Title: Wolf Whispers

Rating: T/M

Summary: All Charlotte 'Charlie' Banks wished for was her freedom and her prayers were answered in the form of a Doctor.

Pairing: Nine/Charlie (Slight)

Outfit: Outfits can be found on my Pinterest profile - Account can be found on my profile (Click on the image to enlarge it)

Disclaimer: I own Charlie and any other OC characters. I do not own Doctor Who.

August 2020

Syracuse, New York

Charlie wandered the empty barely lit corridors of her dorm needing to use the bathroom. It was the early hours in the morning, and she was the only one awake. Thunder clapped outside the tall glass windows that allowed the students to view the world beyond the Academy. Whist attending the school, it was prohibited to leave school grounds for any reason. The reason was not given yet no one questioned it.

The E-Academy was one of the most sought-after School in the world and was renowned for their extensive curriculum for education and 98% of graduates leave with a high paying job already in place.

The Academy picked the best students from the best schools and offered a 10-year education scholarship. This meant no matter what age you were selected; you were required to do the full 10 years. For example, if you were picked at 16 years old, then you would remain in school till you were 26. People were sceptical at first, but the doubts went away once they realised each graduate was landing themselves a high-paying job afterwards.

Charlie had attended the E-Academy since she was 13 years old, she was now almost 20 she still had 3 more years to go until she could leave…if they allowed her to. Recently Charlie noticed some of her schoolmates were missing from their classes and she couldn't find them outside of class either. A few days ago, Charlie woke to find her roommate, Kate, missing and all her stuff cleared away leaving one side of the shared room empty apart from a sheet less bed, a desk and chair and an empty wardrobe. When she questioned her housemother, she was told that Kate had left the academy due to family problems.

Charlie didn't believe it for a second. Kate and Charlie had been best friends since they both started the school at the same time. She wouldn't have left without saying goodbye, not to mention that she seemed to leave during the night and all her stuff was gone like she had never been there.

Wolf Whispers

After being at the bathroom, Charlie wandered back to her once shared bedroom. She paused for a moment thinking she heard voices, but at this early in the morning, no one would be awake. She walked over to the slightly open window and looked out, it was hard to see due to it still being dark outside, but she could see enough thanks to the lamps in the grounds. Charlie frowned as she noticed some teachers hanging around the dorms outside, there was about 3 or 4 of them by the steps talking.

Curious she watched them for a few minutes wondering what they were doing, after a few moments her eyes widened. She watched as two more teachers appeared with what looked like an unconscious person slung over one of their shoulders.

The teachers all began walking back towards the main school building as if nothing was wrong and they weren't carrying someone. Charlie left the window quickly ran to her bedroom to collect a jumper before sticking her feet in a pair of slipper boots and making her way quietly out of the dorms.

As she tailed the teachers into the main building, Charlie realised all the teachers were the most senior members of staff at the school. Those teachers were not the kindest people and they hated the students. Charlie continued to follow the group into the school and through the corridors before they disappeared through the door to the basement. Charlie bit her lip and ran a hand through her red hair, she knew she should wake someone up and alert them to what was happening, but she couldn't risk it.

She waited a few moments before opening the basement door and creeping down the narrow metal stairs, following the voices that were echoing through the darkness. She watched from behind a crate as the entered another room and quickly followed before the door closed all the way.

Charlie found herself in some sort of lab, there were large tanks and cluttered desks with test tubes and needles. Charlie watched as they roughly dropped the body, they were carrying onto what looked like a surgery table. She felt her stomach turn as she noticed some blood stains on the table.

Charlie crept forward slowly to get a better view of what they were doing, when she was grabbed from behind and she felt a needle stab her neck as everything went dark.

Wolf Whispers

Charlie woke slowly, her eyes trying to adjust to the light that was blinding her. She groaned and went to stretch her arms over her head, when she realised, she couldn't. Charlie looked down and saw she was strapped to a table and she had an IV in both her arms, injecting a green of fluid into her system. Charlie started to struggle as she heard footsteps coming her way

"Look who's awake," a sinister voice hissed in her ear "Did you really think you were being sneaky following us? We noticed you as soon as you started eavesdropping. We could smell you and hear your heartbeat."

Charlie clenched her eyes terrified. She didn't know what was happening in the school, but clearly these 'people' were the reason for the students disappearing.

"Let me go!" she shouted at her captures, three of them standing at the bottom of the table smirking darkly at her struggling figure and the one behind her laughed coldly

"I don't think so, missy!" the voice snarled "You sealed your fate. Now you'll be used as a spare body in case the other one fails." Charlie felt her head being jerked to the side to view the body she saw them carrying. Her name was Lily Belmont, she was a year ahead Charlie in school, the girls were friendly, but not friends. Lily was in the same situation as Charlie, except she was still unconscious.

"What are you doing to us?" Charlie asked, she voice shaking with fear. She cursed her curiosity if not for that she would still be in her bed right now, not tied to a surgery table being injected with stuff.

"Humans shouldn't be so weak. We are enhancing them with abilities that will make our race stronger. If your body accepts the fluid, then you will become one of our soldiers to be used as required." Charlie clenched her eyes as tears trailed down her face. She didn't want to be 'enhanced' and she didn't want to be used by these people.

"I don't want this. Please let me go!" she cried and started to struggle once one.

"You act like you have a choice." Was the last thing she heard before she passed out.

"Let's get this finished before moving them to the Facility."

"Yes, sir!"

Wolf Whispers

March, 2025

Unknown, Georgia

Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks. Fog embraced every tree, every square centimetre of ground. Thunder declared itself as some rock star upon the stage. Sheets of rain revived the grass, resounding and rippling without frontier.

The sound of the TARDIS echoed as it materialised amongst the many trees. The doors opened revealing the 9th Doctor as he stepped out into the heavy rain and wind.

"A forest?" he asked himself, confused "Why did you bring me to a forest?" he ran his hand down the TARDIS and felt her hum.

The Doctor closed the TARDIS doors and started to walk through the trees, the storm obscuring his vision slightly.

The forest was endless, impenetrable, and diverse. Trunks gnarled, twisted, massive girth, straight, leaning, branched, smooth, slender, knotted, green with moss, slimy, shaggy, silver, interlacing roots protruding from the soil in great loops and ridges. Sprawling branches, stiff branches, overhanging branches. The boughs of the trees swayed in the strengthening gust, surrendering their fall leaves without a fight as the rain shot down like bullets.

He continued his walk through the wet and windy forest until he spotted a structure not too far from where he was standing. He made his way towards the building, dodging low whipping branches and climbing over slippery fallen trees.

The structure stood alone in a small clearing. The once strong roof of had been neglected for decades passed its intended lifespan. The building surpassed the notion of being simply "old" some years previously and was now utterly derelict. Ivy grew unchecked over the crumbling brick façade, the stems as thick as a young tree.

The Doctor fought against the weather as he approached the derelict building. The doors to the building were rusted with the constant rain and hung of the hinges. The Doctor pushed the doors open with on hand and entered the building.

Wolf Whispers

Stepping into the old building was like stepping into a whole other world. It was like venturing onto a set of old train tracks and following them as far as they'd take you, ignoring the grass peeking up between the slats and the bits where the metal was rusted and broken. The building seemed to shudder in the wind and sway as the rain attacked it.

He pulled out his Sonic, using it as a light as he looked around. The building was empty, but for a few obsolete pieces of rusted factory equipment, pieces that seemed perfectly at home within the building's vine-covered walls. Just as it had been outside, the inside looked like something out of a dystopian movie, the corrugated walls as rusted and useless as the equipment they housed. Beams stretched high overhead, and rain dripped down through cracks in the ceiling.

"Looks abandoned" The Doctor said to himself curious as to why there would be an abandoned building in the middle of a large forest.

Every movement in boards the abandoned building sent a vortex of dust into the previously stagnant air. Dusty, dusty walls, dusty drapes and cracked dusty windows – the whole room was covered in dust.

The Doctor looked around the room until he came to a locked door concealed behind a grime covered curtain. He examined the door and frowned. The lock on the door was too advanced for the year he was in. He used his Sonic to unlock the door and the door opened revealing a narrow dark staircase. The Time Lord cautiously made his way down the rickety stairs. The steps creaked with every footstep down. He continued down the hallway at the bottom of the stairs and looked through the window on the door, it looked like a lab of some sort. He opened the door and entered the room.

Wolf Whispers

The laboratory was as quiet and cold as a morgue. A thick film of dust lay on everything. On inspection he found that even the computer had been formatted and the filing cabinets were empty. But curiously some of the personal effects of the scientists had been left carelessly lying around, like they'd left in a hurry and somehow not thought to take their phones and bags. It was eerie. What had happened to them?

As he explored the lab, he came across side lab/office that was locked with several locks – 50th century locks at a guess. He quickly unlocked the door and was surprised to see a Cryostasis Chamber on a platform. The chamber emitted a glowing blue light and was the only light source in the room. The Doctor crept up to the tank and wiped some of the frost off exposing a female human behind the glass. The Doctor took a step back in shock and took another look at the room. On one of the desks he found a medical chart with – PROJECT NOVA, written at the top.


Subject 309 - Charlotte Banks

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Born: England, 1995

Injected Abilities

Successful Injections:

Enhanced Mind & Body Serum

Weapon Proficiency

Unsuccessful Injections:

Absolute Immortality


Untested Injections:


Subject History

Subject was obtained from the Syracuse, New York branch of the E-Academy.

Subject was taken to be used for the 'Super-Soldier' program.

Subject struggled at first to accept her place within the program, but soon came to realise that she had no choice in the matter.

Subject has been trained in combat and weaponry for the past 5 years.

Subject was put on ice after we abandoned the programmes when we lost funding.

All other subjects were terminated.

The Doctor was in shock when he finished reading. He looked back up at the tank and shook his head. He quickly used his sonic on the tank and stepped back as the tank lit up red and immediately began to defrost. It took almost 10 minutes for the chamber to completely unfreeze itself. The glass from the tank began to lower as the Doctor stepped up in case the girl fell from having no feeling in her legs. He watched as her eyes opened exposing the shining green jewels. Her eyes fluttered for a minute before they looked around the room and settling on the unknown male in front of her, she stared at him for a few moments not moving, her chest moving with every breath.

"Wh..who" she stuttered falling forward. Luckily the Doctor had predicted this and caught her in time.

"You alright?" he asked concerned. He sighed and kicked himself mentally, of course she wasn't alright, she'd been kept captive for 5 years.

"Who are you?" she breathed, confused. She had never seen this man before and yet he treated her with a kindness she hadn't known since she was taken.

"I'm the Doctor," he grinned, "and I'm here to save you!"

"Great!" Charlie grinned before her eyes rolled back into her head.

The Doctor tightened his hold on the now unconscious girl,

"Brilliant!" he groaned and moved her to over his shoulder

He moved to grab the file off the desk and carefully, so he didn't drop the file or Charlie, he made his way out the building and back into the storm.

The walk back to TARDIS was difficult due to the storm and trying to keep Charlie from smacking into everything as well as holding onto a folder was proving to be quite a chore. He made it though, even if it did take twice as long as last time, he was quite surprised that Charlie hadn't woke up yet actually since it had been almost an hour since she passed out. The Doctor opened the TARDIS and made his way to the med-bay, where he placed Charlie on the bed and sat in the chair beside it, he picked up her folder and began reading about the abilities she was forcibly given.

Wolf Whispers

It took another hour for Charlie to come around. She fluttered her eyes against the bright lights and groaned. She brought a hand up and held her head, she had the worst headache ever. She sat up slowly on the firm bed and looked around her. She was clearly in a med-bay but not like the one back at the facility. Then she remembers the man saving her from Cryostasis, what was it he called himself? The Doctor she was sure it was.

Charlie shifted her legs till she slid of the bed, her bare feet landing on the cold white floor. She stood up straight, her legs shaking slightly. She was glad part of her new 'abilities' enabled her to shake off the Cryostasis effects quicker than others. Usually a human would be out for few after being in stasis. Charlie made her way to the door and poked her head out

"Hello?" she called down the empty corridor, her eyes widened when lights appeared on the floor, blinking up at her, enticing her to follow them. So that's she did.

Charlie found herself staring wide eyed at the large spacious console room. It was so big, she didn't know where she was, but she didn't think it was human. It looked too advanced. She walked in slowly, gaining the attention of the Doctor who turned and grinned

"Charlotte, good to see your awake!" he exclaimed, still grinning

"Charlie," she blurted out, still not believing what she was seeing, "I go by Charlie. Charlotte's a bit of a mouthful."

"Charlie then." he waved her over and sat her down on a chair "How you feeling?"

"Fine. A bit freaked out, but my enhancements allow me to heal and recover quicker than the average human, so I'm not bothered by the after-effects of the Cryostasis." Charlie said, still distracted by the décor

"Yes, I read your file. I'm sorry that happened to you. I wish I discovered what they were doing sooner."

"Me too. All those students they stole to be used then discarded when they didn't work out." She looked around confused for a second "Is there someone else here?"

"No, just us in the TARDIS. Why?" The Doctor frowned as he too, started to look around

"Then why can I hear 2 heartbeats?" Charlie questioned frowning

"Ahh. I can explain that. You see I'm not human, I'm an alien species called the Time Lords. We have a Binary vascular system, which means we have 2 hearts." He explained

"Alien, that makes sense." Charlie smiled, surprising herself by taking all this in stride. Although after being held captive for the past 5 years by mad human scientist that were hell bent on 'enhancing' humanity to make them superior, this was nothing.

"What's a TARDIS?" she asked, she stood and wandered around the console room. The Doctor watching her with careful eyes.

"We're standing in her. She's my ship. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. TARDIS for short."

"I'm on a spaceship!?" Charlie breathed, though whether it was from excitement or fear, she was unsure, "Prove it!" she demanded causing the Doctor to raise his brow

"Okay then" he shrugged and walked over to the doors, Charlie following like an excited puppy "Ready?" once he got a nod, he opened the door revealing the breath-taking view of the Horsehead Nebula

"Wow, that's amazing. I'm on a real spaceship!" Charlie grinned, still taking in the view.

"It also travels through time." He grinned at the look on her face

"Wow. Amazing!" she said gleefully before her smile suddenly disappeared.

"What's wrong, Charlie?" he asked concerned at the sudden change of mood

"I just…where am I going to live? I've been missing for the past 5 years well 2 years according to my dad since I would have left university 2 years ago and I can't explain where I've been to him – he'd never believe me." She said sadly, leaning against a railing

"I can take you back to when you were due to finish uni? That way, to your dad you never would never have been missing." The Doctor offered, he felt bad for the young girl. In the notes he read about her, it had some information about the E-Academy including that is was shut down a few months ago. It never said why, just that every E-Academy across the world, closed its doors at the same time.

"Really?" Charlie asked feeling hopeful, she missed her dad so much. She had done since she left for the academy.

"Yeah there would be no problem." The Doctor grinned and made his way back to the console

"This might sound strange, but you wouldn't happen to have any spare clothes, would you? If rather get out of this outfit." Charlie said, looking down at her black workout set she was always required to wear.

"Sure. I have a whole wardrobe. Just follow the lights, the TARDIS will show you. Wont you girl?" he petted a beam and the ship hummed

"Okay, thank you." Charlie said both to the Doctor and to the TARDIS.

Wolf Whispers

Charlie followed the lights on the floor, as the Doctor piloted the TARDIS. It only took a few minutes to get to the wardrobe. The lights definitely helped without them she surely would have gotten lost.

"Oh my god!" Charlie exclaimed in surprise at the size of the wardrobe.

It had at least 15 clothes aisles on the bottom floor – that's right bottom floor. The wardrobe had at least 3 floors with different sections. The TARDIS lights continued to the middle floor which turned out to be the women section. Charlie lost count after 20 aisles all of them full of different clothing styles. She also found a make-up station with a ton of high brand make-up, a perfume section and a few accessories aisles too.

Charlie browsed the clothes until she found a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knee and an olive green cropped hooded top with long sleeves. She paired that with white low converse, and she found different earring studs that she used in her ears. Charlie then stopped at the make-up station and applied some natural coloured make-up, she left her hair in the braid at the top of her head and left the wardrobe to find the Doctor.

Charlie entered the console room again (with the TARDIS's help) and the Doctor smiled at her

"Feel better?"

"Definitely." Charlie grinned happy to be out of those clothes

"Well I just need your post code and the year, and we'll be ready to go!" he said happily showing Charlie where to input the information.

Charlie laughed as the Doctor danced around the console, pressing different buttons and pulling leavers. The TARDIS shook and shuddered as it moved through the time vortex causing Charlie to grab the railing so she didn't fall.

She did fall though, once the TARDIS landed with a thump. The Doctor looked over and laughed at her predicament.

"Hey!" Charlie complained as the Doctor gave her a hand up from the floor.

"There you go. Out those doors, is London, 2023. Your back home, Charlie."

"Really?" Charlie beamed, she couldn't wait to see her dad and sleep in her own bed, instead of a solid mattress on a cell floor.

"Yep. Have at it!" he gestured to the doors and Charlie all but ran to them. She took a breath before pushing them open and stepping out.

"Erm, Doctor?" she called hesitantly from outside

"Yeah?" he called back, lifting his jacket from the seat and putting it on. The least he could do was make sure she was settled before leaving her…if that was what she wanted.

"Could you come here a moment!" the Doctor frowned at the urgent tone and quickly made his way out the TARDIS

"What's wrong- oh!" he blinked stupidly, they seemed to be aboard a space station. Though it was dark and empty, from what he could see from the multiple storage boxes and furniture, there should be people around.

"I'm sorry to say, this isn't London, 2023." Charlie said as she took in the creepy dark station.

The Doctor sighed, he went to apologise and suggest they return to the TARDIS, when suddenly a near by door slammed open and torch lights shined on the duo, blinding them

"Hands in the air!" a stern male voice called as Charlie and The Doctor found themselves surrounded with half a dozen guns pointed at them.

Slowly they both raised their hands, eyes wide. Charlie turned her head and glared at the Doctor who offered a sheepish smile


Hi everyone!

So I've decided to do a new Doctor Who fanfiction. I know I've got others sitting that haven't been updated in ages, but i lost my inspiration for writing and this is the first thing I've written in a few years. I hope to go back one day and maybe finish my other books, but at the moment, this will be my focus.

I'm trying hard to stay a few chapters ahead of myself and I'll try update every Sunday. I have loads of free time at the moment since I'm unemployed, but I'll let you know if i get a new job after the lock-down cause I might have to spread the updates out a bit more.

Thank You, please follow, favourite and review :)