That night, inside Indy's house, Irma was in the guest room looking out the window. She looked up at the night sky as millions of stars and the moon was in the sky. She saw how beautiful the scene was.

"Wow…" said Irma, as she looked at the stars. "The stars are so pretty…I cannot stop looking at them…"

Just then, Major Toht came into the guest room and sees his sister with her head sticking out the window.

"Irma?" said Major Toht. "You doing alright?"

"Oh hallo, Arnold," said Irma, seeing him. "Nice to see you."

"Vhat are you doing?" Major Toht asked.

"I just vanted to look at zhe stars for a little while," said Irma. "It's keeping me calm..."

She then asked him, "Vant to look at zhem with me?"

"Why sure," said Major Toht, with a smile as he walks over to his sister.

Major Toht stands next to Irma as the two look up at the starry sky.

"Isn't it beautiful, Arnold...?" Irma said.

"Ja…" said Major Toht. "It sure is…"

"It reminds me when ve vere children..." said Irma, thinking about her childhood.

"Oh?" said Major Toht.

"Ve used to look at zhe stars past our bedtime through zhe vindow and name the many constellations," said Irma.

"Oh ja, I remember zhat," said Major Toht.

"Yes...It vas very fun," said Irma. "Life back then vas great..."

She started to frown as she said, "But then, too many bad things happened afterwards..."

"Like Hitler taking over Deutschland?" Major Toht said.

"Yes," said Irma. "Zhat's one bad thing that happened..."

"Vhat's the other bad thing...?" asked Major Toht.

"When Mutter und Vater died..." Irma said, looking down in sorrow.

"Oh…" said Major Toht, sadly. "Ja…"

"First Vater…Then Mutter…" Irma said. "Vater died in the Great War, then Mutter died of a stroke a few years later."

Irma had tears in her eyes as she said, "I miss them so much…"

"Aww, don't cry, Irma…" said Major Toht, wiping his sister's tears with his hand. "I miss them, too…"

Major Toht went on his knees and placed his hands on Irma's shoulders as he looked up at his sister and said to her, "But at least I'm still in your life. Right Irma?"

"You almost weren't," said Irma.

"Vhat do you mean?" said Major Toht.

"If you haven't closed your eyes when zhe Ark vas open," said Irma, "you vould have died…"

"Oh…" said Major Toht. "But I closed my eyes, didn't I?"

"You did," said Irma. "But it vas because I told you to do so."

"How did you know to close your eyes while zhe Ark vas open?" Major Toht asked.

"Dr. Jones and Marion told me to," said Irma. "But since they didn't tell you, I had to do it myself."

She then said, "Despite of vhat you did to me zhese past three years, I couldn't let you die. You are my brother, Arnold…And I love you very, very much…"

Major Toht was so surprised to hear that his own sister was the one who kept him alive. He was also touched that Irma loved him that much and wanted him to still be in her life. She saved him!

"Wow Irma…" said Major Toht. "You saved my life…Thank you…"

He then paused and started to frown.

"Vhat's the matter…?" asked Irma.

"Irma…?" said Major Toht. "I owe you an apology. A BIG apology…"

"For what?" said Irma.

"For vhat I've put you through all these three long years…" said Major Toht. "Especially for all zhe times I tortured you and treated you horribly. I should have never put mein hands on you and should have treated you vith respect. But I didn't…Instead, I made you feel miserable…"

"Vell, I should have listened to you and not made you mad…" said Irma, turning away.

"No Irma," said Major Toht, turning her back to him. "Zhat isn't an excuse anymore. I should've protected you when I said I vould. Irma, the minute Hitler took over our home, I vas scared. I really vas scared. For you and for myself. To death!"

He said, "If only I never became a Gestapo agent and you never became a Schutzstaffel guard. But we had to do it by force. And it vas not fun…"

He then starts to get teary and said, "Irma, I feel awful for hurting you for so long…And it is okay if you won't forgive me…I do not forgive myself…"

Major Toht looks down and puts his hands over his face as he began to cry.

"But I do forgive you, Arnold," said Irma.

Major Toht uncovered his eyes and looked back up as he said, "Y…You do…?"

"Of course," said Irma. "I know you didn't mean to do vhat you've done to me. You vere just nervous and so was I."

She then said, "Ever since our parents passed away, our sibling love grew. We vanted to be with each other as much as possible. Because ve didn't have anybody left in our lives."

Irma grabbed Major Toht's hands and said, "My sisterly love for you has always been inside me…It never left…"

Major Toht held onto Irma's hands and said, "And my brotherly love for you has never left me either…"

Irma smiled. Major Toht sees this and was very surprised since Irma hasn't smiled naturally in a while. And because the last time she said she loved him before tonight was a very long time ago.

"Irma," said Major Toht, in a happy voice. "You're smiling!"

"I'm happy, Arnold," said Irma, continuing to smile. "Happy that I got my brother back…"

Irma then felt something on Major Toht's right hand.

"Huh?" said Irma.

"Vhat is it, Irma?" said Major Toht.

Irma grabbed her brother's right hand and flipped it over. The scarring on his hand from the medallion's inscription was no longer there!

"Arnold!" said Irma, all shocked and surprised. "Zhe inscription on your hand! It's gone!"

"It is?!" said Major Toht, looking at his right hand and getting surprised as well. "Oh mein gott, it is!"

He paused and said, "Vait, how is zhis possible?"

"Maybe because we respected God by turning away from the spirits and not looking at them," said Irma, "he made your hand back to normal."

"You could be right, Irma," said Major Toht. "Say, vhat about your scars? Are they gone, too?"

"Let me check," said Irma.

She lifted her nightgown up to expose her belly and back. And both she and Major Toht saw that the woman's skin was clear. Her many scars were gone!

"Hey, vhat do you know?" said Irma, happily. "They're gone, too!"

She pulled down her nightgown and said, "I guess God vas kind enough to give us both a second chance in life."

"It's good zhat we're starting over, Irma," said Major Toht. "We should leave our past behind and look forward to our future."

He then put his hand out to her and said, "Let bygones be bygones?"

Irma smiled again and said, "Sure."

Irma put her hand towards Major Toht's hand. But instead of giving her a handshake, Major Toht pulled her towards him and hugged her tight.

"I'm very glad you came vith me, Irma," said Major Toht, while hugging his sister. "I don't know vhat I would do vithout you…"

Irma hugged him back and said, "I love you, big brother…"

"I love you, too, little sister…" said Major Toht.

The two broke away after a few seconds of hugging each other close.

"Vant to name zhe constellations before bed?" asked Irma. "Just like old times…?"

Major Toht smiled and said, "I vould love to do zhat with my little sister…"

Irma smiled back as the two looked back out the window and started to name the many constellations made by the stars in the night sky as well as saying how many stars make each one up. Just like how they did when Major Toht was a little boy and when Irma was a little girl.

"Arnold…" said Irma, all happily while hugging her brother's arm. "I think zhis is the beginning of a beautiful friendship…"