Here's the first chapter of my new story. This idea just came to me and begged to be written so here we go. I will see how it progresses as time moves on. Please read and review thanks love Hannah x

Harry was on the way home on the train and was seriously not looking forward to his time with his uncle but then a thought he had not considered struck him and he smiled for a while. Vernon was a lot of things but he was also greedy and for what Harry had planned for him it was a good thing he was. They arrived and Harry walked out to meet Vernon shocked to see Sirius and Arthur stood to one side waiting for him. "How can I help you both?" he asked as Sirius turned to him with a serious expression on his face.

"Well pup I am I mean we are here to have serious words with Vernon so nothing bad happens!" he said shocked by Harry's response.

"Please do not do anything or even say anything to Vernon. Quite frankly I have non magical plans for him and if I play my cards right I will have a wonderful summer. Trust me Sirius, Mr Weasley. I will be fine I promise!" he said as they remained confused.

"I trust you Harry. I love you and stay safe!" Sirius said hugging him once as Arthur did the same thing while also reminding him to keep in touch. He approached Vernon smiling.

"Come on boy I haven't got all bloody day!" he barked as Harry smirked confusing an angry Vernon.

"Vernon can I make a stop at my bank before we go home please I want to get out some money for you. I have a proposal for you" he said as Vernon who was ready to shout at him stopped and eyed him weirdly.

"Boy you know as well as I do that nothing in this damn life is free. How much money do you want to give me and what do you want in return for it?" he asked as Harry smiled.

"Very sensible question. I want to give you fifty pounds a week and in return I want you to ignore me. I want you to give me one shelf in your fridge and one kitchen cupboard in your kitchen in which to store my own food which I will be buying myself. I want to become your lodger!" he said as Vernon thought about it. There were ten weeks left in the summer. That would be five hundred pounds.

"What is the catch?" Vernon asked once more not sure he could contain himself much longer.

"Well there is no catch really accept that I keep to myself and you keep to yourself. I don't do chores and I'm just a lodger in your house. If you think of it this way it will be easier!" he said as Vernon looked shocked. Why in the hell hadn't he thought of this sooner?

"Yes indeed you are right. This is good for me and will be extra money. I will do it. Yes you can have your shelf and indeed cupboard. You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. You leave your freaky stuff in that bedroom with you and all will be well!" he said as Harry smiled. He dropped Harry off where Harry had asked and spotted a chippy across the street. He smiled as he parked the car and crossed the street to get some fish and chips. At least he didn't have to share these with Petunia he thought as he greedily ate them in his car. Harry entered the bank and went to see his account manager whereupon he was gifted with a special wallet which would give him any money he asked for in any currency he asked to have it in. It was a win-win situation. Harry wanted to insure that nothing went wrong this summer and thought of something to pay the Dursley's back for all they had ever done to him. He told the goblin of his plan and smiled as he seemed to get the idea. "Mr Potter I will come to see you at the address you mentioned tomorrow at five pm and I will not look like this as you will understand. I will have to freeze the members of the house while you tell them the secret ok?" he asked as Harry smiled brightly.

"Yes I understand Griphook and thank you!" he said as he left. He headed into the sweetshop buying a two months supply of sweets. He went back to his uncles car shocked at the smell of fish and chips in it.

"Vernon I need to go to the grocery store now and then I will be out of your hair. Oh yeah and here's the first fifty pounds. Oh and take an extra fifty pounds to remain calm. Tomorrow evening I am having a special person to the house who will protect it from freaks being able to enter it. I don't want that and you don't either. I may come and go myself but no other freaks will be able to enter it. Ok?" he asked as Vernon smiled.

"Why the hell did you not tell me of this before you smart arse freak!? It would have saved me so much of everything worry included. Yes ok. Now let's get moving I don't have all damn night!" he snapped. Harry entered the shop buying cheese, milk, bread, sausages, rashers, vegetables, pasta and rice. He then bought various sauces and eggs. It would be enough to last him while he was there. He went home and smiled. He took all of his stuff into his room as Vernon removed the locks outside it and even the bars on his window. There was no point not if the freaks couldn't find him by tomorrow evening. Petunia was shocked by Vernon's change in attitude but when she saw how much money they would be earning from the boy she smiled evilly. She would even be able to visit the spa many times in the month now thanks to her freak nephew.

The next evening as promised Griphook disguised as a muggle came to their house whereupon all the Dursley's gathered in one room. He froze them and Harry declared they were no longer his family and this was no longer his home. Then with a few complex motions the Dursley's could see nothing around them until Harry provided them with a piece of parchment which he asked them all to read.

Harry James Potter lives at number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging Surrey England.

Vernon was shocked that as he read it the whole house came back into view. A quick trip to the neighbours told them all the secret however as Harry was the secret keeper himself they could never tell anyone even under magical influence where he lived. Back in his room Harry decided things were going to be different indeed. He called Dobby to him and smiled.

"Dobby do you know where Sirius Black lives?" he asked as Dobby looked conflicted.

"I do Harry Potter sir but I cannot say!" he said looking nervous.

"Is it for the same reason that he will now not remember where I live?" he asked as Dobby smiled and nodded.

"Dobby if you take me somewhere with you can it be detected as underage magic?" he asked as Dobby thought.

"No it will not be detected as underage magic. Where does Harry Potter sir wish to go?" he asked as Harry looked at him thoughtfully.

"Can you disguise me if I tell you to? Could you make me look Ron Weasley?" he asked as Dobby looked confused.

"Yes I can even make you sound like him if you like" he said seriously.

"Yes ok then do it and make sure you are not detected. I am going on vacation or should I say Ron Weasley is. Yes and I don't want Petunia or Vernon to notice I am not here ok. I shall only be gone a few days. I am going to The Ritz in London. It's in Mayfair. I'll be getting a suite!" he said as he packed the things he would need into an old suitcase of Dudley's which with a tap of Dobbys finger looked brand new. Ron Weasley checked into the suite at The Ritz and smiled at all the luxury around him. Vernon could only dream of affording this. He ordered room service. After his sumptuous meal of steak followed by lobster thermador he went a took a long well deserved soak in his Jacuzzi tub. For a moment it felt alright to be someone else. He woke up the next day after sleeping in the most comfortable bed he'd ever slept in, in his life and took a cab to the centre of London. He had some shopping to do. He went first into Harrods whereupon he stocked up on the finest of designer mens clothing he could find. Actually considering he looked like Ron Weasley it did look rather funny to see Ron in such posh clothing.

"Dobby! I need you to find out Ron's clothing size please!" he said as Dobby left and then returned.

"Actually here's what I want you to do. Banish all of his clothing into the fireplace wherever he is now and leave him in some beige muslin clothes for now. Tell him he will understand why in a while!" he said as Dobby left. At the Order Headquarters everyone jumped when Ron shrieked as all of the clothing on his body was banished by Dobby into the fire where it burnt away to nothing.

"Dobby has been told you will understand in a while. I can say no more on the matter!" he said leaving once again. The twins laughed at Ron who looked very angry and truly mortified. What was he to do with no clothes? Harry had gone around and picked out an entirely new designer wardrobe for Ron. He had written a note to Ron about it which Dobby delivered along with the clothes which were now in parcels at his feet.

"I have been asked to give you this!" he said before leaving. Molly rushed over to read the note in his hands gasping.


As you well know times are dark and all that palaver but I'm sick of looking like a piece of shit so I've decided I'm not going to stand for it any more. If I am going to have the decency to admit I look like shit then so should my best friend. I'm sorry but you do always look awful. I've been meaning to ask your mum if she means to give you clothes which clash so badly with your hair but I'm sure she doesn't. Your mum is so amazing and you're so lucky to have her. Please tell her I love her when you next speak to her. Consider this an early birthday gift and shut your mouth. Here is a new wardrobe that only you are allowed to wear. In light of some recent measures I have taken for my own safety it is not safe for you to write to me so I'll just wish you a nice summer and see you on the train in a few weeks.

Uncle Vernon and I have reached an agreement whereby he now ignores me completely and let's just say he's now seeing things from a different light and leave it at that. I don't want anyone to read to much into it. He's fine and so am I and to be honest that's all that matters. Have a wonderful summer.

Love your best mate,


Mrs Weasley looked at all of the parcels and gasped at the beauty of the new clothes. No one could say Harry didn't take care of his friends because he did. She was further shocked as Dobby once again delivered a package to her with a note

Mrs Weasley you do so much for your own family and indeed me. You have taken me in almost like a son even though you didn't have to and I really appreciate it more then I could ever say. Please accept the gift with this and enjoy it. You truly do deserve it. Inside you will find some shortbread biscuits, English tea varieties and luxury bath salts. The rubber ducks are for Mr Weasley although they are merely toys which go in a bath for children to plat with. It was the first thing he ever asked me and I shall never forget it. Thank you to you both. You have been more like parents to me then anyone and Ron and Ginny are so lucky they get to call you mum and dad. I am very safe now. I've talked logically with my uncle and we've come to an agreement where everyone stays safe. I will see you on the train platform on the way back to school. Thank you so much again for everything. I am so lucky.

Love from Harry.

She was amazed at his thoughtfulness and cried at the simple gift. Man did she love that boy more then words sometimes. Even when he was having the toughest time he still thought solely of others. This is what made him stand out against Voldemort, his thought for others solely above even himself sometimes. Arthur who had been shocked into silence by the rubber ducks he'd been given laughed at their meaning. The next time he took a bath he'd bring them with him for sure. Juvenile as it sounded it did sound like fun too.

The next day Harry went to the optometrist for the first time in his life and had his eyes scanned.

"Mr Potter no wonder you were concerned. I'd wager if you had been receiving many headaches this would even be why. First of all I can't imagine where you got these glasses but they are totally unsuitable. What type of style would you like out of our selection here?" she asked as he smiled. He knew he was always wearing the wrong glasses but thought as he could see relatively well with them on that it was enough it clearly wasn't. Half an hour he was fully equipped with two pairs of normal glasses and one pair of prescription sunglasses. He had gone in as himself though. Going in as Ron would not have served him well here. He picked two pairs of thick framed black round glasses and for his sunglasses he picked some tortoise shell round glasses.

In his new clothes and indeed new sunglasses had someone from their world seen him they may not have recognised him. He took a trip to the spa and enjoyed his day being pampered. A few days later he was back at home after a trip to Diagon Alley to get a new trunk for himself which had an apartment in it. He'd be sleeping in the luxurious bed in it for sure. While he was busy in his apartment doing his homework two dementors decided to attack Privet Drive. However as he was not accessible many other muggles were simply kissed in the meantime. In the ministry the rogue dementors were recorded and aurors went to check it out. Their scans showed there could be no reason for them to be here. Once they checked it out however they saw that they had been sent by someone unknown to get Harry Potter. They were sent back to Azkaban from which they did not leave again. Dolores Umbridge was furious she had not been able to kill Harry Potter. While he lived and spread his lies she would always be weak. However better news arrived on her desk the next day. She was being assigned as the new DADA professor at Hogwarts and so she could just get him there. Obviously she couldn't kill him but prove he was a liar she could just do. It was shaping up to be an interesting summer for all involved particularly Dumbledore who was highly confused as to why he could no longer remember where Harry lived or get in touch with the boy.