The clouds from the explosion cleared, the sky returning to a beautiful blue. From the shelters, Nanefua and her granddaughters Kiki and Jenny stepped out first, then Lars, Sadie, Buck, Bill, Sour Cream, Yellowtail, Vidalia, Onion, Mr. Fryman, Ronaldo, Peedee, and the rest of the Beach City townies appeared, relived the threat was over, along with the Gems, healed or normal, came out as well.
During the ship's explosion, the smoke revealed Steven and the Gems safe in the bubble and it floated gently down to the ground. He dissipated it when he knew it was safe and they all looked around.
"Steven! Guys!"
They all heard the two voices of Connie and Greg call out and riding on Lion's back, heading towards them. The heroes got up and ran towards them, Steven giving Connie a hug and a affectionate kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush.
"S-Steven!" The girl laughed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Steven happily apologized, "I was just so worried about you!"
Greg also embraced his son as well, "Steven! You're okay!"
"Dad!" Steven hugged his father back.
Lion padded over to them, giving Steven a lick on the cheek. The Gems laughed as they all celebrated their victory. Jasper and Amethyst headbutted, Peridot and Lapis gave each-other high-fives, and Garnet and Bismuth simply nodded.
Spinel, after kissing Pearl for a moment, ran over to Steven, hugging him tightly, which he reciprocated.
"Oh Steven," Spinel said, pulling away and her hands on his cheeks, "I'm so proud of you."
Steven's face brimmed with a smile, "Mom..." He hugged her once more, with Greg and Connie joining the mix. Around them from over the edges of the crater, the Beach City citizens and Little Homeworld Gems gathered and cheered for them.
Everything seemed fine... until they saw a white hand burst out from the rubble.
Apache Tears finally got up, scratches and bruises covered her body, her shiny black hair completely unkempt, and a few pieces of her outfit were torn.
"Hah... Y-You think..." She rasped out, but cowered.
Steven, Greg, Connie, Lion, the Crystal Gems, and even the Beach City citizens and other Gems stared down at her, either looking disapproving, repulsed or downright angry, some crossing their arms or shaking their heads.
The black and white Gem knew she was surrounded, with nothing to defend herself, "N-No..." She tried to back herself up, "W-Wait, please. I-I'm sorry..."
Steven finally let out a breath and stepped towards the shivering black and white Gem. "NO! Get away from me! I give up! I surrender! Just don't shatter me! PLEASE!"
"We're not going to."
Apache Tears looked at him, baffled with tears streaming down her face, "... W-What?" Staring into his eyes, she could clearly see that he was indeed unhappy, but there was a slight glimmer of mercy in them.
"We don't shatter people. It's not what we do," Steven said, "But after what you've done? Destroying our city, rejuvenating the Gems, and manipulating my mother?" He leaned in closer, his voice as cold as ice, "I'm afraid we never want to see you ever again. Be thankful we're giving you some mercy, Apache Tears. Leave, before we make you."
Apache Tears whimpered in fear, looking down at her hands, "B-But where will I go? My planet's dead, my ship's destroyed. What do I do...?"
Before anyone could answer, a giant shadow loomed over them, sending everyone into shock and Apache Tears gasped to see the massive Diamond Ship as it came close and planted its hands on the cliff of the lighthouse.
"Knock knock, Steven!"
"It's us!"
"The Diamonds? Are we interrupting something?"
The monochrome Gem ducked behind a pile of rubble as Steven called out, "Uh, yeah!"
From a white bubble, the Diamonds landed on the ground, revealing it to be White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and Blue Diamond.
"Oh stars..." Spinel groaned quietly in annoyance.
"Yellow, Blue, White?" Steven was confused, "What are y'all doing here?"
Yellow Diamond began, "Well, Steven, we were all talking and-" Then she smelled something, "Do I smell smoke?"
Steven sighed, "Yeah, our home just got destroyed."
Blue Diamond had a look of sympathy, "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."
White Diamond looked out to see the nearly demolished city and frowned, "Has your home always been this... destroyed?"
"No..." Spinel grumbled, stretching her arm to grab the Gem from behind the rock, "It's because of her."
She released Apache Tears in front of the Diamonds, who upon seeing them, gasped in shock as she cowered away from them.
"O-Oh..." Apache Tears gave a weak, anxious laugh, "T-The Diamonds weren't shattered after all... Heh heh heh..."
"Hm?" White Diamond stared at the unique Gem, "Who is that? State your name, little one."
"I-I... I am Apache Tears, m-my Diamond...s?"
Yellow Diamond's eyes widened, "Apache Tears? Where have I heard that name before... Oh! I remember now! You were one of my failed experiments!"
Like dog ears, the white bow tying the black and white Gem's hair lowered as Apache Tears shivered, "F-Failed experiments?"
"What are you talking about?" Steven asked.
"You see," Yellow Diamond said, "Thousands of years ago, I had created some new Gems for my armies. While most of them succeeded, there were a few that turned out to be failures. No powers back then meant no use to me, so I tossed them out into space. Looks like one of them managed to land a planet far away..."
"You poor thing..." Blue Diamond cooed at the Gem.
Apache Tears lowered her head, "Don't call me that. It was me who destroyed their home. Go ahead, my Diamonds. Shatter me. It's probably what they really want."
Steven stared at her and sighed.
White Diamond blinked, but smiled, "Why don't you come with us instead?"
The black and white Gem's head shot up, "W-What?!"
"Come live with us, Apache Tears," White Diamond spoke happily, "You don't need to live on this disgusting planet, so come with us in Homeworld."
"I'm sure we'll find another reason for you," Yellow Diamond added.
"And we'll let you explain yourself when you're ready," Blue Diamond finished.
Apache Tears was shocked to hear this, but turned to face Steven and the rest of the Gems, who were still glaring at her. Especially Steven and Spinel.
"I..." Apache Tears thought about the choice, but sighed, thinking she would have no choice either way, "A-Alright then, I'll come to Homeworld with you."
White Diamond grinned and lowered her hand to let the black and white Gem hop onto her palm and she lifted her up, "Don't you worry, little one, I'm sure we'll find a good purpose for you." The tip of her fingernail poked the white diamond symbol on the Gem's collar.
"Thank you..." Apache Tears smiled, her dull gray eyes shimmering, "I'm sure it'll be one I'll enjoy!" Then she frowned, "But... even after all I've done? Shouldn't I be seen as a disgrace?"
"Goodness, no!" The white monarch agreed, "We would never judge anyone simply based on their past actions! Cause that is wrong!"
Everyone else down below narrowed their eyes, definitely not impressed by her patronizing statement, considering the situation.
"Can you all just leave already?" Steven grumbled before adding, "Also uh, make sure Apache Tears is banned from Earth."
Apache Tears lowered her head in shame when White Diamond lifted her chin with her fingernail tip, "Of course, Steven. We'll keep an eye on this precious little Gem until you're ready to visit us."
"Bye for now!" Blue Diamond waved.
"See ya!" Yellow Diamond added before the white bubble enveloped them. The bubble floated back into the Diamond Ship, which gave everyone the peace sign before it whisked away into the sky and away from sight.
Steven sighed heavily, smiling over to Connie, "Glad that's over with." He looked over to the Gems and townies, "Let's fix up Beach City, shall we?"
Beside him, Spinel scowled, "'Precious little Gem'... yeah right..."
"Let's forget about her," said Pearl, "All we can worry about right now is Beach City."
Spinel looked up at her lover, and smiled warmly, "... Right."
The next few months had been spent on rebuilding Beach City. Thankfully, no one was killed, but many were injured, so they got all the help they needed while the Gems fixed the town right up for them, along with Steven, his mother, and the Crystal Gems.
One night, after everyone had healed and the city had been fixed, Greg set up a big party for a lot of the people and Gems who helped with the reconstruction. Sadie was singing another song (this time requested by Spinel), with everyone else cheering loudly for her.
Sadie: When the sun goes down, and the lights burn out,
Then it's time for you to shine!
Brighter than the shooting star, so shine no matter where you are
Fill the darkest night, with a brilliant light,
'Cause it's time for you to shine!
Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are, tonight
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Brighter than a shooting star,
Shine no matter where you are, tonight!
The people and Gems cheered and clapped loudly for her as she continued her song. It was only after a few more affectionate kisses from Pearl that Spinel noticed someone wasn't with them. Behind them, she noticed Steven strumming his ukulele near the oceans waves. She sighed gently.
"Hey Pearl, don't mind if I talk Steven for a while?"
The pale Gem shook her head, "Only if you give me a kiss, love."
Spinel giggled at her lover's cheeky side before kissing her on the lips. She separated herself from her partner and left to check on her son. He plucked at his strings, finding the right tune when he heard footsteps.
"Hey Mom."
Spinel sat down with him, "Hey Steven."
Steven laughed a bit nervously, "Really weird day, am I right?"
"Yeah, but I'm glad it's over, wouldn't you say?" Spinel joked.
"Yep..." The hybrid continued to strum the strings on his ukulele, "I was... really scared today. I... I thought she was going to kill me."
Spinel glanced down, "Well, I think you-know-who would've lost any either way."
"I know but... I really thought I lost you..."
"Oh honey..." The pink Gem wrapped her arms around herself, coiling them, "You would never lose me. Ever."
"Promise." Spinel whispered, letting her son snuggle into her. They looked up at the bright full moon, a few shooting stars flying across the night sky.
Aaaaaaaaaand we're done with the movie! Whoo! What a fun ride!
Although technically, I made it a little more violent and dark than the Canon Movie, but hey, that's just me and my writing. Also, this isn't redeeming Apache Tears, it's the Diamonds taking her in. Wonder what Homeworld would think of her there...
I hope you guys enjoyed this, and if you didn't, that's cool ^^ And yep, I used an Owl City song, but hey, the Crystal Gems' symbol IS a star so...
Now, get ready for Steven Universe Future soon... Things are gonna get bumpy for Steven and Spinel...