Author's Note: I don't own Toaru Majutsu no Index

The classroom was silent as Komoe Tsukuyomi walked into the room, all eyes on the pinkette as she wrote down the exam details on the board. Scratching noises spread through the room and filled the students sitting there with unease and tension. Well, all except for one particular student which conveniently happens to be the one and only Tsuchimikado Motoharu. Apparently, it was a blazing hot day the blue sky clear with the occasional flurry of fluffy white clouds drifting through.

Tsuchimikado was so engrossed in the thought the he would be having a hearty dinner with Maika that he barely registered to his mind Komoe was saying, "The exam this year has been slightly modified so you don't have to finish all four long questions. Instead, you focus on the two you are best at and give it all you've got."

The blonde backstabber had his attention on the clouds faraway, fantasizing about huge lumps of cotton candy being made by his sister-figure instead of the clouds floating towards him. By the time he came to his senses, the exam had already started for 10 minutes.

Since Geography was one of his better subjects out of his worst ones, he thought he would have finished it with a quarter of the time left to spare.

Oh boy, he never knew he was bracing in for some trouble.

The marks were split four ways evenly with each question, worth 20 points each. With some short questions and long questions, Tsuchimikado could barely spare enough time for two questions, let alone four. He decided to divide his time up between all four questions, about 20 to 25 minutes on each question. Of course, this was the reason for the poor quality of his answers although on the eyes of everyone who knew him personally, it hardly made a difference. Unfortunately, Tsuchimikado never did read the front page and never realized the problem until he heard Fukiyose and Kamijou discussing which two questions they did.


Tsuchimikado tried to remedy it was it was too late. Time was up and he had to pass the paper.

And since when did those two get chummy all together?!


The release of the results for the Geography test found Kamijou sulking in the corner for the rest of the week. Apparently, Fukiyose had again won their bet as she was grinning rather too much for someone as rigid as her. But then again, it was a bet against Kamijou and Himegami knows about the tsundere-like tendencies of her best friend towards the spiky haired guy so she doesn't think that it was all weird.

Kamijou, meanwhile, is sulking adorably in the corner as he seemed to be bawling something about his rotten luck. The last part, it wasn't all surprising for those that know him personally but it was the reason for his misery that was making them a bit curious since they don't know what he and Fukiyose had betted on.

Even from the past exams, the overly cute couple still hasn't learnt from their past experiences and yet again, they struck another bet that involves a being whipped in the ass for two weeks, washroom service for two weeks as well, cute dancing and their classmates.

That was the last straw for Kamijou and he snapped, reverting from his usually heroic personality to one of a sulky child, one which only Fukiyose can handle.


"No. There is no way I am accepting that thing in here. Throw it out."

"I can't believe Fukiyose-san is cruel enough to throw him out. I mean, I know you don't like the cat but at least, be more humane."

"Coming from someone who can't even take care of himself. I can't trust you in taking care of that thing."

"He's not a thing, Fukiyose. His name is Sphynx."

"Don't name it, moron!"

"It already has a name before…"

It all started when Kamijou Touma was dismissed late due to his cleaning duties in their classroom. Since Index is out on a rare one-week absence as she is needed in the Necessarius headquarters, Kamijou decided to bring the cat along with him so that the poor animal had company. On the way, he had met with Fukiyose Seiri, who decided to hang out with him, saying that she had no companions and that she would like to get to know the boy more outside of their classroom interactions.

It wasn't that Fukiyose hated cats but she thought that they're way worse than dogs. In her eyes, they are dirty, disgusting, and disobedient creatures. That's why she nearly shut the cat out (along with Kamijou) when she first caught sight of the Calico cat sprawled on top of the boy's head.

With a bit of negotiation (and a bit of bribery involving health products), Kamijou forced Fukiyose to make a bet with him, albeit the latter being more than reluctant.

The bet on Fukiyose's benefit: Tsuchimikado doesn't reach a satisfactory Geography grade (above 80%) = the cat is not allowed to be brought along with him to school; Kamijou will be in charge of buying all of her health products for the following week; she will make the boy as her personal "toy" and servant.

The bet on Kamijou's benefit: Tsuchimikado gets a satisfactory Geography grade (below 80%) = Spynx gets to stay with him in school while Index isn't around; Fukiyose will be wearing cat ears for a photoshoot set up for Kamijou's eyes only; Fukiyose will be treating him to any kind of food stalls whenever he wants one.

Nonetheless, Tsuchimikado had missed the mark by a single digit (79%) and thus, he was pulled into the antics of the eccentric yet adorable couple.


"Hey, Fukiyose, what are we going to do now since you won the bet?" Kamijou grumpily asked, sitting on the bed as she watches Fukiyose change clothes from her usual school uniform get-up to a much more comfortable and, in Kamijou's own perverted eyes, a bit randy choice of clothes for her own body figure.

"Kamijou, shut up you baka and second…" The Forehead Deluxe then throws what looks like a large blanket used for sleeping, "Being a pervert like Tsuchimikado and Aogami, I assume you know what the numbers six and nine means?"

The spiky haired boy in questioned froze at what he heard, "E-eeeeh? Fukiyose? I—"

He didn't have the chance to complete his sentence as the girl sat beside him and quickly pounced upon him.

I never knew that she…she…

Yes, the boy didn't see this coming at all.