It was the year 1936. In the country of Germany in Europe, inside its capital, Berlin, Nazi woman, Irma Odetta Toht was sitting at a desk in the living room of her house writing in her personal, secret diary after a long day at one of the concentration camps, which she worked at as a Schutzstaffel guard.

"Guarding zhe prison is hard vork," she said to herself. "They expect a lot from me! Especially as a voman!"

She sighed and said to herself, "Sometimes I vish I didn't have to do zhat for a living. But I have to make my brother proud. Especially since we live in zhe same house, I better keep my mouth shut!"

Irma continues to express herself in her diary. But not for long, though. She then heard her older brother, Nazi Gestapo agent, Major Arnold Ernst Toht, about to enter the room. Living with her brother means that she didn't completely have her privacy.

"Oh dear...It's Arnold!" she gasped, then taking a deep breath. "Just act normal as alvays, Irma. Do not show him fear."

The German woman quickly puts her pencil down, closed her diary, hides her diary inside the desk, and quickly takes out one of her favorite books in the German-language as she pretends to read it.

"Irma!" said Major Toht, walking into the room and seeing his younger sister.

"Oh!" said Irma, as she turns to him.

She stands up straight and puts her hands and arms to her sides.

"Arnold Toht," said Irma, then raising her right hand up to do the Nazi salute. "Heil Hitler."

"Irma Toht," said Major Toht, doing the Nazi salute back to her. "Heil Hitler."

He sees Irma's book on the desk.

"Vhat is zhat?" asked Major Toht.

"Vhat is what?" said Irma.

Major Toht points to the book. Irma picks up the book.

"Oh, I vas just reading it after a long day today..." said Irma.

"Vhat book is it?" asked Major Toht.

Irma shows him the book. The book she was reading was "Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland", which was the German translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.

"Alice in Wonderland" again?" Major Toht said, looking through the pages of the book.

"Yes Arnold," said Irma. "I know I am no longer a little girl, but I really like zhis story."

"Vhat about "Mein Kampf"?" Major Toht asked his sister.

"The Führer's autobiographical manifesto," said Irma. "Vith 720 pages. It is Germany's best seller."

"Did you read any of it today?" Major Toht asked, wondering if she was reading the book.

"Ja," said Irma. "I have zhis morning before ve went to work. It's always in zhe morning."

"Always?" Major Toht said, making sure she was following the rule.

"Always," said Irma. "Ve have to refresh zhe mind if ve vant to be strong Nazis, ja? Because zhe strong shall rule the veak, und zhe veak must be destroyed."

"Zhat is right," said Major Toht, as he nodded.

Irma nodded back as she pushes the chair back under the desk.

"Vish I didn't have to live in such a hateful place..." she said quietly to herself.

"Vhat was zhat?" Major Toht said, not hearing his sister clearly.

"N...Nothing Arnold!" said Irma, then starting to yawn. "I'm just really tired..."

"I see," said Major Toht. "Now get some rest. You've got a long day tomorrow."

"Yes Arnold," said Irma, grabbing her book and diary as she walks into her bedroom to get ready for bed.

The next morning, it was the really early hours of the morning. Irma was sound asleep in her bed when the alarm clock on her nightstand started ringing. This awoke Irma as she puts her hand on the little clock and stops the sound.

"Vish I can go back to sleep," Irma said to herself, as she yawned. "But I have to do my duties today."

Irma crawls out of bed and stretches her arms and legs. Then she puts her round, thick-framed, black eyeglasses on her face over her eyes. She walks to a framed portrait of Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler, which was hung on her wall, as she stands up straight, puts her left arm to her side, and raises her right arm towards the picture.

"Heil Hitler!" Irma cried.

She then goes to get dressed into her Nazi Schutzstaffel uniform. She stands in front of her vanity's mirror as she makes sure that everything was on neatly and in its place. She looks at herself in the mirror as she starts to say the civil servant oath, which was the service oath for public servants.

"I swear: I vill be faithful to und obey zhe leader of the German Reich und people, Adolf Hitler," Irma said, "observe zhe law, und conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God."

"Irma!" Major Toht called from the living room.

"Uhhh…Here!" Irma replied.

Irma walks out of her bedroom and goes into the living room, where she sees Major Toht already dressed in his Nazi Gestapo uniform with his long leather coat over it. The two make strict eye contact at each other and give the Nazi salute to one another.

"Ve go to work now?" asked Irma.

"Ja," said Major Toht, nodding. "Lass uns gehen."

Irma nodded in return as the two siblings were on their way to their jobs at the concentration camp in Berlin. But during the day, while doing her duties at the concentration camp, Irma started to get tired since she didn't have time to eat breakfast in the morning. She had her eyes half closed, but tried very hard to stay awake, knowing that even the smallest of offenses would get her in trouble. But she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. And she soon fell asleep as she slid to the ground.

Just then, Nazi soldier, Colonel Herman Dietrich and his personal assistant, Nazi soldier, Major Gobler were walking by when they noticed Irma sitting on the ground against a wall, sleeping on the job.

"Soldatin!" shouted Colonel Dietrich.

Irma wakes up very quickly to the sound of the man in charge. She looks up and sees Colonel Dietrich and Gobler. Just by seeing them right in front of her and how their tone and reaction seemed to her, Irma got the feeling that she was going to get punished for "napping on the job".

"Sleeping on zhe job?!" said Colonel Dietrich. "Das ist inakzeptabel!"

"Es tut mir leid, Colonel," said Irma, getting back up.

"Sorry is not good enough, Fräulein," said Gobler. "Perhaps a nice talk vith Major Toht vill do it for you."

"Oh no..." Irma said in her head. "I'm going to get it...Again..."

Colonel Dietrich and Gobler bring Irma to Major Toht, since he is where Irma has to go to whenever she is in trouble. Now she was face-to-face with her Nazi Gestapo brother, while still being in Colonel Dietrich and Gobler's grasp.

"Vhat has she done ZHIS time...?" asked Major Toht, knowing she broke the rules once again.

"She vas caught sleeping on zhe job!" said Colonel Dietrich.

"Ve told her it is not acceptable to do so, Major Toht," said Gobler. "So ve brought her to you in order for you to teach her a lesson or two about breaking zhe rules."

"Vill you please let me go now?" Irma said to Colonel Dietrich and Gobler, trying to release her arms. "You're crushing my wrists!"

Colonel Dietrich turns her head facing Major Toht as he and Gobler placed Irma's arms and hands behind her back so she couldn't run off.

"Hey, vatch it!" Irma shouted.

And for breaking the rules on the job, as punishment, Irma was physically tortured by Major Toht as usual. Since the Gestapo agent had such great knowledge and skills on torture, the female Schutzstaffel guard experienced it pretty much all the time and not remembering a time where she wasn't tortured by him. So to avoid more trouble and not seem weak, Irma just stood there and took it since it was nothing new to her. And she wanted to show that she was brave and having no fear to her fellow Nazis.

After the torture, Irma was then allowed to go back to work. This time, she was able to stay awake. Unfortunately, due to feeling the pain from the physical torture despite that part being over.

"I really don't vant to be here," Irma thought to herself. "But I must please my brother und zhe rest of the Nazis. Or else I vill get punished again vith a worse one..."

She then said to herself, "I do vish I can travel somevhere nice and interesting. I vant to go on an adventure and have fun!"

Irma sighs sadly and said, "Nothing good ever happens to me…"