Izuku always wondered what God would say to him when they'd finally meet.

Given the Father of All was just like any stereotypical father - a.k.a. out of the picture - Izuku had nothing really to think of the man. His own father had only disappointment in his voice when recounting stories of his past as an angel under God and the time of his banishment, but many devout followers of God deemed unappealing and sent to Hell had voiced only their love and kind perspective of the Lord in their lives. Sure, Lucifer had a real recounting of what God was like back before and during the early stages of creation, but the people in Hell filled in the rest of the time gap between then and now of what could probably be the full picture of the Creator when combining the two perspectives.

In the end, Izuku decided to picture his grandfather as sassy, because it wasn't like the man was there to prove him wrong anyways. It helped paint God in a good light instead of choosing to condemn him for his past actions alone; it gave a possibility for Izuku to imagine what life would be like if God was around. It's what led him to believe that, in a common living room filled with his classmates bouncing theories back and forth about what the flesh-skinned, tall-horned monster seen last night - carrying the body of two of their classmates who were miraculously spared - was and whether or not it was a Nomu sent by the League to capture or kill them in their sleep, God's response would have been; "This sounds like a you problem."

"You said it talked to you; like coherently?" Sero asked the three of their classmates who had seen the "monster" the night before, now all lined up on the living room couch.

"Yes, but its voice was gruff and impossible to discern even as speech," Momo had sighed. Izuku pressed his lips together to swallow a comment; it's not like he could stop the air in his lungs from being so hot and his teeth having the sparks to light his breath like a flamethrower. "It was completely sentient too, probably one hundred percent aware of what was going on, not something just reacting on instinct."

"I remember it sounding soft to me," Ibara admitted. "I think it was apologizing for something, but I am ashamed to admit I passed out from the shock of seeing it."

Denki shot his hand up in the air and leaned on the armchair by his side. "That's makes two of us. I think I short circuited and hurt my memory because I remember nothing after going down for a late-night snack and hearing someone come downstairs before I woke up in my own bed."

"Wait, it came from upstairs?" Ojiro cut in bewildered, and Izuku only sunk into his arms on the kitchen counter hoping no one noticed his reactions. "It didn't come in through a door or a window; it came from our dorm rooms?" Izuku only wished he could sink back home through the floor and get away with it.

"And it was familiar with us," Momo nodded solemnly. "It even addressed me by name when I saw it. But Aizawa hasn't found any evidence of the other rooms being tampered with and I don't believe it to be any of us."

According to Momo, she had called Aizawa not even a minute after returning to her room, telling him of what she had witnessed on the stairwell. It was by sheer luck of tucking Ibara in bed that Izuku jumped out the window and hung underneath the balcony with Denki on his back before their sensei could see him too. Even luckier was how the camera footage had been distorted, the security surveillance having been corrupted during the time before he entered his room and after he returned to it, erasing any other evidence to draw the lines between him and his demonic form.

The only worthwhile takeaway from the night was how he wrote in his notebook, "Abducting My Classmates at 3 A.M.?! (Not Clickbait!)," before he had fallen asleep. Nagini loved watching those videos during her time on the surface.

"It couldn't have come through the roof with the door locked and still intact," Mezo commented across the room. "But given the League has a teleport quirk, there's a good chance they just dropped it off over the night, which is even more troubling."

Well shit. Either he makes his classmates worry about nothing or expose his true form. Fuck, what bullshit cover-up could he make up in a minute when he peels of his skin and shows his rigid, demonic cheekbones?

"You good there, Mop Head?" a feminine voice piped up from Izuku's side before the girl it came from plopped down on the seat beside his. "You look like you saw him too."

Izuku blew into his forearm. "No, I didn't," he replied to Kyoka, his voice low as the rest of the room engaged in their own conversation. "Had a headache, tried some medicine and stayed up listening to music until like four, so I'm kinda elsewhere, I guess."

"That tough a night?" Izuku nodded. "I feel sorry for ya, buddy. I get headaches a lot if I listen to too loud of music; hate those days. What were ya listening to?"

"I Don't Know How But They Found Me." Izuku wasn't lying; he did stay up the night listening to music (though the fact it was to destress him from the events prior was kept silent.) Modern Day Cain probably wasn't the best choice of music to listen to when trying to reform your skin - not everyone was keen on songs about their own nephew - but the up-tune beat was distracting enough to tire him out from dancing on his chair.

"Well ain't that a breath and a half of a name," the ear-jack user chuckled. "I'll have to check them out later and see if they're worth the follow. I can only assume your taste in music is of equal enjoyment to your quips."

Izuku hummed and shrugged his shoulders. "Least I'm known for something around here. They're a bit electronic, in case that's an immediate turn off for ya. I know you're more into the rock and real instrument kind of stuff." Kyoka brushed the information aside as she searched away on her phone, probably to find and test their music then and there. Guess the genre didn't matter, Izuku assumed.

His eyes caught Ibara's a moment, the vine-haired girl staring at his from across the room, surrounded by their classmates still trying to solve the mystery of the possible Nomu invasion. Izuku could read the worry and confusion on her face from a mile away, and it stung him, knowing the answer to calm her fears but knowing it would only open more holes and lead way to even more questions he couldn't answer quickly enough. He did the only thing he could think to do, which was smiling over his arm and waving a hand her way. At least the kind greeting was enough to rise a smile and a wave in return.

"It's a good thing your girlfriend didn't get hurt last night," Kyoka sung over Izuku's shoulder, souring the green teen's smile. "You sure you're not down because of what she saw last night?"

The teen boy glared back over his should with a glint in his eyes. "That really the stance you want to take when you're two lovers are sitting right beside her?" he teased in return, finding satisfaction in how red her face dawned. "Besides, if we're lucky, it was probably just Ayoama strutting around in his twink rendition of Lady Gaga's bacon dress."

God wasn't around but Izuku thanked him nonetheless as the class tried their best to calm a wheezing Kyoka off the floor. At least bringing up his idea to the class lightened the air as they interrogated Aoyama on his taste in food and fashion, something the blond was ecstatic to talk about until the teachers came back around to bring the conversation back around to the "monster." Good to know someone was looking out for him.

Alongside Ibara staring at him a lot more than usual, too.