Selene McHale knew that Bayville was a rather odd town despite the predictability of the townsfolk. It was the same anywhere. People ran in packs-really, we were all just civilized animals. Certain people felt they were better than others. And the recent divide was the mutant issue.

She sighed as a gaggle of elderly women prattled on about 'those mutants' as they strolled through the park. The brunette shook her head in disappointment, long wavy hair swaying back and forth. But she kept moving towards the amphitheater. She needed to let loose some energy. Normally she suppressed anything bad or stressful but in the end, she needed to let loose the negative vibes through positive means. And for her, that was playing her violin and dancing.

Selene's grey eyes flashed when she saw a large man holding a book as he stood on the outdoor stage. He had a rather stubborn strong chin, lightly tanned skin, and was speaking in tongues-a Shakespeare man, if she guessed right. Really, she didn't know many of the plays and none of them by heart but the way he spoke made her want to pick up a book and...well, she'd be okay with him reading it aloud. But that would be weird to ask him. She smiled wryly as she approached the stage and climbed up. Her fingers itched to play.

Hank McCoy was so into his Shakespearean that when he heard a violin, it honestly startled him. His dark eyes flashed over to the musician as he held in his urge to attack. A young woman with long wavy chestnut hair was playing the violin, eyes shut, body swaying as she manipulated the instrument. His elevated emotions decreased as he listened to the notes played. He was much calmer by the time she ceased her song. Grey eyes met dark orbs and the teacher realized that he had moved in that musical trance. He should probably say something to alleviate the awkward situation.


Yeah, real eloquent, McCoy... But thankfully, she only smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you... I listened to you reading Shakespeare and it just came to me. I didn't know anyone else came to the amphitheater."

"Yes, I come here to get my head together. I'm quite the Shakespearean buff and it helps me focus. Now I can say that violin music is another outlet." Did that sound dorky?

"I know what you mean. I didn't know Shakespearean could sound so...powerful. I rather despised Romeo and Juliet in high school. Perhaps I should focus on other works?"

Hank grinned at her and nodded. "I recommend Macbeth. Speaking of names, mine is Hank McCoy." He held his hand out.

She took it, noticing how his practically enveloped hers with its size and warmth. "Selene McHale. It's nice to meet you, Hank."

Hearing his name on her tongue made his secret self purr and struggle. He had to get away, had to do something to get control. He excused himself, adding that he hoped to see her soon. He heard her goodbye and stopped himself from looking back, a soft yet sad tune from her violin carried on the wind. That made his 'problem' worse and he knew he needed to seek professional help before he hurt someone. Hank just hoped Professor Xavier could help him get control.

A couple of days passed since that fateful meeting and Selene knew something bad had happened. Police seemed to be patrolling more, pedestrians talked of some kind of 'beast of Bayville'. She paid no mind as she wandered towards the amphitheater, the sky raining down heavily. Luckily she'd thought to take an umbrella.

As she approached the amphitheater, she saw...something hidden in the shadows. It was large, muscular, and rather furry. It's back was to her and yet, something compelled her to move up those steps.

An angry roar caused her to jump, losing her grip on her violin case and umbrella. The creature turned to face her with dark eyes that fluttered intense fury. Such familiar eyes...

"Run!" A man in a yellow and black costume tackled the blue beast and a fight commensed. A young man with blond hair and dark skin was sprouting bony spikes from his body but he seemed reluctant to attack blindly like the man with... metal claws in his hands? Like, coming out of his knuckles... what an odd mutation.

A group of young children and another adult appeared out of the rain, shocking her by their battle-readiness. The beast was lifted into the air and slammed into what was left of the amphitheater. The redheaded girl made a comment about not being able to hold him for much longer. The blond boy took the initiative and moved closer, quoting Shakespeare.

That really got her going, grey eyes wide beneath wet dark curly locks. That angry blue beast was Hank? She had to get him back to normal! Picking up the wet violin case, she raced to the nearest shelter-the only part of the amphitheater that was still standing.

The Beast roared in fury as he was being held by invisible hands. He refused to be dominated after so long behind the human, Hank McCoy. He was free and- A sweet sound rang through the air and he looked at the creator of such a fine tune. A young woman was dancing, a stringed instrument was being held so lovingly in her hands. She looked so cold and soaked to the bone. But her music was so calming and even with the rain, she smelled wonderful. He purred then growled.

The building she danced under was crumbling. She could get hurt! And sick if she didn't get warm and dry soon. He started to struggle even more to get out of the hold and managed to break free. He raced over and grabbed the woman in the knick of time, the wall fell down a few seconds after that.

Selene's eyes couldn't have been wider. She was cradled in the warm but wet and furry arms of a snarling beast. Her violin was getting wet but it was better than crushed like the case was. So she calmed down and smiled at him. "Thanks for saving me. That was close, Hank."

The beast purred, puffing up in pride. It was the look that everyone got when they saved something important. She read the body language with a blush. Thanks to her family history, she knew all about animalistic behavior. She also knew not to struggle when he held her tighter and put his nose to her neck. Fighting him would only set off his instincts.

A bald man in a wheelchair rolled towards them and Hank's grip tightened even more, causing Selene to wince. That would leave a bruise... The man reached out for the furry man and he growled against her skin. She knew what she had to do.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and her fingers wove into his thick dark blue manes as she whispered reassurances into his pointy ears. "It's okay. He's here to help, Hank." Her grey eyes flashed the wheelchair-bound man a warning that indicated that he'd better be there to help. She didn't see his small smile. Instead, she continued to pet Hank as the bald man put a hand on his head and started doing...whatever it was he was doing. Beast struggled a bit, roaring in frustration, but he did not move away from Selene. And she continued to hold him and whisper to him.

A few days later, Selene found herself at the outer gate of the Xavier Institute. It was huge, intimidating. She'd been standing there for 10 minutes, finger over the intercom button. What if they didn't want her there? She was probably a burden. But Hank... she had to make sure he was okay. Just as she'd decided to press the button, a kind voice of a man sounded in her head.

'Ah, Miss McHale. Please come in.' The gate opened for her and she entered, thinking her thanks. The walkway was long and grandiose. She felt rather underdressed in her 3/4 sleeved violet dress, dark braided belt around her waist, and wedge sandals.

The man in the wheelchair met her a minute later. "Welcome. My name is Charles Xavier. This is my institute for gifted youngsters. And by 'gifted', I am referring to the mutations of every person who resides in this mansion." At her curious gaze, he chuckled and stepped his fingers. "Normally I wouldn't be so forthcoming with such information but with my gift of telepathy, I know that you possess powers of your own. No 'normal' human being would be so calm when confronting a mutant with such bestial abilities. "

Selene crossed her arms and gave him a small frown. "Yes, I do have skills of my own but that wasn't my first time near a feral mutant."

"Ah, yes...your brother-"

"I'm here to check on Hank, not drag up my family history. Is he...better? I've been worried since you all took him away. I hope he got his head together?" Her initial tone was sharp and brisk. But in the end, her voice had mellowed with her concern.

Xavier gave her a smile and moved his electric wheelchair to the side. "Would you like to see him? I'm sure he could use cheering up." He watched Selene perk up in hope, a soft smile on her face. He could feel her desire to be helpful as well as her stubborn personality to do so under her own will. He motioned for her to follow him to his office.