"You know, for someone with such a sunny personality you sure are underhanded in fights" Tsu says, as Ochako returns to the class.
"Eh?" Ochako responds, "not really, everyone is just underestimating me."
"Well, I'll be sure not to." Momo says.
"Let's have a good match then!" Ochako says.
"Well Eraser, what did you think of that match?" Present Mic asks as they wait for the next round.
"It was an excellent use of deception." Aizawa says, with a genuine smile on his face.
"She going to be your favorite student as well?" Present Mic asks.
"Playing favorites is irrational." Aizawa replies.
"Looks like it's time to begin our semi finals!" Present Mic shouts, interrupting his own conversation somehow.
"First we have the student who hasn't had a chance to show off yet, Tenya Iida! Vs. every wall's worst nightmare, Izuku Midorya!"
"Have you recovered enough to change forms?" Iida asks, "I would be willing to wait a short while if needed."
"I haven't, but I won't be using it anyway." Izuku replies, "I told you at our first battle practice that I wouldn't use it to fight you seriously."
"Ah yes, you are less agile in that form."
"Start!" Present Mic interrupts.
In an instant both students race forward initiating a duel for position.
"They're just running around in circles. What do you think of this Eraser?" Present Mic asks.
"In a battle of speed one wrong move can decide the fight. Getting into position to strike can decide the match." Aizawa says.
'I was just waiting for Tenya to make the first move.' Izuku thinks, realizing he may need a new plan.
Unknown to him, Iida had been trying to get behind Izuku to push him out of the ring.
'I'm faster but I can't turn as well without my costume.' Iida thinks.
Suddenly Izuku stops and jumps back attempting to clothesline Iida, but the experienced speedster dodges easily and tries for a shoulder grab.
"Recipro Burst!" Iida yells as he grabs Izuku, racing for the edge.
"Oh no!" announces Present Mic.
"Oh no!" shouts Ochako.
"Oh no?" says Tsu.
"Oh yeah!" Shouts Izuku, transforming and planting his feet just before reaching the edge. He quickly ducks and uses Iida's momentum to launch him off the stage.
"Iida is out of bounds! Midoriya wins!" Midnight announces.
"You recovered just in time then?" Iida asks as untransformed Izuku helps him to his feet.
"I shouldn't have, but for some reason my quirk recharged instantly after I heard 'on no' three times." Izuku responds
"Three times? I only heard Mr. Present Mic?" Iida replies.
"Strange I heard Ochako and Tsu."
"Another aspect of your quirk then, we'll have to ask them later."
"To round off the semi finals we have the dominant creation girl, Momo Yaoyorozu vs. the underhanded fan favorite, Ochako Uraraka."
"So Midoriya, how do you see this one ending?" Ojiro asks.
"With Ochako's interesting tactics I would be unwise to bet on anything, but I think she's reached the end of the line against Momo." Izuku says.
"So probably a victory for Yaoyorozu then." Shoji says.
"Yes, Momo's experience with a staff counters any real attack from Ochako." Izuku says.
"Start!" Present Mic announces.
Instantly Momo creates a staff and moves to counter Ochako's charge. Like with Kirishima, Momo is easily able to read Ochako's attacks, but with the great reach of her staff she is at no risk for a counter attack.
"Looks like Ochako's taking another beating." Tsu says, remembering Ochako's match against Bakugo.
"Yeah, and this time there's no debris to set a trap with, and Momo is way too focused for another ultimate move." Izuku says.
"Look, Uraraka managed to grab Yaoyorozu's staff!" Ojiro shouts, focusing everyone back on the match.
Unfortunately losing the gravity of the staff was not a problem for Momo and Ochako received another blow and was now backed into the corner of the ring.
"Look it's All Might!" Ochako yells, pointing to the roof of the stadium behind Momo.
"Sorry, but it's my win." Momo says, not falling for the obvious trick.
"And he's naked!" Ochako tries, but Momo simply pushes her out of bounds with her staff.
"Uraraka is out of bounds, Yaoyorozu wins!" Midnight announces.
"Let's grab Mochi after this, my treat." Momo says.
"Sure, but you have to invite the others." Ochako says, cheering up slightly from her loss.
"Of course."
"That was a bit of a disappointment." Present Mic says.
"Some opponents simply can't be beat by treachery." Aizawa says.
"Hey Izuku." Tsu says as they walk down to the ready room.
"Was there any way for Ochako to win that?"
"Maybe, but it would have been a long shot."
"And what would that be?" Momo asks, looking out of the ready room.
"W-well... It's complicated." Izuku responds.
"Well tell us! I need to know for next time." Ochako says.
"Never mind." Izuku says.
"You might as well tell us." Tsu says, "Ochako won't stop bugging you until you do."
"Ok... when Ochako grabbed the staff..." Izuku began. "She should have pulled it and Momo towards her and..."
"Activated her quirk." Momo says, "That wouldn't have worked, my eyes never left Ochako's hands, she wouldn't have gotten close."
"No, not t-that." Izuku says.
"I think I know what he's thinking." Tsu says.
"Help?" Izuku asks.
"No, this is your idea." Tsu says, amused.
"She should have pulled you towards her andgoneforakiss" Izuku shouts.
"That would have worked actually." Momo says, "I would have been shocked enough for you to use your quirk on me and win."
"Really? B-but I could never do that..." Ochako says.
"Don't worry, I would have knocked out Mineta again if you tried." Tsu says.
"T-thats not the problem..." Ochako says.
"Well, moving on, Izuku." Tsu begins but stops when she notices him hiding in the corner of the room.
"You have to fight me soon Izuku." Momo says, "You can't do that hiding in a corner."
"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone about your interest in Ochako and Momo kissing." Tsu says.
Izuku screams incoherently as he flees the room.
"Should we have been messing with him like this before the match?" Momo asks.
"He'll be fine, you need every advantage you can get." Tsu says.
"It's time for the final round of this tournament!" Present Mic announces. "Both contenders have been dominant in their matches, let's hear it for Momo Yaoyorozu and Izuku Midoriya!"
"Midoriya, are you alright? you're a bit red in the face." Midnight asks.
"I'm fine." Izuku mutters.
"Alright then." Midnight says as she signals to Present Mic to start the round.
"Ready? Start!"
Izuku rushes forward in his normal form, but Momo quickly creates a staff and holds her ground.
"You won't beat me without your other form." Momo says.
"Well, if you think you can handle it." Izuku says switching to his heroic form.
"Rain of flashbangs!" Momo shouts, using her ultimate move.
"As if I would give you time." Izuku says charging forward with his eyes shut.
"I wasn't buying time." Momo says, appearing next to him with an oversized glass breaking tool.
With a loud cracking sound the tool hits Izuku, but doesn't shatter him.
"Interesting choice, but I'm made of the wrong type of glass for a tool like that." Izuku says.
Izuku uses Momo's shock to quickly grab her and lift her off the ground.
"You can't escape. Do you surrender?" Izuku asks
"I give up." Momo says, realising she wasn't strong enough to get out of Izuku's grip.
"Yaoyorozu forfeits, Midoriya wins!" Midnight announces.
"So, what was your plan exactly?" Izuku asks after reverting to his normal form.
"I was planning on taking advantage of your temporary shock after being broken to place you in these handcuffs." Momo explains, pulling the pair from the back of her gym clothes.
"That might have worked honestly, but glass breaking tools only work on weak tempered glass, not the thick and heavy glass I am made of." Izuku says
"Is there a way to easily break you?"
"Perhaps if you found my resonant frequency? But I haven't found that myself yet."
"And now we begin the award ceremony." Midnight announces.
"Has anyone seen Bakugo?" Ojiro asks as the winner's podium rises onto the field.
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him since he left his match." Shoji replies.
"Iida had to leave for a family emergency as well." Sero adds.
"I hope everythings alright." Ojiro says.
"In addition to Uraraka, Iida is also in third place but had to leave." Midnight says to the media.
"The presentation of the medals will be by this man..." Midnight begins pointing at the top of the stadium where a famous silhouette appeared with an equally famous laugh.
"... Our very own hero, All Might!""I am here! With the medals!"
"Sorry" Midnight says as All Might stares at her.
"Well then, please start presenting the medals" Midnight says awkwardly.
"Young Uraraka, congratulations. Your tactics were interesting!" All Might begins, placing the medal around her neck, "While your creativity is excellent, you should take the time to learn some fighting techniques."
"I will sir."
"Young Yaoyorozu, congratulations. You sure are capable." All Might says, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Sometimes your opponent is just too strong, but learn from your loss and try something new next time."
"Thank you sir."
"Now then, Young Midoriya! Congratulations! A truly dominant performance!" All Might says before giving a congratulatory hug. "You've come a long way from that fragile boy I met last year, I know you care more about cooperation than ranking, but learning to use your position to enact change will be important later."
"Thanks All Might." Izuku says.
"Well, these are the winners this time!" All Might begins, "But listen well, anyone here could be on these podiums. Working hard! Competing! Improving together! And doing it all over again! This new generation of heroes is just sprouting now, but they will bloom soon! And so, I have just one more thing to say!"
"Everyone, say it with me!" All Might shouts posing heroically, "Ready, go..."
"...Plus Ultra!""Thanks for your hard work!"
'Clearly they forgot to rehearse this.' Izuku thought, laughing at the antics of his mentor as he tried to explain himself to the crowd.
AN: At last the tournament is over, I now understand why so many works stall here. It's not easy to write, and I had many failed ideas, and even considered changing my planned leaderboard several times... honestly I almost had Ochako go all the way; I basically told you my method to beat Momo already, but the only way I could see her beating Izuku didn't really fit her character at all. Also I will clarify there are no pairing here at all, though Ochako/Momo is interesting, I won't be exploring that here.
I'm sure some of you figured it out, but Ochako's move from the last chapter was inspired by the character Ichiya from Fairy Tail, specifically episode 172... I won't pay for your eye surgery if you decide to watch that though...