Editor's Note: This is in the running for one of my favorite chapters; I love the scenes here. I hope you're enjoying the ride so far!

The door to the Matoran vault opened once more. This time, it was Toa Metru who stepped over the threshold, not Toa Hordika. "Time to wake up, my friends," Vakama said, looking around at the multitude of spheres. "Let's get you to safety; we're going home."

It took many hours of labor by the Toa, the Rahaga, and Keetongu to remove the spheres from the vault. They were then loaded into the airships the Toa had constructed for just this occasion when they were Hordika.

"Nice ships," Matau commented, looking over his own handiwork.

"Hey, Matau, let's not crash them this time," replied Onewa, smiling.

Nearby, Vakama and Norik stood together. The Toa Metru of Fire took a long, last look at his city, knowing it might well be years before he saw it again. "Well, my friend, I guess this is it," he said.

"No, Vakama," said Norik. "This is just a different beginning."

"Of what?"

Norik smiled. "I wouldn't dream of spoiling it for you."

Vakama smiled back. "Well, whatever it is…thank you."

"Why, you are most welcome, Vakama," replied the Rahaga. "But it is I who should be thanking you."

Vakama cocked his head slightly, confused. "I don't understand."

Norik smiled broadly again. "It's not every day I get to see a legend come true, you know."

The Toa of Fire nodded toward Keetongu, carrying not one but two Matoran spheres on his shoulders. "Yes, Norik, he is quite a sight."

"Indeed," the Rahaga agreed. "But I wasn't talking about Keetongu."

It took a moment before Norik's words sank in. "The Great Rescue," Vakama realized. The Rahaga was right—the deliverance they had accomplished would live in legend, marking history from this day forward, following the calamity of the Great Cataclysm; it would serve as a fitting and conclusive end to the despair in the City of Legends.

"Yes," said the Rahaga. "It's funny. You spend your whole life chasing something, only to find when you finally catch it that the pursuit was what was important—that it's changed you. That you'll never be exactly the same. That's how I feel having found Keetongu. But you, pursuing and rescuing the Matoran..."

Vakama looked at the ongoing exodus again and nodded. "l guess I've changed, too."

"And in doing so, you've freed us Rahaga to be what we are while knowing that the new world and its Matoran are in most capable hands…your hands," Norik finished, placing a hand on the Toa's armored shoulder. "That means the last time I will ever use this gesture…" Norik added, holding out his fist in the Toa salute, "is to say thanks. I like that."

"Me, too," said Toa Vakama, meeting the Rahaga's fist with his own.


The small fleet of ships had lifted off and were heading out to sea. Aftershocks from Makuta's earthquake had widened the gap in the Great Barrier, and Vakama believed new tunnels might be found leading to the surface. For a change, no one argued with him.

Riding in the lead ship, Nokama, Vakama, and the other Toa looked down over the city. "Will you miss it?" asked the Toa of Water.

Vakama glanced down and saw the Rahaga and Keetongu on the observation deck of the Coliseum, their eyes tracking the slow passage of the ships. An accepting smile crept to his face. "Some things," he answered.

As they neared the Great Barrier, Onewa pointed down to the rocks, alarmed. "Makuta! He's gone!"

Vakama could see that he was right. The protodermis prison was shattered and the Master of Shadows had disappeared. "Not for long," he said. "I imagine we'll be seeing him again very soon."

"And when we do?"

"We'll find a way to defeat him," said Vakama, steering the ship toward the rift in the barrier. "Because that's what Toa do."


After so very long since the Great Cataclysm, and the trips to and from Metru Nui, they at last stood on the beach. Hundreds of silver spheres littered the sands, but the Matoran within them still slept. The Toa had done all they needed to as heroes. The Great and Noble Kanohi Masks had been hidden (including the Kanohi Avohkii) and the Makoki Stones were safely secured. Using strange crystals they found native to the island, Toa Nokama used her Mask of Translation to bargain with certain Rahi to guard the Makoki, offering them unlimited nutrition and a place to live in return.

Now, the time of their destiny had come.

"Toa Lhikan sacrificed his power for us," said Vakama, approaching one of the many spheres. "Now we shall do the same for them." Vakama placed his hand on the capsule. His mask began to glow brightly. "May the heart of Metru Nui live forever," he said solemnly.

Power flowed from him and the other Toa, spreading like a blanket of pure energy over the capsules. One by one, the eyes of the Matoran snapped open, their heartlights began to flash, as awareness returned to them. By the sacrifice of the Toa, they had been brought back to waking life.

The heroes looked at one another. They were Toa no longer—by giving up their power to save others, they had become six short and elderly Turaga. They watched with happiness and pride as the spheres opened and the Matoran emerged.

"We have left the island of Metru Nui for this paradise. For this is the island of Mata Nui, named in honor of the Great Spirit," proclaimed Vakama to the new island-dwellers. He did this with a hint of sadness. According to Makuta's plot, these spheres were specifically designed to erase the memories of the Matoran. But with them being captive for longer than even Makuta had planned, there was no telling what the effects might be. Already, Vakama could see some diminishments to the Matoran population's physical size and strength.

The Matoran looked around at the beach, the ocean, the trees—it was all so very new to them. One particular Matoran, Takua, ran up to Vakama and directed his attention to another. The two walked over in concern. It was a Ta-Matoran named Jala whose mask had been badly damaged in the transport from Metru Nui to Mata Nui. Jala sat with his back against his sphere and his red Kanohi Komau cracked into two pieces on the sand in front of him. He breathed heavily, lightheaded and drained without the Mask of Power to sustain him.

Vakama knew what to do. He pulled out the late Turaga Lhikan's Noble Hau and looked at it for a moment, remembering the olden hero. Then, smiling, he placed it on the Ta-Matoran's face. Vakama smiled at the thought of the symbol of Lhikan still caring for the Matoran as he watched Jala, rejuvenated, rise to join his friends. A Ga-Matoran named Hahli rushed to embrace him and welcome him to the Matoran's new home—the island of Mata Nui.


"...the island of Mata Nui." With those final words, Turaga Vakama brought his tale to an end. With one smooth motion, he scooped up the stones from the Amaia Circle. Tahu Nuva took particular note of how he handled the black stone that represented Makuta, the sole surviving shard from that entity's prison of long ago—the one from Roodaka.

"I was right," the Turaga said. "Makuta would follow us here, and threaten to cast our new world and all who came to call it home into everlasting shadow."

Jaller, still caught up in the tale, could barely contain himself. He reached up to his Kanohi Mask, never knowing it belonged to one of the greatest heroes of the past. Now, he wore it with pride. But Vakama had once again ended on an open question. "And…?"

Vakama smiled. "l believe you already know that story, Jaller. The Great Spirit sent us new heroes. Come now, enough of old legends for one day."

The Turaga rose and walked away, followed by the Toa Nuva, Takanuva, Jaller, and Hahli. "Where are we going?" asked the Ga-Matoran Chronicler.

"To make new ones," answered the hero of Metru Nui.


While the Matoran neared the completion of their boats for the return to the City of Legends, Vakama approached Hahli's home in Ga-Koro. "Turaga Vakama," she said, surprised he had come so far out of his element to find her. "I thought you were overseeing the construction."

"I was, Chronicler," he replied. "But there is one thing I must relate first, though it is not large enough a tale to be necessary to share with the Toa. I merely feel the need to have it added to our history."

Hahli respected all the Turaga, and lately Vakama even more than before, but part of her couldn't help but be skeptical. "With all due respect, Turaga, didn't you and your brothers and sister keep the secrets of Metru Nui long enough from the Toa Nuva thinking they weren't 'necessary to be shared'?"

"You are right, but I will tell you here, and if you feel the need, then you may relate it," Vakama replied calmly. "Would that please you?"

Hahli nodded. "Yes, Turaga. What's on your mind?"

Vakama smiled. "Old friends."

As Hahli listened to and recorded Vakama's thoughts, she once again felt herself transferred back to a place and time of the past…


From the Chronicles of Hahli, as related by the Fire elder, Turaga Vakama:

The origin of the Rahaga…

As we prepare to start our journey back to the city of Metru Nui, I cannot help but remember the Rahaga. I wonder if they are still in my homeland, or if they have moved on to continue their work elsewhere. Of all the beings I have encountered, they were among the wisest and bravest. And were it not for them, neither l, my fellow Turaga, nor the Matoran who walk Mata Nui today would be here.

Rahaga Norik rarely wanted to talk about his past. Fortunately, Rahaga Iruini was not so close-mouthed. It was from him that Matau learned the Rahaga had once been Toa in another land—and not just any Toa. Clad in armor forged from precious metals, and wielding both Toa tools and Rhotuka launchers, they were the elite—they were called the Toa Hagah. Each of the six wore a Kanohi mask forged in the shapes worn by the great heroes of the past. Their duty: Protect Makuta, he who was sworn to protect and defend all Matoran.

They did their job nobly and well. Ironically, they were most often called on to defend Makuta against Rahi attacks (for so powerful a being could not dirty his hands fighting beasts). Believing him to be a good and honorable servant of the will of Mata Nui, Norik and his Toa did not hesitate to aid him.

Then came the day the light of truth dawned, and the Toa were confronted by a horrible reality. Makuta, and the Brotherhood to which he belonged, were not protecting Matoran. They were oppressing and enslaving them. Even the very masks Norik and the others wore had been forged by Matoran working under threat of punishment—or worse. In addition, the Brotherhood of Makuta had allied itself with a foul mercenary band known as Dark Hunters. They converted the Exo-Toa mechanoids, first built as guardians of the Matoran, into sentries for their own fortresses. The Exo-Toa served as suits of armor for the Toa, but on autopilot they still served the Makuta, the former guardians of the Matoran.

Burning for justice and revenge, the Toa mounted an attack on a Brotherhood base. Arrayed against them were Dark Hunters and Exo-Toa, prepared to sacrifice all in the service of their dark masters. The Toa Hagah's objective was one of the most powerful weapons against the Brotherhood—the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light. Separated in the conflict, the Toa fell one by one, but not at the hands of these enemies. No, they were felled by treacherous attacks from the shadows by Roodaka.

Finally, only Norik and Iruini remained. The other four were taken: Gaaki, Kualus, Pouks, and Bomonga. Norik had been active elsewhere, and Iruini had resigned from the team due to his belief that they did not allot adequate time in dealing with serious threats. Learning of the other Toa's captivity, Norik and Iruini then briefly joined forces again to rescue their allies.

Cunning in their strategy and absolutely fearless in their actions, they succeeded in driving off the Dark Hunters and destroying most of the Exo-Toa. Makuta battled them to a stalemate until he, too, left the field, badly weakened. Now the two Toa had to find their companions.

Find them, they did—shrunken, weakened, turned into monstrous mockeries of Turaga. In what she no doubt regarded as a fine jest, Roodaka had mutated them, giving them the heads of Rahkshi and twisted bodies that would frighten all who saw them. (The name "Rahaga" was her own jest, a combination of the words "Rahkshi" and "Hagah.") Creatures such as these, she believed, would be shunned by any Matoran they approached. Their days as heroes would be over.

Relying on stealth, Norik and Iruini were able to rescue their friends. But they were discovered by Sidorak and Roodaka and struck by her mutation spinners. Strangely, she then allowed them to escape, perhaps convinced they would never prove a danger to her. Six who had once been powerful Toa were now Rahaga.

At first, they were grief stricken over the change. But Kualus and Norik rallied them. "Our bodies have been changed," said Kualus, "but not our hearts. Not our spirits. No matter how we look, every breath we take, we take as heroes in the service of Mata Nui."

In their quest against the Visorak, Norik gave them new purpose: to find Keetongu, a mythical Rahi said to have the power to counteract any attack. Only he might have a hope of defeating Sidorak and Roodaka. Some, like Iruini, doubted that this being even existed. Still, they agreed to follow Norik's lead, knowing that unity was essential to the Rahaga's survival.

From that day to the Visorak war, the Rahaga wandered from island to island, seeking Keetongu and studying the ways of the Rahi. Often, their efforts have brought them into conflict with the Visorak hordes, and many a beast has been saved from certain death by the Rahaga. Sidorak vowed to destroy them, while Roodaka wondered whether there is some way to use them to further her own ends.

At last, their journey brought the Rahaga to Metru Nui. Knowing the Visorak would inevitably find their way to the City of Legends, they hid in the Archives, observing with horror as their ancient enemy, Makuta, returned and rained destruction on the city. They saw the valiant efforts of us as Toa Metru that led to his defeat. And they noted with dread that we left the city defenseless before the Visorak horde.

By the time we had returned, the Visorak were in control of Metru Nui. Worse, then we fell into a trap and were mutated into Toa Hordika, as you and the others have recently heard. The Rahaga could wait no longer. Risking discovery by Sidorak, they rescued my friends and me. They armed us with truth and gave us the will to fight on.

Whether they wait for us still in Metru Nui or not, Hahli, they deserve to be remembered as the greatest of Toa.


Vakama reclined further in his chair in Hahli's dwelling. "That is the end of their history, as I know," he said.

Hahli looked up from her stone tablet and carving utensil. "I'm sorry, Turaga," she smiled. "You must miss your friends. You don't have to relate this to the Toa, but I think I will. History grants knowledge, and knowledge begets power. And besides," she added with a smile, "we'll need something to pass the time."

"You are wise and correct, Chronicler," Vakama replied, now standing up with his firestaff. "Enough secrets have been kept. The Toa could benefit from knowledge from this story, such as further origins of Takanuva's mask, for example. I will see you on the trip there, Hahli."

With that he left, leaving Hahli to ponder the events transpiring now—the return of the Matoran to Metru Nui. Will this one day be just another story to pass the time? she wondered. What's next for us? We have more legends to fulfill, the awakening of the Great Spirit and restoration of light. But Vakama…Norik…Lhikan…all were heroes that were lost or changed. Are new heroes ever made?

She smiled. Of course they were. The Great Spirit had granted the Matoran Gali Nuva and the others. And Vakama and the other Turaga had once been Matoran, and had done their duty of protecting the heart of the city, the Matoran. Now they were guiding them back.

That was what mattered, she decided. With that, she left to meet with friends and help get ready for their journey to their home.

To be continued in "Bionicle - Phase 04: Deliverance - Part VI: Time Trap"...

(Web of Shadows was compiled from the books Adventures 4 and 9: Legends of Metru Nui, and Web of Shadows; the guide BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts; and short self-written scenes to include "The origin of the Rahaga" excerpt from Web of Shadows)