"It's been about a month now right?"
"A Month?"
"Since you started seeing M-"
"Quiet" Draco hissed glaring at Blaise from over the rim of his laptop. They were in his office and he was actually annoyed at himself for not realizing which way the conversation was going.
Draco glanced at the door and let out a breath when he saw the door was closed.
"I'm not an idiot," Blaise said with a huff before dropping into the chair across from him.
"Could've fooled me"
"So when do I get to meet her?"
Draco rolled his eyes and went back to his laptop. The benefits of having his office right on the edge of Wizarding London meant most of the technology worked pretty well. Salazar it had been a month already hadn't it. After the slight hiccups on their first date, they'd gone out together every Friday since. He smirked as he thought about last Friday. He'd convinced her to try a vibrating toy he'd picked up and they went out to a muggle restaurant she'd spent the main course and desert squirming in her seat. By the time they made it back to the hotel, she was a mess.
"Adam please." She stomped her foot and squeezed her thighs together and pouted in the hallway but all he did was chuckle.
"We're almost there love just ten more paces"
She whimpered and took three steps before tripping over her own feet. He caught her wrist and pulled her flush against him with a smirk.
"Easy love. No reason to fall over me."
She rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder before pulling him down for a kiss
"Mate seriously I'm right here"
Draco blinked and glared at Blaise.
"So should I set up lunch for us then?"
"No Blaise"
"Then when"
"I need to meet her first don't you think?"
"Don't look at me like that. I'm hoping this Friday we will."
Still Silence.
"What Blaise"
"It's been a month, how have you two not met yet?"
"It's not really your concern, is it? Why are you here again?"
Blaise rolled his eyes and plopped himself in his chair. Clearly, he didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.
"Alright you don't want to talk about Mia fine. Let's talk about Hermione then."
"You've been avoiding her."
"No I haven't."
"She's been here four times. You've been in a meeting every time even though there isn't one on your schedule, and all of her owls have somehow been forwarded to my desk."
"I don't have time for Granger's random-"
"Bullshit. You're avoiding her."
He glared at Blaise and tried to get back to his computer. Blaise wasn't wrong. He was avoiding Granger. Based on the skimming he did of the first letter she was trying to apologize and he wasn't having it. She didn't need to apologize.
"You need to talk to her"
"I will Zabine. After this Friday. I'm going to talk to Mia about us removing the charms."
Draco had wanted to after the first two weeks honestly but he let his nerves get in the way. Now though. He felt super confident in this. This was happening. He smirked as his laptop lit up with a video call. This was new. He quickly threw up his charms and answered before Blaise realized what's happening.
"Hey Beautiful"
"Hi. I know this is random but oh." She looked up at him and her eyes grew wide for a moment. He looked confused and saw Blaise waving his hands behind the laptop. He glanced up and saw Blaise pointing to his hair. Shit. He glanced at the mirror on the wall and saw that the curliness was still there which hid how stark his blonde hair usually was. It looked more Blonde than his platinum he usually was.
"So you're a blonde then." She said with a smirk.
"Yes. This is what happens when you randomly call." She at least knew to look guilty about it. But he wasn't done with her, "Your turn. Let me see something from you."
She looked hesitant but nodded her head. Good, that should make it easier for Friday.
"Ok well, what would you like to-"
"Your eyes" He tried not to glare when he heard Blaise snort.
"This had clearly been thought for you for a while," She said with a laugh and then closed her eyes. He held his breath and she opened them back up and the green was now brown. They were perfect. Literally the same color as-. No. He was supposed to be getting over her.
"Your eyes are stunning," He said with a smirk and watched her blush, "I swear we've met before"
"You can't determine that by eye color", she said with a chuckle, "But this isn't why I called. Are we still on for Friday?"
"Of course love. Just like every Friday. I was thinking this time we could remove the charms? Especially now?"
"Yes, I think I so too. I need to go though I have a meeting soon. I just wanted to see you."
"I'm happy too. I'll see you Friday"
"Bye Adam." She said with a smile and disconnected the call.
"Adam?" Blaise said with a snort.
"I wanted something as far from Draco as possible," He said with a groan before removing his charms.
"Did you even realize I was still here. I was waiting for hearts to appear above your head."
"Is there an actual reason why you're here?" Draco said rolling his eyes before sorting through the papers on his desk. He really needed to get some meetings set up with a few benefactors soon. He glanced up at the knock on his door. He didn't think he had any appointments scheduled. He glanced at Blaise.
"Yes actually. To make sure you didn't miss this meeting." Blaise smirked and stood up before opening the door, "He's all yours and he has the afternoon free" Blaise said with a chuckle on his way out.
He tried not to panic when Hermione Granger came through the door and closed it soft click.
Authors Notes: It's short and a cliff hanger but I'm back! Sorry for the major delay. But with COVID and everything going on in the US I just couldn't find the strength the write. I was angry and I was sad I was a lot of things and that's not where I wanted the story to go. I no longer have a time schedule I'm sorry but this story will be about 10 chapters and then I'm going to take a major publishing break. I'm no longer going to post unless the story is done so no one has to wait. Thank you for those who checked up on me it was so sweet I appreciate it.