking her own daughter with a metal pole. She was quiet upon arrest.

Their child, little 11-year-old Amy Dursley, was badly beaten and rushed to the hospital. She was found to be a magical herself but her magic was inverted meaning she could use it in her body but not outside her body, in England this would have had her labeled as a 'Squib' for some reason. She had a huge reserve of mana though that she could use in the future.

The couple would be trailed and sentenced in Japan before being sent back to England to be given their punishment.

The girl Akira saved made a full recovery and her scar was purified and rid of the soul shard, which was taken away to be disposed of by the Goblins, Akira and Elena also gained a daughter. Well, two daughters.

The Goblins had preformed the heritage test on the Dursley's victim only to discover that not only were her parents alive but she had been disowned, cast out! By them! Her former parents were Lily and James Potter the famous parents of the 'boy-who-lived' who 'defeated' the Dark Lord Voldemort, Jacob Potter, Akira did not take the news well. He was furious! How dare they cast out their own daughter just to be famous! Elena had been ready to storm out before calming and demanding a full blood adoption.

When they got their future daughter from the hospital they saw her cuddling with Amy and not having the heart to separate them Elena asked if they wanted to be sisters, the loud yelling of 'Yes' was heard throughout the hospital that day. So, using the full blood adoption ritual Akira and Elena became the parents to two wonderful girls.

The newly named Hakuno Kishinami now a healthy weight and healed up now had a fair-skin tone, cedar brown hair replaced black hair and soft chocolate brown eyes replaced her emerald green eyes. Her forehead scar was fading away, her magic was growing after the blocks were removed.

Amy Dursley became Tsubaki Kishinami, her black hair changed to light blonde hair and her eyes to dark blue. Her skin tone was fair and she quickly got the hand of her magic, she almost broke the door handle off of the bank door when opening it so she had to get some quick lessons on magic control to avoid any more mishaps and some strength limiters.

Right now Akira was watching as Hakuno practiced her magic by making some dolls float, it was an exercise to help her growing magic and keep it under control. Tsubaki was with Elena right now unlocking her crests so she can get used to them, he smiled as Hakuno made all five of her dolls float.

"Well done, Hakuno, you can stop now," Akira said walking over making Hakuno break her concentration and drop the dolls.

"I did well?" Hakuno asked with a smile making Akira nod as he reached down and ruffled her hair up making her giggle.

"Yes, soon you'll be able to do that with a flick of your finger," Akira said making Hakuno look up with a big smile.

"Come on, let's go and check on your mom and sister, then we can have lunch," Akira said making Hakuno nod and take his hand as they left the training dojo.

Unknown to the Kishinami family, this event was just the starting point for the biggest adventure of their lives.


I wanted to try something different with the Dursleys and decided to give this a try, won't Lily be shocked to learn her own sister became a murderer? Anyway, onto other matters!

I have decided that I will also be doing Fem-Shirou and Fem-Shinji, also, here are the pairings!

Hakuno(Fem-Harry)/Gilgamesh, Hikari(Fem-Shirou)/Arthur (Prototype Saber), Sakura/Rider (Medusa), Shizu(Fem-Shinji)/Medea, Tsubaki/Cu Chulainn(Lancer).

In the next chapter, a 3-year time skip happens and war is on the horizon.

Until then, SaberbladePrime signing out!