Runestone 292 AC.
The tourney was a bit of a bust if he was being honest with himself, he didn't' compete, Clegane being injured didn't and Oberyn despite coming all this way didn't either. Instead, the viper had come to see him and Jon and it had meant that he had to be even more careful. Each day that Jon grew was to Arthur both a day closer to knowing he must tell him the truth and a day closer to when it was clear that others would see it for themselves.
His coloring may hide him some, but his eyes were certainly more his father's then his own and only Ashara's death had stopped questions about that fact. But it was his build, his mannerisms, even his hair which though it may have been almost black and not silver, it was Rhaegar's all the same. At times he even seemed as melancholic as Rhaegar, though Arthur knew that he was anything but, instead it was just when he put his mind to a problem that he seemed that way.
He had initially told him they'd put of spars while Prince Oberyn was staying in Runestone, but the prince had stayed far too long for that to be a viable thing, and so they sparred earlier and later still. During the day Jon would take lessons from Strong Sam, though not as intense as their own they added to them too. Yet each time he'd find Oberyn watching and staring and he'd wonder if he saw the truth or if the lie held still.
"He's very good Arthur, better than you or I at that age." Oberyn said as they watched Jon and Mychel Redfort face off.
"He is and he'll be better than either of us when he's older too, I owe it to his mother." he said the lie was not a complete one he knew.
"Indeed, why here Arthur? Doran would have welcomed you back, Dorne would welcome you back even more so now.". Oberyn asked.
"Would they and would you welcome my nephew too, or would you scorn him for being the son of a Stark." he asked.
"Dorne doesn't blame all Starks, Arthur.".
"No, just the wrong one my prince." he said walking away from Oberyn, not keen to have the fight that he could see coming.
Lord Yohn enjoyed having Oberyn and his girls stay, even if the tourney was long since past. The prince bringing them a trade deal which would make them some extra coin.
Oberyn had behaved far more than he usually did and his girls though arrogant and at times rude, also kept their worst impulses at bay. None of them had said a cross word to Jon or to Elaena or any of the others, other than the oldest to Harry Hardyng and the boy was lucky that was all it was that she had done.
For Arthur and Oberyn though it had become a watching game, Arthur trying to discern what was on Oberyn's mind and Oberyn trying to find out if there was some secret he was protecting. Should he find it and were he to react how Arthur felt he might, then he'd soon be known as the princeslayer and he hoped it would not come to that.
Their other long term guest was rude, strange at times and for some reason, he and Jon had struck up an odd friendship. Sandor had come to him and they'd spoken on his brother, the man surprising him both in thanking him, in his own imitable way, for saving him and for seeing his brother dead. The wound had festered and he had lost some of his weight and strength, prompting Yohn at Jon's request offering to house him until he was ready to leave.
When not with Strong Sam or he, Jon would take lessons with Sandor, the Hound as others had called him, though Jon had soon put them right, teaching him things he would not. It wasn't that he was against fighting dirty, more he didn't wish for Jon to use those tactics in a tourney fight, in a real one where your life was on the line then by all means but in a tourney, you must look good and true.
"Is it because I'm a bastard?" Jon asked him.
"What, who said that?" He said looking to him.
"No one, I just wondered if I need to be good and true because I'm a bastard." Jon said softly.
"You are my nephew and one day you may be the Sword of the Morning, I wish you to use good and true methods to beat them Jon, to beat them all at their own game, give them no excuse to say why you won, only that you won.".
"So that's a no then." Sandor said from behind them.
"That's a no." he said and saw Jon smile at both of them.
It was the last week he stayed that he and Oberyn had their spar and their proper talk, discussing things that neither had ever truly spoken to anyone else about. The prince with a spear in his hand was a formidable appointment but his spins and flips were too flashy, too showy, and as always they tired him out. Arthur moving quickly once they did, Dawn flew left and right, forcing Oberyn back and when he went to spin away, Arthur pounced.
He was where Oberyn landed before Oberyn landed almost, certainly before he regained his stance, with a sweep of his legs, Oberyn was on the ground. Dawn soon pointing at his neck and Oberyn yielding with a smile on his face. He reached down and helped him up, the prince patting him on the back as they walked to the water.
"I always fall for that." Oberyn said as he handed him the mug.
"You're nothing if not consistent." he said with a smirk.
"Thank the gods you didn't say predictable." Oberyn laughed.
"I like my life too much for that." he said as Oberyn laughed louder.
"I have not figured it out Arthur, but I will, there is more here than meets the eye." Oberyn said.
"That's your trouble my prince, you see conspiracy and secrets everywhere, even where there are none." he said.
"And there are none here?" Oberyn asked.
"Ask of me what you wish if it's in my power to answer I will." Arthur said looking at Oberyn as he swallowed the water.
"Why were you not with him Arthur, or with them?" Oberyn asked.
"I was where my prince asked me to be." he said simply.
"And knowing what happened would you be there again if given the chance?" Oberyn asked.
"Only the future is unwritten my prince, the past brings us nothing but regrets, the future though brings us nothing but unfilled promise." he said walking away from him.
"I shall see you and your nephew again Arthur." Oberyn shouted after him.
"You know where I'll be, I wish you good fortune my prince." he said and Oberyn nodded.
He left a few days later and Arthur breathed a huge sigh of relief, he felt Oberyn knew though he knew he did not and he wondered what his reaction would be once he was more sure. Hopefully, by that time Jon would be crowned, far better to face the viper with the throne behind him than alone in the Vale. Arriving at the keep he found they'd soon not be alone for long, Jon running to him with a huge smile on his face.
"Uncle Arthur, uncle Arthur." Jon said as he reached him.
"Calm down nephew, what is it?" he asked glad to see the smile had not left his face.
"Father is coming with the rest of my family, even baby Bran." Jon said.
"He is?" he asked and looked to see Lord Yohn, Ysilla and Elaena standing there, Elaena's smile as big as Jon's own.
"He is uncle, he'll be here within the moon." Jon said and Arthur mussed his hair as he walked back towards the others.
It seemed it would be some time until the Runestone would return to normal, though as he looked at Sandor carrying some wood, perhaps not that much more time.
King's landing 292 AC.
Jon Arryn.
He paced up and down while the screams and shouts of pain came from inside the room, Colemon and Pycelle both inside with Lysa. Robert had unsurprisingly done the same thing he did when any of his own children were being born, he'd gone for a hunt with as large a party as he could gather. Petyr was busy with his work, though had at least come by to check everything was going well.
Jon himself was nervous, excited, and worried, both for Lysa and for the babe she carried. Over the years Lysa had miscarried many times and twice given birth to stillborn babes, the idea that this one would not live also was concerning and he worried for her mind should it prove to be so. When he heard the sound of the babe's crying though he felt both relief and joy, more so when Colemon came out first to tell him the news.
"A boy my lord." the Maester said.
"My wife?" he asked.
"Is well, tired my lord but well." Colemon said.
"The babe, he is healthy?" he asked and Colemon looked away briefly "Maester?".
"He's not as robust as I'd have liked my lord and is quite small, but I believe he'll gain his strength over the next few moons.".
Pycelle came out and said the same things as Colemon, the Maester though taking thrice as long and almost waiting for some sort of compliment for doing his job, Jon was sure it was his own Maester who did most of the work though. As soon as he was allowed to he went inside, Lysa trying to stay awake as she held their son in her arms, her smile truer than he had ever known it.
"Husband, your son, and heir." she said holding the child up so he could see him.
"Robert." he said softly as he took the babe.
He had gone back and forth over the name, given what he planned he had thought about not naming him for the king, instead maybe naming him for Ned in recognition he'd have said for Ned doing the same with his own boy. But he knew how petty and childish Robert could be, he'd smile and then simmer, rant and then rave, and it would create more distance between them that he didn't want, not yet at least.
Looking at his son he searched for his features in the boy, the small head showing none and when he opened his eyes they weren't the blue of his own or his wife's he saw. When the boy reached out his little hand and tried to grab Jon's finger's though all thought left him, he had a son, an heir to carry his name forward and he found himself smiling down on the boy as he handed him back to his mother.
"He's perfect is he not." Lysa said smiling at the babe.
"He is Lysa, perfect, you should rest, build your strength back up so you can look after him." he said as the wet nurse almost struggled to take the babe from her.
"I can look after him, I'll look after him." Lysa said almost panicked.
"I know you will, no one will be a better mother than you." he said and saw her smile and nod at him "But you must build your own strength up to help him Lysa, sleep and you'll have more energy on the morrow." he said and she reluctantly allowed the nurse put the babe in his crib.
Jon stayed for a few moments after she fell asleep, walking over to the crib and looking down on his son. He was painfully small, his arms and legs barely anything at all. When he coughed Jon almost jumped and called for the Maester only for him to fall back to sleep. Looking down on his son he thought he should be feeling more, more joy, more love, more something, and yet he did not.
With Elaena she had made his heart sing when he looked at her and yet with his son it was different, shaking his head as he left he put it down to worry, to the idea that despite being born the babe may not make it. He made his way to the Royal Sept and once there lit a candle to the Mother and prayed his son would grow stronger. He lit another for Lysa knowing that should their son not, then she'd lose her grip on this world.
"My lord I had thought to find you here." Petyr said walking towards him as he was walking back from the Sept.
"Petyr, is there something wrong, has something happened?" he asked worriedly.
"No my lord, I just wished to offer my congratulations to you before you retired for the night, a son my lord, you must be so happy?." Petyr said with a smile.
"I am, truly, I just worry Petyr, for Lysa and the babe, should anything happen.".
"I am sure nothing will my lord, both Lysa and the babe will grow stronger." Petyr said and Jon nodded.
When Robert came back from the hunt he basically demanded to see his namesake, Lysa only too happy to show him off to the king. As Jon watched Robert and Lysa fawn over the boy he couldn't let go of certain thoughts, the king being able to be so happy around children that were not his own and Lysa being the opposite. Had Robert ever shown this level of interest in his own children then perhaps they'd grow with the love of a father. Had Lysa been like this with Elaena then he may have felt some love in his heart for her.
While his son did gain some strength over the next few moons, he was never robust, Colemon while not saying it directly making it clear in other ways. Lysa though could see nothing wrong with their babe, she'd allow no one say anything that didn't agree with how she saw him. Strong and healthy, perfect in every way and beautiful too. Yet Jon found it hard to feel the same about the boy, he was proud and happy to have a son and yet he for some reason couldn't seem to love him how he should.
"You're not still going are you?" Lysa said angrily.
"Of course I am, I go every year and this year will be no different." he almost shouted back at her.
"This year is different, you have your heir now, you have no need.."
"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Elaena is my daughter and I may not get to spend the time with her that I wish, but this time I'll spend with her and not you, not even the king will change that." he said storming from the room.
He ended up leaving two weeks early, Robert whining that he was leaving him alone, Cersei remarking that a Hand's place was in court and if he couldn't be there then perhaps it was time someone else took the role. Jon trying not to laugh at her stupid attempts to have her father replace him, the woman not having learned anything about Robert's mind.
As he sailed to Gulltown he began to feel it though, the excitement and eagerness he didn't have with his son all coming to the fore. Even the idea of holding Elaena and hugging her tight raised his heartbeat more than actually doing so with his boy had, and he wondered why that was?. Was it that she was his first child? Or that he had truly loved her mother? Was it Elaena herself, seeing how she'd grown and what she was becoming? Or was it something else? As the rain began to fall and he walked below deck he found he didn't care, all he cared about was seeing his daughter again.
White Harbor 292 AC.
For the second time in three years Benjen was the Stark in Winterfell, his brother surprised when Ned told him where they were going. Even more so when he told him that he'd need to look after Theon while he was away, despite the protests both from Theon and Robb himself, Ned had no wish to bring him with them. Robb had taken his words to heart and stuck to their agreement and yet he and Theon had remained friendly.
So he had argued along with Theon that he should come with them and Ned had refused to back down, Cat joining him in his decision. The simple truth was he didn't wish to bring Theon as part of their party, to White Harbor and to the Vale either. He couldn't be certain of how the boy would behave and he had no wish for him to embarrass him, besides this was family going to see family and Theon was anything but.
"We'll be back in three moons, brother." he said as he got ready to mount up.
"Aye, I'll see you then, it'll be nice to sleep in a warm bed and damn but the ale is so much better here." Benjen japed and Ned laughed and slapped his back before climbing onto his horse.
The party which left was large, Ned, Cat and the children, Jory, Harwin, and thirty of their best men. The Septa, one of gage's cooks and some servants along with a dozen men to carry the supplies. He'd gone out on rides to solve problems in the North with a smaller party and apart from the wars had never left with one so large. Though he was taking his whole house with him on this trip and he'd ensure their safety.
The tents they carried were warm and though they hunted along the way, they carried more than enough food. Robb and Arya both seemed to adore being on the road, his son riding beside him and Ned, despite Cat's protests, would ride at times with Arya in front of him. His daughter loved it a lot more than his wife did when he'd let loose his horse and ride fast.
"Do you have to go so fast Ned?" Cat said as they were laying in their bed one night.
"She loves it Cat, she's just like Lyanna was, our girl will be riding her own horse in a year or two." he said and saw Cat's frown.
"Surely she can wait until later?".
"Aye she could but she won't Cat, best we manage it rather than find out she's just tried herself." he said and she nodded as she kissed him.
It took them two and half weeks to reach White Harbor, they'd traveled close to the White Knife rather than along the Kingsroad and though it was less comfortable, it had cut their time by a week at least. Ser Wendel met them on the road and escorted them into the town, White Harbor as busy as ever and it was here that Sansa seemed to finally come alive.
Unlike her sister, Sansa had not enjoyed being on the road and thankfully upon seeing the paved stones, the fields and streams were soon long forgotten. When they reached the New Castle they found Wyman, Ser Wylis, and Lady Leona along with their girls waiting to greet them, and after dismounting he walked over to find Wyman waiting with a smile.
"Welcome to White Harbor my lord." Wyman said happily.
"It's good to finally be back Lord Wyman." he said.
Once the formalities were out of the way, they greeted each other in a manner he much preferred and Wyman had Ser Wylis, his lady wife, and his granddaughters escorted Cat and the children to their rooms. He knew his wife and oldest daughter would welcome a warm bath and that Arya would need to be forced into one, the thought making him chuckle.
"Ned?" Wyman asked as they walked to his solar.
"Sorry Wyman, just thinking of my daughter, no doubt her mother is struggling as we speak to get Arya into a bath." Ned said and Wyman laughed.
"Aye, she has the look of a wild wolf Ned." Wyman said and Ned nodded.
"That she does, reminds me of my sister." Ned said softly and Wyman looked at him curiously, rarely had Ned brought Lyanna up.
"If she turns out half the woman Lady Lyanna was, then we'll be blessed." Wyman said and Ned smiled as he nodded.
"Wyman, there are some things I'd like to speak to you about, some truths that I must share and I can think of no better or lealer man to share them with. For now, it must remain with us and until I speak to more people it'll be only you and I who knows of this." he said.
"I'll not speak of anything you say Ned, you have my word on that.".
"That's not necessary Wyman, you have my trust. The rebellion Wyman it wasn't what we thought it was, Rhaegar never kidnapped my sister, they were in love and married in his faith and in our own." he said softly.
"But, when? How? When did you learn this?".
"Not until it was too late old friend, much too late. There is something else Wyman, there was a child, a son." he said and looked to Wyman.
"By the gods, Jon, he's her boy, he's trueborn, Ned he's the damn heir to the throne, the rightful king." Wyman said.
"He is and is not, aye he's the rightful king but Robert took the throne by blood and conquest and he'd not give it up. I had planned to let him be Wyman, to just let him grow and be away from it but I never got the chance, Ser Arthur.."
"Is his Kingsguard." Wyman said.
"He is and he always planned to put him on the throne, we argued, discussed. and then were found out by another." Ned said taking a swallow of his mug of ale "Jon Arryn knows the truth Wyman and he wishes what Arthur does.".
"You're telling me the Hand of the King is plotting to place someone else on his throne, that Jon Arryn is conspiring against Robert?" Wyman asked shaking his head.
"As am I old friend." he said.
"The North and the Vale won't be enough Ned, I don't understand why Jon Arryn would go against Robert but I've no problems with it, he may have been your friend Ned but he shamed your sister. You were too lost in your grief to see it but he did so, each and every night we travelled with him." Wyman said angrily.
"You're with me?" he asked and Wyman smiled.
"Aye, to put her boy on the throne, aye, you've got my support.".
"Howland's too." Ned said and saw Wyman's grin grow larger.
"You'll need to speak to more, before we get closer to the time Ned, Maege for certain, maybe the Greatjon too.".
"And Rickard and Galbart?" he asked though he knew the answer.
"No, nor Roose, but we have time Ned, the boy is what nine namedays old?".
"Good then we have more than enough time, we'll need to make moves though, moves to protect the North. Moat Cailin needs to be garrisoned better, worked on.".
"We can see it done, what else?".
"Ships Ned, we need build more ships.".
"Aye, I'll see about raising coin." Ned said "There are other things we need to speak on Wyman, fostering and the like, but I'll leave that until the morrow. It's good to have you with me old friend." he said standing up.
"I stand with House Stark for now and always Ned." Wyman said and Ned smiled before turning to leave.
He was proved right when he got back to his rooms, Cat and Sansa having welcomed the comfort the rooms and the bath offered, Arya having being forced to and looking grumpily at him when they feasted that night. He watched as Sansa and Lady Wynafred seemed to get along, as Robb danced with his sister and both Wyman's granddaughters and he was certain now he'd ask for one of them to foster at Winterfell.
Cat seemed to sense his mood and didn't ask him to dance once, instead allowing Ser Wylis and Ser Wendel the honor. Later that night as he lay in his bed he wondered if he should tell her the truth about Jon, in the end deciding not to because it may change things between her and his nephew. Cat and Jon had gotten along well, she'd accepted him for who she thought he was and it had created a bond strong enough that she doubted her sister's words. He worried if she found out the truth that it may shatter that bond and so for now at least he'd keep it to himself.
"Do we really have to go, father, can we not stay here a little longer?" Sansa said as they broke their fast.
"We must go Sansa, the ship leaves on the tide and we'll be in the Vale and seeing your brother within the week." he said and that at least seemed to cheer her up some.
"What's the Vale like Father." his daughter asked excitedly a few moments later and he tried his best to tell her.
Wyman himself came to wave them off, Ned and he had agreed to a range of things, increased shipbuilding, expansion of trade and just having someone of Wyman's stature to run plans by was a blessing. Wyman had also been more than happy for Wynafred to come foster for a time at Winterfell, Ned quickly seeing that the idea of a match between herself and Robb was something that he would no doubt seek in the future.
It would be a good match he knew, though he wondered if there was one out there which brought them more, brought them something they didn't already have and then grimaced when he thought of the south. It would be there he'd need to look for allies and he knew that would not go down well, staring at Sansa and Arya as they laughed on the ship as it sailed off, he began to wonder.
Runestone 292 AC.
He had to admit he liked the little shit, he was annoying as fuck at times but he actually found himself liking Jon Snow. That the boy got angry and wouldn't accept anyone call him the Hound was something that he welcomed. It had never bothered him what others thought of him and being Gregor's brother he welcomed being called a dog more than a Clegane at times.
Yet Jon Snow wouldn't allow anyone to speak of him that way, nor to say anything of the burns on his face. Finding the boy more than once threatening a young lordling who did so or teaching them a lesson in the sparring yard. Boys being boys they would still speak it when Jon was not there and when they thought Sandor couldn't hear them, but as soon as they saw either of them it quickly stopped.
The boy had his little circle and if you were in it then you had him to back you up, be it the girls being teased, his friends being made fun of, or Sandor or Jon's uncle, you cross them at your peril. Mostly this took the form of sparring and Sandor could see how talented the lad was. His uncle's training, the Master of Arms here at Runestone, his own sparring with his friends, and as it was right now Sandor's own lessons all combining to make him even better.
"I told you to watch your fucking side." he said as he lifted him up.
"I did, you feinted right." Jon said with a grimace.
"And went fucking left, now come on again." he said and they moved to start once more.
"Better." he said when he avoided the blow this time.
"Got you." Jon said when he lowered his sword.
"I wasn't ready." he smirked.
"Exactly." Jon said with a chuckle and Sandor found himself shaking his head as they went to sit down.
"Not with the girls at their lessons?" he said knowing how much it annoyed him.
"No, I don't think embroidery is in my future, god's I hope not anyway." Jon said making him laugh.
"Looking forward to seeing your family?" he asked and Jon nodded.
"Aye, three years is a long time.".
"Depends on the family, Jon." he said and was glad when Jon said nothing "I'll need to leave here soon." he said a few minutes later.
"Why?" Jon asked.
"My shoulder's healed and Royce won't accept my gold for my keep, I can't leech off him forever." he said with a shrug.
"You could stay like my uncle does, do the odd job for him or join his household guard?" Jon said.
"Do I look like a fucking household guard to you?".
"No, but you could be, or just be a hedge knight.".
"I'm no fucking knight.".
"I don't mean an actual knight but like one, be a part of the household but not a part of it, get your meals and ale and a place to stay. You'd just have to help out when the Mountain Tribes attack and given what they did to you? " Jon said his voice almost rising as he did so.
"You think I care for vengeance?" he asked.
"No, but you may welcome it all the same." Jon said.
They sat in silence for a little bit and finished drinking their water, he knew Arthur would arrive soon to take Jon to his lesson and to make sure their own didn't overrun. Standing up he placed the mugs on the small table and looked down to see that Jon wasn't looking his way, the boy instead looking anywhere but at him.
"I don't want you to go." Jon said softly as he looked up at him.
"I could come back." he said and saw the boy nod, though it was one of acceptance rather than agreement.
He was sitting at a table drinking ale alone when Arthur came and sat across from him, the knight with his own mug in his hand which Sandor found strange. It was rare when Arthur drank and rarer still that it was ale, the man preferring wine when he did so. As usual when they spoke it took some time for it to start, they had nothing truly in common and yet he had found a friend in the Sword of the Morning and for a man like him that itself was unique.
"What?" he asked when Arthur didn't speak.
"You and Jon spoke today?".
"Aye we did, it's time for me to move on Arthur. I can't stay here forever, my shoulder's healed and my arm is almost where it was." he said.
"What'll you do?".
"I'll be a hedge knight without the fucking title." he said with a chuckle.
"A traveling tourney knight, pissing his gold away on ale and cheap food.".
"Maybe I'll buy the expensive food." he said as he took a drink from his mug.
"You could stay." Arthur said.
"And do what, be a guard for Royce, go on fucking patrols?".
"Be a guard for someone else then, I could pay you." Arthur said.
"I don't want your fucking coin, besides who do you need guarding?" he asked though he knew it was of Jon he spoke.
"I can't be with him all the time, my duties carry me through the Vale and despite him being here in this keep, I worry still. Also soon I'll have to travel more and for longer, I've put it off for long enough." Arthur said confusing him.
"So what, you want me to be his guard?".
"He likes you, respects you, and you can teach him some of what I cannot, no I don't want you to be his guard Sandor, I want you to be more than that, think on it at least.".
"Aye, I'll think about it." he said as Arthur got up to leave, the knight stopping and placing a hand on his shoulder.
"If you decide to go then I've been happy to have spent time with you, I thank you for that and for Jon." Arthur said walking away.
He got really drunk that night, staggering back to his room he began to wonder if he really wished to leave or not. A part of him did, he knew that, a part wanting to remove the boy from the place he was threatening to take up in his heart, a part wanting nothing more than to just be alone in this world. Sitting by the bed he looked to the fire and felt the bile rise in his throat, his stomach emptying itself before he could even move.
He had family once, a mother and father, a brother and sister, and had watched as one by one they were all taken from him. His mother through sickness when he was but a young boy, though she had never needed to see his burned face and for that he was thankful. His father and sister he knew were Gregor's work and Gregor had been made pay for that by another man. Did he owe that man a debt? Or was this more than that, was it family he sought?.
"Sandor, Sandor, wake up." he heard a boy's voice call.
"Aye, you must have been really drunk last night, I cleaned up what I could." Jon said and Sandor looked around and saw it was just himself and his sheets that showed signs of where he'd gotten sick.
"My head, God's please tell me you brought ale?" he asked and Jon handed him a mug, Sandor drinking it down quickly, happier to see the boy had brought another "What are you doing here?" he asked as he sipped the second one.
"It's after noon, you're never late." Jon said and Sandor smirked.
"Give me time to get ready." he said and watched as the lad left the room.
He drank the ale slowly and the smile never left his face as he did so, whatever decision he had made in his drunken state the night before was long forgotten and he knew now what he intended to do. As he dressed and grabbed the soiled sheets and bundled them up before leaving them at the door for the maid, he knew his reason for staying. It wasn't honor or duty which would keep him here, it was family and he laughed as he left the room. Jon had been right all along he wasn't a dog, he was a fucking trout it seemed and he laughed even more loudly as he walked to the sparring yard.
Runestone 292 AC.
When the raven came to tell them that his family had landed in Gulltown Jon felt his excitement become almost uncontrolled. Elaena having also received a raven from her father soon joined him as they learned that Lord Jon had already left for Elaena's upcoming nameday, and would be spending more time with her on this trip. Sandor then revealing that he had taken his uncle's suggestion that he stay and act as a guard come teacher for Jon, only adding to his happiness.
When Arthur and Lord Yohn took the escort to meet his family he had wished to go with them but his uncle and Lord Yohn had refused. Waymar too hadn't been allowed to go and so Jon had roped him into a sparring lesson with Sandor. His friend not enjoying the lessons that Sandor gave and much preferring the ones his uncle did instead.
After his sparring and his lessons he, Elaena, and Ysilla, along with Waymar and Mychel who was visiting alone, Domeric having to accompany Lord Horton to meet with Lord Nestor. Mychel had wished to go too, keen to see Mya again but his father had sent him here instead, making sure he'd not miss Elaena's nameday celebrations when they started.
"So what are we to do?" Mychel said and Ysilla suggested playing a game, though Elaena seemed preoccupied with something.
"Aye, let's play." Waymar said and Jon found himself torn, he knew if he played then Elaena would also but he wished to find out what it was that was on her mind.
"I find myself a bit tired from sparring, why don't you three play and I'll sit, Lady Elaena would you care to sit with me?" he asked and she looked at him and then nodded.
He led Elaena to the small bench and sat down, deciding it would be best for him to speak, and then if there truly was something bothering his friend she'd tell him in her own time.
"I wonder how much everyone has grown, Robb and Sansa, little Arya and even Bran, he was a babe when last I read of him." he said and at the word babe Elaena breathed a little more deeply "I hope they and you and the others become friends Elaena, just like we are.".
"What? Oh sorry Jon." she said softly.
"Elaena?" he asked.
"I was just, my brother Jon, he, I wish to see him, I had hoped that when father came.." she said and he nodded.
"Maybe you can speak to him when he arrives, go back to King's Landing with him and meet Robert there." Jon said and she looked at him and smiled.
"Of course, Jon, thank you, thank you, I had thought but yes, I could visit and see him there, it doesn't need to be the other way around" she said happily.
"So you feel better now?" he asked and she nodded "Want to go play with the others?".
"No, let's just sit here, your family will be here soon, are you excited?" she asked.
"Aye, to see them all, Bran for the first time and my sisters, I hope you like them, Robb, too.".
"I'm sure I will." she said.
They ended up sitting and talking for a few moments before joining the others and all five of them were soon playing Monsters and Maidens, Jon doing his best impressions of a wolf while chasing after Ysilla and Elaena. By the time they were called for dinner they were worn out and it was an early night for them that night. The next day he spent at his lessons with Helliweg and then with Jarol, followed by his sparring lessons with Strong Sam and with Sandor.
He took his musical lessons that evening and found himself being made to play for Elaena and Ysilla, his teacher saying he had some talent with the harp. Given how the girls reacted it seemed he had as both of them clapped loudly when he was done. He slept soundly and as he was washing the next morning he felt his father and uncle were close, that they would arrive before noon, the hairs on his neck standing on edge as he felt it.
Over time he had come to rely on these feelings, unsure where they came from, and along with the odd strange dream he had they had served him well. Sometimes he'd dream he was racing through a field or over harder ground, once or twice he felt small and slight and moved quickly or that he was soaring in the air.
Usually, the feelings of something happening would come soon after, of someone arriving or leaving, of where something was. Moons earlier it had led him to know that somehow they needed to turn off and had led them to Sandor. He had read up and spoken to both Helliweg and Jarol, the latter seeming to have more knowledge of it and speaking to him of animals, though Jon didn't understand what the man was saying.
"You dressed?" he heard Waymar call from outside his door, moving to open it to let his friend inside.
"Aye, let's go to eat, my father and your own should be here in a few hours." he said and Waymar nodded, he too had come to just accept that Jon knew such things.
"Your brother is our age isn't he?" Waymar said as they walked.
"He is, we used to spar together all the time, just as we do now." Jon said and Waymar looked at him before smirking.
"Do you think he's as good as we are?" Waymar asked.
"What's this we, you're terrible." Jon japed ducking the slap that came his way both of them laughing when they entered the hall to grab their meal.
He was distracted so much by the thoughts of them arriving that he paid for it in his lessons with Sandor. Twice getting caught across the shoulder and feeling the pain, it continued right up until the news they were spotted came to them. Racing quickly he ran to the top of the keep, looking out to see them in the distance, the grey wolf on white standing out alongside the black studs and runes on the bronze of House Royce.
Moments later he was lined up with Lady Yara, Waymar, and Ysilla, Elaena standing next to Lady Yara while Mychel stood with him. Robar was off earning his spurs and Andar had gone with his father, Waymar proud if a little jealous that his brother was a knight now too. Though his friend knew it was only time before he would have the chance to become a knight himself and was happy to squire for his father, Jon perhaps even happier as it kept him here in Runestone with him.
Seeing them as they rode in Jon couldn't stop the smile which came to his face, his father looked just as he remembered as did Lady Catelyn, though Jon heard the little gasp which came from Elaena upon seeing her. Robb was taller but Jon had him beat and Sansa had grown into a little lady, he looked to see Arya searching for him, Robb quickly pointing him out.
"Father." he said when his father walked towards him, his father looking him up and down with a smile on his face.
"You've grown lad, let me look at you." his father said and then Lady Catelyn was beside him, holding Bran in her arms she looked him up and down as his father had.
"It's good to see you Jon." she said though her smile was not as full as his father's.
"You too my lady." he said warmly noticing her smile broadened a little.
"This is Brandon, your brother." she said and he looked at the redheaded boy, his blue eyes staring back at him.
"Hello, I'm Jon." he said and the boy looked but didn't' say anything.
"I'm sure you wish to say hello to your sisters and to Robb, Jon, perhaps we should do it inside?" his father said and Lady Catelyn seemed eager to get indoors.
He, Elaena, Ysilla, and Waymar showed his brother and sisters to their rooms, Sansa was very happy to see him and Robb eager to speak, but it was Arya who looked at him the most, his sister almost studying him for some reason. After introducing them to the others he was glad when Elaena and Ysilla spoke to Arya and Sansa and allowed him time to speak to Robb, and by dinner that night it was as if they'd never been parted.
He laughed with Robb and spoke to Arya who it seemed was fascinated by his eyes for some reason. Sansa quickly settled in and the idea of having the older girls to show her the ways of the south and thoughts of the nameday celebration they'd hopefully end up staying for seemed to make her happier still. He noticed his father speak to Lord Yohn and his uncle and Robb asked him about Sandor more than once.
"We'll spar on the morrow brother and I'll show you more of Runestone." he said as he walked Robb to his room that night.
He was walking back to his own when he found Elaena hadn't gone to her bed, instead, she was sitting looking out the window as the rain fell outside. Taking a seat opposite her, he never said a word and just sat there with her looking out on the night sky. As he left her back to her room later on he couldn't resist trying to make her feel better, sure he knew what had forced the change in her mood.
"When you meet your brother you're going to love him Elaena, trust me, I've just met Bran and I feel that way and you will too.".
"I know, I was just wishing that the Scary Fish was more like Lady Catelyn." Elaena said.
"I'll protect you from the Scary Fish my lady." he said with a bow and was happy to hear her giggle.
"So that's why you practice so?" she asked.
"Of course, my lady requires a knight to protect her, and I shall be ready if called." he said and she laughed more as she opened her door to her room.
"Then I shall sleep soundly knowing my knight is ever watchful." she said and as she closed the door and he walked away it was Jon's turn to smile, he would be, ever watchful and ready should she ever need his help.
Runestone 292 AC.
Lord Yohn.
Having Ned Stark stay in his keep was something he had not imagined would happen, the Lord had not left the North in nine years and had not even visited Jon or the king in that time. Even with his fostering of his son, Yohn had not expected Ned to come to Runestone and certainly not with his entire family. He welcomed it though and was more than happy to have him stay.
When Ned and Catelyn asked him and Yara about Jon's time with them and wished to know how he was getting along, both he and his wife were quick and easy in their praise. Jon had been a most welcome guest his wife told them, good, true, and honest and a good influence on Waymar most of all. Something which had surprised both Ned and Catelyn.
"In what way Yara?" Catelyn asked.
"My son can at times get flights of fancy into his head and he had before Jon arrived convinced himself that the Wall was the only place he had a future." Yara said.
"Don't get me wrong Ned, I know there is honor in serving the watch, but I'd wish Waymar to think more of his future, if it indeed was what he wished for then I'd welcome it, but not to think it his only choice." he said.
"And you say Jon convinced him otherwise?" Ned asked.
"He convinced him there were other options, he's a good lad Ned and he sees the best in people, you see Sandor Clegane here do you not?" he said and Ned nodded.
"Aye, I'd seen the Hound was here." Ned said shaking his head.
"Best not call him that in Jon's hearing Ned, more than one lad's felt it on the training ground when they've done so." he said with a chuckle.
"Jon's beaten them on the training ground?" Catelyn asked.
"He won't have Sandor spoken badly of and he's not the only one, Waymar, Ysilla, Elaena, speak ill of any of them and prepare to face the whirlwind." Yara said with a laugh.
"But he causes no trouble or disrespect?" Ned asked.
"What, gods no, a more polite boy I've not known, he's a credit to you, Ned, to you too Lady Catelyn." he said.
"Me?" Catelyn asked.
"Jon told us he learned his courtesies from you Catelyn." Yara said.
Both Ned and Catelyn seemed happy with that and over the next week or so he watched as the Stark family became reacquainted, Jon quickly adding them to those he'd hear no ill spoken off. He noticed he pulled his strikes a little in the spars and that Ned and Ser Arthur spoke frequently together and he'd not have thought much about it until Jon Arryn arrived.
Ned, Arthur, and Andar accompanied him to collect Jon Arryn from Gulltown, and over the trip back he saw that Jon spoke to Ned and Arthur almost as much as they had to each other since Ned's arrival. When he and Jon spoke together it was on Elaena and on his young son, Robert having strengthened some but still weaker than he should be and he could see the worry on his Lord's face.
"I'm sure in time he'll grow stronger my lord." he said as they were riding the last few miles to Runestone.
"Perhaps, I need you to continue with Elaena, Yohn, she must continue her education just in case.".
"You truly believe your boy may not survive my lord?".
"I worry about it, it and other things. We must talk Yohn, you and I away from prying ears, there are things we must speak on." Jon Arryn said.
"Of course my lord, the old Sept is abandoned and no one visits." he said and Jon seemed pleased by the idea.
"The children Yohn, how fare they?" Jon asked.
"Good, Andar's earned his spurs and Robar will soon too, Waymar and Ysilla are well, as for Elena she is almost like mine own daughter, we're happy to have her and more so each day." he said.
"And young Jon?".
"Aye him too, a good lad, happy now his father has come visit." he said and Jon didn't seem to react.
When they made it back to Runestone all propriety went out of the window, Elaena as always making her father seem a younger more vibrant man. Jon Arryn's whole demeanor changed when he was with his daughter, he was as he had remembered him with Jeyne. He had never seen him that way with Lady Lysa, had he then it may have angered him even though he knew the way of the world.
Given what Jon said about his son he wondered if he was the same with Robert, was he somehow lesser in Jon's eyes than Elaena was? He wasn't sure how he felt about that, a part of him feeling his sister's child should have all her father's love while another felt it would be wrong to deprive the boy of it. For now, he let it go from his mind and watched as Jon greeted his daughter, and as Elaena introduced him to all the others.
It was three days later when his world was turned upside down, the delay caused by an injury to Jon Snow, the boy and his brother sparring when Jon pulled a strike and got caught with one from Robb. It had confined him to bed and only when they were sure he was unharmed did Jon speak to him and ask him to meet in the abandoned Sept. Yohn stunned to see Ser Arthur standing guard when he walked inside.
"Jon?" he called into the shadows.
"Over here Yohn." Jon called and he followed the voice to find him standing in front of the statue of the father, a candle soon lit to give them light.
"You wished to speak to me, my lord.".
"I did Yohn and I beg forgiveness that I've waited this long to tell you.".
"Tell me what my lord?".
"The truth Yohn, the truth of my plans.".
For the next two hours, he listened to the tale, shocked and almost in disbelief in points, not sure what it was that Jon was saying could even be true and yet knowing it was. Little things began to make more sense, Arthur's protection always seeming more than simply that of an uncle to a nephew, young Jon's lesson plan, and his tutor finally ringing more true. But what Jon was suggesting was treason, was it not? Was he really ready to go along with treason? To actively work against his king?.
"What you ask of me Jon I do not know if I can go through with it." he said honestly.
"I understand Yohn, I'm telling you the truth because you need to know, even were you not to join me I understand that you'd not sell the boy or me out.".
"Of course not." he said and he knew on that much at least he was clear.
"You've not seen the rot Yohn and Robert is not the man you remember, no I tell a lie he's not more than the man you remember, the crown he wears hasn't stopped his appetites, Yohn. Tourney's, feasts, hunts, women, gods the women, he already has more than six bastards as it is." Jon said shocking him.
"And the Lannisters allow this?".
"Tywin cares not Yohn, I dare say he knows and doesn't care for it, but he wishes his blood on the throne and he'll do whatever is necessary to see that happen.".
"Is it that which you fear?" he asked.
"The boy is cruel already, I see the madness in his eyes Yohn and even were it not so, if Tywin Lannister controls the crown then the realm will suffer.".
"So instead you want Jon Snow to be king?".
"Daeron Targaryen, Yohn that's who I seek to crown, a lad who'll be a better king than we've known in years.".
"The Targaryens.."
"Are what Yohn, Mad? Was Rhaegar mad or Rhaella, was Jaehaerys or Aegon? Or was it just Aerys who was mad?.".
"He killed our kin, Jon." he said angrily.
"He did and he's dead, do we blame that boy for what his grandfather did?" Jon asked and Yohn shook his head.
"I don't ask you to make a decision now Yohn, I just wished you to know the truth, in time war will come to these lands, who we choose to fight for should matter and it should be based on more than just what we think we know." Jon said.
"The boy will be safe with me Jon, as will Elaena, if war comes then I know not where I stand. I'll not fight against you though, on that you have my word.".
"I thank you, Yohn, I hope when the time comes you'll fight with me." Jon said as he walked from the Sept.
He didn't know if he could bring himself to do that, to fight against his king 'you did once' the voice in his head shouting, but was Robert the same as Aerys, would his son be? He didn't know and so, for now, he fought down that voice and the other which said that he knew that Jon Snow would be a good king, for now, he quietened it at least.
A/N: Thanks to all who've read and reviewed. Up Next Jon's head injury leads to a shocking revelation before he spends time with his family Elaena's Nameday feast happens and people say goodbye to the Vale and in King's Landing Barristan and Varys plot, while Littlefinger schemes his way to a place at the small council table.
Daryl Dixon: So glad you liked it.
ATP: they do but the price the Tyrell's want is is the issue.
Mrspotter: He's Littlefinger's.
Silent mayhem: That's one of the little butterfly changes, what does Varys do with LF, we'll see how he handles him and if he manages to clip his wings. On the Fostering one of the biggest issues with it is that it seems to be when they're like six/seven that the plans get made, that's kinda what happened in canon, Jon made his plans when Sweetrobin was six and it cost him his life. The biggest problem is that while Jon Arryn may have been able to do this with Elaena, to take a child from his mother this young would cause serous problems and while he may be suspicious of Lysa in regards to Elaena, he's no reason to be worried about Robin. In terms of Robin, that again is the problem, he kinda falls into that age line where we can't really do too much with him, like he's eight by the time Lysa dies in canon and people forget that, really up until that age children are pretty much in that society the mother's problem.
As for Magic, I don't know how much I want to bring in here, there will be some of course, but for the war for the throne itself I don't really want the dragons to play a part, I want it to be more a war based on armies. Jon will though have some gifts, some I've begun to hint at here.
Xand007: Thanks my friend, glad you liked the Mountain part, education wise Jon is going to be far better equipped here and Sandor is staying with him, in terms of how he knew, there are hints here. Doran as you say it's hard to have him behave differently than canon, you need to give him a reason and since his first instinct is his blood on the throne, unless you offer him that, I don't know how you can trust him.
Misterlaguardia: Hope you liked this chapter, it didn't fully explain the how he knew but more offered hints as to it. It's not going to be spider senses though, just because Jon doesn't understand it yet it may feel that way.
Lady Octarina: Sandor is staying in the vale for a good while. Jon won't tell LF, he'll barely tell anyone and Yohn only because they have a family connection. On the Tourney, I didn't want to really show it, sorry, more because it was more a reason for them to be there than anything and no one really competed, but I'll show more of the Starks in the vale.
Zyrus: We'll see if Sandor finds out, but he's staying around for some time. Cat feels differently about Jon because the fear of him taking what's Robb's is removed far earlier, she never really got the time to develop a bad mindset about him, so it's more going to be others trying to poison her mind.
Dunk: It will move quicker than a lot of others, we'll have a chapter or two like this and the next which deal with a set piece of time but then a jump to bigger points as we go, like at the moment I expect the war within seven eight chapters max. I too want to see a war fought as a war, the dragons as you say can come in later and with Dany they will, but I wanted to do a war fought by tactics and armies. You pretty much nailed it with Sandor. Here there may or may not be a fAegon, what I'll say is if there is then Varys is unaware of him. Lysa will unfortunately be around for some time but Cat here is in a different mindset and s is Ned which is why Theon hasn't been accepted how he was in canon.
Thesphynx: That's one of the cool things we have the chance to do, take a guy like Jon A and make him good, bad or incompetent if we wish.
Creativo: para nada, el Ășnico problema es que haber nacido muerto elimina un poco el drama.
JxCamacho: Glad you liked it and it'll update every two weeks for now.
Afterbliss: So glad you enjoyed it.
Leinad: Gracias y soy igual, necesitaba un camino hacia el Vale que funcionara y este es el Ășnico que lo hizo, aparte de eso, hubiera preferido usar un personaje de canon.
Bella Swan: Sandor will act as his guard and it allows Arthur to make moves, Varys will speak to Jon Arryn soon and he, Barristan and Jon A will make their own. Dorne may be a problem though.
Guest: It's one of the worst things about GRRm's work in that so many characters never get to live the life they should have.
Guest: We'll see with Jon Arryn, one of the issues is that he really doesn't feel anything for Lysa romantically so he may not watch her the same as say a jealous man would. I think this is how Cersei got away with it with Robert too, he kinda didn't care where she was as long as she wasn't bothering him.
Bfireworks: Here Jon will be paired with Elaena.
Katee: Thank so much for saying that, I think we should change things around if we can, not always have the Lannister's as the bad guys and things like that, but if we do then we need to make it clear why that is. So I try to do that and hope it makes sense that events and the environments that people are in can change things, for better or for worse.