Author's Note: This is a reupload of an old story I posted around the middle of 2017. As you can see it is very dated and definitely did not age well lol. Everything is kept as is from the original posting of the story. Enjoy!

{btw my original name was Email-Bot around the time of the story being posted}

Final Thing: This story's concept eventually evolved into the story The Fog.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ original story below \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

_Note: This is my second fanfic in which I am working on. I am just beginning so cut me some slack please. Thanks

Ch.1: Familiar faces

Hazel sat up to look at his surroundings, calm and peaceful, Just the way he liked. After a few moments of overseeing he continued to silflay. The days on the downs had never been easy, the fact that there were no mates to start out with, then there was the hutch rabbit ordeal in which hazel go shot in the hind leg and was now lame, then to make matters worse they had alerted Efrafa, then there was a battle, but dear reader you should already know about it.

The sun was at it's highest point in the sky, every ray touching the grassy land of the downs. There are rabbits on the downs, happy frolicing and mingling and silflaying. But that had not always been the case, for one thing about eleven rabbits had originally come from the long gone google warren.

The calm

"Yes Fiver?" The older one replied

"There seems to be someone on our territory, I swear we have seen him before, but he puts me off"

"Fiver fiver, fiver. I think It's about time you relaxed, the days nice and so is the grass, no need to be worked up about some stranger passing through.

"But Hazel!" the smaller rabbit was shaking now. "He seems really strange I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't listen."

"FIne" Hazel said exasperated "But just this once, I'm telling you he's probably just passing through."

Hazel and fiver went off in search of the stranger. As they neared him he seemed to just sit there. As they got closer, he still seemed to not notice them. When they were about four hops away a funny rotting smell bit their noses. When they were about a rabbit's length away hazel noticed something familiar about him.

"I have to admit" said hazel to his companion "he does seem a little off"

As they were just a few paces away hazel decided to call out.

"Hello stranger!"

But the stranger did nothing. Then it dawned on Hazel, This was Cowslip, but he looked a little green.


Cowslip just simply stared out in front of him. But as hazel and fiver inched closer they realized that there seemed to be something poking out of Cowslip. They seemed to be blue black and red plant roots, We know them as wires.


Suddenly the Rabbit turned his head toward them. What they saw horrified them. Not only were there wires poking out of his skin but his right eye was replaced by a red L.E.D and that his right front paw was missing, exposing a metal endoskeleton.

They stood there in shock. Then "Cowslip" longed at them. For a split second Fiver could see little endoskeleton teeth in Cowslips mouth. Then instincts took over and Fiver bolted away as fast as he could, About a yard away fiver looked behind him. Curiously Cowslip was not chasing after him. He stopped, turned, and with all the nerve he could gather, hopped back to the spot they meet the machine/rabbit.

Instead of seeing the stranger missing (as he would have hoped more or less) he saw Hazel being dragged of by the machine.

"NO!" he cried as hazel's limp body disappeared into the bushes

AUTHOR NOTE: What is happening? What is wrong with cowslip? Will we ever see hazel again? Well we will see in the next chapter.

Fun fact: The new cowslip is called C0WSL1P3