
It was the night of our graduation. We had completed out final assessment days before and had finally received our results only yesterday. Today we had enjoyed our formal celebration, gaining our full hero licences and had a celebratory lunch with our family and teachers on campus. It was evening now and while we still lived on campus we had planned our own after party in one of the gymnasiums with class B, with the permission of our teachers of course. It was just to be us graduates with a teacher or two to make sure nothing got out of hand, but we all looked forward to a night of relaxed fun.

I excited my dorm room in a cute dress that ended at my knees. It was tight and covered in silver sequences at the top then flowed out lightly from my waist down, complete with a bow around my waist and a small matching handbag. I met the other girls downstairs, all dressed beautifully and ready to go meanwhile some of the boys, dressed nicely also lingered by the door to leave. Bakugo was standing quietly beside Kirishima who spoke enthusiastically with Kaminari. I saw his eyes catch mine with a quick up and down sweep and gave me a smirk before turning his attention back to his friends. His gaze had made my cheeks grow hot and I suddenly felt uncomfortable in a dress.

"Finally, everyone is here" said Ashido as she wrapped an arm across my shoulders and pulled me in.
"Let's go!" she called to the guys and I followed her lead as we walked over to join them, moving as a class to the gym.

Before we even stepped inside I could already hear the music and chattering of the other class and my own classmates that had already headed over. As we entered as a group we were greeted with loud cheers of celebration and everyone dispersed to mingle. I let everyone drift away for a moment, reaching into my small handbag I pulled out the phone Deku had given me and quickly checked it, but he hadn't replied. I had messaged him around lunch about how graduation had gone, and I felt a little flutter of anxiety in my chest. Was he upset that he didn't get to graduate too. No, he wasn't the type to not reply just because of that. He must just be busy, or at least that's what I told myself. I couldn't bare to be worrying about if he was hurt, in trouble, or worse.

Ashido called me over to join her and I put a smile on and went to join her and the others, letting myself get absorbed into the fun of the night. This would be one of our final chances to be together as a class and I was determined to enjoy it.


The masked men from the same organisation had finally caught up to me some time ago and had been in hot pursuit ever since, rarely giving me more than a few hours at a time to rest. I had managed to lead them a few hundred miles away over the last few weeks across Japan. It was only a few days away from being able to double back to return to U.A. i had received a text from Uraraka earlier today about their graduation, so after a few days most of the students would have left the campus for the holidays. I had wanted to reply to Uraraka's text earlier, but hadn't had the time to complete my message before I had to move on again to keep ahead of the soldiers.

I ducked behind a thick concrete block in the multi-storey enclosed parking lot building to catch me breath. The men pursuing me were two levels below me and cautiously making their way across the level. My plan was to rest for a moment before reaching the roof of the parking lot and jumping across to another building. Only those with suitable quirks would be able to pursue me, but from what I had seen in the past, the soldiers avoided separating to chase me independently or in groups of four or less, probably for their own safety. With such little time to sleep or even eat I was exhausted and would have to use what energy I had left to make a run for it to gain more distance, enough so I would have time for a proper rest before they caught up again.

Using Massiah's quirk I could feel that the men had made it to the next floor and were making good progress through the level below me. There had been less cars parked on that level so they didn't have to waste time checking behind each vehicle. I got back to my feet and headed for the stairs for the next level ready to be out of sight before they even stepped foot on this level. I could hear their footsteps now, echoing up the stairway on the opposite side of the parking lot when one of them suddenly called to halt. I ducked into the doorway of the stairs on my side and waited, trying to listen to the men. It was too strange for them to stop so suddenly.

"Sir...Yes, Sir...Yes...Right away" I heard the voice echo across the mostly empty level followed by the echo of footsteps, but rather than growing louder, they were becoming quieter. I sought them out with Massiah's quirk again and could sense them heading back the way they had come at a jogging pace. I suddenly got a bad feeling in my gut. they had never given up on pursuing me before, so why now. Just then the pone in my pocket began to vibrate continuously for a phone call. W had never used our phones for anything more than texts before. The feeling in my gut intensified as I reached for the phone and brought it to my ear.

A/N: Sorry to all for the late chapter. No excuses other than I hated it oops