Where am I?

I thought to myself when I woke up my armor covered hands griping sand the stuff getting inside my gauntlets. I was going to have to fix that once I reach the Shrine. I paused midway of getting up. What shrine was I talking about? No the Firelink that was the place. But I did something, I couldn't remember what. I remember fire.

I remember burning.

I pushed the thought away and finally stood up and looked at my surroundings. Which wasn't much honestly. Just miles upon miles of sand. The heat from the sun a comfort to my cold body. Unkindled always lacked their own heat. I hated it.

So lacking any direction I simply walked along the wind my compass, I won't be lost for long as soon I find a bonfire I have a way back towards the Shrine. Still for some reason the world felt strange to me in a way I couldn't explain. Something more was here and I couldn't explain it no matter how hard I thought about it. It simply didn't make sense besides knowing its in the air itself.

I'm not sure how much time has passed its moments like these that make me nervous of my surroundings, the quite of the desert simply me and the wind not much else here besides that.

Is what I thought until something popped out of the sand.

A honest to god robot. It was tall about my size but much wider in a cloak and mask of a design I don't know.

"Android! Brothers sisters defend yourselves from the monster and attack!"

I was sent flying as the sand under me stood up quickly I rolled when I hit the sand my staff and sword in hand I saw a total of six robots the biggest one ten feet tall. How in the deep did it hide! It was so large!

Taking aim at the giant the biggest and slowest one of them I gathered my own power and fired it from my court staff not knowing how strong such a thing is I played it safe and fired a Great Heavy Soul Arrow.

The Spell flew across the air speeding quickly towards the thing and when contact was made the thing exploded the spell punched right through it twisting the torso and sending metal scraps everywhere hitting the robots near it. Even then the things didn't stop heading towards me and I didn't hesitate.

The furthest one I sent a simple soul arrow and saw it punched right through its head I missed the rest when I rolled out the way of a robot that jumped at me its crude sword coming down doing nothing but scattering sand into the air.

So I quickly brought my own Judgment towards its cylinder body the enchanted blade mixed with my own inhuman strength cut the robot in half. Turning my staff to my side I fired another Soul Arrow at a machine coming towards me the arrow stabbing right through it. Bringing my Judgment close to me once more I rolled away from the last two who crashed into each other their attempts failing them as I rushed them, I made a thrust towards the robots head the sharp tip quickly passing through its head and I raised my staff and fired at the head of the other robot who was behind the one I penetrated.

It fell backwards as the SA went right through it. I looked at Judgment and cleaned the blade with my stained cloak and looked closer at the robots. They were definitely human made, no souls either made sense. They were neither alive nor possessed. It still raised a lot of questions through. None of them good. I took a closer look of the machines the color of rust was one made intentionally, outside and inside they looked worn but still very sturdy. The heads were… flaming freaky as in nightmare fuel really. The fact I didn't need a lot of sleep was the few good things of being a unkindled. Still those grins will never leave my mind.

Through after going elbow deep and pulling something out of them I had second thoughts of them being human made. Morally at least. I held a strange black golden orb in my hands the black metal with glowing lines around it still beat as if it was alive in its own way.

A soul was a strange thing. Anything could have it if it was alive sentient or not. But what was considered as 'alive' was it in the physical sense, mental or spiritually? After all how can a stone gargoyle give me souls if it was just that stone.

I crushed the orb with my hands and felt a rush of a soul entering me it was a small near meaningless thing but it was a soul. I looked deeper.

Time passed and Independence was found.

That's interesting. So it's been a while since it was created and during that time found life? I continued walking the desert my mind working with what little I knew. Could this really be my earth? No. It couldn't be. And those robots spoke English, so at least that worked well with me. My Spanish is poor and my French even worse.

Language aside I thought about the robots and what they could mean. Time passed. So it's not 2018 enough time pass for robots to be made and they compare me to a android which made me feel even worse. My parents and friends is more then likely dead right now. And I'm undying. So even if I still have family out there the relation has no doubt dwindle to nothing.

I shake my head getting that thought out. This place isn't home not that I have a home anymore.


It isn't something that those robots aren't supposed to have if they wanted to kill an android. So androids are robot hunters killing these robots because they gained sentience? Or something else? I'm going to have to find civilization soon. I couldn't help but to kick the sand. I wonder what I see here.

The sun hasn't moved. It must have been hours since I ended up here but nothing has changed. Definitely not my earth. Still the reason why I haven't exploded into flames is interesting at least. Magic must have been at work maybe an illusion. Didn't someone in dark souls one was capable of it? Some minor god?

More time passed, more sand under my feet and even more robots some I was able to walk past while a few attacked me through they ran once they saw I took down the biggest ones in their groups. I saw no reason kill them.

I saw a glint of light ahead of me and bore witnessed to a camp! A rather large one actually near a oasis. Stopping I crouched down and took out my binoculars and looked at the camp. People were wandering around doing things, tents, truck's etc. Most had desert camo clothing. Saw pair dressed differently then the rest for some reason. Didn't really matter to me. Still. Should I risk contact or keep walking. No I should make contact, what can they do to me? Kill me? Hurt me? I smiled. Greater beings have tried and failed to break my spirit. Still I took off my helmet and sheathed my sword on my back and leaned on my staff show weakness let them underestimate me.

Just a lost, confused soul in the desert. Lack of sweat on my face would be a problem and my face wasn't burning either. Crap. Didn't matter.

Walking forward I leaned on my staff the noise of the camp coming closer and closer as I made my way there ready to meet them. I have a story nothing to crazy just get some information and directions or if I'm lucky get in that truck of theirs. Once I was near the tent I saw one of the people jog towards me a bald man in the desert clothing.

"Woah there buddy need some help? Your leg doesn't look good." Help yes just not for my leg. Still he didn't say anything about my clothing. It was all black After all.

"Yes I do need some help just not with my leg. I e-ended up in this desert alone and lost can you help me?"

The man nodded his head a look of understanding on his face as if he's done this a hundreds of times before. So he walked me towards the camp where a few others glanced at me, my clothing, staff and sword. I looked around the place showing confusion in my eyes just to hammer in the whole lost look.

"Another lost android?"

"Guess so, dress weird and has a old sword."

I felt offended for the blade even through I shouldn't. Couldn't help it, I been through to much with this Judgment in my hand seen a lot of victories and defeat with it in my grasp. He pulled a tent flap aside letting me walk in and inside was one of those people dressed different then the rest. Straight long hair color of red and green eyes. She looked at me and frowned at my leg no doubt thinking that's the issue.

"Popola explain the situation to him seems like his memory is bad." The bald man said rather rudely to her and he left patting me on the shoulder as he went. Weird. The woman on the other hand sighed tiredly as if she just couldn't catch a break. I looked around the tent and noticed the beds and cabinets with strange tools not meant to be used on humans. Androids. They looked so life like.

"Well as you heard I'm Popola do you remember your own name?" She asked rather politely as she took a seat on a stool and gestured towards the bed close to her. I sat down on it my blade on my lap. Her eyes looked it over wearily before she looked at me again. I hated to think it but it took me longer then I like to remember. Only two people asked my name. Seeing this that I'm taking to long she asked something else.

"What about a identification number?" I couldn't help but cringed at the thought of being simply referred to as a string of numbers. Then I finally recalled it.

"I'm Garza." Through it might simply be my family name it didn't matter. It was mine. She smiled and then asked me about other little things I didn't understand. All had to do with robotics, so my knowledge on cars what little I remember seems useless. Well then.

"Ok can you lift you leg I want look over it and then I explain what your missing in that noggin." No you can't.

"I'm fine there Popola can you please explain the situation? I don't want to be confused on the current times."

She frowned in disapproval but she didn't push on the issue at least and talked. What she said was rather… mind breaking if I didn't went through the whole dark souls experience I would have even called her a liar for the words coming out of her mouth. But the rob- machines, androids and unmoving sun is proof enough. Still. Humanity on the moon? Would have been nice to meet a normal person and hear about meaningless problems. But instead I'm stuck on a war-torn earth that's been in conflict for a few thousand years by aliens! Went from hell to a dead lock.

Is humanity even alive on the moon? It just seems so unlikely to me, why would they go into space and not underground? Like the capital. But then again I'm not sure that place was even built underground in the first place. Could have just ended up there by accident. I know better then to bring that up with the androids so its just better to nod and smile like a good boy. The smile came out rather strained.

"Thank you Popola for th-"

I was interrupted when the tent flap was pushed aside and in came a android my size, desert clothing and a gun on his back. He looked angry.

"You! Know anything about what happened to my booze?"

"Androids drink?" I couldn't help but to ask out loud. Strange function. Of course I was ignored.

"No I don't know what happened to your booze. Why are you asking me?" Her face was rather stoic then before. Was this common for the android to be like this? Better yet why do they have beer in a outpost. Where's the military discipline? Cigs was a different thing. It didn't distract the mind at least. Then again not much about them really screamed military even the clothing wasn't as uniform.

"My sister would not go through someone's else drink." Oh. Looks like I missed somethings didn't I? Still I have more questions and I don't care about some drunkards missing booze so I cut in.

"Excuse me sir but it seems you inter-" He pushed me back onto the bed as I was standing rather harshly.

Judgement was plunged into his knee cutting the leg off and sending him towards the ground I moved swiftly and kept him down by stepping on him and plunged my sword into his head, electronics and liquid spilling all over the tent floor. I looked up at Popola who backed away one hand covering her mouth eyes wide. I looked at the soldier of humanity on the ground dead killed by… unworthy ash.

"I'm sorry."

I turned and ran out of the tent heading towards the trucks intending to steal it I pushed aside one android that got in my way, once I reached the truck I saw a android getting out I quickly sent a SA at his leg the spell punching a hole into it and as he screamed I pulled him out, thankfully he left the key inside. Manual thank god I know how to drive.

When I started to drive I fired a Great Soul Arrow towards the engine of the only other truck they had the sound of metal warping music to my ears as I drove away.

Well. That was a disaster. It could have be- the sound of glass shattering was the last thing I heard.

My hands clenched the ground of the place I ended up in and when I looked around the new area I couldn't help but to stare in wonder of the ocean. It looked beautiful. Of course it was ruined when I realized I was at some kind of sunken city.

Not my earth at all.


I had the idea and needed to write it out. So yeah some SI ended up in dark souls then here in automata. Anyone know any story's when a non-human is dropped into Nier? That's a idea that needs to be done.