A/N: Welcome to my new Kingdom Hearts story! Hope you enjoy! Onto the chapter!

Chapter 1: The Realm of Darkness

(Sora POV)

Sora limped from the many wounds he had received from the Heartless he had fought. He was out of potions and magic to heal his wounds. The best thing he could do now was pray that he would not die in this place. Die in the place that he was meant to save the girl named Aqua. The girl he knew but could not quite remember. The girl who was important to Terra and Ven. Both of the boys would be waiting anxiously for his return.

What would he say if he couldn't make it in time? Sora fought off a wave of dizziness as one of the wounds he had received acted up. This was now a natural occurrence to Sora. He would walk, fight off dizziness, sleep, eat and then it would cycle all over again. He ate whatever he could find, mainly the remains of Heartless and the many other enemies he encountered. He was starving, sick, and wounded, but he would not give up.

The ground seemed to open up in front of him, making Sora jump back. But it was just another illusion of Riku that quickly disappeared. Sora felt something rushing to his mouth and coughed up blood. That was also something he had gotten used to. Coughing blood was normal, which probably wasn't healthy. Sora closed his eyes and held his breath as a Heartless swarm went past him without even noticing him.

Sora let out a small sigh of relief and continued on. Everyday was a struggle for survival and keeping the light he had in his body. He didn't even know how long he had been there. Sora stopped to look around at his surroundings, trying to catch even the tiniest glimpse of hope. He saw nothing but a barren wasteland of Darkness and Heartless. He sighed and yet again began the silent limp towards the shelter he had made.

It was made out of sticks and vines. It was an ugly thing, but it kept the Heartless from realizing that he was there. Sometimes, Sora wondered how he had managed to survive as long as he had. This was just him, Aqua must have been in even worse shape. A sudden rustling made Sora freeze and look around nervously. He looked to a bush where the rustling sounded again and unsheathed his Keyblade which was in horrible shape.

But when he got ready to strike, the creature stepped out. It was revealed to be a tiny mouse that had somehow made it's way into the Realm of Darkness. Sora sighed and gently picked it up. It squealed in confusion and squirmed around in his hands. Sora smiled and sat down, still holding the mouse. It sort of reminded him of King Mickey back in the Realm of Light. He smiled and slowly laid back down.

"How did you get here, little guy?" Sora asked, looking at the mouse in the palm of his hand. It only squeaked in response and ran around. "Do you want to show me something, little guy?"

The mouse ran out of his palm and ran around in circles. Sora laughed and struggled to his feet. The mouse squeaked and led him towards a beach. Sora limped after the mouse, every step feeling like he was stepping on thorns. But he knew that he needed to follow the mouse. The mouse suddenly squeaked in terror and swerved under the bush. Sora followed, relieved to be taking a little break. Then he looked outside and saw a Darkside.

He grumbled as they waited for it to pass. He then turned to the mouse, but realized it was gone. Sora looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. Then he heard a munching sound outside and carefully followed it. Sora gasped in shock and horror. A Heartless had gotten ahold of the mouse and was now eating it. Blood was all over it's jaws and the only part of the mouse that was visible was it's tail.

Sora fought back the urge to jump out and kill the Heartless. Finally, it was done. The mouse was gone. That was when Sora noticed the Heartless dropped something. He rushed forward and noticed that it was a piece of the mouse's ear. Sora smiled sadly and placed the ear in the only pocket that wasn't torn. He felt like there had been something important about the mouse. It felt almost...like an entity of Light.

He looked down at the ear and noticed that it was glowing, curious, Sora looked at it in more detail. He saw the symbol of the King's seal was on it. He gasped and fell back, it was a message from King Mickey trying to get him out of the Realm of Darkness most likely. Sora sighed sadly as he realized he couldn't help something so important. He felt warm tears sliding down his cheeks at how important and sweet the lost life had been.

Sora stood and looked over the ugly landscape of the Realm of Darkness. He put the mouse ear in his battered belt. He felt a small fatigue but continued walking. A little fatigue wouldn't slow him down, not in the slightest. He would make it out of the Realm of Darkness, no matter what it took.

A/N: How did you like it? It was really interesting to start working on this first chapter. I enjoyed it though. Anyway, see you in the next chapter. Remember to review favorite and follow! :)