Awesome Ten-Tails here with this story, the idea wouldn't leave, once I thought it since it's such an interesting idea. I am now going to focus on finishing the next chapter of Quirky Eyes.
I do not own either RWBY or Devil May Cry.
We see two people, probably around 45, fighting in a hell-scape. The first one we see has pale skin, white, swept-back hair, and blue eyes. He's wearing a black sleeveless zippered-turtleneck beneath a midnight blue formal vest, under a black coat with neon blue serpentine patterns going between his shoulder, and a snake's head hanging over his left shoulder, and three tattered coattails, black pants, dark boots covered by teal gaiters with several straps, charcoal gray fingerless gloves, and a silver necklace with a red gem in it. He's holding a Katana in a Iaijutsu stance. The other has white, neck-length hair, white, thick stubble and blue eyes. He's wearing a black Henley T-shirt under a faded, red jacket with a skull on the back, black leather pants, brown boots, black driving gloves, and a gold necklace with a red gem in it. He's holding a large two-handed sword made mostly of a dark substance resembling solidified lava, with claws running up its length, talons for a handguard and a red jewel on its pommel. They both put their weapons down and sit on the ground back to back. "So Vergil how long do you think we've been here?" The one in red asks.
"I'd say a couple months, Dante." Vergil says, and Dante chuckles.
"A couple months huh, wonder how Nero and everyone else is doing." Dante says.
"You know them better than I do, and even I can tell they'll do alright." Vergil says when his instincts flare up. "Dante." He says.
"Yeah, I know." Dante says as they both get up; when on both their sides some type of portal rips open. "What the hell!" Dante says when both of them start getting pulled into the portals, Vergil tries to grab Dante, but only grabs onto Dante's necklace which breaks as they're both pulled into separate portals.
We now see the man that wore blue shoot up in a bed except he now seems to be 38 instead of 45. "That dream again. I wonder how you're doing Dante." He thinks, when he hears something ringing, he looks over to see a blue device with a red diamond shaped button on it, he grabs and separates it into a translucent touch-screen and hits an answer button. A man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes appears on the screen. "Ozpin, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Vergil asks.
"Your youngest is a lot like Summer, you know." Ozpin says.
"What did she do?" Vergil sighs out.
"She got caught in a fight between Glenda, Roman Torchwick, and an unknown." Ozpin says.
"So outside of calling me to tell me where my youngest daughter is, why are you calling me Oz?" Vergil asks.
"Oh well, with all of the recommendations I got from Signal over the last school year, I'm moving her up two years for her to go to Beacon." Ozpin says.
"How'd she react to this, she absolutely hates special treatment." Vergil says.
"Yeah I know, I had to do a lot of convincing, for her to accept being pushed up two years." Ozpin said.
"So what did you say to get her to agree?" Vergil asks.
"Honestly I don't know, hm, what was it she said, 'a fool sees not the same tree as a wise man'." Ozpin says smiling,
*Sigh* "Sometimes she's too much like me." Vergil says.
"What's the problem with that, you told me how you used to be, and yes she acts a lot like you, but she doesn't have a certain problem." Ozpin says.
"Power is neither good nor evil, it's the user that makes it so." Vergil says. *Sigh* "I'll be at Beacon in a couple days." He says.
"Oh and why is that?" Ozpin asks.
"Since both my girls will be at Beacon, and you ask me every year to teach combat class, I'll take you up on the offer, plus you'll need someone to keep them out of trouble." Vergil says, ending the call, and stares at a shattered moon. (Dante… would you approve of the new me?) He thinks to himself and goes back to sleep.
[Week Later]
We see two people, one is 15 and is sitting on the floor of a large bullhead, She has pale skin, white, neck-length, choppy hair that is dark red at the tips she has silver eyes. She is wearing a blue, sleeveless polo under a black breastplate with a fused layered collar featuring a large blue snake eating its own tail centered on the chest, an elbow guard followed by a gauntlet extending up to her elbow on her left arm. Lastly her waist and hips are protected by multiple leaf shaped faulds which are connected to the lower part of her breastplate, a black and blue skirt, black stockings, and black combat boots with blue laces and topping it all off is a blue hooded cloak, and she has Vergil's amulet. Her right arm is reminiscent of a reptilian-esque claw that extends up to the elbow, the forearm is almost completely covered in black scale-like skin, save for the glowing red streaks that run through it, the scales run up the back of the hand and outside of the fingers, the inside of the hand is dark purplish-red. The other girl is 17 and is standing beside the first, she has long black hair with white streaks and blue eyes. She's wearing a black leather corset, black leather pants, black high-heeled boots, and an open sleeveless leather coat with the sides tied together by strings, and she's wearing the amulet Dante wore. "So I'm guessing you're not happy getting moved ahead two years, even if every teacher in signal recommended you, Ruby." The girl with mostly black hair says.
*Sigh* "Not really Yang." Ruby says getting up.
"Well come find me when you start acting like a normal person, and are excited about this." Yang says, walking away, after a minute a guy walks up he has short, messy, dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes he is wearing a black short-sleeved hoodie with the picture of a bunny on it along with detached reddish-orange sleeves, covering his hoodie is a white diamond-shaped chestplate and white spaulders topped off with blue-jeans and black sneakers, on his hip is a sword and its scabbard.
"Sorry I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, but was that true what that girl said, did you really get moved ahead two years?" The guy asks.
*Sigh* "Yeah, apparently every teacher back at Signal Academy, recommended to Headmaster Ozpin that I be moved ahead." Ruby says annoyed.
"You don't sound happy about that, getting recommended by one teacher is rare, let alone a whole school, that's amazing. By the way I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc." Jaune says.
"Ruby Rose, and that girl you saw was my elder sister Yang Branwen. And about not being happy about being moved ahead, I hate special treatment of any kind." Ruby says, when the bullhead starts moving.
"Oh no." Jaune says and his face turns green.
"Motion sickness." Ruby says, and Jaune nods his head, she sighs and her finger glows as she taps his throat, then she gains a confused look.
"Hey I feel much better, thanks Ruby, uh, is something wrong?" Jaune asks.
"Not to sound rude, but how are you here, you haven't even awakened your Aura let alone your Semblance." Ruby says.
"My what and what?" Jaune asks stupidly.
"Aura is the manifestation of one's soul. While a Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power unique to each individual, the ability varies greatly from user to user, a Semblance is also fueled by one's Aura." Ruby explains. "Jaune do you know how to fight?" She asks.
"Of Course." Jaune says, but starts sweating bullets, when Ruby smirks.
"Let's test that." Ruby says.
"What do you mean?" Jaune asks.
"Well we'll be on this Bullhead for a couple hours, and there is a sparring field on this ship." Ruby says heading off to the field.
"A-Alright." Jaune says.
[Hour Later]
We see Jaune lying on the ground in exhaustion, while Ruby is sitting beside him. "At first you annoyed me, you know. Anyone who knows how to wield a weapon, should be able to tell you have no idea what you're doing. And no offence, but your appearance and the way you act is quite misleading. You look and act like an idiot, but some of those maneuvers you thought of were quite ingenious." Ruby says.
"Oh, uh, thanks." Jaune says.
"Why do you want to be a Huntsman?" She asks.
"Simple, I want to help people." He replies sincerely, then finds her hand in front of him, he smiles and takes it and is pulled to his feet. He then notices that she's glowing white, and he's glowing black. "Ruby?" He asks.
"Quiet. For it is in courage that we achieve immortality, through this, we become a paragon of hope and light to rise above darkness, infinite in compassion and bound by duty, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, help thee." She says, opening her eyes as both glows die down, and she catches herself.
"Are you okay?!" He asks.
"Yeah, and if you're wondering, I unlocked your Aura, and you have a lot. Now I wonder, what's your breaking point?" She asks.
"What?!" Jaune says, and sees her snap her fingers, as a white ethereal sword appears in front of both of them.
"Well I'm going to give you some help, and I'm not taking no for an answer, since we have at-least another hour on this ship." Ruby says with a devilish grin.
[Hour Later]
We now find the Bullhead docked at a structure that looks kind of like a castle. Then we see Ruby dragging a dead-tired near unconscious Jaune off the ship, when she sees both Yang and Vergil talking just ahead, he's wearing a blue dress shirt, with a dark blue tie, tucked into black dress pants, dark blue combat boots, and a dark blue, snakeskin belt. "Hey dad!" She yells, grabbing their attention.
"So what's going on here?" Yang asks teasingly.
"Nothing, just someone catching my attention." Ruby says, brushing Yang off instantly.
"Phooey, so what did he do to impress you then?" Yang asks.
"He's deceivingly intelligent in a fight, and his conviction to become a Huntsman even without any training." Ruby replies.
"What do you mean no training?" (Oz what the hell are you thinking, letting in an untrained Huntsman hopeful?!) Vergil thinks, while he and Yang take a look at Jaune.
"Ruby, what the hell did you do to him?" Yang asks.
"I gave him a little instruction on how to wield a sword." Ruby says.
"Did you train him like you and me were trained?" Yang asks.
"Well yeah, that's the only way I know how to train." Ruby says simply, while Jaune earns some respect from both Yang and Vergil.
"Well that explains your state, young man. I'm Vergil, Ruby's father, and the school's new combat instructor." Vergil says.
"Hello sir, I'm Jaune Arc." Jaune says barely audible.
"Well I think I should take you to see the school nurse Mr. Arc." Vergil says, helping Jaune up.
"Thank you sir." Jaune says gratefully, as Vergil walks him to the nurse.
"I like him, plus he survived Dad's training regimen. He can handle you for certain." Yang says, smirking.
"Yang, it's not like that!" Ruby says blushing.
"Oh come on Ruby, you've never once taken an interest in another person, man or woman, I don't judge. But only an hour after meeting him, you awaken his Aura and teach him how to fight." Yang says.
"It's not like that, and it doesn't matter anyhow, I don't have time for any type of romantic relationship." Ruby says.
"You don't have to make time for it, cause there are some things no one can control, love is one of them. Have you ever heard the quote 'Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage'?" Yang asks.
"Yes, but have you heard this quote 'Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up'?" Ruby retorts.
"Ruby, I know you and mom were very close, and her death was hard on you, but it was eight years ago, you need to let it go." Yang says.
"You only say that because your mom is still alive!" Ruby seethes as a red demonic ethereal entity appears floating behind her and she walks off.
"That didn't go very well did it?" Asks a man walking up to Yang.
"Oh Professor Ozpin, uhm, how much of that did you see?" Yang asks.
"All of it, Summer is a very sensitive topic with your sister." Ozpin says.
"Yeah, but she'll cool off, this isn't the first time she's said that, she'll apologize later." Yang says.
"You miss her too." Ozpin says.
"Of course, she's my mom too; after all she was always there, but my birth mom. I've never even seen her, hell the only connection we even have is Uncle Qrow." Yang says.
"How close were Summer and your sister?" Ozpin asks.
"They, they were the closest people on the planet, when mom died, Ruby completely changed. She used to be a very warm person, but now she's, I dunno, cold." Yang says.
*Sigh* "A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us." Ozpin says.
"That sounds like something dad would say." Yang says.
"Well I was trying to say something that Vergil would say." Ozpin says, chuckling. "Now head on to the auditorium, I'll have Glenda grab Ruby later, let's give her time to cool off." He says.
"Yeah that's a good idea." Yang says heading to the auditorium with Ozpin.
[With Ruby]
We see Ruby walking while people are moving out of her way because of the ethereal entity. "Stupid Yang how can you say get over moms death so easily!" She seethes, and lashes out when a girl appears in her personal space, knocking her through a wall. She has short orange hair and turquoise eyes, she is wearing a white sleeveless top under a black vest with a hammer and lightning bolt on the back, with a bit of armor on, along with a short pink skirt that ends mid-thigh pink and white shoes. "Oh I'm so, so sorry!" She says
"What's with your arm, and what's that behind you, is it your Semblance, it's so cool!" The girl says excitedly.
"Sorry about Nora, she can be a little... much at times." Says a guy walking up, he has neck length black hair with a magenta streak on the left side of his hair along with magenta eyes, he is wearing a dark green, long-sleeved tailcoat that is red on the inside, with black and gold trimmings and pink cuffs over a black long-sleeved shirt, along with light tan pants with black shoes.
"Ah but Ren, look at her arm, it's so cool!" Nora says.
"Cool? Most people think I'm a freak because of my arm." Ruby says.
"Well those people are dumbasses!" Nora says.
"I see no reason in judging a person based on appearance, you judge only after you get to know someone." Ren says wisely.
"Sadly very few think the same as you, my name's Ruby Rose." Ruby says.
"Lie Ren, and the one who invaded your space is Nora Valkyrie." Ren says.
"Why aren't you going to the auditorium?!" Nora asks.
*Sigh* "My sister brought up a topic that's very sensitive for me, and It pissed me off. So I'm trying to cool off." Ruby says.
"Your sister brought up your mother didn't she, Rose?" Asks a voice playfully, they look and people start whispering. The voice belongs to a girl with red hair in a waist-length ponytail curled slightly into a loose ringlet and green eyes, she is wearing a brown over-bust corset, a black A-line miniskirt, brown opera-length gloves and brown high-heeled boots with bronze trim.
"Pyrrha Nikos, still unbeatable?" Ruby asks mockingly.
"Outside of you and Yang, pretty much." Pyrrha says straight faced, then her and Ruby bust out laughing. "It's nice to see you again Ruby." She says, extending her hand.
"Likewise." Ruby says shaking Pyrrha's hand.
"As much as I'd like to talk we should head to the auditorium." Pyrrha says, as they all head on to the auditorium. When they get there they see Ozpin walking into the school and a woman walk up to the mic, she has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun, her eyes are bright green, and she's wearing a white long-sleeved pleated top with gauntlet cuffs and black high-waisted pencil skirt and black with bronze heels and to complete her look is a black cape that is purple on the inside and on the back is an emblem of a tiara, and she has glasses.
"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins, be ready, you are dismissed." The woman says, then walks into the school as well.
"Guess we missed it!" Nora says.
"Ruby!" Yang yells, and they see the streaks in Ruby's right arm seemingly pulse, before she walks away. "I take it she's still mad." She sighs out.
"I would've thought you'd learn by now, not to bring up your mother, you know how she reacts." Pyrrha says smacking Yang upside the head.
"Ow, I know, but she really needs to…" Yang goes to say.
"Branwen I know what you're going to say, and while I agree, some people just never get over the death of a loved one. I fear that Ruby's one of them." Pyrrha says.
"Why is that?" Yang asks.
"You fear Ruby might fall into the pit of Vengeance." They hear Vergil say.
"Well, yes sir." Pyrrha says dejectedly.
"No reason to sound like you offended Yang or I, it's a perfectly reasonable fear, since she's my daughter and so much like me, she might actually fall. But I trust her not to, and if she does, I'll knock some sense into her." Vergil says.
"So dad how's Ruby's new friend?" Yang asks.
"Oh he's perfectly fine, just quite sore, out like a light as soon as he was placed in a bed." Vergil says chuckling.
[Later at Night]
We see Vergil walk into the Nurse's office and sees both Ozpin and the woman from the auditorium. "Ozpin, Glenda, what are you two doing here?" Vergil asks.
"You took quite an interest in him haven't you?" Glenda asks.
"This boy has no idea how lucky he is." Vergil says.
"What do you mean?" Ozpin asks.
"Mr. Arc unknowingly has extremely strong Demonic Power. I need to teach Ruby to hold back more, she has no idea how much she hurt him." Vergil sighs out.
"How hurt was he?" Glenda asks.
*Sigh* "Many of his bones were broken, many were fractured, and he was impaled several times, but now he's completely healed, not even a scar was left." Vergil says worried.
"You still sound worried Vergil." Ozpin says.
"Of course I'm worried, since whatever demonic power is in his blood, it's not even fully awake, and he's already healing faster than me, Ruby, and Yang. I've never felt power like this, and like I just said it's not even fully awakened yet." Vergil says heading to his new office.
[Next Day]
Ruby and Jaune are walking out of the school over to a cliff. "Are you sure you're alright, the way I train is a little more than people can handle normally." Ruby says.
"I'm alright Ruby, and as weird as it might sound, I actually feel better than I ever have, I might continue training with you." Jaune says smiling.
"Really, the only person who trains with me anymore is dad, since Yang can't keep up with me anymore." Ruby says.
"Who cares if you can't keep up, that's what training is for, getting better." Jaune says.
"Well Yang doesn't like to lose, she has a bit of an ego." Ruby says.
"I do not have an ego!" Yang says walking up.
"Yang, when we were kids you threw a boy through a wall because he beat you at go fish, you have an easily bruised ego." Ruby says giggling at the end, and Yang gets an anime style depression cloud, making Jaune chuckle.
"What are you laughing at!" Yang says.
"You two remind me of me and my sisters." Jaune says.
"You have sisters, how many?" Ruby asks.
"I have seven older sisters." Jaune says, as they get to the cliffs and wait for several minutes, after a while more people plus Ozpin and Glenda are there.
"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin says.
"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today." Glenda says.
"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years. After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die. You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin asks, and no one raises their hand. "Good! Now, take your positions." He says, as one after another the student hopefuls are launched into the sky, he then takes a sip from his mug.
We see Ruby land then feel something to her left. (Is, is that a fragment of my aura?) She thinks unconsciously running in that direction, after a couple minutes she runs headfirst into Jaune's chestplate.
"Uh, Ruby you alright?" Jaune asks.
"Yeah, I've taken much harder hits than that, so I guess we're partners now." Ruby says.
"I guess so." Jaune says smiling, he then sees Ruby crouch. "What're you doing?" He asks, then sees a white glow emanate off of her, then she rockets into the air. After a few seconds he sees white rose petals falling down, and after a few more seconds Ruby hits the ground cracking it.
"Found the temple." She says.
"Ruby you just jumped so high, that when you hit the ground, it cracked." Jaune says wide-eyed.
"Oookaay, let's go." Ruby says.
"Okay then." Jaune says as they move forward, after 10 minutes or so Ruby summons a white ethereal Katana, just as a pack of Beowolves rushes out of the bushes, and before Jaune can react Ruby appears behind all of the Grimm, when the ethereal katana dissipates, the Grimm all fall apart, and then dissipate into black smoke. "You were going easy on me yesterday, weren't you." He says.
"Well I was trying." Ruby says.
"What do you mean, you were trying?" Jaune asks.
"Well I don't like holding back, so I dislike fighting those weaker than me." Ruby says.
"Then why did you spar with me, and give me pointers?" Jaune asks.
"Well my instincts have never led me astray." Ruby says.
"What do your instincts have to do with it?" Jaune asks.
"Well my instincts say you're strong and powerful." Ruby says, walking away, not knowing that she's blushing. After another few minutes they see a large shadow fly over them, they look up and see a Nevermore Omega, with a person in its talons, its a girl with long white hair pulled into an off-center bun tail and pale blue eyes along with a crooked scar on her left eye, she is wearing a thigh-length strapless dress with a faint color gradation from white to blue, over the dress is a bell-sleeved bolero with the same gradation as her dress from shoulder to wrist and the inside of it is red with a snowflake on the back of the bolero, and white boots, on her hip is a rapier. Then Pyrrha runs past them, and they run after her.
"Hey Pyrrha what did you and Weiss do, to piss off a Nevermore?" Jaune asks.
"We accidentally cut down its nest, while fighting some Grimm." Pyrrha says.
"Let's go get your partner then." Ruby says, and they both nod their heads and run after the Nevermore and Weiss. As they're running after them, Ruby notices that they're heading towards the temple, she also sees Yang and a girl, she has amber eyes and long black hair with a black bow, she's wearing a black buttoned vest with coattails over a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop shirt and white shorts with zippers on the front of both leg, and black boots. "Yang Take out the Nevermore!" She yells, getting their attention.
"Griffon." Yang says, as what looks like dark blue dust like fluid coagulates in the air forming a bird roughly the size of a hawk with a dark blue plumage it's eyes have three golden pupils each, and it's beak is unique in that it is several beaks in a mandible configuration.
"You rang weak-tits?" Griffon asks mockingly.
"Shut it Griffon, and attack the damn Nevermore." Yang orders.
"Fine." Griffon says, seemingly imploding and then appears in front of the nevermore, spreading his wings and electricity explodes around him, knocking the Nevermore out of the sky. Ruby then rushes while summoning a white ethereal katana and cuts its feet off and grabs and throws Weiss back at Pyrrha.
"Yang!" Ruby yells jumping back, when Yang appears above the Nevermore with a pair of black gauntlets and greaves, the gauntlets resemble a wolf's head, with fangs and mane, while the greaves look like clawed legs, and they both have glowing veins that have white light flowing through them. They all notice that Yang is also glowing white.
"Full Moon Cataclysm!" Yang Yells, and when she makes contact, the area explodes in bright white light. When the light disappears there's nothing left of the Nevermore, also a really big crater from Yang's impact, making both Weiss and her own partners eyes widen. After several minutes and a bit of thanks on Weiss's part, then her and Pyrrha move on ahead.
"Uhm, Pyrrha do you know who those two are?" Weiss asks.
"Yes, Yang is capable of beating me, while Ruby is the only person who I can't beat, Ruby and I have 200 spars against each other, and I have 200 losses." Pyrrha says.
"Does that Irk you?" Weiss asks.
"In a way, but battles with Ruby always prove I have more to learn. But of course they're both difficult to beat, they are both the daughters of the leader of the legendary team VSQR." Pyrrha says surprising Weiss.
"Those two are the daughters of The Vergil!" Weiss says, as they move on.
"So Ruby you got partnered with Jaune, this is my partner Blake." Yang says.
"It's nice to meet you Blake." Ruby says.
"Likewise." Blake says.
"Not to sound rude, but we should head forward, this forest is full of Grimm." Jaune says.
"Jaune's right." Ruby says, and all four of them nod their heads and start running to catch up to Pyrrha and Weiss, which gets them to the temple.
"The relics are chess pieces." Weiss says, while Pyrrha, Yang and Ruby grab one of the pieces. They then hear what sounds like trees falling… and laughing, when they see Ren and Nora run through the treeline, and rushing through the trees behind them is a Deathstalker.
"Nora, why would you go into some random cave?" Ren asks exasperated.
"What is with everyone being chased today!" Yang says angry, as her eyes turn red, black flames start flowing off her, and the white streaks in her hair enlarge, and black dust like fluid seeps out of the ground, morphing into the shape of a black panther with glowing red markings all over its body. "SHADOW!" Yang yells, and Shadow appears under the Deathstalker, and explodes in a massive bed of spikes impaling it, making it disappear in a black mist.
"Okay you two get one of the 'relics', so we can leave, I have a bad feeling." Ruby says, then a tree lands in the clearing, and they hear a roar in the distance.
"That ain't good." Blake says.
"That's not possible, they're not native to Vale." Pyrrha says, when they see petals fall from the sky and after a few seconds Ruby hits the ground once-again cracking it, freaking out both Weiss and Blake.
"That's a very big Beringel." Ruby says.
"How big could it be?" Blake asks.
"It's a bit bigger than the Nevermore Yang took out." Ruby says, as another tree lands in the clearing.
"I'll deal with it." Yang says.
"Not by yourself you're not." Ruby says, as her right arm glows, and Ruby is now holding a katana in a black scabbard, it's handle has a white, vaguely infinity symbol-like pattern, giving it a diamond shape in the negative spaces, and the hand guard is gold and a deep navy patina blue, shaped like a hexagon with two trapezoidal halves, each with gold dot pattern patches and in a grove like motif with gold rings, arranged in triangular patterns, and the gold fuller also has a similar embossed pattern. "I have a good idea what you're planning, I'm not letting you do this alone, you've already summoned Griffon and Shadow, and you used the Full Moon Cataclysm, you don't have enough strength left to summon him without falling unconscious after." Ruby says, as a massive Beringel bursts through the treeline, and Yang lifts her hand into the air and snaps her finger, and the entirety of her hair turns snow white, and a massive amount black dust like fluid bursts out of the ground, morphing into a massive humanoid golem, and she hops on it.
"Nightmare, keep it at bay!" Yang yells, and they notice Ruby gets in a stance, and pulls the katana out a couple inches, while Nightmare and the beringel run at each other, smashing their fists together, with Nightmare holding back the Beringel.
"YANG, Jaune you catch her." Ruby says, and Yang Jumps off as her hair turns back to normal, and like Ruby said, she falls unconscious, and to the astonishment of everyone Jaune seems to flicker in place then he's holding Yang. they all see Nightmare fall apart, making the Beringel fall of balance, Ruby then to the confusion of most sheathe's her weapon fully but their all amazed, when a semi-sphere appears around the Beringel and slash like distortions appear all through it causing it to shatter, and the only thing left of the Beringel is the normal black mist of a defeated Grimm.
"You know, no matter how many times I see that technique, it always reminds me that you and your dad are in a completely different class from any other Huntsman or Huntress. Now I think it's time we head back to the school, unless you have any more bad feelings." Pyrrha says.
"No I'm fine." Ruby says.
[Several Hours Later]
The eight of them are in a lobby with older students and some others that passed. "Yang Branwen, Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, and Pyrrha Nikos, the four of you retrieved the White Rook pieces, from this day forward you will work together, as Team BBWP (Brip). Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, and Nora Valkyrie, the four of you retrieved the White Knight pieces, from this day forward you will work together as Team RNJR (Ranger). Looks like it's shaping up to be... an interesting year." Ozpin says.
I'll answer this here, I chose to have Ruby's mother die when she was seven, for it to be more scarring, cause she's meant to be similar to Vergil, she has a similar scar as him. And her personality is a bit of a mixture of Vergil and Nero, She'll generally be calm and collected, but if her mother is brought up her emotions can be all over the place, and she can get extremely angry. Now If you have any questions, put them in your review or PM me, I'll get back when I can.
Now please Review.