Chapter 4: Sam Settles Down

A.N. Well, here we are, folks. We've reached the end of the road for this story. Since this is the last chapter, I'm gonna take some time to explain who Judith and her family were named after:

1. Judith was named after Australian singer Judith Durham from Australian folk group The Seekers

2. Debbi and Vicki were named after sisters Vicki and Debbi Peterson, members of the American girl band The Bangles

3. Gilbert was named after Irish singer Gilbert O' Sullivan

4. Rod, Judith's ex-husband whom she mentioned in Chapter 3, was named after British rock singer and songwriter Rod Stewart

5. The Chisholm family's surname came from Melanie Chisholm, known professionally as Melanie C, and, as a member of the Spice Girls, as "Sporty Spice"

A month after Sam and Judith's dinner date at the Glass Onion, Sam woke up with a pleasant thought racing around his mind like James Hinchcliffe during an IndyCar race.

"Today might be the day I ask Judith to be my bride." Sam thought. "She seems like a really nice woman. And another thing, the twins are really starting to grow on me."

After having breakfast, Sam went off to work, and during his break, he went to the jewelry store in Newtown and bought a sterling silver ring with a sapphire in the shape of a heart on top.

"Well, I've got the ring." said Sam. "Now I just need to figure out what to say to her. And I know just who to ask."

Sam then went to the Whole Fish Cafe, which was run by his younger brother, Charlie, and his sister-in-law, Bronwyn. Their two children, Sarah and James, were spending time with their maternal grandfather, Gareth Griffiths, and Bronwyn had gone with them, which left Charlie all by himself. When Sam walked in the door, he saw Charlie refilling the fryer with oil. The two brothers greeted each other and after sitting down at a table, Sam told his brother why he was there.

"Oh, so you want to propose, eh?" Charlie asked.

"Yup." said Sam. "But I don't know how I should say it. What did you say to Bronwyn when you proposed to her?"

"I just simply asked if she would marry me." said Charlie. "Maybe that's what you should say."

"I suppose." said Sam. "But I might ask her a different way."

"That's fine." said Charlie. "Glad I could help."

When Sam got home after his shift ended, he called Judith and asked if she would like to come to the park, and she said yes, although she was unsure why. The two soon met up at the park as planned.

"So, Sam, what did you want me to meet you in the park for?" Judith asked.

Sam then turned around to face Judith.

"Judith, there's something I've been wanting to ask you ever since we started dating." said Sam.

"What?" Judith asked.

Sam then kneeled down on one knee, removed the case the ring was inside from his pocket, and opened it up.

"Juidth Chisholm, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Samuel Peyton Jones?" Sam asked.

Judith could hardly believe what Sam had just asked her.

"Sam, the answer is yes." Judith said warmly. "I'd be delighted to."

Sam felt very happy.

"Smashing!" he said.

Soon, news of Sam and Judith's upcoming wedding had spread like wildfire, and the soon-to-be newlyweds spent lots of time planning for the ceremony, and they decided that it would take place the following week at St. Giles' Church, the reception would take place at the beach, and that they would spend their honeymoon camping on Pontypandy Island. Lucky for them, Arnold had a cousin named Tony who worked as a real estate agent, and when they spoke with him, he agreed to look for a home for them, since they figured that instead of trying to cram all of Sam's stuff into their small home on Vale Road, it would make sense to move to a brand new home. Penny and Ellie as well as Bronwyn, Helen Flood, and Dilys Price agreed to be Judith's bridesmaids while Station Officer Steele, Elvis, Arnold, Mike Flood, and Trevor Evans agreed to be Sam's groomsmen. Charlie agreed to be Sam's Best Man. Sarah and James both agreed to be the flower girl and ring bearer responsibly. Bella agreed to make the wedding cake while all the rest of the food at the reception would be catered from the Glass Onion. One week later, the bells at St. Giles' Church were ringing with merriment as everyone congregated to watch the Hero Next Door and his soon-to-be wife tie the knot. Sam was already at his place at the altar and watched as Judith walked down the aisle in her wedding gown. Once she herself arrived at the altar, the Reverend Timothy Weaver, the officiator and pastor of the church, initiated the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to join Samuel Jones and Judith Chisholm in Holy Matrimony." he said. "Samuel and Judith, throught the rest of your days as newlyweds, there will be times to laugh, times to weep, times of conflict, times of peace, times you may embrace, and times to refrain from embracing. I ask that you remember this advice: Never go to bed angry and let your love be stronger than your anger. Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend than it is to break. Believe in the best of your love than the worst. Confide in your partner, and ask for help when you need it. Remember that true friendship is the basis for a lasting relationship. Give your spouses the same courtesies and kindness that you bestow on your friends. And lastly, don't forget to say "I love you" every day. Samuel and Judith, I remind you that marriage is a precious gift, a lifelong commitment, and a challenge to love one another more completely every day. Please join hands and look into each others eyes."

Sam and Judith did as they were instructed.

"Samuel, with this understanding, do you take Judith as your lawfully wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?" Rev. Weaver then asked. ""Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; for richer and for poorer, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only to her, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." replied Sam.

"Judith, with this understanding, do you take Sam as your lawfully wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?" Rev. Weaver asked Judith. "Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; for richer and for poorer, forsaking all others, and keep yourself only to him, so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." replied Judith.

James then brought forth the wedding rings.

"The ring, an unbroken, neverending circle, is a symbol of committed and unending love." said Rev. Weaver. "Samuel, as you place the ring on Judith's finger, please repeat after me: Judith, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love. I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my wife. With this ring, I thee wed."

"Judith, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love. I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my wife. With this ring, I thee wed." Sam repeated as he placed the ring on Judith's finger.

Rev. Weaver then turned to Judith and repeated the ring part with her.

"Samuel and Judith, in your journey of life together, remind yourselves often of the love that brought you together." Rev. Weaver then said. "Give the highiest priority to your love. When challenges come, remember to focus on what is right between you. In this way, you can ride out the storms. And when the clouds hide the sun in your lives, remember that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is always there. Samuel and Judith, you have consented together in Holy Matrimony. In your commitments to each other, and in accordance with the laws vested in me by the Lord Jesus Christ, I know pronounce you husband and wife. Samuel, you may now kiss the bride."

Everyone cheered as Sam and his new wife kissed, and the rest of the ceremony and the reception went off without a hitch. At the ceremony, Gilbert was invited to sing the "First Dance" song, which was "The Search Is Over" by Survivor, which everyone loved. The day afterwards, Sam and Judith left for their camping honeymoon on the Island. They spent the day hiking, fishing, and swimming.

"This is great." Judith said as the two sat by the campfire when it was nightfall. "Every day should be like this."

"Well, when I can find time to, that is." said Sam. "Duty comes first, you know."

"That's true." Judith giggled.

When the time came for Sam and Judith to go home the following morning, they packed up their gear, sailed back to the quay, moored the skiff they had used, then drove home in a red 1978 910 Austin-Morris Mini Clubman Estate, which the rest of the Pontypandy Fire Service had pitched in to buy them as a wedding present. In the days and weeks that followed, they, with help from their friends and neighbors, moved everything from Sam's residence and the Chisholm's residence into a beautiful detached home in the countryside, not too far from the Floods' residence that even had some fruit trees, specifically pear, apple, and orange trees, and a space for a vegetable garden on the property big enough for them to grow all sorts of vegetables, which Judith described as "convenient", since it would save them lots of trouble for going to the shops just for fruit and veggies. It took quite a bit of work to get everything and everyone settled in, but in the end, it was worth it, and once everything was in order, a barbecue was held to celebrate. Afterwards, Sam and his new family relaxed by the fire. Gilbert played away on his guitar while Judith sipped a cup of tea while Debbi and Vicki relaxed on their new stepfather's lap while he read them a story. Needless to say, a certain feeling of happiness engulfed Pontypandy's Hero Next Door as he settled into his new role as a husband to a very beautiful wife and adoptive father to three wonderful children.

"I never thought I'd see the day where I would actually become married." Sam said to himself as he and Judith got into bed themselves that night. "But it's more fun than living alone."

The End