Author's Note: I don't own Toaru Majutsu No Index.

Aogami Pierce plopped himself onto the seat in the classroom, took out his stationary in bag and started filling out his name out on the front page. He zoned out and stared out of the window when the teacher was reading the instructions for the paper. He quickly caught himself just before the two-hour exam started.

"The time is now 8:45, you have two hours to complete the exam…You may begin…" Komoe smiled as she made the announcement.

Instantly, Aogami spun open the paper so quick he almost tore the paper. As much idiot as he was, he was still determined and determined to finish the exam with high marks, although it was very impossible in his case. The first question was to write a letter to another person about things that happened in a reading passage. A Mongol 2 pencil was fished out of the bag and the sis-con annotated the passage in just three minutes. He started writing furiously starting from the letter, and for once, Aogami was unusually pumped up and started jotting down his answers out on the paper.

He managed to finish the exam with about 20 minutes to spare so he checked the paper once, twice and still had nine minutes to spare. Letting out a silent sigh, he stared at the front cover blankly. A word caught his eye…

Dark Blue…Black…

Dark blue… Kami-yan's eyes and hair...

He quickly pushed the thought away before he started blushing like an idiot, then he realized that something was off.

Dark blue? All I saw in the exam was white and black...

Noticing something was erroneous, he quickly reread the instructions on the front page and then he flipped through his paper at supersonic speed. Noticing his mistake, he cried softly and sweat began to run in beads from his temples.

Crap...the instructions told me to write in black or dark blue pen—and I wrote the whole fucking thing in pencil!

Suddenly, Komoe let out her cheery voice, "Students, you have five minutes until the end of the exam."

Without wasting any time, Aogami picked up his black pen and went over his pencil marks and tried to copy the whole paper in pen once again. His face was flushed red like he had a fever and his hand started aching from overwork.

Unfortunately for him...

"It is now ten-forty five, your time is up. Put down your pens and I will come around to collect your paper."

The bluenette slumped in his seat with a dark cloud floating over his head although for some reason, he didn't feel that bad as Komoe walked past to collect his paper. He barely finished going over half the paper, and he was the type to write a lot in subjects where he thinks he had prepared well enough.

"Oi, Aogami. What the hell's with that face? You look even more terrible than Kami-yan's misfortune…"

A familiar voice jolted the bluenette out of his gloomy state. He raised his head and met dark shades staring at him directly.


"Why the hell are you so down? It's not like you to be like this…"

Instantly, Aogami decided to be cheerful for once as he dug out his hotdog sandwich and started eating it without any care for the world.


Tsuchimikado is half-asleep and drooling over Aogami's shoulder.

Himegami is busy eating her bento box.

Kamijou Touma is severely…pissed off (?) as he was groaning.

Fukiyose Seiri is extremely pleased as she had a cat-like grin.

Aogami sat in front of the Imagine Breaker and the Iron Wall Girl with a terrified expression, even ignoring the fact that his uniform was getting soaked by Tsuchimikado's saliva.

"Dammit Aogami…I even reminded you to study well for that exam…"

"Eh…what exactly did I do, Kami-yan..." Aogami let out an honest and confused face, "And yeah, why did you remind me like your life depends on it?"

"How could you have failed Japanese when that equally lazy Tsuchimikado passed. Just my luck!"

"Wo-Woah…Kami-yan…calm down…" Aogami was cut off by Tsuchimikado waking up and hearing their best friend's comment, he asked, "Uh…Kami-yan, did something fancy happened…"

"None of this would have happened if you just passed your Japanese exam for once, Aogami. Such misfortune."

Kamijou grimaced and promptly left the group. The rest that were left behind were confused except for Fukiyose. Himegami was the only one who bothered to ask her best friend what happened to the spiky haired guy. The answer they received was totally what none of them have been expecting though.

"Last week, Kamijou and I made a bet on Aogami's exam results," Fukiyose began to explain, "While that dumb Kamijou had faith that Aogami will pass his exams for once, I did not share the same thought and faith in him since we all know he would fail it in the end. To conclude, Kamijou bet that if he passed his exams, I will stop beating the crap out of him for the week and I will dance in the most perverted way that would satisfy his manly needs and post it on Facebook but if Aogami did not pass, he would be completely obedient to my orders for two weeks."

After Fukiyose Seiri explained everything, he left the cafeteria with an evil smirk hanging on her face. The rest of her classmates were left completely frozen with half their souls gone.