Here's the next chapter. Please read and review thanks love Hannah x

As they exited the train Daphne jumped as she heard someone shouting behind her. "Oi Greengrass what are you doing with Potter? You not worried about sullying yourself like his father did with his mudblood mother!" Draco sneered but no sooner had he said it then he was on the floor screaming his head off as the worst pain he'd ever felt shot through his body.

"I was going to tell you to fuck off but someone beat me to it so thank you whoever you are!" she said kicking him in the leg and moving to stand beside Harry again.

"Daphne I forgot to tell you about the taboo on what he said. The derogatory name for a muggleborn now comes with a crutiatus style curse should anyone in Slytherin past or present say it. Please tell Tracey!" he said sounding panicked. She kissed him lightly and turned to Tracey telling the girl who looked delighted.

"Well done Harry. I am looking forward to all of the boys of Slytherin suffering. I feel like celebrating. Hmm Tom Riddle!" she called out chuckling as ten galleons were deposited in her vault. Elsewhere Lucius couldn't figure out where these ten galleon increments were going and the bank wouldn't enlighten him either. He had more then enough money to last him his lifetime but these small amounts leaving his account were still annoying none the less.

They entered the carriages and when they arrived at school Daphne took Harry with her to see Professor Snape in his office before the feast would begin.

"Miss Greengrass this is a surprise. May I help you?" he said as she entered Harry by her side.

"One moment Miss Greengrass as I must ask Mr Potter something and then I will be right with you. Mr Potter your timing is opportune as the headmaster has asked me to teach you occlumency this year!" he said as Harry frowned.

"What in the blue hell is occlumency?" he asked sounding highly confused as Daphne rolled her eyes to heaven.

"Well Potter that is when someone protects their mind from someone magical being able to read it on purpose of course!" he sneered shocked by Harry's answer.

"Oh so it's called Occlumency here. Good to know. Actually sir I can already do that I just didn't know it was called occlumency but please thank the headmaster for his concern" he said politely.

"Will you let me test it?" he asked as Harry looked concern.

"I can see that I have no choice but you are not allowed to be all immature and complain about what you see there because I don't care how you feel or what you see!" he snapped as Snape rolled his eyes at the boys drama and cast legillimens. He entered the boys head finding a small corridor which lead down to a door which made him gasp as he opened it to find not only a pretty kitchen but himself at the stove cooking something.

I swear to god if I have to teach another dunderhead this year my brain will explode. Why are they the bane of my life? Woe is me. Fuck it I can't even remember why I started teaching in the first place. I suppose I liked it at some point but I hate Potter and everything in life. What the fuck are you looking at you sack of shit!? You're not any better then I am. Fix your fucking hair you greasy cunt and for the love Merlin get some stylish clothes. You're not a fool but do look like one. I hate my life!

He reeled back as he saw himself swing a cast iron frying pan at him. He walked around the kitchen and approached the sink where the radio flashed and called out reducto as he emerged from Harry's mind very pale indeed. Daphne had never seen him like this before.

"Well Mr Potter you are indeed right. Your mindscape is excellent in fact it is one of the better ones I've seen in many years. I must ask though is that what you really see when you look at me?" he asked now curious more so then annoyed.

"Well yes it is. You always look fucked off about something and if it's not me it's everything else. I don't know what happened to you and to be honest I don't care either. Life is tough but buck up and I'm sure things will turn good eventually. That's what I was always told when my uncle was beating me. You are not the only one who was kept in the damn dark about things. It would seem the headmaster didn't share that with you did he? What a coward! He probably knew you wouldn't like it. Until I met Daphne here I have never known love sir so forgive me for thinking you an ungrateful cunt!" he snapped as Snape glanced at her suddenly seeming to remember she was in the room.

"Anyhow Miss Greengrass you wished to see me. What is it?" he asked addressing her now.

"I will need different quarters. This morning in the presence of my family and friends Mr Potter and myself married!" she said shocked as he fainted and hit his head on the side of the table. She revived him and handed him a pepper up potion from his own stores which she'd summoned there for him to drink. He drank the potion and smiled weakly at her.

"Congratulations to you both. Do not think you can slack off in your classes because of this. Mr Potter you have surprised me greatly. Mrs Potter as it would be now I guess is still a Slytherin and if you harm her I will hold you highly responsible!" he snapped as Harry looked concerned for a moment.

"Oh fuck it! Sir there's something you should know about me. When I was in first year I made my first ever friend Ronald Weasley. He was the first person who had ever wanted to know me. After him I met Draco Malfoy who, in insulting Ron lost my respect more so then most. I was determined after that point not to go into the house that he had gotten into. I was meant to be a Slytherin but asked the hat to place me anywhere else at all in order to get away from him. I have never told anyone asides from Neville Longbottom and Daphne about this!" he said as Snape gasped.

"You mean to tell me that because of Draco we lost you? Hmm that is interesting to know and do you know how Slytherin that actually is? It's not a bad thing no but it is the kind of thing someone who was being cunning would do. I mean who'd expect to find a Slytherin in Gryffindor because I sure as hell wouldn't. I mean I go to check you out for Occlumency as I'm meant to teach you all about it only to figure out you know all about it already. You merely didn't know the name of it which in itself is very cunning. You are very much a surprise Potter. I wager your father would not have approved of you being a Slytherin but I'm proud of you for not turning out like him. I must show you something now which pains me but you will see why in a while. Daphne you may join me at my pensive!" he said pouring his newly acquired memories into the pensive.

They entered and saw his memories of meeting Lily and how close they had been. Harry saw even then how Petunia who was actually jealous hated her sister already at such a young age for having a power she did not. He watched as he went home to his own house and was beaten black and blue by his drunken and belligerent father. He saw how when he went to school things didn't change much. He saw his father taking pleasure in torturing him along with Sirius and grimaced greatly. By the end he and Daphne were crying.

"Oh sir I had no idea! I am so sorry. I can see why you hated me so much before. I would have reminded you of him so much. I can't help that of course. Now it is only fair I reciprocate. My life as a youngster was hell but it isn't now. You see uncle Vernon is a greedy bastard and would do anything for a price!" he said extracting his memories and letting Snape see them.

Snape saw how he was beaten black and blue himself by his uncle. He saw him push him down the stairs and the cupboard under the stairs where he was forced to live for his childhood. He fumed at the lies told to Harry about his parents by his hateful relatives. In one of the memories he was shocked to see Dumbledore there. Dumbledore was talking to Petunia about how they should love Harry and stop treating him badly. He then left and the abuse merely continued. He saw how Malfoy had behaved and understood where he was coming from. He emerged from the memory shaking himself. He wasn't crying per say but he was shocked indeed.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT FOOL! One hundred points from Slytherin now! Draco will pay for that. We lost a great Slytherin because of him. Yes I know how it looks but he is my godson and it is my job to look after him here too. He doesn't half get himself into scrapes!" he snapped as Harry looked at him for a moment.

"Professor please give me a vow now that what I tell you will never leave your lips. It will be worth it!" he said as the stunned Professor did as asked.

"You see I had a taboo put on the derogatory word for a muggleborn so that should anyone ever use it they will experience something akin to the crutiatus also should people say the name Tom Riddle or Tom Marvolo Riddle they will get ten galleons from the account of one of his followers however although I said this I did solely target Lucius Malfoy sir. He will be down many galleons as we speak. He deserves it sir and I am not sorry about it. As for Sirius Black well he already spent years in prison for something for he didn't do so I will not hold this against him however he will be making a full apology to you if he knows what's good for him. I took my lordship this summer sir and he will be listening to me!" he snapped as Severus regarded the boy strangely. Minerva was called to see him and told the situation with Harry and Daphne. The first years were currently on the way over in the boats so she didn't have too much time.

"Well this is a surprise indeed. I am happy for you both. I don't have time to deal with this now however as the first years will be here soon. Severus I will leave it to you to assign them new quarters!" she said as Daphne looked concerned.

"Professor my best friend Tracey Davis is dating Neville Longbottom. Could they have separate rooms as well? It's just that I don't want them to be targeted for dating and in different houses" she asked Professor McGonagall who looked concerned too.

"Well she is not in my house so I cannot answer for her. Neville Longbottom however would not be a too much risk in my house. I don't know how Slytherin house works internally so I will leave that up to Professor Snape here. He can decide what he likes and I will support him. I must be off now. See you shortly at the feast!" she said leaving her robes swirling out behind her as she left.

"Professor McGonagall is right about Gryffindor however I think you and I both know how Slytherin truly is. Both Ms Davis and Mr Longbottom will give me a vow that they will never be out after hours intentionally or intentionally break any rules unless absolutely necessary and then they will be assigned their own quarters next to yours. On the fifth floor there is a portrait of a prince riding a white horse through a wood. The password is union. You will find these quarters to your liking. Good evening to you both and now we will go to the feast!" he said as they made it to hall just before the first years came in. Harry watched them being sorted a huge smile on his face.

Dumbledore looked at Harry wondering what he was so happy about. He'd need to meet with Severus later to see if he had managed to speak to the boy about those lessons. The feast continued and madam Umbridge made herself known. Harry felt uneasy about her. She just radiated evil. No one who wears that much pink and smiles that falsely is honest. He called for Dobby asking him to come without being seen. "Please place some truth serum into her drink without being seen!" he whispered as Dobby agreed and did so. At the end of the feast Dumbledore stood to make his speech.

"Welcome to all new first years. We hope you will find this school to your satisfaction. Now Mr Filch our caretaker has asked me to remind you that a list of prohibited items are on his door and should be obeyed. This year we have a new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher from the Ministry of Magic itself. I give you all Professor Umbridge. I hope that she will…"

"Hem hem! Oh do shut up you delinquent old fool! The point is I am your new teacher and if anyone of you out there does anything which would in anyway crush the natural order of things as the ministry wants it I will crush you like a bug. I will not be ignored. If anyone believes Potter now I suggest you look for a different teacher as you will not be welcome in my class however I will make you attend them none the less. He is a liar and will be dead by the end of term if I have anything to do with it!" she snapped and drew her wand to fire when it was no longer in her hands. Dumbledore stunned her and called for the minister who entered minutes later and ran over to Harry.

"I suppose you thought it was wise to attack her eh Potter? We don't believe your rubbish about he who is not to be named so you attack my senior under secretary! I swear to Merlin I'll have you in jail for this you brat" he snapped as Harry stood to his feet calmly.

"I know you are not about to threaten the Lord of an Ancient and Most Noble home without evidence Minister. Please see Professor Dumbledore who has a memory of all that happened here tonight. If you do not trust him which I can say I might slightly understand you can obtain memories from any Slytherin house member as well. They hate me and in turn would wish me the most harm!" he snapped as Fudges face went very white.

"I want to hear about this from the source!" he snapped pointing his wand at Umbridge and riving her.

"You old coot! You disarmed me you bastard! I will kill Harry one way or another with or without my wand. Did you really think you could stop me huh?" she said coolly not seeing the Minister at the moment as she was facing Dumbledore and not the front of the room.

"No but I most certainly can. Dolores I am most ashamed in you. I almost arrested the Lord to an ancient and most noble home because I thought he was lying about you which I now find out he wasn't. Why are you so determined to kill Mr Potter?" he asked as she flushed red in the face.

"Oh for gods sake it's no use even trying to lie to you Minister. He must die because he spreads lies about Lord Voldemort returning and creates disorder and chaos throughout our world. I will not feel safe until that lying scumbag is dead. Surely you feel the same. I mean you said yourself that he's a good for nothing lying lout!" she said pointing her hand in his direction.

"Yes I did but I did not know he was a Lord at that point and this does indeed change things. I wish to beg for your forgiveness Mr Potter. What do you wish to happen now?" he asked as Harry considered his options.

"Well sending someone like Umbridge to jail will not teach her anything nor will feeding her to the dementors. I wish to see her stripped of her magic and dumped in a foreign country of your choosing. Also Sirius Black never received a trial at all and is innocent. Peter Pettigrew still lives and is in fact in hiding as a rat animagus which he did not register. Sirius himself committed the crime of being a dog animagus which he did not register himself but he has paid for that with twelve years of his life he will never get back. I expect you to see that justice is served. I have more power then you actually realise and I can cause you many problems however I don't want to do that. This is not a threat but a promise!" he said as the Minister shrunk back in fear slightly.

"I know of only one way to resolve this right now!" he said waving his wand in a complex set of motions and saying Peter Pettigrew at the end. A shocked Pettigrew appeared and was quickly stunned before he could do anything else.

"I want it known now that this man is to be trusted. Have Sirius Black come and see me as soon as he can. He will need to be declared innocent. I bid you all a good day he called out slapping magic restraining cuffs onto Peters hands and aparated away with the still unconscious man. Once back at the ministry he was forced to transform into his rat animagus and tiny magic suppressing cuffs were put on him then too. So even if he did change he'd have no power left.

After the feast Aurors came and collected Dolores whilst forcing her to drink a potion which painfully ripped out her magical core and exploded it in the air before everyone. She was taken and left in Madagascar with nothing but some muggle clothing and a years supply of food. After that she was on her own. Cornelius was horrified. He truly believed that no one who worked that closely with him could be that evil. If he was fooled about her it stood to reason he was fooled about everyone else. He would sort this mess out soon.

As the feast ended Dumbledore said he'd have a new DADA teacher as soon as he could and sent them off to bed. He was tired now but he would talk to Harry soon. Harry had just arrived with Daphne at their new quarters when he was called to the headmasters office. He arrived and said the password mars bar and entered the room to find the headmaster looking at him with a highly disappointed look on his face.

"Harry I am never one to begrudge someone a good time however when I heard of how you had put Miss Greengrass in danger by marrying her I had to ask myself what kind of man you were. I mean because of who you are with Voldemort now returned you will have a target on your back until he does eventually die. Did none of this occur to you when you married her? Did you really think she would be spared because she was a Slytherin and a pureblood one at that? How could you do this to her? I never thought you selfish until now!" he said looking most disappointed.

"Sir her father was the one who arranged the wedding and so if you are not happy about that speak to him. He told me I loved his daughter enough to keep her safe because I would never become a death eater and leave her waiting for me after sessions with Voldemort. I love her with all I have and I will not apologise for it!" he snapped as the headmaster then took a new expression on his face.

"Harry I have been advised by Professor Snape that you refused his offer of Occlumency lessons when I had assured him that he did not have a choice in the matter. He must teach you and doesn't get to shirk his duties because he dislikes you!" he said as Harry looked at him seriously for a moment.

"Sit I didn't know what Occlumency was until he told me. I have it already I just didn't know it was called that in the magical world. He tested me already and told me I had one of the strongest mindscapes he'd ever seen. You are welcome to have a look seeing as I can tell you don't believe me or indeed him!" he said calmly as Dumbledore looked him right in the eyes. He'd be the damn judge of that. He was most shocked by what he saw and was not fast enough so he got smacked in the face with the frying pan Snape was wielding.

He flew from his mind across the room where he landed in a crumpled heap on the sofa in the corner.

"I can see that I was mistaken. I still think you were reckless in marrying Miss Greengrass because there are things you don't yet understand!" he said looking lost.

"I think I do. I know I was a horcrux and I know that Voldemort created many of them. I know that four were destroyed including the one in my scar. Before you ask I destroyed it myself because it was tampering with my magic and making it feel all evil and wrong much like a dementor does to your soul. I pushed with all my might against it and with my magic I forced it out of me. My scar was bleeding but some phoenix tears soon fixed that. Was there anything else you elected to not tell me?" he asked as Dumbledore sat there on the sofa comically opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

"Well I had always suspected but I was never sure. There was a prophecy made about the two of you which in essence said that neither could live while the other survived which meant he would need to kill you for the prophecy to end. Now that you no longer have been marked as his equal I am not sure where we go from here. Do try to stay out of trouble please. I had thought you would have wanted to marry someone like Ginevra Weasley but I guess Ronald was wrong. He told me this summer that you loved his sister!" he said seriously as Harry rolled his eyes.

"I told Ron I thought she had pretty eyes sir. He took two and two and came up with five. I never said I loved her. Next time might I advise asking the person to whom it actually pertains instead of taking everything at face value!" he said as Dumbledore frowned.

"What of Sirius Harry. Will he know you did this? Will he think it's a trap? I want him to remain as safe as he can and he can only do so at the headquarters um… yeah!" he said shocked by Harry's response.

"Number 12 Grimmauld Place sir. I believe you will find his elf is blabber mouth sir. The Fidelius doesn't apply to them unless you tell them specifically that it should sir. I will tell him myself in the morning. He gave me a means to contact him in fourth year instantly which I still have. I will tell him it was me. Now if you don't mind sir I'm tired and need to rest!" he said as Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Fine then you can go. Go on. Goodnight Mr Potter!" he said with a slight scowl. Harry left and entered his quarters shocked to find two single beds in the room with a letter saying that funny business at Hogwarts was not allowed. He called Dobby to his side.

"Dobby who wrote this letter?"

"The headmaster did Harry Potter sir" he said clicking his fingers as a large queen sized bed appeared there.

"In the words of Miss Pink Froggy what he doesn't know won't hurt him!" he said winking and wishing them goodnight. Daphne laughed at Dobby's name for Umbridge.

"Tilly! Please prepare me and my husband a hot chocolate."

"Right away Miss Daphne!" said her personal elf leaving and returning once more with the hot drinks.

"Chocolate really helps. You know Professor Lupin in third year was right. It truly does help and I don't say that just because I am a girl either. Now when you're done what's say we consummate this thing?" she asked laughing at his expression as his eyes bugged out in awe.

"Ugh yeah sure and thanks for the hot chocolate. I've never done that before by the way so if I suck for the first few times it's truly not my fault. You'll have to tell me what you like and bluntly as well so I know what to do properly" he said seriously as she giggled.

"I will of course only if you will tell me too. I want to please you and not do anything you don't like" she said smiling as she got up once they were done their drinks and removed her cloak letting it drop to the floor as he gasped in awe. There she was in her lacy purple thong and bra looking perfect. He instantly hardened at seeing her like this.

"I always imagined how you'd look but I never truly imagined it would look this amazing. Wow!" he gasped out as he reached out running his hands across her belly and up her back. He pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her intensely.

"Can I try something? I read about it in a book Ron gave me on pleasing my witch. If it's not right tell me!" he said as he fumbled about sliding his hands into her thong and feeling about until he found a lump and stroked it as she moaned audibly.

"Merlin's balls Ron is certainly well informed. Oh fuck!" she called out as he continued to stroke her there. She reached behind her and undid her bra letting her tatas fall out of it to his delight. She was much larger then she looked. He would guess a c cup but actually she was a d cup. He leaned forward and sucked her nipple into his mouth as his stroking continued now with more pressure. As he flicked his tongue over her nipple rapidly and stroked her faster she came undone shrieking and shivering in his arms.

He loved seeing her totally dazed face. She waited as he undressed himself till he was left in just his boxers. She slipped them down his legs gasping at his size. He was huge. "I am a Slytherin but holy shit Potter will it even fit. It's fucking massive!" she exclaimed reaching out tentatively to touch it. He gasped as she slid her hands up and down his hard length. She rubbed his frenulum with her fingers making him almost scream in pleasure. The skin at the tip of his dick was so sensitive. Rubbing her other hand up and down his balls she squeezed them gently and continued to pump him with her hand as he groaned out loudly and squirted coming all over her boobs.

He lay back panting wildly but soon enough he was hard and ready to go again. She had told him she had read in a book that when a man finishes the first time it is always quick so if you want him to last longer he should come once outside and then again when love making. She lay on top of the bed and he prepared at her dripping entrance. "I love you so much Daphne!" he called out slipping into her firmly. She gasped as he broke her hymen and tears clouded her vision.

"I love you too. Don't worry about me Harry it's supposed to hurt the first time for all women. Trust me. Hang on a moment. Ok now you can move slowly!" she guided him as he wiped her now freely flowing tears away. She cried even more then not because he was hurting her but because he had been so loving and attentive. He sat up slightly and reached down again looking for that exciting lump women had above their vaginas. When he found it he began to rub it in time with his thrusts. She moaned audibly the orgasm tightening in her belly and spreading out to her vagina where eventually it erupted as she called out one large FUCK! And he soon joined her exploding deep inside her. He rested on her gently holding her close to him and kissing her forehead.

"Oh Harry you were so gentle with me. I could ask for nothing better then that. I just love you so much!" she said as she peppered his face in kisses.

"Daphne I will always be gentle with you. You are my reason after all!" he said eventually getting off her and cleaning himself up while she did the same. He then rounded on her looking highly shocked.

"Oh no! Daphne I'm not ready for kids yet!" he said as she giggled at him.

"It's ok Harry. My father made me and Astoria take a contraceptive potion at the age of twelve which will not wear off until we are twenty one. He wanted us to be free of the worries of children until such an age as we were ready for such adult situations. I will not be having any children with you until then or possibly afterwards!" she said snogging him deeply as they climbed into bed. Soon enough they were both asleep. Tomorrow would be an interesting day for sure.