I'm sorry about being MIA for like 5-4 years lol. I know, I know y'all probably wondered why I didn't continue to write "Love at First Sight". I remembered when I first wrote the story was when I was bored and I had to kill time. And I didn't even know that it's going to be "a hit" because obviously I didn't really have a plot (well kinda) I thought very hard if I wanted to discontinue or continue. If anyone wants to pick up and continue it, you have the right from me. What do you guys think? Let me know! :)

What inspired me to write this mini story or one-shot is because it just pops in my head just now as I'm writing typing this lol.

Another reason why I wanted to write this is because over the years that I went MIA, I graduated from high school in 2018 and went to beauty school for a year and graduated in 2019. Now I'm working as a hairstylist and you-kid-me-not I'm still very obsessed with The Viewfinder Series as much as I was back in the days. Or in general there's so much good yaoi mangas out there now!

Now the manga has progressed so much over the years on Asami's and Akihito's relationships, I can't wait to go back and maybe write mini stories about those two in different scenarios.

You're probably wondering how's that have to do with the series, wwweeellllllll~ I thought it was a good idea to write a story about Asami getting a haircut…..and Akihito being a hairstylist. It's going to be a fluffy and cute story instead with a lot of teasing. \\


Ever wondered how Asami cut his? Akihito as a hairstylist? read to fin out how they both deal with each other.

As the sun was rising over the busy and crowded city of Tokyo. One man by the name of Asami Ryuichi was getting ready to go to work as usual. He's the man that always wakes up at exactly 6:30 in the morning each time. The man who is always on time on everything he does and goes. He's the type that doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything that doesn't relate to him. You can say that he seems OCD and very clean and perfect most of the time. He's the type of person that you can't casually touch.

Asami just finished tying his tie, he looked at the mirror and did his hair. His hair is probably the only thing that takes him a little longer to do. He likes his hair combed and slicked back. As he was doing his hair he noticed how long it had gotten. Time flies quickly, when you're always keeping yourself busy, maybe it's time for a haircut. He quickly glanced at his luxurious and expensive watch and it was 7:05 am. He grabs his work briefcase and heads to the door. Open it and his two trusted subordinates, Kirishima and Suoh, both were waiting for him.

"Good morning Asami-sama" the first subordinate named Kirishima said to him.

"Everything is prepared for you." As they are heading toward the elevator into the lobby of the apartments.

"Umm" said Asami, acknowledging Kirishima. "What's my schedule today."

"Well, today you don't have much. You have a meeting at 8:15am on how Sion has been doing so far this year, and another meeting at 4pm with other business representatives, and that's all sir." said Kirishima.

"Umm…after the first meeting find me a place around the area where I get a haircut. It will be nice to kill some time." Said Asami.

"Hai, Asami-sama"

As the black BMW drove into the busy streets heading to the Sion Inc business building. There, where he spends most of his time working. He took out a cigarette and smoked and looked out at the car window. Noticing that there's a salon that just recently opened. And a young man outside hanging the open sign up. And he…has the prettiest and blond/silver hair he thought.

By the time the car got into the private park lot on the second level of Sion building. Asami went straight to his office and grabbed a couple of papers and headed to the meeting room. As he was walking through the halls all his employees greeted him and said their good morning's to him. Everyone just looked at him in awe, he is truthly the most handsome human being on earth. He enters the meeting room with his two subordinates.

An hour and half passed and the meeting was finally over. He went back to his office, sat down on his chair and leaned back. He took a deep breath and exhaled and it instantly relaxed his body. He turned around and looked at the hugomous window in front of him and looked at the scenery. And then there's a knock on the door and it was Kirishima.

"Asami-sama, I've looked into some places as you asked." Said Kirishima

"There's many around this area."

"Umm lets go to the new one that just opened. It piqued my interest." He smirked as he said that.

"I will make an appointment right away Asami-sama."


It didn't take them long enough to get to the salon. As they pulled up into the curb, Kirishima opened the door for Asami. And Asami's long legs stepped out, one of his hands in his pockets and followed behind Kirishma. They walked up to the tiny steps and opened the door. And the bell ranged.

Asami looked at the interior of the salons and it was a small but yet open-space salon. Looks very chic that fits into the modern style (pic). As he was looking around, he heard a sweet happy and smooth voice calling out to them.

"Hello! Welcome to Toki Salon!" Akihito said cheerily.

Asami looked him at the young man from head to toes. He was wearing simple yet stylish clothes that compliment his body shape so well. He wore a black leather jacket, and the black top that he was wearing was tucked under his deep-blue ripped jeans, that hugged his hips and legs so well...and with that beret hat on, makes him look cute (pic)

As Asami was done examining Akihito, he said " I had an appointment"

Akihito tapped on the screen and searched for his name on the list of customers.

"Are you Asami…..Ryuichi?" Akihito said his name slowly…..and when the name came out of his mouth. Akihito's face was surprised for a bit and looked at Asami for a second and acted normal again. Asami noticed his behaviors and was thinking why he acted like that. Asami smirk

"He's interesting." Said in his mind "Yes, that's me."

While inside Akihito's thoughts, he was screaming and freaking out. He just witnessed and had a one-to-one interaction with the most famous man in Japan. And he looks so unreal in person. He secretly pinched himself by the arm a little so he can go back into reality.

"You can follow me this way, I'm Akihito your hairstylist today" Akihito said to Asami.

"Akihito…..Umm" a smirk on his face.

Asami followed the young man and thought that he was very tiny and small. He was seated and the young man put a cap over him, and Akihito leaned over a bit so the cap covers him completely, Asami got the chance to smell the fresh perfume he had on. The boy was buttoning the buttons around Asami's neck. His fingertips were soft, Asami thought.

"How do you want me to cut your hair today?" Akihito asked standing behind Asami and looking at him through the mirror, trying not to be nervous.

"The sides and back are about ½inch off. And the top is a 1inch off." Asami said firmly.

"Okay, I can do that for you" Akihito smiled.

Akihito begins spraying some water on Asami's hair, so it's easier to cut. Asami's eyes were on him. Looking at him intensely through the mirror, following his every move.

He seems nervous. Am I intimidating him…..? This is the first time he ever thinks he seems intimidating to someone. Usually he doesn't care if he looks intimidating. But why is it bothering him?

"Are you nervous cutting my hair?" Asami asked.

"Huh?...Umm no...I was just surprised to see...you come here." Akihito replied back.

"Ohh, so I don't deserve to be here?"

"Eh!? No no….it's not that…..everyday you don't see a well-known man come into your salon." Akihito said scratching his head.

"Umm I supposed, you have a point. Seems like you know about me." Asami said.

"I..I heard of you. Seems like the media and the people around here said about you is true." Akihito replied.

"Ohh, what's some of the things they said about me then?" Asami tried to make him talk more because his voice was music to his ears.

"Well…..they weren't lying when they said you were good looking, perfect...and have this overbearing, dominant aura around you…."

"Hmm interesting"

Akihito felt his heart skip a beat and his stomach filled with butterflies. And he felt his head becoming more and more hotter.

In Akihito's head, he was amazed at how much Asami talked to him. He also heard that Asami never speaks to anyone other than "important" people that he does business with or his personal body guards only. I guess he's not that terrible ruthless guy as others talked about it.

Asami decided to close his eyes and relax his mind so the young man wouldn't be so nervous. He was listening to the sound of his hair being cut and to the soft sound the shears make. And most of all the soft breathing from the young man. And the way his fingers grab his hair gently and carefully cutting it. And when Akihito was finished cutting the sides and the back. He rotates Asami around, where Asami faces him. This way he can cut his bang or fringe area for his slicked-comb hairs in the front.

Akihito combs Asami's hair down and begins to point-cut his hair so it gives a softer look. As Akihito was doing that he kinda had to tip-toe a bit to cut his hair. Asami was aware that he is a tall guy, and because he was sitting up straight, it made him taller. Asami knew that hairstylists can't reach too high or put too much pressure on their shoulders and wrists, if they get injured, they won't be able to cut hair anymore. And the salon chair couldn't go any lower so when he opened his eyes. The young man's chest was the first thing he saw. He was taken aback a little.

Asami voluntarily scoops lower into the chair and his long legs touch Akihito's legs. It surprised him, made him jump up and let out a little scream and fell into Asami's embrace. Asami wrapped his strong arms around the boy just in case he fell to the ground. When Akihito felt Asami's arms, he was embarrassed and got away from Asami instantly. Asami chuckled at his shy state. Akihito was standing normally, looking at Asami and Asami stared back at him. They exchange looks. Asami smirked at him and Asami saw his face flushed for a bit and said

"Is this better? If you want me to scoop down more let me know. It's tiring to reach" he said.

"Umm…..yes...thanks…." Akihito said shyly.

Akihito was still cutting his front hair, and he was so focused on cutting that particular area. And he totally forgot that Asami was still staring at him. Asami looked at his face closely. He has very pretty hazel eyes, small pink lips, and how his hair falls a little on his face, making him look so much cuter up close.

When Akihito finished with the haircut. He styled Asami's hair which he came in with. Akihito lost his breath for a second and was looking at him and adoring his look overall. He's the definition of perfection. He still felt embarrassed. He made sure to blow all the hair off of the cap with the hair blow dryer and took off the cap.

Kirishima already paid for everything and was in the car waiting for Asami. Asami still had time left and he didn't want to leave the cute little boy too soon so he came up with an idea.

"where's the restroom?" Asami said as he was smiling

"The restroom...this way." Akihito said shyly xand showed Asami the way.

Just as Akihito was going to turn away, he was dragged along into the restroom with Asami.


Asami closed the door behind him and pinned Akihito against the wall. He stares deep into those hazel eyes, that's showed a bit of confusion and fear in them.

"Asami-san, what are you doin…." Before any other words came out of Akihito's mouth his lips were already sealed by Asami's lips.

"Uhmmm" Akihito trying to keep up "As..ami...wait...hold on." Trying to push away Asami with both of his hands but the pushing and struggling didn't seem to do anything to Asami. It just makes him hold onto Akihito more tightly.

Asami one arm tightened around Akihito's waist and the other one held Akihito's head, so he can deepen the kiss more. Asami's constant turnings made Akihito's head become hazy and fogged. Akihito's legs became weak and couldn't hold his legs any longer. Asami sensed it and put one of his long legs between Akihito's legs. He stopped the kissing and one of his hands caresses his tiny and small face and wipe the saliva by the corner of akihito's face

"You're more delicious than I thought" Asami licked his lips.

"You...you can't just drag someone unknowingly and kiss them out of the blue. You're not scared that I will call the police on you?" Covering his mouth while he was scolding Asami.

"Call the police…... you want to try and see what happens?" He smiled, giving Akihito the You-Dare-To-Call-The-Police-On-Me-Face. He moves closer to Akihito and Akihito backed into the wall more.

"Pervert….just you wait and see!" huffed and made a pouty face.

"Ha..ha, you're the first to call me that, I like your attitude a lot." Asami grabbed a hold of Akihito's face again and kissed him for the second time. Their heads move back and forth, more passionately this. Asami crushes their bodies together and holds him very tightly.

"Ugh..hmm…" Akihito wasn't ready for it again and he was still shocked by the first kiss. Well of course he's still in shock because a hot, multi billionaire guy just kissed him, HIM out of all people. "Why am I dwelling on this? Shouldn't I be happy and grateful that he kissed me?" Akihito thought "I should just enjoy it while it lasts."

Akihito decided to let his shyness go and wrap his arms around Asami's neck, and move his head along with him. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that Asami was looking at him. His piercing golden eyes stares deep into his and makes him shudder a little and he feels the coldness go through his body.

"ahh….hmm" he moaned. He was literally losing this cool already.

Asami heard his moan and his eyes narrowed a little and he loosen his tie knot. Asami lifts both of Akihito's arms over his head and lowers his head and starts kissing Akihito's neck.

"Ahh…..A..sami...no…" Akihito shuddered

"You….why are you tempting me so much?" At this point he thought he was about to devour Akihito completely but since they just met he didn't want to scare him away by his beastly desires. Asami never lost his self control like this before. Instead of scaring Akihito more, he left a few hickies on Akihito's neck and chest.

"Oww..ummm.." Akihito panting really hard."That hurts…"

Asami chuckled and said "but you seem to like it" towering over Akihito. He looked at the watch and he thought it's time to go. He left Kirishima waiting in the car for a good 30 mins. Asami tied his bow tie knot more tightly and straightened his clothes.

He looked at Akihito who is still very confused as to why this happened and why this is suddenly ending. They both stare at each other and Asami lowered his whisper into Akihito's ears.

"Until next time." And went out of the restroom and came out like nothing happened in there. And walk effortlessly into the exit doors. Akihito who was still in the restroom got out quickly and looked at Asami's back through the doors. And he repeated what Asami said to him. "Until...next time.." and touch his lips...remembering the hot passionate kiss they had just a moment again. His face flushed and flopped onto the ground in a sitting squat style and hugged himself. The thought of seeing and having another encounter with Asami made Akihito's heart beat faster and he was smiling and squeaking underneath his arms that were hiding his face.

What a fucking…..day…..such a great way to summed it up. :P