RWBY: Foresworn
Chapter I: Tables Turn
Neville and Harry were forced to the table with Dumbledore, thankfully seeing sense and took a seat not at the head of the table. That pleasure fell to Snape; who smirked at Harry, knowing the implications.
"Both of you disappointed me, especially you Harry." Dumbledore began, steepling his fingers together.
"Yeah, yeah, tell your Greasy Sidekick to go fuck himself or better yet…you fuck him and stop thinking you'll be able to break the contract."
"But, my boys…you do not understand. I signed the Contract and I will release you from it providing you both do something for me."
"That is?"
"Swear loyalty to me and sign these." With an elaborate gesture of his wand, two scrolls appeared in his hands. They were wills; according to Harry, he willed everything to the Weasley's and the Longbottom's left everything to a Jason Rockwood, a cousin of Neville's and a Death Eater sympathiser.
Harry's eyes narrowed. Due to his training with his aura, semblance and combining them with his magic; he found that they weren't being magically forced to sit so he began to stand. "Potter, the Head…" Began Snape.
The assembled Order of the Phoenix could barely react and Dumbledore had no chance as Harry had the Potions Master by the throat, ripped him from the Head of the Table Seat; slammed the sallow faced Potions Master into his knee. The unmistakable sound of bone breaking was heard, as said Professor went for his wand Harry slammed him onto the black marble of the kitchen surface and brought sword so it rested very calmly on the man's throat. "Fuck…you…Snape. We are bound unfortunately to Dumbledore's machinations and not yours. I quite frankly don't care if you had sympathy or feelings for his my mother, right now…you being here is giving me too many ideas of what I want to do to you and pulling your guts out through your anus whilst you're alive is looking quite pleasing."
Before Molly could open her mouth, Neville stood pulling his hammer "How many of you toasted Harry Potter when Tom Riddle was defeated the first time around?" Nearly all of them, including Dumbledore but Moody was the only one who realised what was about to happen.
"Dumbledore, you, you are a lemon drop sucking, sock obsessed, manipulative, super-obsessive, deluded, moron! You absolute cockwomble of a flustercuck, you evidently have forgotten something very powerful…You're intending to break an acknowledged life-debt and a magical-debt-of-gratitude…We, the entirety of the wizarding toasted 'Thankyou Harry Potter' or similar words to that effect, in essence Potter right now is Judge, Jury and Executioner of us…Now, Potter…I order you as a Former Auror and someone who trained your barmy Father and batshit lunatic of a Godfather not to brutally torture, maim or even kill that disgusting sack of shit Death Eater who is masquerading as a Teacher as we actually need him."
Harry who had been in a bit of a trance snapped out of it "We actually need this lump of shit? Oh shut up Snape, I've not even broken your ribs…yet." This comment was followed up with a powerful punt to the ribs causing Snape to squeal.
"Now, I have. Neville, please sit on him."
"Harry, your inner lunatic is showing." The still armoured Neville pointed out.
"Thankyou for pointing out the fucking obvious, Doctor Longbottom. I am painfully aware; our school has just fallen, our Teams and Loved Ones are separated from us and now we're here at the pacifistic mercy's of as Former Auror Moody pointed out a moron, one that seems to be more obsessed at being remembered along the lines of Merlin! Sweet fucking Oum, Nev…if it wasn't for the Prophecy Orb that you wonderfully smashed back in the disastrous fight and raid at the Disaster of Magic in the Department of Mayhem basically saying it was Tom or Me walking away from one last conflict; I'd have happily lost my magic just so I don't have to come back here."
The Order of the Phoenix were stunned, as were the younger Weasley's although Ron snorted "Harry, no offence but it's always been you. We've just been too dumb, too blind and too damn naïve to think it was anyone but you. Way back in our First Year, with the Chess Set, the Wall of Potions and the Mirror and fighting Professor Quirrell…we should have read the writing. In not in first year, possibly in second year but we should have smelt the roses in our Fourth Year but I was too busy being a prat and you were…"
"Trying to deal with prepubescents and pubescent twats and less than useful or helpful staff. Less said about Fifth Year…"
Ron nodded "Anyway it is actually good to see you now, considering with everything that's been happening."
Harry nodded "Moody, what do you mean…"
The One-eyed Auror smirked sharkishly "You familiar with Life-Debts?"
"Should I be?"
Moody's eye narrowed. Meanwhile Dumbledore paled "I deliberately left Harry naïve, he didn't need to hear anything like this. I needed him reliant on me and people of my choosing. He didn't need to know about the Potter Magic and their stance on power."
Moody narrowed eyes "Life-debts are a pretty big thing. Should be covered in Charms and DADA, anyway. Debts in the Wizarding World especially those of the magical kind, are hard to claim but even harder to get out of. Then come written contracts and then verbal contracts. To make any of them you're unfortunate as it puts the victim in almost servitude to the other…Potter, have you done anything exceptionally reckless or stupid to save someone's life?"
"In my first year, I fought Quirrel who was possessed by Voldemort for the Philosophers Stone in Hogwarts." Moody's eyes widened.
"Second year, I fought Voldemort again this time he was aided by a Basilisk. He'd also taken Ginny."
"That'd be a life-debt gained. The School one, probably worth a collective thankyou from everyone…Fortunately that can be delivered by the Headmaster…"
"I did, Alastor." Dumbledore confirmed, his plans were coming undone! Right now, all he could do, was watch and see what could be salvaged.
"Third Year, saved Sirius with a Time-Turner…Saved Pettigrew inadvertently…Little bastard."
Moody nodded "Point is they're tricky things. You, Potter as a result of everything that happened to the Wizarding World it is entirely possible Dumbledore owes you a life-debt."
Harry's grin began to show a few too many teeth. "How do I…"
"You know the Patronus charm? Think of everything that you've been tied to both insinuated, recorded to having been done, draw on your magical core and push it out. You'll be unable to miss the results."
Everyone gasped as Harry's magical aura appeared a beautiful majestic emerald green. Then like lances of light, the aura shot towards several people including Neville, the Weasley's save for the eldest two. Surprisingly Harry himself was coated in a periwinkle blue aura and a gentle brown. Harry looked to see Neville had one on him as well as the Headmaster. Dumbledore chuckled ruefully "This complicates matters Mr. Potter."
Harry snorted "No…It simplifies them. I now have a few options 1) You willingly and knowingly cancel the current contract and brief us on what you want us to do. 2) I declare the contract void and let magic rob me of my magic for knowingly breaking contract. 3) I rip your magic out and thus cancelling the contract; probably losing my magic due to my own life-debt to you…I could list at least six more options, but either way Headmaster, the contract and your current bullshit stops right now." For emphasis, Harry reached out and everyone watched as the emerald green aura sunk into Dumbledore's chest and grabbed his magical core.
Dumbledore stopped. As a brown aura did the same thing "I, Neville of House Longbottom back Harry of House Potter…Albus Dumbledore of House Dumbledore, your choices have been made. Your grandiose plans or the right thing. Either way, you will be remembered, a Dark Lord or Good Man you will be remembered. Only we're giving you a chance to narrate your narrative."
"I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore do declare the contract I made with Headmaster Ozpin, null and void. I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore recognise this freedom from said contract as Hadrian James Potter completion of his life-debt to me, when it occurred in his first year at Hogwarts, where I, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore reside as Headmaster. So, it has been said." Dumbledore proclaimed.
"So, it has been witnessed. Witnessed by I, Arthur Septimius, Head of House Weasley." Arthur declared.
"So, it has been seconded. Seconded by I, Alastor Callum, Head of House Moody." Moody rumbled.
"So, it shall be done by magic, blood and honour." Whispered Hestia Jones, still reeling because of the information and the sheer gall of Dumbledore to try and double-cross a magical contract.
The contract and the contracts, Dumbledore had placed on the table hissed, fizzled and exploded violently. Dumbledore winced, he was done. He had gambled with misdirection and holding all the information, perhaps it was time to change. He looked at the two potential chosen ones "Everyone needs to know this…"
Mrs. Weasley blustered "The children including…"
Neville spun "Mrs. Weasley, you might be a mother to your children but you have no right to order myself, Harry or Hermione about like this."
"You are much too young…"
Harry snapped "Mrs. Weasley, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP VOL-DE-MORT. I will say this again it's Voldemort or Me."
Harry was grateful Snape had left. If there was one thing he could count on, that was Snape and his loathing of him. He stepped out of the way of Mrs. Weasley trying to pull him into a hug "Mrs. Weasley, thank you but no thanks. I'm not here to cultivate reasons for staying, I'm here to do a job and clear off again."
"But, but…your parents…"
"Want me back with them where I consider myself abducted from. My Girlfriend wants me to come back alive; this the Wizarding World, if it's not for the fact that I think Voldemort is insane and powerful enough to reunite Remnant and Earth together. Our jobs become infinitely harder, I've got people out for my head in both places and the last thing I want is for both forces to meet and get it into their heads to team up…Plus this is called professionalism."
Mrs. Weasley, broke down in tears and stormed out of the room "Right then…too kill Tommy, and to kill Tommy permanently."
Dumbledore nodded his eyes hardening. He could see why Harry didn't want to stay here. He looked at them "This is what I hypothesize, about Tom and his survival."
(Remnant, Vacuo)
By any religion, those who had said that Sanus was a hot location was understating idiot. Velvet, greedily slurped her cold water. It had been a long two months, but it had felt much longer. Two months since Beacon had fallen, two months since her boyfriend had been taken from her.
"Velvet, are you okay?" Asked Yatsuhashi curiously, his attire hadn't changed much. His green and brown pants were now shorts, his robe that was over one shoulder, now reached to the tips of his boots, the black undershirt had gone. Furthermore, his hair had been cropped shorter and Fulcrum, his trusty Zanbato, sharper than ever.
"Of course, she's not. She's getting over the fact that her first boyfriend, well, serious one at that has been taken away to fulfil obligations elsewhere. Yatsu, even I could see, despite lacking in that sense that Velvet was improving rapidly." Fox drawled mentally, his clothing hadn't changed much aside from his hair becoming much shorter.
"Thanks Fox." Velvet replied. Their blind colleague chuckled.
"He was fucking hilarious. Took nothing and gave everything, I got the impression that this…obligation…was personal. Velv, he didn't wanna go."
Velvet nodded. "Come on, Velv, we all know he's going to be returning and in style." Coco replied. Like Yatsuhashi, her outfit had changed the long-sleeved top was now a tank top, the necklace had been ditched, beret was kept, her hair tied into a scraggy pony-tail with a bang of hair over each eye, her trousers had become shorts and her high-heeled boots had become boots. Her bullet belt had remained the same.
Velvet on the other hand had changed possibly the most. Her hair was now in flowing waves that curled on themselves similar to plaited pony tail, her long sleeved jacket now resembled a bomber jacket, her shirt had shortened revealing a toned and evident muscle. Her leggings had gone and her shorts and lengthened. Her camera, Anesidora on her back just above her bum and Harry's unnamed katana/rifle on her hip. Her proficiency in both weapons had increased phenomenally. "He calls it dynamic entry, I call it fiery crash."
"Others call it collateral damage." Coco commented.
"Ruby thinks he's cool." Fox commented.
"She's his sister and is completely him minus…the temper. More bad plans than him."
"Think we'll see them again?"
Velvet looked at her team "Most certainly."
(RNJR and Yang)
The trees exploded as a set of trees were violently demolished releasing a floating Grimm with a gleaming yellow eye in the centre of its mask. "NORA! GET IT!"