Sparks Fly

A DC fanfiction by Andrew Joshua Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fan-based work of prose. Superman, Livewire, Batman and all other characters and worlds are the property of Warner Brothers and DC Comics. Please support the official release.

Livewire Training Stream Number One

The video begins with a close up on Leslie, as she is dressed in a black jogging suit. She beams and waves as she sits on a couch in a nice apartment.

"Hey guys! Well, after getting superpowers and uh... Kind of going on a rampage, my regular show is on a hiatus," Leslie explained. She leaned forward and beamed.

"I'm getting some TLC from my boyfriend Clark, who is out right now. Since my apartment was fried, I'm staying with him."

She gets a goofy grin on her face, before shaking her head rapidly.

"Ahem! Anyway, I love him to death. But I'm not just going to be a free loader! So, I'm experimenting with my new powers so see what I can do with them!"

The scene shifts to the woods outside STAR Labs. Livewire is still in her jogging suit, and waves at the camera.

"Thanks to Doctor Hamilton, and his interns, who are streaming this! Also scanning with lots of weird science things I don't understand. Thanks guys!"

"It's no problem, Miss Willis!" Hamilton cried from behind the camera. Livewire stretched her arms over her head, and worked her hips a bit.

"So, we're going to try out one thing from anime," Leslie said, "and it's a doozy! It's called the Chidori, or 'One Thousand Birds'. It's from the anime Naruto. It goes a little like this."

She held up a hand, and formed a powerful concentration of lightning that crackled and buzzed loudly.

"So, believe it or not, it's supposed to be an assassination technique!" Leslie shouted over the loud buzz. "Frankly I can't see how you could assassinate anyone with this! It's too fucking loud! But here's the best part!"

The camera shifted to a wide pan. At one end was Leslie, while at the other end was a mannequin dressed up as Lex Luthor. The shot shifted back to a close up on Leslie, who shook her head.

"Now, no doubt thousands of weebs are arguing about how it totally could work as an assassination technique and I'm just stupid and blah blah blah, and yeah, it works that way when the author is writing the rules of the universe for it to be that way. But mostly, it was used like any proper special flashy technique: In open combat to punch bad guys with lightning! Which is cool! Buuut... There's one problem with it."

Leslie shifted into a running position. An intern waved a flag, and Leslie began to run.

"YAAAAAAHHHHH!" She bellowed as she sprinted as fast as she could, right at the mannequin! Lightning crackling in her hand as she charged the target!

It shifts back to a wide pan... Revealing that Leslie was only about a quarter of the way there.

The shot went back to a closeup on Leslie's face as she bellowed her war cry.


And back to the wide pan. Leslie was almost halfway there.

Back to the close up.


Back to the wide pan.


And so on, until she finally got to the mannequin... Huffing and puffing. She shoved the fist of lightning into the mannequin, and she blew it into a fiery explosion. She pulled her hand back, and shook it. She turned to the camera.

"Well," she huffed, "clearly, I need to do more cardio. I mean, I'm working on increasing my speed by turning into lightning and shit, but as presented in Naruto... The Chidori isn't really gonna work for me. I mean, I can just make lightning balls and blasts as long as I have enough power, so it's not really necessary." She shrugged. "And if may be more useful as I figure out how to become faster..."

She spread her hands out with a smile.

"But regardless, this will probably inspire a billion more argument threads over Naruto ninja techniques, so... You're welcome Internet? Until next time!"

She waves... As an intern catches fire behind her from touching the mannequin. He yelps and runs around in a panic.

"Put him out! Put him out!" Hamilton bellowed. Leslie turned around and yelped.


She was covered in a flurry of foam. She wiped her face off.


The Video Ends...